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Washington" D. C.
Prepared lli"1.der

'1 May 1946 , )N" V
'. .
_Ieclassifi ed and appw'.;ed for
, elease by on 09- '17-2008
E,O, '12958, as
amended FC:II.A Case #52925
DOClD: 3486663
:,'TJ!E' FOREic,N' 'S:EC'TI ON
'." .
'chapter I
.... ,I
1. HlstoPy' ap.d Leading
II Contiol,.'
Amily,'sis ,,' ,
IV 3-5
. ".". . '".
Lis.1sonand Collabora.tion 'i'tlthOther
Chapter vi"' The Gr.yptograph1c
" Otflce (Pers Z' Cht),--;" ' , . , "',,
. "
DOCID: 3486663
Chapter I and Personalities
.:. '. ( '.' . .." ,.... " .
Introductiorl I) C 0 0 .0 0- I) 0 Q 0 Co t'f c:l 0'" (l tl e .0 c 0 0> 0 0 0 a 00 C 0 t,}. '00 0.. . 1 ,.....
,German For'sign Office Organization :etir Cl"yptanalysls,?,
CODlInun.:tcatlons,ll and Security. 0.0 ' 0 00 " 2
History, 8,nd Strength. 0.0' 0 0 ".," .'. 3'
Expans1011, 1937-1939 . 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ", 4:'
Further Wartime Expansion'. 0 0 00. 0" 0 00 0 0 00 o. 5 Changes and M.oves During Later-War Years 6
Leading PersoDllelo 0 Q 0 a q 0 ".0,0 0 0'. ooo.oo.g. 00 Q ,000 0 o. 7
. . :.. . ..
'. ');"" . '. . ' . . , '. . .. "'.' .' .
. 1: Introduction.--A pa.per coV'e:t:'ing the genesis, history,
and opert:itIonso? the German Foreign Off'ice Cryptanalytic Section
can claim neither 'comple.teness nor absolute accuracy The
reasons for thi--s deficiency are at.tr1butable to the paucity of
data, ava.:ilable as a basis rc.r thep!iper. ,
. In 'Ghe f:1.rst. place,ll the existence of the F()reign Office
Cryptanalytic Section (Pars Z S) while suspected; had never
been definitely established until the Section was captured in
April ,0 There was consequently little or.' no background
information to assist the intel"'rogators.., Secondly,ll the ex-
ploitation of thisspeclfic target was the first major explolta- .
. ' t10n undertake!l oJ' As such" from the general
lack of experience found in new undertakings.' .'
The interrogations: it is felt., were not extensive enough
.So large was the field covered by the Pel's Z S cryptanalytic
-' effort .'- o,,""e1' fifty countries during a period of twenty-five
years - - the. t-few interrogatOl'S wel'e available who were com-
petent to meet the Gerwl cryptanaljrsts on their own ground.
Most of the interrogators and target officers were men who had
'. not enjoyed any extensive on diplomatic systems;
their work for some years had dealt with military problems.
Facedwlth the necessity of conducting complete interrogations
on SUbjects With which they were or on for
securl ty reasons; they' could not openly appe,ar to be well-
there were areas which were not completely'
covered. The intel"l">ogations I ther'efore, COVSI' little more than;
those highlights which the Germane most readily recalled. ,Crypt-
analysis was emphasized, while was almqst completely
. neglect,ed.' .
__ _ _ _ _ __
DOCID: 3486663

In May 1945 the TICON pr1ncipleof requiring prisoners

to do extensive that is; write papers, as detailed
as possible and, in theixoown words, was not tully developed. '
The only Pers Z S report ot this type, a most significant docu
ment trom the cryptogral)hic f01nt of view$ vas issued with an
apology tor its preparation. '
There are equally serious deficiencies in the Pers Z S _
documents ;which were ca.ptured by TICOM. Little ot the material
had any currency; most of the dOCUhl1ents antedats'd 1942. The
records of the Turkish group and of the Mathemat1cal-
Cryptanalytical Subsection vere alleged to have been and most
probably had been completely destroyed prior to capture.
The account which 1"ollows, therefore, cannot pretend to be
a complete statement as to the PersZS organization, its crypt-
analytic ettort,p or its achievementso It Isbased entirely,
upon TICOM and must therefore be regarded as a com-
pilat1c1n ot highlights,JI and a. listing of clues Which
. suggest facts and conclusions but do, not ,document them
2. German Forelm Otfice Organiza.tion for Cryptanalysis,
and For many years the cryptanalytic
act'1vit;1es of'. the GerI!UUl Foreign Office were concentrated in the
. "Special" Z Branch Per'sonnel Bureau '.
(PersoIlLal Z Sonderdienst, or 8onde:#lenst des Referats Z in dar ,/
Personalabteilung des Auswaertlgen Amtes) 0 The section vas .....
general.1y calJ.ed Pars Z 5, an abbreviation of its sbort German
titleo ' It engaged in cryptan&l,yais of :foreign codes
and ciphers . It did ,not work on military problems.
referred to herelnS.f'ter as Pel'S Z, was headed '
by Minister (Gesandter) Z Bra.nch vas latterly ol'ganlzed
into rour ser.::.tlons, one of wh1chwas the foregoing "S.pecial
(or Section (Sonderdlens t j' or Par's Z S) 0 The
deetion (.Chif.trierabteilun
, or Chiffrle:rdienst,
abbreviated Pel's Z headed by Senior Specialist (Oberregle-
rung3zeat) Horst Hauthal, was engaged in the and
dlstrlbutlonof the codes and ciphers used by the Foreign Office.
The Communications Section (Refexoattuer Funkwasen, or Funk-
reterat, as Pel's Z F), headed by Senior Specialist
(Qberregierungsrat) Ernat Hoffma.nn, handladthe psoreign Office
communioations systems, includingtaletypa eirouits, telephone
8vitehboa:rds and radio links. The Administrative Section
(Genel'alrefezaat" abl):revia.ted Pars Z Gen), headed by Senior
Spec1a.l1s t (Oberregierungsrat) Dr. Roy, handled and
administrative problems for the whole of Z'Branch.'"
lase I 89, Dr. RohrbachUs "Report on the American Str1pCiphel'"
2TICOM I 22 para}
"I-1 p14
DOCIO: 3486663

