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accuse sy of (doing) sg

Emily accused her classmate of stealing her mp3 player.

vdol vkit vmivel alkalmazkodik vmihez hozztesz vmit vmihez csodl vkit/vmit vmirt beenged vkit vhov bevall, beismer vmit vkinek megllapodik, megegyezik vmiben egyetrt vkivel/vmivel megcloz vmit, trekszik vmire vlaszol, felel vkinek/vmire bocsnatot, elnzst kr vkitl vmirt krelmet ad be, jelentkezik vhov kzelt vkihez, krssel fordul vkihez helyesel vmit, egyetrt vmivel vitatkozik vkivel vmirl vitatkozik vkivel vmi miatt/vmin letartztat vkit vmi miatt megrkezik vhov kr vkitl vmit jr vhov, vmilyen kpzsre koldul, kreget vmit hisz, bzik vkiben/vmiben tartozik vkihez/vmihez, vki vakodik vkitl/vmitl, vigyz vkire/vmire hibztat vkit vmirt, megvdol vkit vmivel rken, rfog vmit vkire dicsekszik, henceg vmivel klcsnkr vkitl vmit

adapt to sg
When I was in Africa, I managed to adapt to the local climate.

add sg to sg
Bobs father was very generous when he added 20 euros to his sons pocket money.

admire sy/sg for sg

I admire you for your courage.

admit sb to sg
This ticket admits you to the National Museum.

admit sg to sy
The prisoner admitted his guilt to the police.

agree on sg
We agreed on the price of the car.

agree with sb/sg

Do you agree with me?

aim at/for sg
The salesperson was aiming for customer satisfaction.

answer sy/sg
Could you please answer my question?

apologize to sy for (doing) sg

The student apologized to the professor for being late.

apply to sy/sg for sg

I applied to the American Embassy for a student visa.

approach sy
I needed some advice, so I approached my boss.

approve of sg
Her parents do not approve of her new tattoos.

argue with sy about sg

I dont want to argue with you about this issue.

argue with sy over sg

their She has been arguing with her sister over the estate since fathers death. The police arrested my neighbour for robbery.

arrest sy for sg arrive at/in

We will arrive at Logan Airport in Boston next Friday.

ask sy for sg
I always ask my sister for help.

attend sg
My friend is attending a drivers education class.

beg for sg
Homeless people often beg for money.

believe in sy/sg
I dont believe in ghosts.

belong to sy/sg
This bag doesnt belong to me. I found it on the street.

beware of sy/sg
Beware of the dog.

blame sy for sg
Dont blame me for your failure.

blame sg on sy
The airline blamed the plane crash on the pilots.

boast about sg
My friend boasted about his new mobile phone.

borrow sg from sy
It is raining heavily outside. May I borrow an umbrella from you?

bother with sg
Dont bother with this old car. Buy a new one.

veszdik vmivel telefonl vkinek/vminek, felhv vkit/vmit izgatja, rdekli vki/vmi ellt vkit/vmit pnzbrsgra tl vkit vmirt, megfizettet vmit vdol vkit vmivel megcsal vkit sszetkzik vmivel szrmazik vhonnan, val vhov megjegyzst fz vmihez, szrevtelt tesz sszehasonlt, prhuzamot von 2 szemly/dolog kztt verseng, versenyez vkivel/vmivel panaszkodik vmi miatt megdicsr vkit vmirt sszpontost, koncentrl vmire aggdik vmi miatt, idegesti magt vmi miatt foglalkozik vmivel bevall vkinek vmit sszekever 2 szemlyt/dolgot gratull vkinek vmirt csatlakoztat vmit vmihez tartalmaz vmit, ll vmibl kapcsolatba lp vkivel, elr vkit folytat vmit hozzjrul vmihez talakt, tvlt meggyz vkit vmirl

call sy/sg
Call me when you get home.

care about sy/sg

I dont care about your opinion.

care for sy/sg

Since May he has been caring for his sick friend.

charge sy for sg
The police charged my uncle for speeding.

charge sy with sg
The two brothers were charged with murder.

cheat on sy
He never cheated on his wife.

