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recruiting means inducting 'new blood' into an

organization; this means adding new persons into the rank and file of the organization to meet its manpower needs for business and operations

rehire decisions may come to surface for many reasons

a new task/project that has a short deadline

Legal compulsions can also impact rehire decisions

If a customer insists A person performing very well leaves

Hard and Soft Issues of Rehiring

'Hard' issues in this case include: previous employment

history including pay, efficiency, awards if any, number of useful suggestions made by the employee, disciplinary actions, and such other specific quantifiable areas related to the employee's previous employment
'Soft' issues of rehiring include analyzing the employee's

attitude to work, pride in work, team compatibility, communication and interpersonal relations with various other employees, his/her morale, etc.

Rehiring: The Employee View

The employee who has applied for re'employment can

be viewed as semi-finished raw material waiting for further process. Depending on the time gap between previous employment and the present attempt, the employee has to unlearn many work practices that existed earlier but are no longer relevant now for the organization.

Rehire decisions are as old as the days of organized labor.

With the advent of an industrialized society, changing business scenario and the importance demanded by human capital, the traditional view of rejecting the application of exemployees to rejoin the company seems to be outdated and inappropriate
A suitable policy framework will definitely help in

properly implementing the rehire decision and follow up. One of the key factors in ensuring chat the rehire decision is successful is to offer adequate post reemployment support for such employees to enable them to rapidly settle down and adjust to the new organizational setup and culture.

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