3. H1st'ory and strangE! The Fore1gn Off1ce
code and ciPher work nad or1g nalIy been dona in I
(AbteUung IL the normal administrative bure
i1,u 1n e. Ge1'D18.l1
governmental department. Its name at that time was probablt
the "Political Intelligence Bureau.VJAs its cryptanalytic and
:work 1:ts name, taking the
cover afforded by ItpeFsonnel Bureau. ' Another source stated
, that thesectlon \T'as formerly knO'f/n as the Cipher Section
(Chitf'rierabtailung)>> later under the lengthy eover-
name listed in 2 As late a.s the crypto- ,
graphic' act1v1t
es and the weI's unified
under one head. ,
, 'It 1s not knovnwnen ,the Foreign ottics startedlts, crypt-
analytic endeavors after the first World 'far. It is known that
Zas I the Ears, Z S on American systems" had senior! ty
in dating f:rom Decembexo 19180 In, ani
personnel 11st,dated May 19l9
, the names of '5}i;: men and 11 women.
\fuile the, significance of
the 11st, it does ineluds tqe 'name:. or suchvell
kn01!7Jl persona11t'ies as Kasper$ Kunze, Schaurtler Scmerschmidt
andZaetrow; all 'of whom were Pers Z 5 cryptanalysts in 19450
It 1s probably,saf'e to assume that Foreign Otfice cl'7Pta.nal1t1e
ettort3 'were before the conclusion or the peace .
treaty.:. .. . )
.. , No documentary evidence is avs,ilable on the strength or 'the
organizati,on dur,1ng the period 1920-1937 In 1945 Paschke and
5chauf'1"ler that" beginning "J1ith 20-30 people in 1918
the organization grew taa strength or approximately 50 in 19'0.
This statement tends ,to SUPPol'tthe view that the May 1919 list
or 63 persons.1ncl'-1ded mOI-e thancrypta.nlJJ.yt1c personnel
vas pZ"obablya list of FOl'.elgn Office cryptograph.1c
. t1ons and cryptanalyt:i,c .p'ersonnel. .' ' .
/' '
,41 ;L, .. p14-. A sentence in Document T56
Reports of theA G;rtOUP,
" 'Page 52" ,givesa. clue as to thesect10n
sfol"mer name: , "The
solut1on. (was) achieved in the ESectlo11 of the Political
Bureau or the Fore1gn Off'ice (E(entz1.tteruDgs??) .
abteiluDg"dei;>,Po11tischen Nachr1chtenstelle des Ausvaertigen '
Amt8S. . . . . ,
. '-51 22 "para Sta.tement f'rom,llr. Rohrbach. Since, Dr. ijohr\ftaQb
did not join Pars Z. Suntl1 aftel' the outbreak of' wari the
statement should be taken with reseI'"ve . ,
. 6l)F ;L7 T:;273 p:;
7DF 11' 'T3273
22 'para 125 '
___ _ .._._
DOCID: 3486663

4. Expansion, documents show that the

whole strengtli of Pers Z {including the four sections listed
above in Par 1) came to 77 persons on November 1, 1937, and to
72 persons on July 1,91938.
Unfortunately these lists did not
give a detailed sectional breakdown. At 20 persons were
engaged in cryptographic1"ork (compilation
security and message
center).. and it seems safe to deduce that the Cryptanalytic
. Section (Sonderdlenst,9 or Pel's Z s) did not dispose of a number
.grea.ter than the estimate given a.bove for year 1930. Indeed,
it could t)e assumed that the 1930 64:tims:t:e of. 50 persons was
excessive" Data for the yasl' 1939 tend. to con.firm this impression.
Paschke a.nd Kunze estimated the 1939 Pers Z S strength at 80-100 .
people.lOA captured document gives a detailed breakdown of
Pel's Z S as of December 1" 1939, showing a strength
of 92 persons.- Other documents sho", that 1+5 new appo-intments
were made between September 1, 1939 and an unspecified date in
November 1939.
Of these, 22 were regUlar appointments (Etats-
stellen) and 2} were newly requested 1var service appointments .
(rieuaufgeforderte Krlegsstellen). Ii' the 5 trength on December 1939
were 92; and if 45 persons had been hired since September 1939;
then it seems reasonable to estimate the Pers Z S strength prior
to the war as something less than 50 persons.
The available documents the period give the
impression that all of Z Branch might have suffered from personnel
shortages and inertia on the part of higher administrative author-
ities 0 The job descriptions (Begrulndungen) accompanying the
19.38 recommendations for promotion show. that Dr. Kunze had been
a 'specialist (Regierungsrat) since 1923, and that Paschke and
. Scherschmidt had held the same grade since 1927. Attention was
drawn to the ract the. t: .' ..<
". I1Positions with comparable activities' andresponsl-
bl1i'tles. in other ministries are given the grade or
PriD.cipal Specialist (Ministerialrat) or S&"l1or Specialist,
( Obe:rreg1erWlgsrat) This in s pite of the f'act that the
personnel younger and have had less
lngrade.1 3.. . '
9 TF 24, Pel'S Z/1147, and 1936 personnel l1st
101-22, para 125
11 TF 24; Pers Z S Organization as of December 1, 1939
12 TF 24, Personnel lists dated November 1939
13 TF-24J' 1938 Begruendungen. Such complaints are apt to be
. generic in. governmental organization. No valid conclusions
could be drawn without comparable data from other mln1strieso
DOCID: 3486663
,The Cryptographic Section (Pars Z Chi) complained. in the
same year that it could no longer. function efficiently without
additiona,l personnel.
Ten of its thirteen cryptographers were
OVaI' fifty years of six of them over sixty. Night work
represented too much of a strain for men of this age,
!lOlle to the overloading of .theCryptographic Section,
outgoing messages cannot be enoiphered and checked with
the necessary care . This regrettable state of affairs
was most noticeable during May 1938, and September 1938,
when the political atmosphere was at_its tensest."
As of December 1939 the Cryptanalytic Section'
(Pel's Z S) had a strength of 92 persons.' It was organized as
1938 parts of the organization were housed at Wilhelmstrasse
.75o"InFebrua:ry 1939 unidentified elements were housed in
/' the Koenig1n Luise Stiftung,. Berlin-Dahlem, Podblelskl Allee
78 .Th:+s location was called the "Lulsenstlft ."Nothing 15
known as "to _the dates for occupation or evacuation of the
quarters in Jaegerstrasse 12 III. /
]LuisenstiftJ.under Schaufflerua Group (Gruppe) .
Dr. Paschke Us Group
ScherschmidtUsGroup 10
Group 11
zastrow:'s Group
s Group
KasperBs Group 4
HagenDs Group 4
' ..
Records Group (Archiv) 4
Clerics,1 Personnel
--l. -..E-

Jaegerstrasse 12 Special Group (StOBztl"UPP) 20 20

III, under U-1athematical cryptanalysis]
f * The' exact location or Pel's Z ;,) prior to 1
9 1s unknown. In
50 Further Wartime Expansiono--No detailed figures are
ava.llabls,to cover the Z Branch expansion during the early war
14 TF 24,,' to Pers z/1400 of Nov 2,.1938
15 TF Personnel dated October 1940
DocrD: 3486663
. .",
. .
. :
.e ,290

, lSi4aj ,f'el's'Z5
'1n .. ,
1939 ."'.' ' .. , .: '. ' " " , . '
,. ;i:, , . 'statements as dst-.4:,
,time ,Qr., .' reportedbe'p,ad,?','.p8t'.. '
:,,' :---':>';:;Irt:Sp'1te Qf theexpansiqn
tbex-o '1s gQode'id44'.tDcei' that 'thia: ' .
still considered pe:rsonneJ, inadequate'. ,.f4? ',_
, ,(tope problems.' On '26; 1940 (sehaUf'fler?? ...
sUQmlttec1 a,
teen all,of,vh1.c.h wereel , ' ,"
, ,', dU$ ,to ;"
" .. 'pe:rsQnne1 , 1;,0 tile :','
,tile, .be
,;' a<lg1t1onalem.pJ,ote,,$
>. ., . ."
,",,' . ,an ...nerem.e1);t 'ot ," ,-O.\1n '
rr.. sourCE;)s, ,a@, tq whether or not thsserequea'ts . "
fa.v9rab;!lY '_.,' " , "" . . " , ''- "; "
. ... ' , '", ',., . , " .
. ,:,:. ."
dated October' ,", "
" '1m "
.. ',"
, ,' , '; .
" . one.
.:7,.>Janu:ai1: ,.8 headed III" .e.n4sj.g;'.l;f15i:
Kunze)., ..', ' .
._ ' ' '::fl:O,4btelsklAl'l'ee:, v11,8 and'
18TF.24". of N'Q-J .26Jl3.940,; ': ,", ", ',', ,"'! , ; " ' ,
,; Z/570';J,4atiec., No,rember ;1.2',1941.'" 'lmQ.- a
',.' the ForeIgn otf;ice;date4 ,-
.> ,
. . '.' all'ocat1Oti -'Qr laabor Service du." 't:o' th,e.
.' '" Itspec181' .hElste incident to the execution Qf the Foreign
, '(ieA" ,be'sonderen, .
" tergsl!t$ll 18 ) ' ,#J.seond
letit81'p .
.' :,
s tated.:'tba;'t"the,,1941b:uC;igetsry 'hoobeen, , "

