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C# Programming Practical 10 Due date: 27th May

In Practical 9 you created the Customer database. Add a table ItemDetails. This table will describe the details of each item in the company. The fields for this table are: Item Code - string Item Category - string Item Description - string Item Price double Add table, ItemCategory. This table describes the details of the categories for the items. (eg H Household, S Sport, G Garage, etc). The fields for this table are: CategoryCode CategoryDescription Make sure that you create a relationship between ItemDetails and ItemCategory, the key field will be CategoryCode. Add another table, OrderItem, to the Customer database. This table will store the details of each item ordered by a customer. The fields for this table are: CustomerCode ItemCode Date and Time of order Quantity Add 3 categories, 10 items and 10 order items. Program Operation: 1) Add an option in the program that will allow the user to list all the items. 2) Add an option that will: a. Fill a combobox with Category Descriptions from the ItemCategory. b. When the user selects a category, list all the items of the selected category in the ItemDetails table. 3) Add an option that will: a. Fill a combobox with customer names. Allow the user to select a date. b. When the user selects a customer name and a date, list all the order items that the selected customer has in the OrderItem table that were placed after the entered date. If the user only selected the customer name and did not enter a date then all the order items for that customer must be displayed.

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