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Difficult technical words

 Word: interfere (verb)
 Definition: to act reciprocally so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect
 Synonyms: pry, intrude, encroach, interlope
 Derived words: interferer(noun), interferingly(adverb), interfering(adj), non

 Word: triggering (adj)

 Definition: cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist
 Synonyms: set off, precipitate, elicit, cause
 Derived words: trigger(noun), untringgered(adj), tringgerless(adj)

 Word: supply(verb)
 Definition: make(something needed or wanted)available to someone provide
 Synonyms: amount, fund, number, stock
 Derived words: supplier(noun), unsupplied(adj), supplies(non plural),
supplying(verb) suppliable(adj)

 Word: Emission (noun)
 Definition: The production and discharge of something,especially gas or radiation
 Synonyms: Discharge, relese, outflow, excretion
 Derived words: Emissive(adj)

 Word: Injury (noun)

 Definition: physical harm or damage to someone’s body caused by an accident
or an attack
 Synonyms: wound, cut, trauma, graze
 Derived words: injurious (adj)

 Word: burning (noun)

 Definition: being on fire/a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to
give heat and light
 Synonyms: flame,glow,toast,brown,tingle
 Derived words: burnt(verb), burned(verb), burningly(adverb)
 Word: waste (noun)
 Definition: rejected as useless/ the act or an instance of wasting: the state of
being wasted
 Synonyms: expend, misspend, rubbish, unused
 Derived words: wastable(adj), wasteless(adj), wasted/wasting(verb)

 Word: source (noun)

 Definition: a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be
 Synonyms: supplier, originator, authority, reference
 Derived words: sourceful(adj), sourcefulness(noun),sourceless(adj)

 Word: landfill(noun)
 Definition: A low area of land that is built up from desposits of solid refuse in
layers covered by soil
 Synonyms: depot, junkyard, disposal area
 Derived words: landfill (transitive verb), landfilled(verb), landfills(noun),

 Word: vomit(noun)
 Definition: matter vomited from the stomach
 Synonyms: eject, gag, heave, expel
 Derived words: vomiter(noun), vomiteive(adj), vomitously(adj),

 Word: District(noun)
 Definition: A region set aside or grouped together as one specific area for
political or administrative
 Synonyms: neighborhood,area,region,place
 Derived words: interdistrict(adj), outdistrict(noun), predistrict(noun)

 Word: outbreaks(noun)
 Definition: A sudden rise in the incidence of a disease
 Synonyms: burst, flare, flash, flurry
 Derived words:outbreak(noun)

 Word: uneven(adj)
 Definition: not level or smooth
 Synonyms: bumpy, rough, lumpy, rocky
 Derived words: unevenly(adverb), unevenness(noun)

 Word: unnecessary(adj)
 Definition: things that are not necessary or essential
 Synonyms: unneeded, needless, useless
 Derived words:

 Word: Equipment
 Definition: An act or instance of equipping
 Synonyms: Article, tools, implements, kit
 Derived words: pre equipment (noun), reequipment(noun)
 Word: experts (noun)
 Definition: a person who has a comprehensive and authpritative knowledge
of or skill in a particular area
 Synonyms: specialist, pundit, adept, professional
 Derived words: expertly(adverb), expertness(noun), nonexspert(noun,adj),

 Word: efforts(noun)
 Definition: a vigorous or determined attempt
 Synonyms: try, crack, shot, stab
 Derived words: countereffort(noun), overeffort(noun), preeffort(noun),
 Word: defecating(verb)
 Definition: discharge feces from the body
 Synonyms: excrete feces, poop, take a dump, take a crap
 Derived words: defecation(noun), defecator(noun)

 Word: mortality(noun)
 Definition: the relative frequency of deaths in a specific population, death rate
 Synonyms: fatality, bloodshed, killing, dying
 Derived words: mortalities(noun plural),

 Word: fear(noun)
 Definition: the feeling or condition of being afraid, a distressing emotion
aroused by impending danger
 Synonyms: horror, doubt, scare, panic, terror
 Derived words: self fearing(adj), un fearing(adj), fearer(noun), fearless(adj),
fearlessly(adverb), fearlessness(noun)

 Word: reactions(noun)
 Definition: An action performed or a feeling experienced in response to a
situation or event
 Synonyms: answer, attitude, reception , return
 Derived words: reactional(adj), reactionaly(adverb), antireaction(adj, noun),
counter reaction(noun)

 Word: logic
 Definition: the science that investigates the principles governing correct or
reliable inference
 Synonyms: sense, cogency, rationale,sanity
 Derived words: logicless(adj), non logic(noun)
 Word: disease(noun)
 Definition: Any impairment of normal physiological function affecting all or
part of an organism
 Synonyms: complaint, malady, morbidity, disorder
 Derived words: diseasedly(adverb), diseasedness(noun)

 Word: stigmatize
 Definition: to mark out or describe(as something bad)
 Synonyms: class, mark, tag, stamp, disignate
 Derived words: stigmatization(noun), stigmatizer(noun), stigmatized(verb),
stigmatizing(verb), un stigmatized(adj)

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