the.t,:tbe ," 1e'd oQ';the 'gjrpiui<i
. .. .
DOClD: 3486663

When.' the Section was captured ,in April :l..945, its leaders
stated that the peak in personnel was reached in194S, when 180- .
200 persolls we!'e employed .20 Another employee "thought" the . . .'
total personnel was about. 120.
Regardless of conflicting .
it seems clear that Pers'Z S never became a large
. organization" and that its personnel never exceeded two hundred
in number. . . ,
, . '
6. Geographical Changes,
major changes were made in the organizatIon until December 1943.
At that time
Berlin was partially e'lacus.ted on 'accoWlt of the
o'Ber11n-DB.!J.].em .
fit' . .
' ..;.
Former'" .
... .... "\.

'-:'i"' ,
, ,
\ .
, t
, x
\ '
. '. .... \
h .PENS .2 S LOCATIONS:December, 1943/MarCh,19!!.2\
'. Ijl"sou,oOO.. '\'.
. ..".' \
.... _.. - , .
U Goerlitz,
$ . .

. "

-Dresden:/ \ .
--_/ \. '-..-_./ '\
Former.' , . . '- .
:'''. . ,Czechoslovakia '---.,...
. C' .'
para 125
I 22, para 34

. -
" '
._- --
DOClD: 3486663
, '
" . RAF bombings., 'and Pe1'8 Z S wa s s pl:t t into one la,1'ge group and
two smaller groups.' Dr Schaufflere.nd Dr. Paschke. remained in
at 1m Dol 2-6,5.. 'with the
abtel1ung) " This party may have been reinforced by I parts
ot . .. .. Signal Intelligence Agency, Supreme Command of, the" '
(OIG"/Chl) II which had been bombed out at the same,
time. A part of Dr. PaschkeBs Subsection, under the leader-
,'ship of Specialist (Regierungsrat) Dr" Karstien, went to' ','
Hirschberg'in the Riesengebirge., The
, \
\" '
\. r-IJ.ulcle"
, , River

"',,- -
Muehlhausen " "
" ,
Burgsche1dwtgen \
\ .

1-96,'p 5. 'There is some evidence that there was an actual

,. tmification of certain Pel's Z S-Signal Intelligence'Agency of
the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces (oKW/chi) subsections
after November 1943. For detailed discussion, see Chapter 4.
DOCID: 3486663

, , '
Subsection under Dr. Kunze) togethf,}X' with the I,B.M. machinery,
was evacuate.d to Herrnsdorf' in 311e81a. The three parties "
attempted to work as one, with a daily courier sel'vice linking"
all three 10catlons0
In February and March 19451 as the Russian advances became
more threiatening, the Hirschberg and Hermsdorf' locations were
evacuated. The Karstien g.t'oup moved direc'tlyfrom Hirschberg
to Burgscheidungen in the Uns tl"ut area. They ,,,ere Joined there
in April by Dr. Schauff1er and some of the former Berlin-Dahlem
group. KtUlzeos IvIathemfl.tical,,:,Cryptanalytic Subsection was
split UpJi <elements proceec1:'Lng .from Hermsdorf to' fJIuehlhausen" 'B.nd,'
'the majority.:> including the leaders.!' to Zschepplin. Dr. Paschke
brought most of his subsection from Berlin to Zschepplino An
upldentifled Pel's Z S group went to the Army-Air
Some cryptanalytic work was continued on back material until the
Burgscheidungen-Zschepplin areas were overrun in April 1945 .
.. ,,' '. ' ,.
consists of a com-
pilation or data on some tlITrty Pel'S Zand Pers ZSpersonalities ..
,a .;' Z Branch (Pel's Z)
. ,'... (1) ,Minis tel" I Kl. Selchow0 ' Selchow, was
chief of' Z Bl"anch. L1 le- is lci10Wn of '6ackground . Mention
,was made of the fact that he had engaged in similar work during
World War 1.
5 A personnel list, without a caption, dated ..
May 1919, lists his name along with 62 others, presumptively in
Foreign Office cryptographic or cryptanalytic activlty.2b . The
date of his app,ointment as he,adof Z Branch (Referat Z) is un-
known. " One source states tOO"1; he had been head of the Branch
sInce 1919 :27 He:ts listed as a Principal Foreign Orfice ' .'
Specialist (vortragender Legationsrat) on November 1, 19370
He held 'the rank of Minister (Gesandte) in 19450 ,A document
0dated 1941 contains 'recommendations for the promotion of Senior
Ps.schke, Schauffler and
23 See Chart 6-1" and 1 .. 22, p 23'
24'1 l,,'p 7
25 I para 44
26, '
. DF IT,;,T3213
. 27 11, p 17
28 TF 24:, Persomlel List of November' 1 1937
DOCID: 3486663
Langlotz to Princtpal ForaignOfflce ,Speq1alists .
.29 It might be dedu.ced from this document;'
Selchow had been appoi.nted Minister in 1940 or 1941. ..
But little more 1s kn.own as to his ability. Statements
from personnel in other cryptanalytic agencies 1mply that he was
jealous and secretive about Z Branch (Referat z)activities. His
Pel's Z S subordinates chaI,acteri.zed him as "a competent adminis-
trator who mew little about and was conten.t 'to
leave the specialists to run their affairs as it seemed best to
them. "30. . .
Last reported irl Salzburg in March 1945, he wes not appre-'
. (2) Senior Specialist Dr. R,?y
was head of the Adnllnistrat va Sec ion Pers Z 'en n Z Branch.
He is, reported to have been with Z Branch since the early 1920' So. v
Taken prisoner at Muehlhausen in April 1945; he was released 'as
being of little importance .to target teams and interrogators
. , '., . '.. ' '., .. ' ':. '. ;- \""
.. (3) SenlCJr Ernst Hoffmanno
Hofrmann bad. seniorIty In ZBranch goIng back to I9I9.31 A
Specialist (Regierungsrat) 1n July 193711 he was promoted to his
'last. grade in 1940.3
. From 1940 he was head ot the Communica-
tions Sectlon(Ref'erat in Z Branch
a section
neWly created at that tlme.33 Nothing 1s known as to the fate
'. of the section.
. . C4) Senior Specialist (Oberregierun6srat) Horst Hauthal.
Hauthal was latterly Section Z
Chi) 10 ZBranch. His section remained in Berlin; and
is known, as to its fate. A young man (bornMarch 9: 1913)1 his
rise in .z,Branch was little of meteoric when compared With
the progress of older colleagues. Joining Z Branch asa
mathemat'i,qian and cryptographer :tn January 1940, h:ts promotion
29 TF 24
Anlage l,Pers Z 5617/41
30 I IJ1 p 17
31 DF 17 T32'r3
TF 24
Anlage 1 to Pers Z 5617/41 .
. 33 TF Pers Z 647/40 refers to Hoffmann as. head of the "newly
.... crea1.ed stib,s..ectlon for radio communications problems ("Leiter
des neugeechaffenen Referats fuel' Funkwesen
). Job descriptions
and pel'sonnel specificatloIl5!!lhow that Pers Z F disposed of
telephone, 'teletype a.nd mess engel" services Jl as well as radio 0
DOCID: 3486663
to-Senior Specialist was a.chieved in less -
than five years.3
b. Z S Persona11t1eso
kingulstic-CrY.,Etanalytlc Subsection
(a)' Senior S,ecia11st Oberregieruugsrat) Rudolf Schautfler.
,Although e,chau f' er was ead 0 Pers Z not clear whether
this tltIe 'Was more than nominal in 19
t5. The Pel's Z S membe:rs
listed him as head of' a Subsection in 1945 while the 1937-1941
documents,11st him as head of the l[hole Section.35 Latterly
Paschke, a more forceful type and probably an abler adminis-
trato:r, appears to have usurped-more and more of Schauffler's