collide with sg
The train collided with the bus.

come from (a place)

I come from Hungary.

comment on sg
My professor commented on my test result.

compare sy/sg to sy/sg

My mother thinks I am lazy when she compares me with my sister.

compete with sy/sg

He always competes with his classmates.

complain about/of sg
When we are abroad, my father always complains about the local food.

compliment sy on sg
He complimented his girlfriend on her decision.

concentrate on sg
If you have the TV blaring, I wont be able to concentrate on my work.

concern oneself about sg

She was released from the hospital this morning, so you shouldnt concern yourself about her health.

concern oneself with sg

We shouldnt concern ourselves with his problems.

confess sg to sy
He confessed the robbery to the police.

confuse sy/sg with sy/sg

My friend has twins. I always confuse one baby with the other.

congratulate sy on sg
We would like to congratulate you on your engagement.

connect sg to/with sg
I have to connect the printer to the computer.

consist of sg
This ice cream consists of only milk, fruit and honey.

contact sy
If you need me, you can contact me on my mobile phone.

continue with sg
I want to continue with my studies for another year.

contribute to sg
Im broke. I cant contribute to our expenses.

convert sg into sg
He converted all his money into euros.

convince sy of sg
She could not convince the judge of her innocence.

cope with sg
In Africa we had to learn to cope with the heat.

megbrkzik vmivel, kibr vmit kerl vkinek vmibe szmt vkire/vmire kigygyt vkit vmibl foglalkozik vkivel/vmivel dnt vmi mellett elvr vkitl vmit fgg vkitl/vmitl szentel vkinek/vminek vmit meghal vmiben klnbzik vmitl nem rt egyet vmivel nem rt egyet vkivel helytelent, ellenez vmit lebeszl vkit vmirl megbeszl vkivel vmit feloszt vmit vmire letlt vmit vhonnan vhov lmodik vmirl lmodik, lmodozik vmirl kidolgoz vmit, finomt vmin szemben tallja magt vmivel megszkik vhonnan megbocst vkinek vmirt elmagyarz vkinek vmit kitesz vkit vminek eltvolt, kivon vmit vhonnan

cost sy sg
His carelessness almost cost him his life.

count on sy/sg
This is a very difficult task. I am counting on your help.

cure sy of sg I hope the doctors will cure her of cancer. deal with sy/sg
I cant deal with your problems now.

decide on (doing) sg
We decided on moving to London.

demand sg from sy
My boss demands too much from his staff.

depend on sy/sg
Whether we go swimming today or tomorrow depends on the weather.

devote sg to sy/sg
Jim devoted his life to the study of whales.

die of sg
Every day hundreds of people die of cancer.

differ from sg
The forged dollars that the police found do not differ very much from real money.

disagree on/about sg
During the meeting we disagreed on many questions.

disagree with sy
I disagree with my friend who says that recycling is a waste of money.

disapprove of sg
My sister disapproved of my decision.

discourage sy from (doing) sg

My mother never tried to discourage me from studying abroad.

discuss sg with sy
My sister always discusses her problems with me.

divide sg into sg
The teacher divided our class into three groups.

download sg from sg to sg
I downloaded two films from the Internet to my computer for free.

dream about sg
Last night I dreamt about flying to the Moon.

dream of/about sg
He had no money, but he dreamt of a house on a lake.

elaborate on sg
We need to elaborate on the proposal before we turn it in.

encounter sg
We encountered a lot of problems during our trip.

escape from (a place)

The police are searching for the two men who escaped from prison this morning.

excuse sy for (doing) sg

Please excuse me for being late.

explain sg to sy
Could you explain this text to me?

expose sy to sg
Its dangerous to expose babies to direct sunlight.

extract sg from sg
The dentist extracted the tooth from the patients mouth.

face sg
We have to face the facts.

