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Zeitoun by Dave Eggers Vocabulary Development Practice

For each assigned word, add the part of speech and other word forms. Rank how well you know the word at first (5=you can teach it and 1=no clue). Look at where the word comes from in the text: who says it or what is associated with it in some way. Together we will figure out a working definition. From that meaning, develop some examples and non-examples and/or synonyms and antonyms for that new word. New Word (#) Example part of speech/other forms Rank Context clues What it means Non-Example Feigned (7) Blithe (7) Conundrum (10) Discerning (11) Benign (11) Respite (13) Dissuade (32&108) Deference (34) Assented (36) Condescending (39)

Sanctuary (54&131) Monolithic (62) Derisive (66) Dissonance (81) Ingenious (102) Incumbent (116) Abrogated (139) Melancholy (144) Euthanizing (157) Despondent (161&193) On a separate piece of paper, GROUP the words into sub-categories based on their meaning. LABEL each category. Then use that group of words in a poem, song/rap, story that reveals your understanding of the new word in a different context relate the meaning to yourself.

Feigned (7) v Blithe (7) adj Conundrum (10) n Discerning (11) adj Benign (11) adj Respite (13) n Dissuade (32&108) v Deference (34) n Assented (36) v Condescending (39) v Sanctuary (54&131) n Monolithic (62) adj Derisive (66) adj Dissonance (81) n Ingenious (102) adj Incumbent (116) adj Abrogated (139) v Melancholy (144) adj Euthanizing (157) v Despondent (161&193) adj

to pretend something happy, cheerful, and carefree something that is puzzling or confusing showing good judgment and good taste neutral or harmless in its effect or influence brief period of rest to persuade somebody not to do something polite respect, especially putting another person's interests first agreed with or officially gave permission for something behaving toward other people in a way that shows you consider yourself superior a safe place, especially for people being persecuted uniform in character and slow to change showing contempt or ridicule a combination of sounds that is unpleasant clever, original, and effective necessary as a result of a duty, responsibility, or obligation to end an agreement or contract formally and publicly feeling or causing a thoughtful or gentle sadness to kill an incurably ill or injured person or animal to relieve suffering extremely unhappy and discouraged

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