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Anita Gupta Essay How has exploring connections between Pride & Prejudice and Letters to Alice enhanced

your understanding of texts values and contexts? Through the exploration of connections in different texts, our understanding of the values of respective contexts in what? is enhanced. Feminist action in the 20th century increased the freedom of women, aiding them to escape from a patriarchal society. I dont think that context is necessary in the intro. Just make sure you have context in your body paragraphs : ) I guess just make a brief passing note on the era Social stratification diminished by the late 20th century, with social position being determined by individual achievement rather than lineage. Our understanding of Jane Austens novel Pride and Prejudice (1813) has been deepened by studying Fay Weldons non-fiction epistolary novel Letters to Alice (1984). These texts reveal the changing role of women in society and the change in social hierarchy over time. Intro addresses the Q but could use more sophistication

The Regency Period was a time when females were suppressed and controlled by an authoritative male superior, namely their fathers and husbands. Needs a bit more, dont know what though hmmm In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen subtly challenges the restrictions imposed on women by Regency society, in her era and expresses her ideals be more specific through the protagonist, Elizabeth unsure about this bitits not really fitting for your topic sentence i.e. you wont be really arguing this. Austens society stereotyped an ideal female as having a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing. The accumulative listing if you want to save words use asyndeton : ) epitomises the constraints on females which hindered them from forming their own

identities. [Austens characterisation of Elizabeth, who rejects certain social conventions which social conventions, be more specific of her time, provides us with an understanding of Austens own perceptions and ideas on women which are..] (you should incorporate this sentence into the bit below where you talk about characterisation of Lizzy again) Elizabeth goes against social more by refusing Mr Collins marriage proposal, which he Mr Collins finds strange, believing my situation in life, my connectionsare highly in my favour. Austens use of dramatic irony ridicules the character of Mr Collins, and thus ridicules another word for ridicules? the expectations inflicted on women by society. Through the characterisation of Elizabeth characterisation again?, a strong independent woman, Austen emphasises that women should break away from societys expectations and govern their own lives. Austen implicitly criticises female suppression in the Regency Period and expresses her ideals through the protagonist, as seen in Pride and Prejudice.

The 1980s brought on third wave feminism, in which feminists aimed to gain freedom and, more specifically, the same intellectual rights as male. Fay Weldons Letters to Alice explores the changing role of women in society, presenting women as autonomous and strong dodgy wording for strong. Weldon recognises this increased liberation, by discussing the worldwide fame of Aunt Fay as a writer good. The extended metaphor of the City of Invention illustrates education as a very great better word opportunity, not just for men but also for women. This metaphor shows the power of writing which., where novelists provide an escape from reality. Weldon stresses the need for education for a woman, through the didactic tone of Aunt Fay constantly telling Alice she must read. This contrasts to views in the Regency Period, where women were restricted to the

role of a housewife and when education for women was uncommon tick. Furthermore, Weldon illustrates the freedom of women by mentioning Alices close relationship with her professor. This is symbolic of the liberation another word of females as they can have affairs with married men and contrasts to Lydias criticised elopement with Wickham. Good links Furthermore, In the simile, Weldons disapprovales of any woman who waits upon her husband as a servant upon a master. This simile illustrates her Weldons criticism of women who adopt the traditional roles rather than being emancipated from male control, like those seen in Pride and Prejudice. Weldon explores the changed role of women in society and compares this to the more conventional role, thus enhancing our understanding of respective contexts. Good conclusion : )

Regency England was governed by a rigid class system and was highly class conscious. Needs more Austens Pride and Prejudice criticises social structure what about social structure does she criticise? and explores the arrogance of the ruling? Aristocratic? Upper? class. Needs more meat as Murphy would sayThrough the use of letters, Austen reflects a high degree of disdain for the aristocracy. Letters reveal the ruling class to be impertinent, as evident in Miss Bingleys letter to Jane, in which she intentionally misinforms Jane about the nature of Mr Bingley and Miss Darcys relationship. A bit chunky The letters provide readers with a personal insight into the characters thought and personality good, and here suggests Miss Bingley disapproves of Jane as a suitor for Mr Bingley due to her financial situation, thus characterising Miss Bingley as an arrogant, upper class woman a bit repetitive since youve already said that she is impertinent. Austen lightly criticises

thesaurus the importance placed on social rank through the character caricature! of Mrs. Bennet, who immediately believes Mr Bingley is a suitable husband, a single man of large fortune.What a fine thing for our girls! Austen ridicules Mrs Bennet for the acceptance of Mr Bingley without consideration of his character, thus expressing her disapproval of the social class paradigms. Through an unexpected visit by Lady Catherine to Elizabeth, Austen emphasises how wealth ultimately decides position in society. This doesnt really show it and there is no technique here. Lady Catherine tells Elizabeth that she is a young woman of inferior birth. Incorporate this into sentence before to make your point clearer and technique? Condescending tone? Austen implies that despite Elizabeth being delightfully intelligent, she is often seen as an inferior member of society due to... In Pride and Prejudice, Austen criticises again how the social structure, in the Regency Period, governs an individuals status in society rather than individual achievement. Doesnt really make sense cos isnt social structure virtually the same as status. The ideas are here in this paragraph but I think you need more examples and techniques to show your point. There seems to be a lot you can cut down on here. GL!

An individuals position in society was created by their personal achievement and success, as opposed to lineage in the late 20th century. Better In Letters to Alice, Weldon compares social hierarchy in Regency England with contemporary society. What!? This is a fact! What are you arguing here. No topic sentence at all! Alice has created her own place in society sounds weird, as recognised by Aunt Fay who acknowledges Alice has sold more copies of The Wifes Revenge than I have.technique Thus, Weldon believes individuals create their own status by success rather than birthright. Weldons satirical

tone uses satire to contemporises the values of the Regency Period, allowing the modern audiences to easily comprehend them, the gentry thought well of themselves, and liked to despise the nobility for their rackety ways. If you want to shorten word count Weldons modern day interpretation draws empathy from the modern audience, as they provide greater sympathy for the social obstacles present in Austens time. Great! Furthermore, Weldon mentions how yuck rich landowners import Asian girls as wives. Weldon sardonic remark that even today women are slaves to the economic lure oooh good of marriage for financial gains shows her disapproval of such actions. While it was socially acceptable to marry for social advancementto move up social classes, Weldon implies that it is currently deplored by her society. Weldons Letters to Alice compares social elitism in contemporary society and the Regency era, and thus provides us with a greater knowledge of the respective contexts. Wow. Concluding sentence makes a better TP : )

The connections between different texts enrich our understanding of the values within of different time periods. Our knowledge of the role of women and social stratification in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice is deepened by our study of Fay Weldons Letters to Alice. Slightly repetitive Through the examination of both these texts, we discover that social values are reflective of the texts respective contexts.

Generally, I think you need more contextual info in your body paragraphs and not so much in your intro. Also, try to be more explicit in what your techniques are. BUT! I love your links! They are v. good! : )

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