szembenz vmivel viszonyul vkihez/vmihez, vmilyen vlemnye van vkirl/vmirl harcol vki/vmi ellen harcol, kzd vmilyen gy rdekben elfeledkezik vkirl/vmirl megbocst vkinek vmit bmul, rmered vkire/vmire elvesz vkit, hozzmegy vkihez ad vkinek vmit ad vkinek vmit, ellt vkit vmivel elvgzi az egyetemet, lediplomzik vgez vmilyen szakon kszn vkinek, dvzl vkit tad vkinek vmit megtrtnik vkivel hall vmirl, tud vmirl hall vkirl, hrt kap vki fell hall a ltezsrl, megtud vmit segt vkinek vmiben remnykedik vmiben ragaszkodik vmihez beleavatkozik vmibe bemutat vkit vkinek befektet vmit vmibe meghv vkit vhov bevon vkit vmibe belp vhov, csatlakozik vmihez megtl vkit vmi alapjn

feel about sy/sg

How do you feel about moving to the capital?

fight against sy/sg

In World War II the Germans were fighting against the British.

fight for sg
Green campaigners are fighting for endangered species.

forget about sy/(doing) sg

While we are away, dont forget about watering the plants.

forgive sy for sg
I know she will never forgive me for this mistake.

gaze at sy/sg
He was gazing at me as if he had never seen me before.

get married to sy
She got married to a man 30 years older than her.

give sy sg
Give me the book, please.

give sg to sy
Before the long trip the mother gave some advice to all her three children.

graduate from (a university)

He graduated from Harvard last June.

graduate in sg
My friend graduated in English.

greet sy
Every day our teacher greets us with a big smile.

hand sg to sy
You need to hand this document to the director.

happen to sy
Has this ever happened to you?

hear about sg
Have you heard about our party? You are welcome to come.

hear from sy
We havent heard from him since he left.

hear of sg
I heard of their marriage only a year later.

help sy with sg
Could you help me with my English homework?

hope for sg
The striking workers are hoping for higher salaries.

insist on (doing) sg
He insisted on paying for the meal.

interfere in sg
I dont want him to interfere in my private life.

introduce sy to sy
May I introduce you to a friend of mine?

invest sg in sg
We love the sea, so we invested all our money in a boat.

invite sy to sg
Our new neighbours invited us to their housewarming.

involve sy in sg
Lets not involve Jim in the decision making process.

join sg
Hungary joined the EU in 2004.

judge sy by sg
You shouldnt judge people by their appearance.

keep sy/sg from (doing) sg

His parents kept him from joining the army.

tvol tart vkit vmitl, megakadlyoz vkit vmiben

knock at/on sg
I knocked on/at the door, but no one answered.

kopogtat tud vkirl/vmirl vmit kinevet vkit, nevet vkin/vmin megtud vmit, tudomst szerez vmirl klcsnad vkinek vmit klcsnad vkinek vmit odafigyel vkire/vmire, hallgat vkit/vmit (meg)l vmibl, vmin l vgyik vmire rnz vkire/vmire keres vkit/vmit nagyon vr vmit elboldogul vmivel rt alatta vmit tallkozik, sszeismerkedik vkivel tallkozja van vkivel tiltakozik vmi ellen (fel)ajnl vkinek vmit megoperl vkit rendel vkinek vmit

know sg about sy/sg

My friend knows everything about whales.

laugh at sy/sg
Dont laugh at me. I feel horrible.

learn about sg
I only learnt about the situation when it was too late.

lend sy sg
Could you lend me your skates this weekend?

lend sg to sy
I hope you will lend your camera to me this time.

listen to sy/sg
Boys, listen to me./What kind of music do you listen to?

live on sg
In poor countries many families live on international aid.

long for sg
It was so hot that we all longed for a cold drink.

look at sy/sg
Look at me while you are talking to me.

look for sy/sg

Im looking for my ID card.

look forward to (doing) sg

We are looking forward to meeting you.

manage with sg
The young mother has to manage with the baby herself.

mean sg by sg
What do you mean by that sentence?

meet sy
I met Mr Smith at my friends wedding.

meet with sy
I will meet with my new lawyer at 4.

object to sg
Citizens are objecting to the increasing traffic.

offer sg to sy
The language school offered extra classes to anyone who registers for the French course.

operate on sy
The doctors decided to immediately operate on the new patient.

order sy sg
I ordered you a cheese pizza. Is that OK?