Starting Z Branch immediately after World. War I,
Schauffler had held the grade of Specialist (Oberreglerungs-
rat) at let:a,st November 1
.8Xld was the sen1ol' crypt...
analyst ,in the Section. In 19 l' he he.d been I'ocommended for the
grade of p'rinci:Pal Foreign Office
LegationSl"s t) .30. .' . , '.'
a mathematician, his mainfleld or interest was
theoretical research To this end, he '
edited a private periodical ('Scb.riften des Sonderdienates")
which was concerned primarily 'with cryptologic methodology.37
specialties were Japanese, and Chinese; which Pel's
Z' S cryptana.lytic group he headed. He .also sel'ved as an adviser
. to the Fo:rDeign Office Cryptographic Secti.on (Pars Z Chi) on
security. Either he or Senior .Specia.list {Obel'regierungsrat)
Hauthal oi.' the Cryptographic Section (Pel's Z Chi)' represented
Office in 'the Army-Alr-Na'lal Security Coordinatjng
. . .'.
(b)Sen1or Socialist Oherre Dr. Adol.f Paschke.
While jun:1.or n gra e to eha.:r er, Dr. ascneaurfiig tlie latter
years' of tho war became, with Schauffler, the joint head of ,Pel's
Z So' His nominal title was that of head of the Linguistic-
- JoininO' the Foreign Office ,group in 1919" he became a .
Specialist (Regier'Wlgsra.t) in 1927 and aSen10r Specialist
(Oberregierungsrat) between 1937 and 19!j,O In 1941 he was recom-
mended to the rank of Principal Foreign Of'fice Specialist (Vort-
ragender Legat1onsrat).39 . ,
... Technically, he was responsible fOl'>bookbuilders and
lators.l1 heading,s subsectlonorganfzed by cOWltriesand langua.t5,es.
He was also responsible for liaison with the . armed forces. His' .
language specia'lt1es were Itsllan, Greek and Russian" a group for ,.
which,he assumed direct technical A man of un- . '
doubted competence, possessing a strong personality-and f1erce 'en=-'
ergy,,'w1thgood party connect-ions" he probably had little diffi-
CUlty in forging ahead of his more 'academically .1nc,lined colleagues.
. ..' ..
Hllfssrbeiter) .
Karl zastrow. From eva1 a Ie
member of the Crypta.Tlalytic Section,p ha"ingente;red on
December 1, 1918. A gifted analyst, he never aO.vanced into the'
highe:r.- grades of officialdom. Pronouncedly absent-minded" it
is doubtful 1ir he were eve:ra a canable administrator
. documents he- appears to have head'ed the Amer-
ican: and Scandinaviall language group (Gruppe) .1L."1der Dr'. Pas chke
by, 1945 he wSiJ no loIfger head of this group" which was .
then'.;dlrected by Dr. Ha.ns-Kurt with as his
deputy <xertreter). He was the Pers Z S a.uthority on
syst,fus. 0 . '
. .' . .
... '. (d) . Senlor-Specte.l1st (Oberre,gi'erungsratl Brandes .
. Dr. Brandes headed the group which, under Dr.
exploited systems of Dutch, Swiss, Belgian orFrenchorlgin.. V
Having served with Dr. Paschke !n World War I, he came to work
. .for the Foreign Office in 1920 ...
He is listed 8S- a Specialist
(RegieI'ungsrat) in October 1940, and was promoted to Senior. .
Specialist sometime between 1942 and 1945.
A capable linguls t and bookbullder, he also had certain J:iaison
functions for his own group. .
. .( e} Senior Specia.list t) Dr. Herrma,rm. .
. Scherschmidt. ScnerschiiiIat, Is, listed aa having been with....tEe
ForeIg..l'l 01TIce in May 1919. lI-2'Promoted to Specialist (Regierungs-
rat) .in 1927, he becB.Il1e a Senior
somet1mebetween 1941 and 1945. Specializing in Slavonic and
Near Eastern langvages, ,he headed the Pers Z S Turkish group .
.. from 1934 19390 Thereafter he .took over the Slavonic group'
until, September 1943 o lJ:3 Desiring to return to 1
urklsh at that
time,' he encountered personal 'difficulties in his old group
40 :1:22 p24,
. ; 41 TF '24, JOb Descriptions for 1938 Promotions (Begruendungen)
42 DF 17 T3273
43 I 63 p 2
and. trausferred to the Foreign. Office Document Section
(translations) until September 1944. He then reassumed his
old post as head of the Turkish group (wAder Dr. paschke),
wh:tle:':'Dr. Benzing, the prevlous head" shifted to A.rabia.n and
Iranlan. systems.
, (f) .. Karstieno .
The exact date of' Dr. Karstie.n s entry into Pel'S Z-S ia unknowIl..,
but ,it antedated the year 1930. In November 1937, he was an'un-
classified employee(Tarlfangestellter) in Group X, then the, high-
.est pay grade. In November 1940" he was listed as a Specialist
(Reglerungsrat), a grade he held at ar
s end. '
A. specialist .in Balkan languages (although he worked on
Japanese and Chinese systems from 1930 till 1938), he worked
under Dr. Paschke
s direction, handling Bulgarian, Croa,ti-an"
Polish;, Slovakian and (Finnish'?) "lark. 1rlhen the Berlin gI'OUp
was split., in December 19439 Dro Ka.l"stien was placed in cha.rge
of the party which went to Hirschberg. Proceeding to Burg-
scheidlmgen with his party when Hirschbezog was threatened by
the Russia.n adva.nce" he was taken prisoner there in April 1945.
(g) Specialist (Regierungs.rat) Dr. Johannes BenZing.
Dr. Be.nzing joined-Pers Z S on-;ruIy 20, 1"9.37. Born January' 13,,1911
he as the youngest senior official {Beamter) in the Pers Z S
Se,etian. From available data, 1t seems clear trLS.t he was pro'-
moted to {Reglerungsrat) sometime between 1941 and
Decembel' 19){3. 4- . ' .
A spec1.alist on Near E:astel'n languagesjP he originally worked
on 'I'urk:!.sh under DI' 0 Scherachmidt. He headed this section from
1939 until September 1944:1 when Dr. Sch
3rschmidt 1'e-
turne'd from another Section of the Foreign Office. He wa.s then
placed in charge42f work on to Iraq" '
Afghanistan. :)
(h) Technical Assi,stB.nt (Wlssenschaft11che Hl1fsarbe1ter1n)
Dr. Ursulaliageno As 1>[a3 indicat"ea hyfiilss it was
aTfficuIt "for women., no matter how able., to achieve proper recog-
nition or senioI-lty in Z Branch. Miss Eagen is a case in point.
Born 'March 23Jl she ,entered Pers Z S on' October 1, 1922.
By 1939 (and through 1945) she was head of the (under
Dr. Paschke) which was responsible for work on England, Ireland"
Spain, Portugal: and Latin American countries. In 1942 this
- c
44 TF 24, Anlage 1 to Pel's Z 5617/41
45 122, p 25
DOCID: 3486663
involved the supervisIon of' twelve peopleo
Her grade and
remuneration were comparable to those of men with like
seniorityand similar responsibilities. She is last listed
(February 1941) as a (Wissenschaft11che
Hl1tsarbelterin) Grade IV l-7 She was o,9.ptured at Zschepplin
in 1945., and evacus.ted to I![arburg. .
'. (i) Little :tB known of Dr. Mueller sa
background or May I, 1906, he went to work in
Pel'S Z S on January 22; on American and' .
Scandinavian systems, he 1e listed in December. 1943a8 Zastrow
deputy (Vertreter). By AprU. 1945, du.e., 110 doubt, to superior'
oy'ganizaU,ona.l abilj.t1es, he Is listed' the
head of' the group, with Zas:;row as (Vertl"etel'). 4t> "
His last known pay g.Y'ade Wet:! Teehnlcal .Ass1ste."nt (W1ssenschaft-
licher H1l,fsarbei tel') Grade 1110 . '. . . . .' .... '
. (j) ,Dr. Pete;!' Olbr1cht Jl a former anthro-
pologist witn tneEthnographic in Berllll, went to work for
Pel'S Z S in December 1939 An Orlel:.t,<:l,liBt of uame repute he
specialized on Chinese, Japanese and systems .. "work..;.
1ng under the dl1"ectionof Dr. Schauff 11\.(,. He' ion the Hirsch-
berg group from December and '\'ras ca.ptured at
Burgscheldungen. '
(k)Jl.US5 Asta hcJc1ing a p081. ..... '""
low rank and seniorityJl Miss Friedrichs wl3 one of the Ie..,., -.... 0'
persona11ties in Pel's Z S. She joined Pel':3 Z S in September .... "."'\
after stUdy at the Sorbonne a.nd the Amerjcan University in
She workeel under Dr. Karstien" whose deputy (Vertreterin) ane
was" in the Slavonic group, specializing tn Bulgarian.
. . . . .
'. (1) Schrader . .'11ss Schrader joined Pel's
Z S in September 1939; as e.. specia.list in :(i'rench. '1943 she
was deputy to Dr. Bra.ndes in the section.
When Dr 0 Brandes fell 111 in 1944 tool{ over the leadership
of the group" which was then in Hirschberg. She was captured
at Burgscheldungen . Like Miss Friedrich5 and she .
apparently never advanced beyond the grade of Technical Assistant
(Wissenschaft11che Hilfsarbeiterin) Grade IV. /
(m) Dr. Otfried Deubner. Dr. Deubner started his work
with Pel's Z S on' J'ulY 7, 197.j:O o' By the end of' the war he was
46 D16" Report 4, p 6
47 TF 24" 1941 list
48 I '022.. P 25
DOCID: 3486663
;. assistant l(Vertreter) ;Dr. Paschke in the group which handled
systems from the Vatican, Italy, Greece, and the He was
recommended tor the grade of Specialist (Regierungsrat) in 1941
but apparently worked throughout the war as a Technicml Assistant
(W1ssenschaft11cher Grade III. ' .
, .'.. . . \ . .
. (a) Senior 5 ecialist . 1e1."u Brat Dr. Werner Kunze ..
Like ps,scnke an So a r unze was a crypts. 1st with
25 years Ojr Pel's. Z S experience. A milttary cryptanalyst in,
World War :[, he joined the Foreign Oftice in 1919.
The date
of his pral1otion to Senior 3pec1a.1ist (Oberreg1frungsra.t) is un'"
known, but it vas pl'svlous to October 1,1940.
. .
. usually opera..ted apart trom the main Pers Z 8 party (stammabte11ung).
PI'1ma:r11y a. mathematic1a.n
Dr. Kunzaft.s subssct1o:n consisted ot
11ngu1stmathematic1ans and was also responsible tor the Pel's Z 8
I .B.M. machinery. They specialized in difficult systems, complex
encipherments,andthosa problems which requll'ed a lSl'ge expend1-
ture of time and personnel, or the application of technical
In December 1939, the group 1ncluded20 persons and was housed '
apart from SchaufXler 9 s Linguistic-Cryptanalytic Subsection. In
Dscember1943" the Subsection was evacuated to (Hermsdol't).
It came to Zschepplin in Mazoch where it remained untU waros
. (b) - Dr. Hans Rohrbach... A protessor or mathemat1ca at
the Ch8.1'>les University in Prague, Dr. Rohrbach divided his time
between his teaching and 'Work as a cryptanaJ.yst.
He started his work with Pers\Z S early in 1940. An undated
:personnel list of that year shows him as ."provisionally employed"
lKommlssarisch beschaett1gt)D with the assimilated grade of sen10r
civil servent (hoeherer Beamter).53 Possessing an excellent com-
mandof English, he had on English", and Scandinavian,
as'Japanese By .personality rather than seniority",
. he was" one of the Pel's Z S leaders. He was awarded the War Ser-
vice' Cross'2dClas8 (KVK II) in Septembel' 1944, probably tOI' his
work in the solution of the U.S. Diplomatic Stl'1p System 0-2.
1 22, 'p25
50nF T327}.
24, BandwrlttenPersonnel_Llst, dated October 1, 1940
, 5
1 22, P 25
. 53
24, Undated Peraonnal
1 89 p 3
. .
DOCID: 3486663

