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White Wood (Melaleuca leucadendron) Plant Management Planning in BKPH Sukun, KPH Madiun

Hendrikus Charles Mbelo Enge1 Fransiskus Xaverius Dako2 and Stefanus M. Kuang3


Forest planning is a part of forest management process to obtain the groundwork and foundation of law in order to materialize order and legal certainty in the use of forests so that forest benefits gained support optimal functioning versatile and sustainable utilization. Planning classroom management firm in White Wood BKPH Sukun, KPH Madiun, do not yet have specific crop management planning White Wood. Management planning is integrated with enterprise-class management of teak. The purpose of the practice field work are (i) improve knowledge of students about the science of forest planning (ii) understand the plant forest management planning White Wood (iii) knowing the techniques of management of the White Wood from planning the nursery, plants, maintenance, fees, and harvest . The method used in the practice of fieldwork is the method of interview, observation and book study. Based on the results of fieldwork practice of classroom management firm in White Wood BKPH Sukun is routinely done in the field of coaching is like a forest nursery, planting, crop assessment, maintenance, production/levies and felling. Management activities of eucalyptus forests of guidance, implemented according to plan when making plant. This makes all forms of eucalyptus forest management activities focused on forest plant layout creation time.

Keyword: Plan, Management, White Wood

Students PS MSDS, 2Supervisor I PKL, PS MSDH, 3Supervisor II PKL, PS MPLK


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