order sg for sy/sg

We ordered ten new computers for the school.

rendel vkinek vmit ksznhet vmit vkinek/vminek tartozik vkinek vmennyivel vmirt rszt vesz vmiben fizet vkinek vmirt fizet vmilyen mdon megenged/engedlyez vkinek vmit meggyz vkit vmirl rmutat vkire, ujjal mutogat vkire rmutat, rirnytja a figyelmet vmire jobban szeret vkit/vmit vkinl/vminl kszl vmire megakadlyoz vkit vmiben eltilt vkit vmitl megvd vmitl ellt vkit vmivel, biztost vkinek vmit megbntet vkit vmirt szerez vmilyen vgzettsget veszekszik vkivel vmi miatt terjed, tart vmettl vmeddig reagl vmire fellzad vmi ellen felpl vmilyen betegsgbl, maghoz tr vmi vratlan dolog utn emlt vkit/vmit, vonatkozik vkire/vmire kapcsoldik vmihez szmt vkire/vmire, megbzik vkiben/vmiben emlkeztet vkit vmire, figyelmezteti, hogy ne felejtsen el vmit eszbe juttat vkit/vmit, emlkezteti vkire/vmire

owe sg to sy/sg
I owe my success to my family.

owe sy sg for sg
How much do I owe you for the books?

participate in sg
Everyone needs to participate int he discussion.

pay sy for sg
My boss doesnt want to pay me for the extra hours.

pay by sg
Can I pay by cash or credit card?

permit sy sg
The director of the library didnt permit us access to the old journals.

persuade sy of sg
Will I ever persuade you of my innocence?

point at sy
Its not polite to point at people.

point to sg
The teacher pointed to the word we didnt know.

prefer sy/sg to sy/sg

I prefer jeans to skirts.

prepare for sg
I have been preparing for this exam for over a year.

prevent sy from (doing) sg

Coffee prevents you from falling asleep.

prohibit sy from (doing) sg

The doctor prohibited Jim from drinking alcohol.

protect sy from/against sg
The warm hat and gloves protect you from the cold.

provide sy with sg
The school provides students with all the books.

punish sy for (doing) sg

I was punished for arriving late.

qualify in sg
Susan qualified in medicine and worked in the local hospital for 10 years.

quarrel with sy about/over sg

He always quarrels with his colleagues about something.

range from sg to sg
The products on sale range from shoes to books.

react to sg
The stock market reacted badly to the elections.

rebel against sg
Children often rebel against their parents decisions.

recover from sg
He hasnt fully recovered from the shock of almost being hit by a car.

refer to sy/sg
The news didnt refer to the suspect by name.

relate to sg
How does this course relate to your studies?

rely on sy/sg
You can only rely on yourself.

remind sy about sg
Please, remind me about this meeting.

remind sy of sy/sg
This story reminds me of my childhood.

reply to sg
The organization hasnt replied to my letter yet.

vlaszol vmire vlaszol vkinek/vminek ksznhet vminek vezet vmihez visszavonul vhonnan, nyugdjba megy vhonnan megjutalmaz vkit vmirt ellop vkitl vmit kiabl vkivel kutat vki/vmi utn, keres vkit/vmit elkld vkinek vmit elkld vkinek vmit (el)tl vkit vmire megoszt vkivel vmit jrja az zleteket vmirt kiabl vkivel, rkiabl vkire megmutat vkinek vmit megmutat vkinek vmit rmosolyog vkire, megmosolyog vmit beszl, mesl vmirl beszl vkinek vkirl/vmirl klt vmire, idt tlt vmivel vki mell ll, segt vkinek rvidtse vminek, jelent vmit bmul vkit/vmit, rmered vkire/vmire megakadlyoz vkit vmiben, visszatart vkit vmitl megkzd vkivel/vmivel alvet, kitesz vkit vminek elfizet vmire sikerl neki vmi, sikeresen megtesz vmit

respond to sy/sg
The market will soon respond to the new demands.

result from sg
His arrest resulted from the eyewitnesses descriptions.

result in sg
Stop driving. Your fatigue will result in an accident.

