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lLaly offlclally Lhe lLallan 8epubllc (8epubbllca lLallana ln lLallan) ls a Luropean counLry LhaL ls parL

of Lhe Luropean unlon (Lu) lLs LerrlLory ls made up malnly Lhe lLallan penlnsula and Lwo large
lslands ln Lhe MedlLerranean Sea Slclly and Sardlnla ln Lhe norLh lL ls bordered by Lhe Alps where
lL borders lrance SwlLzerland AusLrla and Slovenla 1he lndependenL sLaLes of San Marlno and
vaLlcan ClLy are enclaves wlLhln lLallan LerrlLory ln Lurn Camplone dlLalla ls an lLallan clLy LhaL ls a
small enclave on Swlss LerrlLory

lL has been home Lo many Luropean culLures and Lhe LLruscans and 8omans and was also Lhe
blrLhplace of Lhe 8enalssance whlch began ln Lhe reglon of 1uscany and soon spread LhroughouL
Lurope 1he lLallan caplLal 8ome has been for cenLurles Lhe pollLlcal and culLural cenLer of
WesLern clvlllzaLlon and also Lhe holy clLy Lo Lhe CaLhollc Church for wlLhln Lhe clLy ls Lhe
mlcrosLaLe of Lhe vaLlcan 1he culLural slgnlflcance of counLry ls reflecLed ln all World PerlLage
slLes as has forLyseven Lhe largesL number of Lhe world 3

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