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Presented By, Anita Singh Anshuman Verma Varun Saxena

Acquisition of knowledge or skills through study ,

practice or experience. Learning involves change . Change must be relatively permanent. Experience is necessary for learning to occur. Learning must be reinforced.

1] Knowledge of Results: Knowledge regarding once own performance on any learning task is essential. If response is correct ,then the tendency of repeating that response is strenghtened.

2]Distributed Learning: Also know as spaced practice Tasks not learn continuously Sufficient intervals between practice period. 3]Primacy and Recency: Trend to remember what is heard first and last Middle must be emphasized and reinforced

4]Reinforcement: Anything the person finds rewarding. (anything that increases the strength of response and tends to induce repetition of the behaviour that preceded is called reinforcement. +ve reinforcement strengthens response & increases beh. By presentation of a desirable consequence - ve reinforcement strengthens & increases beh by the termination/ withdrawal of an undesirable consequence a kind of blackmail

5]Punishment anything that weakens behaviour & tends to decrease its subsequent frequency. It is withdrawal of desirable consequence (taking away certain privileges) Negative reinforcement is not punishment; both have opposite effect on behaviour - reinforcement increases/ strengthens while punishment weakens and decrease behaviour

6]Whole or part learning: Depends on subject matters Subject matter can be divided into parts or segments Should have logical sequence

7]Transfer of training: Two variables Similarity between learning and occurences at the work place Ease with which trainee can integrate the skills and knowledge to the work enviornment.

8]Multiple Sense learning: 80% of learning is obtained through sight 11% by hearing 9% by other senses


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