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Welcome to Algebra South East High School

Mr. Ibarra

Overview: Geometry is a subject that is widely used in many world applications. It is also a required class in order for students to graduate from high school and to attend college. It is very important for every student to stay on task at all times and to spend enough time to review, study and do class work and homework to be able to pass this class. Grading: Grades are based on a points system. The following is the grading scale: A B C D Fail 90% to 100% 80% to 89% 70% to 79% 69% to 65% 64% and below

Your grade will be based upon the following categories: 40% 20% 20% 10% 10% Tests Quizzes Homework Notes, Notebook, and Classroom Participation Culminating project

Homework: Homework is typically assigned every day. In order for assignments to receive full credit, they must be completed by the due date. Everyday the assignments are late; they will lose one point. Notes: Make sure you take notes written on the board during lectures, they will help you be successful on your quizzes and tests since most of them come from them. Quizzes: Quizzes are to be taken seriously! There are never any make-up quizzes. Tests: Tests are challenging and a major part of your grade. They are given at the end of each unit or chapter. All tests will be announced in advance. Culminating Projects: They are due at the end of each quarter. Make sure you do exactly what the project requires to earn all possible points. Note: Every two weeks you will know your grade and will be required to have your parents sign the progress report. If at this time you have a grade of D of lower, you will be required to attend tutoring as soon as possible to improve your grade before it is too late. Classroom Rules: First of all, follow school rules. Treat others as you would like to be treated; Only three restroom brakes per semester; No eating in class; If late, get a late pass from referral room; No foul language, you will receive detention hours; Your are dismissed only by me and not the bell; You may leave until your class work is complete. No electronics in class, they will be confiscated by me and/or dean. Remember that the hard work and effort that you put in this class will pay off at the end; just like everything else in life. I dont give grades, those you earn. ________________________________ Student Signature ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Phone number ( ) -

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