, "
(c) Dr. habl1.Helmut Grunsky. Born JUly 11, 1904,
Dr. GrunakY went to worK-?or.Pers Z S in September 1939. Prior
to 'that date, he had been teaching. and doing mathematical re-
- search at the Prusslan AcadelllJl' of Sciences. He was a Technical
Grade III (Wissenscba:ftllchel" Hilf'sarbeiter) in ,.'
December 1940, and was recommendeg promotion to Specialist
(RegierWlgsrat) on March 5,1941.55 At tha.t time he was 11sted .
as "head ofa "group" in the SUbsection,ll a position he still held
at the. end of the war (Gruppenleitel"', Zweig). ,
. '(d) Dr. l!s.!!s It is not known when !\rug joined.
Pel'S Z S. It seems prooabI,? that he was. one of the large group ,
'hired in 1940. ' He is" not listed on the Z S personnel
list of December 1; 1939, but. his name is found among the 1941 .
recommends:tions for promotion" when he 1'-TaB recommended for the
grade of Specialist (Regierungsrat)0 At warus end he was in
charge of all the Pel's Z S Hollerith installations.
(e) Dr. ErikE'. Par..nwitz. It is not known when Dro Pannwitz
. joined Pera Z S. A" alleva-s listed as ,the head of' ,
, a group. (Gruppenlel tel') in April" 1945.
. . ,. '. . .
(f) Klaus Schultz. Schultz joinedPers Z S shortly after
the outbreak '01' war 0 A professional mathem.atician and statis-
tician, he wor]{,ed for the German Statistical Office (Statis-
tisches Reichsamt) befpre the war He is listed as being with
Dr. Kunz,s 0 s subsectlon.,:>n December IJl 19390 His last known
. civil service grade is that or Technical Assistant Grade III .
(Wissenschaft11cher Hilfsarbeiter). It does not appear that
hi.s !'ecommendation f'or promotion to Specialist (Reglerungsrat)
1n-1941 was ever acted upon f'avoreblyoHe is listed as the
. head or a group'as early as March and still held that
pos.t in April 19]+50
. ,
(g) Dr. Annelise Huehnke lites o Huehnke started workvith '
Pel's Z.S on August 3T, 1939. She 1s listed as the head of a
,group under Dr. Kunze on March :),ll 1941. Never I'ecommended for
,55 TF 24Jl Recommends. t10n for 1941 Pl"omotions
56 TF 24" List.of personnel submitted by Dr'. Kunze April 1945.
57 TF 24" Anlagel to Pers Z 5617/41" and'List of Personnel
, submitted by Dr. Kunze, April 1945

