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Case Study: HRM in Hello (Pvt) Ltd

Table of Contents

Q1: Recent Trends in Management at Hello (Pvt) Ltd..............................................................3

Q2: Responsibilities of HR Department...................................................................................4

Q3: Job Analysis Information Collection Method.....................................................................4

Q4: Responsibilities of the CEO in Strategic Workforce Planning...........................................4

Q5: Benefits and Risks in Internal and External Recruitment...................................................5

Q6: Covid-19 Pandemic Issue....................................................................................................5

Q7: Elements of Reward Management System.........................................................................6

Q8: Benefits of Health and Safety at the Workplace.................................................................6

Q9: Disciplinary Procedure........................................................................................................7


According to the scenario, Hello (Pvt) Ltd is well-established information technology-
enabled outsourced call centre service provider located in Colombo with a worldwide
offshore outsourcing market. This company has developed as a highly successful
organization due to its team-based and innovative HR approach. With that, Hello (Pvt) Ltd
has formulated a low attrition rate due to good team leadership and a clean and spacious
working environment that facilitates a supportive, enabling culture where people feel valued
as a key resource. The case study also provides an in-depth description of how Hello
collaborates to fulfill its vision, mission, and business objectives by satisfying its customers
with high-quality services and managing a diverse workforce with the improvement of
retention, new technology, motivation, and leadership skills.

Q1: Recent Trends in Management at Hello (Pvt) Ltd

Management trends are evolving day by day. Therefore, managers need to be alert with the
market conditions to create successful workers in line with company policies. In this case,
study managers of Hello (Pvt) Ltd used several new managerial practices to manage their
employees effectively (Child, 2000).

 They use an innovative approach to HR by recruiting diverse staff members from

various disadvantaged groups.
 The company has created a clean and pleasant working environment. It facilitates a
supportive, enabling culture where people feel valued as a key resource to create a
"Great Place to Work."
 They used continuously learning through a wide variety of training and development.
It is another trend that the company used.
 They have a corporate aim to improve employee retention more, implement training
programs, and meet with employees to resolve issues and maintain a productive and
positive culture. For that, they are ready to use new technologies in their company.

Likewise, by using these management trends, Hello company aims to build a motivated
workforce with team leadership skills.

Q2: Responsibilities of HR Department
According to the case study, Hello (Pvt) Ltd has identified the importance of a good
workforce. Because, as a call center service provider, they are highly workforce oriented.
Therefore here Human Resource Department of a company plays a significant role when
dealing with diverse people. Here Hello Company implements an innovative approach to
differentiate from other competitive organizations. With that HR department of Hello
company has these responsibilities (Ulrich & Younger, 2008). According to their corporate

 The HR department should develop and implement a training program

 Building one to one meeting with employees to manage issues
 Increase motivation and build strong ethos across the organization and maintain
positive employee culture.
 The HR department should recruit skilled, self-oriented, diverse people for new
vacancies in the company.
 The HR department should identify the disputes and solve, implement a sound reward

Q3: Job Analysis Information Collection Method

A company's job analysis information collection method depends on the nature of the job,
organizational structure, hierarchical levels, and duties and responsibilities involved. There
are two methods in job analysis information collection. Those are the Interview method and
Questionnaire method. Hello (Pvt) Ltd should use the interview method to identify problems
that different employees face in their tasks and extract ideas and information from the
employees. This company has a diverse and variety of disadvantaged employees. Therefore,
they need to be clear with them. By using questionnaires, the company is unable to address
the correct issues of employees. Also, they can avoid errors and can get more responses as the
company wish (Levine & Ash, 1999).

Q4: Responsibilities of the CEO in Strategic Workforce Planning

Strategic workforce planning is about hiring the right person for the right job at the right
time. That means the company does not have overstaffing or understaffing or fulfills their
current and future hiring needs. That should be following organizational strategies. CEO is

the person who sets the company strategies and gives approvals for strategic plans. Therefore,
he should make sure the company's expansion plan and align with the vision and mission.
CEO becomes responsible for strategic workforce planning by giving approvals to
organizational strategies (Laurie & Lynch, 2007).

Q5: Benefits and Risks in Internal and External Recruitment

Hello (Pvt) Ltd wants to recruit a team leader for the customer relationship section. They can
use internal or external recruitment for that. Then the company can then decide which method
to use for new recruitment by analyzing the benefits and risks of each recruiting method.

