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ENGLISH TEST OGOS 2011 TIME : 1 hour NAME :___________________________ The Black Cat The black cat yawns,

Opens her jaws Stretches her legs And shows her claws. Then she gets up And stands on four Long stiff legs And yawns some more. She shows her sharp teeth, She stretches her lip, Her slice of tongue Turned up at the tip. Lifting herself On her delicate toes, She arches her back As high as it goes. She lets herself down With particular care, And pads away With her tail in the air. By Mary Britton Miller 1. Action movies ________ (is / are) very A. Read the poem. Write (T) for True statements and (F) for False statements. 1. The cat is white in colour. 2. The cat has sharp teeth. 3. The cat yawned once. 4. The poem has 5 stanzas. 5. The writer of the poem is Mary Britton Miller. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) (5 m) popular among teenagers. 2. Dato Michelle Yeoh _______ (love / loves) ballet dancing. 3. Ali has ________ (has / have) a sister and a brother. 4. I ______ (is / am) walking to school. 5. _______ (Do / Does) you know how to bake cookies? 1. The black cat yawns and shows her A. jaws B. legs C. tongue D. claws 2. Which of the following word describes the cats legs? A. sharp B. stiff C. sliced D. delicate 3. From the poem we know that the cat has A. sharp teeth B. a delicate back C. a sliced tongue D. four arched legs 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. The cat is yawning because she needs to stretch her legs her tongue is turning up at her lip she has just got up from her sleep she wants to show her sharp teeth The cats teeth are seen when she arches her back stretches her legs lifts herself stretches her lip (5m) C. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. CLASS: ________ B. Circle the correct answer.

6. The children ________ (cycle / cycles) to school every day. 7. They _______ (visit / visits) their grandparents every week. 8. ______ (The / A) sea is rough today. 9. Charles buys ______ (a / an) diamond ring for his wife. 10. ______ (The / A) sun is shining very brightly. 11. _______ (When / Who) is Puan Siti? 12. _______ (What / Who) is Selvams hobby? 13. _______ (Where / When) can we find a rafflesia? D. Fill in the blanks with the given words. knife action happy golden farmer killed

14. ______ (When / What) is the time now? 15. ______ (What / Which) shirt do you like? 16. ______ (Where / Which) did you keep the books? 17. I have a hamster ______ (and / or) a rabbit? 18. Are you writing _______ (and / or) reading? 19. The fish is _______ (in / under) the aquarium. 20. The water lilies grow _______ (over / in) the pond. (20m)

goose sad

eggs stomach

Once there was a ____________ (1) who had a goose that laid golden ___________(2). Every day, the goose would lay one ______________(3) egg for him. However, the farmer was not _____________(4). He thought there were many eggs in the _____________(5). One day, the farmer took a ____________(6) and cut open the gooses _____________(7). Alas! There were no eggs in the stomach. The farmer was very _____________(8). He had _____________(9) his goose. He regretted his _____________(10). (10m) E. Match the sentence parts. Write in a paragraph. 1. During the last school holidays, 2. It was 3. The room was 4. There was a variety of food served. my parents and I went on a sea cruise. some souvenirs for my friends. my first time on a ship.

5. I bought 6. I really had

a great time on the ship. small but comfortable.

During the last school holidays, my parents and I went on a sea cruise. ______________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ (10 m)

Disediakan oleh, ............................ (En. V. Chandra)

Disemak oleh, .................................. (Pn. Mary Bernadette)

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