DOCID: 3486663
promotion outside the grade of Technical Assistant {Wissen-
schartliche Hilfsarbelterin}, she apparently ended the war in
grade 1110
(h) Dr. Karl Schroeter. Dr. Sch"t'oeter joined Pers Z S
in the spring of r91fl. Aformer lecture.r:d.n mathematical theory'
at the University of Muenster, hevwrked 1:o.depen.dently on Japa:a-
ese.. addlt1\re and encipherment systems. He is listed as the head
of a group under Dr. Kun.ze in the spring of 1945.
(J) Loan Intelligence AgenCY.,
Supreme C of tEe Armed 0IDiZChi.] . . . .
(a} Dr. Arthur Grosse (born February 1910), Edgar Hierar
(born r-1a.rch 22.9'19T5] andKu1"t Ravel/ere members of tne Signal -
Intelligence Agency, SupY>eme Comman.d of the Armed Forces (Olrn!Chi)
who were loaned to Pel'S Z S in December 1943
after the Signal .
Intelligence Agency Supreme Command of the Armed Forces (OKW!Oh1)
had been bombed out of its Ber11n quarters. They worked on
Japanese and Chin.eseprobJems. According to Dr. ROhrbach, they
wel'e "de.f"1n1tely lower gl>ade personnel, and had come to be
tra1ned!5t>, There '1s some evidence that Rave and Hierer were
actually military personrlel.59
(4) Missing Persous. Most the key Pel'S Z S personnel
were taken
pl"Tsoner-at"J'.:3'chepplln or Burgscheidungen in April 1945.
Scherschmidt was later located through p/w sources in a
Heidelberg hospital. Other some of whom were known to
have been with the in 1945, were never taken.
. (aJ Specialist (Reglerungsra't.1.-Pr . Dr. Kasper
headed the RumanIan group in Dr. Paschl-r.e t 8 Subsectio.n. Listed
as having been among the original 1919 grouPI he became a
(Reglerungsrat) sometime prior to October 1940.
When Pers Z S Subsection was split
in With the main body (Stammabte11W1g)
in Berlin-Dahlem" He is not mentioned in the 1945 interrogations.
It 1s not known whether lie sought to elude capture by escape, or
whether he ifaS dead. His assistant (Ve:rtreter L 1riilhelm Menning,
also not taken
was included in the Pers Z S personnel who went
to Muehlhausen.
I 22, para 50
I 150,p 8
TF24.. Personnel list of October 1940
DOCIO: 3486663

( b) Senlor 5 Fried1'lch lUendol'fr.

Diendortt, one 0 the or gi 1 9 group, ,appears 'to have een
the Pel'S Z 5 on intelligence evaluation (Auswertung) .
and dissemination. _ During the interrogations no specific queries
were ra.ised concerning his activit1es. It 1s that:
Niendorff was no longer' wl th Pel's Z S 'in '1945. However, he or
his successor might have been able to throw some light on
intelligence value of the Cryptanalytic Section's
and it 1s to be regretted that no attempt was made to prooefurther
into his activities.
, <c) Prof. Dr"Horn. Under Dr. Paschke s direction .
Dr. Horn was responsible tor the Pel'S Z 5 files (AzDchlV).62 No
specific inf'ormatlon 1s available as to. their scope, other than
that they inc,ludedpersonalities $nd place names tram decodes,
and were amplified from newspaper clippings. Dr. Horn vas in the
group which went to Muehlhausen, and was never taken prisoner.
61TF 24 Job Specifications for 1941 Promotions
22 p 25
..,- - -
. ;