Type of Benefits Risks

Internal  Recruit quickly  Losing new knowledge of
Recruitment  Needs less training and external workers
orientation  Need to recruit another
 Save both time and cost person for the previous
 Increase potential position Can unsatisfied
employees moral and same level employees
loyalty  It affects to performance of
External  Can recruit a person  Lack of employee fit
Recruitment with new ideas and  Need some time to adjust to
knowledge. the new culture of the
 The inability to perform job
tasks properly
(Chan, 1996)

Q6: Covid-19 Pandemic Issue

The covid-19 pandemic has a significant influence on peoples' lives and the economic
environment in the entire world. Most people who lost their jobs, as well as most
organizations, faced a labor surplus crisis. Even though Hello (Pvt) Ltd is a well-established
successful company, it becomes a crisis due to this issue. As an HR manager, I do not dismiss

any worker because it is not ethical. Also, it will highly damage the reputation of the
company. Without reducing or dismissing employees, we can go for a reduction of wages by
giving an equal chance to every employee to protect their job and get a salary. As well, we
can promote a home-based work setting. Now it is becoming a new trend in the business
world. We can get a benefit from it if we give good training and guidelines for our workers. I
think it can be a better solution for this company since all employees have good IT
knowledge (Gigauri, 2020).

Q7: Elements of Reward Management System

The reward management system of a company motivates its employees to work willingly.
Also, the company can build better employee relations with employees. The reward
management system consists of several elements. Namely,

 Compensation- This is the direct financial returns gain by employees from their
employers because of their contractual relationship.
 Benefits – These are the non-financial services that employees receive from their
employment relationships. For example, health, welfare, and retirement benefits
 Work-Life – Work-life balance programs help employees maintaining a better balance
between family and work commitments.
 Performance and Recognition – Give an acknowledgment in the form of financial or
non-financial rewards for employees' unique behaviors, performance, and
 Development and Career Opportunities – companies offer development and the best
career opportunities for employees. (Musenze & Thomas,

Q8: Benefits of Health and Safety at the Workplace

Every organization must implement a proper health and safety procedure according to the
health and safety act in Sri Lanka. It is beneficial to both parties. When taking the employer's
side, a safer workplace improves the company's reputation and reduces accidents within the
workplace. If the company does not have a guideline for health and safety, organizations
should claim many compensations. It will incur more cost. Also, organizations can enhance
work performance and, ultimately, organizational performance. Also, reduce sickness and

absence. (Nicholas Chileshe, 2012). That is what every organization expects from its

On the other hand, it also benefited the employees. They can work safely without any fear.
Also, it gives compensation if having any accident. Also, employees can build trust and
relationships with the employer (Zwetsloot & Scheppingen, 2010)

Q9: Disciplinary Procedure

Every organization should have a disciplinary procedure if there is any misconduct. It is
informed to employees that the company has different actions against the misconduct. It will
help to reduce serious and repeated misconduct. It has the following steps,

 Preliminary Investigation
 Prepare a charge sheet
 Ask for a letter of explanation
 Conduct a domestic inquiry
 Complete finding report
 Take a management decision and decide the punishment (Cooper & John,

This essay gives a small summary of the case study and discussed the management trends,
responsibilities of the HR department, job analysis information method, benefits and risks of
internal and external recruitment of Hello (Pvt) Ltd company as mentioned in the case study.
It also explained how the covid-19 pandemic made a crisis of labor surplus and how the
company should solve that issue. Later, explained the elements of the reward system, benefits
of health and safety, and disciplinary procedure at a workplace. This essay gives proper
theoretical and practical knowledge regarding HR concepts.

Chan, W. (1996). External recruitment versus internal promotion. Journal of Labor

Child, J. (2000). Management and organizations in China: Key trends and issues.
Management and organizations.

Cooper, J., & John, C. (1999). Disciplinary procedures in the workplace. Australian
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Gigauri, I. (2020). Organizational Support to HRM in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Crisis. European Journal of Marketing and Economics.

Laurie, D., & Lynch, R. (2007). Aligning HR to the CEO growth agenda. Human Resource

Levine, E., & Ash, R. (1999). Evaluation Of Job Analysis Methods By Experienced Job
Analysts. Academy of management.

Musenze, I., & Thomas, M. (2013). Reward management and organisational performance:
An empirical study of private universities in Uganda. International Journal of Human
Resource Management.

Nicholas Chileshe, E. D. (2012). Benefits and barriers of construction health and safety
management (HSM): Perceptions of practitioners within design organisations. Journal
of Engineering,Design and Technology, 10(2), 276-298. Retrieved from

Ulrich, D., & Younger, J. (2008). The twenty‐first‐century HR organization. Human

Resource Management.

Zwetsloot, G., & Scheppingen, A. (2010). The organizational benefits of investing in

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