retire from sg
The writer retired from public life at the age of 75.

reward sy for sg
The company will reward the workers for their hard work.

rob sy of sg
My friend was robbed of her phone and wallet.

scream at sy
The impatient passengers were screaming at the inspector.

search for sy/sg

I have been searching for this book for ages.

send sy sg
He sends me 5 e-mails a day.

send sg to sy
Could you send the photocopies to me by airmail?

sentence sy to sg
The judge sentenced her to 5 years in prison.

share sg with sy
I would like to share the good news with you.

shop for sg
She is shopping for leather shoes for her son.

shout at sy
Dont shout at me. I just wanted to help.

show sy sg
Will you show me your collection of CDs?

show sg to sy
The exam results will be shown to the students.

smile at sy/sg
When we met I smiled at him.

speak of/about sg
My grandma liked speaking about the good old days.

speak to sy about sy/sg

He spoke to the audience about American literature.

spend (money/time) on sg
People dont spend enough time on sports.

stand by sy
I know they would stand by me in difficult times.

stand for sg
EU stands for European Union.

stare at sy/sg
Two eyes were staring at me in the dark.

stop sy from (doing) sg

Nothing will stop me from doing it.

struggle with sy/sg

In the storm we had to struggle with the strong wind.

subject sy to sg
I dont want to subject myself to this painful examination.

subscribe to sg
I dont subscribe to newspapers. I read the news on the Internet.

succeed in (doing) sg
Although he was very tired, he succeeded in finishing the


suffer from sg
Many adults suffer from depression.

szenved vmilyen betegsgben ellt, felszerel vkit/vmit vmivel tmogat vkit vmiben gyanst vkit vmivel kromkodik vkire, csnyn beszl vkivel beszl vkirl/vmirl rbeszl vkit vmire lebeszl vkit vmirl beszl vkivel beszlget vkivel mesl vkinek vmirl (el)mond vkinek vmit megkszn vkinek vmit tgondol vmit gondol vkire/vmire lefordt vmit vmilyen nyelvre odafordul vkihez keresztl megy vmin hasznl vmit vmire szavaz vmirl vr vkire/vmire, megvr vkit/vmit felhvja a figyelmet vmilyen veszlyre figyelmeztet vkit vmire pazarolja pnzt/idejt vkire/vmire integet vkinek rkacsint vkire kvn vkinek vmit dolgozik vkinek/vmilyen cgnek dolgozik vmin, prbl megoldani vmit

supply sy/sg with sg

An organization supplied the refugees with food.

support sy in (doing) sg
We cannot financially support you in your studies.

suspect sy of sg
I do not suspect you of anything.

swear at sy
You shouldnt swear at anyone.

talk about sy/sg

Are you talking about me?

talk sy into (doing) sg

I talked her into buying that skirt.

talk sy out of (doing) sg

You can never talk me out of this job.

talk to sy
We need to talk to you.

talk with sy
I talked with my friend all night.

tell sy about sg
Tell me about your plans.

tell sy sg
You should tell us the truth.

thank sy for (doing) sg

We just wanted to thank you for your kindness.

think about sg
Think about it before you make a decision.

think about/of sy/sg

I often think of him.

translate sg into (a language)

You need to translate this text into English.

turn to sy
I will turn to you when I need advice.

undergo sg
After the accident the boy underwent 3 operations.

use sg for (doing) sg

You can use it for cooking meals in it.

vote on sg
The town council will vote on next years budget.

wait for sy/sg

Should we wait for him or should we go?

warn against/of sg
Police warned of possible danger.

warn sy about sg
The weather forecast warned drivers about the icy roads.

waste money/time on sy/sg

Why are you wasting your time on her?

wave at sy
He waved at me as the train was leaving.

wink at sy
I think he likes you because he winked at you.

wish sy sg
I wish you good luck.

work for sy/sg

My father works for an Italian firm.

work on sg
Im still working on the problem.

worry about sy/sg

Dont worry about it.

aggdik vki/vmi miatt r vkinek vmirl kiabl vkivel

write sy about sg
When you return, write me about your trip.

yell at sy
Stop yelling at me!

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