Cha.pter II. 'Intercept Control and Traffic Analysis
Sources of Intercept Material. .. 0 8
Intercept Control and Trafic Analysis . . . . 9
8. Sources of Intercept Material.- -Pers Z S had
one Intercept station under its own control,9 called the
LandhaUB, 1nDahlem. This station was used to prior-
ity links, such as Berlin-Ankara and Berl1n-Lisbon.
5 Pel's
Z S was dependent for the bulk of its intercept upon the
Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command of the
Armed Forces (OKW/Chi) I Goering vs 1lResearchll Bureau (FA)>>
,and the German Postorrice.
Traf'.flc \iaken by the intercept stations o.fthe Signal
Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command of the Armed '
Forces (OEW/Chi) at Lauf, Loerrach and Treuenbrietzen was
forwarded by teletypeJ probably via OKW. An examination
of message photocopies in the TICOM files shows that a
large of intercept tra.ffic vas in fact received from
these stations, as well as OXW/Chi/VIb, the section in the
Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command of the
Armed Forces (OXW/Chi) which specialized in the interception
of the press, propaganda. and news agency transmissions. Dr.
Paschke stated that Pers Z S may have had traffic from the
Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command Armed .
Forces (OXW/Ch1) intercept stations in foreign but
since in most cases the traffic was recopied before
t reached
Pel'S Z 5, there vas no indication as to its origin.
Traffic wa.s also rece1ved from Goering' So 1'ResearchI' .
Bureau (PtA) 0 The intercept stations are unknovn. At one
the traffic, both radio and telegraph, transmitted by
the German Postofice was forwarded to Pers Z S through
the "Research" Bureau (FA). Atter the "Research" Bureau
(FA) was bombed out, this traffic was received direct from
the Postoffice.
22 Para 103
22 Para 103
67I 22 ParlrJ. 103
DOCID: 3486663
9. Intercept Control and Traffic Analysis.-- There
was no mention of intercept controI or traffic analysis
in the interrogations or documents. There appears to
have been an attempt to keep a cheek on traffic depths
and the amouni; of garbled traffic.
In view
of the f'act that most of the Pers Z S intercept came
frornoutsidesources, and was taken on
diplomatic links which used fixed frequencies and rixed
call signs, it is doubtful if any serious efforts in
traffic analysis would have been profitable.
68T2038, Report on Polish Systems as of January 1, 1941,
referred to a Polish consular system which was unwork-
able,pe.rtly due to the poor condition of' the intercept
forwar'ded by the "Research" Bureau (FA). T2252, Report
of the Italian Group for the Year 1940, mentioned that
the Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command
Armed Forces (OKW/Chi) intercept totals had increased
markedly, and that many messages had been received which
had not been' taken by the "Researeh" Bureau: (FA) inter-
cept 8 "1; a tiona.
DOCID: 3486663
'. :
"'Charxtel' .III. .
:'l',: ..
. .1... ..
Oener'alPersZ BOrganizati.on for '. ..
. . .
" .. 11
bets,iled I,;,l'sting of. Successes '. .',
bY":-(f,pt.IDtries,o 10- e: 0 0. fj u 0 CI '0 0 '0' 0 0 (. D '" a 0 eli a- 0 '. co Cl Q C "0' 12
,';' '.. '.
,.1: _'"
.. "
JHJ the PeraZ S interna,l .)..
. to. have been established mOl"ein ,'.
ccnform:ttywith personalt"actors" than "tfit:::,. any logical
pIa.n. J:n orde);> properly to comprehend the section's. '. .
o1"ga.n1ZLt:ton for cryptans,lys1s, it 1a f'1rat to
the 'pcai tlon ot.the three leadel"s '!Iiithln the',
organ.1za tion. ' '. 'ii.'.
. Frc:U') aprotessiona1point ofv1evj waathe
undoubted dean of'tbe. o.pgan..1zs.tion. Its head for tWSllt'1 .
yeBYs it seems (While never in so many, '.,
1t!OI"ds) th30tin the years Just prior to 1945 he less, and
less of'. the group' s . DI'" P&8ehkes-. 't-yrBpped *.n .
mantle of his Italian successes a. mo:ra'e
forcefuJL persollslity,andapa:rsty me-mber.o seems to have ,. " .
usui'ped ,{ or been appolntedto t jmore 'and more ot
s administrative functions. At no point,
in the 1nterroogations or in >18 there a
ni'te to trho was head ot ....
in 1945. Perhaps there vas none$ but it seeJDf3
probabla that this role vas played byPasehke while; in'",..
9 ssen10ri ty and Pl'El stigel' no paper:
changes vere Kunze$' the leading
matieel , crypta;n.201yst of. the group$ only as
of a. .Withtl1iS Go'uivocal s1tuat10n as to leader-
ship.cli3'Srly in mind, i tis possible to outline the .
.' ol"'gan1zatlon.for,lyals with soma degree of undep":"
standing0 . .
DOCID: 3486663
a. !'1athematical and Linguistic Chart .
6-1, representing the Pers Z S organization as of Apr11J' 1945,
is in most respects an ideal representation. In point or
fact, there was in Pers Z SJ in April 1945, very little
which could be termed organization. There had not been ideal
liorklngconditionsJ' with all element,s of the Section located
in the same bUilding or same general area, since the evacu-
a.tion of Berlin in NoV'ember,v 1943. . .
in spite of deviations from the sought-tor
norm or ideal, through all the vicissitudes of
and re-evacuation, one cardinal orga.nizsticlnal principle
seems to been that mathematical
the initial solution of e3ttremely systems,
the solution of complex encipherments an.d additives, and
the application of machine techniques to problems,
should be kept from -eryptanalysls" roughly
defined a.s including current so ution of knmTn addi tive and .
enciphering reconstruction, translation
and publication. This principle emerges clearly in Chart
6-1.73 Ir Dr. Schauf:fler vere placed in charge of" a sub-.
section en.joying priluarily conaultat:tve and research f''Wlctions,
if Dr. Kunze vere placed in charge of a subsection-having .
mathematical-cryptanalytic activities; and if Dr. Paschke
were placed in charge of linguistic-cryptanalytic activities,
then a reasonably effective orga,nization was possible.
b .. ,chau:rrler I s Hesponslbili Scbaurfler t S responsl-
aside from some rather vague responsibilities as co-
head of Pel'S Z S (With Paschke) embraced theoretical research
on methods and publications, and'
consultation with the Cryptographic Section (Pel's Z Chi) on
the secUl-ity of the Foreign Office code and cipher systems.
His linguistic specialities vere Japanese and Chinese, which
group he'headed
under Dr. Paschke.
731 Appendix B. No conclusions can be drawn as to the
general administrative efficiency of this division. In at
least one instance (see T56, Pages 8,22), to be dif-
ferences or opinion betwE;en the mathematicians and the
guists as to the proper approach to a problem.
DOCID: 3486663
c. Subsection. This
Subsection consisted of a number of small linguistic groups,
organized along semi-linguistic or semi-geographical lines.
The group organization appears to have been varying
according to the intelligence and cryptanalytic priorities.
In general, it was organized into the follo'\'fing groups, with
group heads as -
1 Japan, China", rlr:tnchukuo 0 Sehauffler'
2 Ulllted states of America .. Z8strow
3 France, Belguim, Switzerland.. Holland... Brandes
4 Italy, Greece, Vatican &, USSR. paschke /
5: Turkey 0 "'. ".0 Q 0 0 .Scherschm1dt
6 Iran, AfhsnistB.n,Arabic States . Benzing
7 Rutna.nia .... c " 4' 0 0 _,0 ., 0 0 " 0 II (;I - ell Kasper
8 England and British Empire, /Spain,
Portugal & Latin-American. Hagen-
(9)'Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Jugoslavia
& Baltic ..Karst1en
, Personal considerations seem to' have played an im-
portant part in the organization of the work groups. For
example, Scherschrnidt was in charge or work on Turkish from
1934 until 1939, and the work on Polish systems from 1939
until March 1943. Dr. Benzing took over his responsibilities
on Turkish systems when Scher schmidt transferred to Polish.
When Scherschmldt returned to Pers Z S in September 1944,
he reassumed'responsibility while Benzing took
over a neWly created group which worked on Iran, Afghanistan
and other Arabic language systems.75 Scherschm1dt had
originally been in charge of work on Bulgarian systems, but
Dr. Karstien kept control or this work, as well as the re-
mainder of the Slavonic languages (defined as Jugo31avian,
Croatian, Polish and the BaltlcStates).
A" r
, 22, ppendix A. Such was the flUidity of organization
after 1943 that no_ chart can properly show group heads and
,group organization for more than a short period. For example,
Scherschmidt left Pars Z S from March 1943: until September
1944. Paschke headed the group which vas responsible for
Russian trafric, but, in point of fact, the traffic was never
tackled. For these rea.sons, the listing glven below will not
correspond strictly to the organization given in AppendiX A.
751 63, page 2; 1 103 page 3
DOCID: 3486663

d. Kunze's Ma.thematical-Cryptanalytic SuQsection. The

internal organization of Dr. Kunze's Matnematical-Cryptanalytle
Subsection has never been. precisel,- defined. A captured docu-
ment, dated January 18, 1941, listed six work groups, whose
responsibilities were, respectively, England, America,
Japanese Diplomatic, Japanese Mili tary, Gree.oe, and study ot
German systems(eigene Verfahren). The list of group heads
submitted by Dr. Kunze in April 194,5, also lncluded six names.
HO\1eVer, it is doubtful i:f the division of in
this subsection had remained constant for four years. From
available evidence, it seems more probable that Dr. Kunze's
Subsection had a loose internal organization which permitted
full concentration of needed personnel on the most important,
problems as theyarose.76 .
The Mathematical-Cryptanalytic Subsection had had its
own IBM machinery since 1942. This machinery wa.s used prin-
cipally in solution of' difficult additives and superencipher-'
ments, and not for bookbuilding pU!"poseso
At the end of the val" the installations included 20
punches, 10 sorters, 2 collators, 2 reproducers, 6 tabulators,
one multiplier, and additional special machinery. The most
useful special device vas the so called "automaton"", a l-apld
rdeciphering machine developed for use on the American Diplomatic
Strip Cipher.!7 Another machine, a type of comparator
(Spezialvergleichar), was developed to solve Japanese trans-
position ciphers by dragging the end or the message.through
the cipher text. 78 .
Five of the six group heads alone had worked on the solution
of the U. S. Diplomatio Strip System 0-2. See I 89, page 3
22, Para 147
DOCID: 3486663

(e) War-Induced Geogra.phical and Organizational Chazses.

In November, 1943, after the bombIng or" Berlin, the- PersS
organization was split up into three groups. The main body
(Stammabteilung Berlin-Dahlem), consisting of Schauffle1"' .
Paschke and most of the latte): i s Lin.guistlc-Cryptanalytic Sub-
section, remained in Berlin. Dr. Karstien took a part or the
Linguistic-Cryptanalytic "Subsection to Hirschberg 1n the
Riesengebirge. This group consisted of a part of Dr. Karst1enos
group (Bulgaria, Croatia and Poland, less Jugoslavia, vhich
was left in Berlin under Schimmel), a Japanese-Chinese party
under Dr. Olbl"icht" and Dr. Brandes 9 French language group
(Fr$nce, Belguim, Switzerland) under Miss Schrader, Dr. Brandes
being ill at the time. This group engaged in reconstruction,
current solution of the.more difficult additives and encipher-
menta, and the translation of less urgent telegrams.79 At the
same time, Dr. Kunzeus Mathematical-Cryptanalytic Subsection "
wasmoved to Hermsaorf in S11esia (Wilhelm Wander Schule).
This organization, knit together by a daily courier service,
unchanged until February 1945,. when the various groups
moved westward and southward to avoici the, Russian advances.
11. General Summarl of.Crlptana1;v:tic Successes.-- Con-
sidering the relatively small staff Which Pars Z S had; the
conclusion must be drawn that ita cryptanalytic Sllce,esses
were considerable. Work was done on systems from approximately
50 Of these 50 countries, appa:rently. only three
used diplomatic systems which completely def"led successful
cryptanalysis- Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Poland after
1943. It is easy to scorn the Pars Z S inability to solve
high grade machine systems, whether American English
Type X, or Swedish-Hagelin. Yet, vlththeir small statf, they
were able to read the 'Swiss Enigma fOI' a short period of time,'
and to solve the Japanese II machine. .
,As a diplomatic cryptanalytic agency, the investigator 1s
forced to conclude that its primary field, the solution of
foreign diplomatic codes, the agency evidenced an extraordinary
degree of competence. With the exception of Russian, sub-
stantial segments of the medium grade code systemsused.bythe
major powers were read. Engla.nd, the United states,' France,
Italy (wheI'e the greatest success vas achieved), Japan--
many-of' their diplomatic and ciphers were read. With
Appendix A
DOCIO: 3486663

Bulgaria, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland

Portugal and'
Poland (until 1942), nearly 100 per cent success was achieved.
In the case 04 the Latin American oountries, and the smaller
European and Near-Eastern nations, complete success vas
apparently achievable, insofar as limitations ot personnel
and a relativ'ely trivia,l message content might warrant. Ha:j;.
there .been be,cking from von Ribbentrop, had there not been
crippling jealousies at ,agency-head levels, there might
been even greater successes. For a more detailed consideration
of the agency'g cryptanalytic successes, see the breakdown by
countries immediately folloving.
12. Detailed Listing of Successes by Countries.-
a. Due to shortages of personnel and 1ntercept
difficUlties, it does nntseem probable that Pel's Z S expended
much effort on Argentine diplomatic systems. At least three
main codes were kfiovn, one or which, a rive-figure
110,000 group system, usually enciphered by the addition or
subtraction of a constant, was read almost without gaps. Two-
hundved forty messages decoded and publi8hed in 19420
b. The Pel's. Z S cFyptanalysts vere familiar
1n 1945 with:three readable Belg1ancodes. The.main systems
were four-rigure; one-part or part1allyalphabetlc codeslcon-
ta1ning approximately. 10,000 groups. They were usually en-
ciphered with a. daily changing bigram subst1tution
table. Three-hundred-seyenty-three messages were pub11ahed
1942,s small proportion of the total intercepted
. c. Brazi.l. Prior to 1943, 1nso:far as Ilmitations or traf'.tic
depthancr'personnel permitted, the Pel's Z S cryptanalysts seem -
to have read nearly all major Brazilian diplomatic codes. Three
sYStems in particular seem to have been read almost without
a five-figure, one-part, 165,000 group code (called
Bras. Bl
by the eo partially alphabetic,
82,000 group code (oalled B2"); and a five-figUl'e,one-
part, 100 000 group system (called "Bras; Z In). The basic
book for ft Bras B2
was availa.ble in. photostatic f"orm. Traf'rlc
totals fell off' sharply'after the rupture or diplomatio relations
in January , 1942, and1t was not indicated whether the.e&1'lier
successes vere continued.
801 172,para 17; D 16, Report # 4, Page 4
81 1
22, pal"'as 156-159, D 54, Report # 8 page 19
D 16 Report # 2 and Report # 4
DOCID: 3486663
d. Bulgaria. Bulgaria used two bas;ic five-flgure
35,000-40,000 group code books. .Both "ere one-part codes
repaglnated .for va,rlous 11nks,. used enciphered.
Goering t s i:Research'l Bureau (FA) ha.d provided photocopies
of the two books.83 Senior Specialist (Oberreglerungsrat)
Schersch17iidt stat?d that,jl from all major Bulgarian
links ware reado 84 .
a.Canada (See Un.1.ted Kingdom)
f. Chile. Little information i!3B.vaila.ble on successes
wi th Chilean systems after 19}+2. The one-part" two/tb:ree/
four-letter, 42,000 group code known as "Clave Solar" (Chilean
name.)wsSlread at least until la.te 1942, and posslbl'yunt11
the end of' the var. 85 .. .. . .
go Qhina. There is little direct information relative
to Pel'S Z S successes with Chinese systems., The tour-
letterand.f'our-figure codeswere apparently read until 1930.
Few details are available on thevork done from 1930 until
1938., At that point, york was only to be taken up
again ea.rly in 1941. .. . ..
Interrogations sho'.lred. that tvo three-letter codesJlone
mil1taI''Y, and the other an attache system, were solved. . .
Anothe1" three-letter system called II uti " was read in 1941-1942.
on the other hand, suggest a somewhat more extensive
success. From available evidence, however, this cannot be
verit1ed.87 ..
h. Czechoslovakia. It seems probable that Pel'S Z S did
not work on Czech diplomatic ays'tems. to D:r. Karstlen"
the systems used were one-time pads and unbreakable.
. i

8 . . .
3T2038, Film 8, Report 0' the Polish-Bulgarian Group,
August 13, 1941
84'1 103, Para 3
85 .
D16, Report # 4, Page 5. Miss Hagen, when interrogated
in September, 1945, did not mention tha. t the code had
become unreadable. I 172" Para 16
86 ...
I 22, Paras. 59. 60, 180
87 .. '
There is some evid.ence that all the Pel's Z S work vas not
mentioned. The three systems ment:l.oned in the text were
.\lIllti)wn at ASA. However an examinat1onor documents T197,
427, 1169, 1170, and 1172 suggests that there was some
sUccess in bObkbrea,lc1ng loTi th HNM (Chinese name) a major
dip1om8ticcode .
881 22, Para 71
DOCID: 3486663

, i. Eire (I:relandl. Considerable work was done on the

Irish dipIomst1e:Links to Berlin. The Irish used the British
Government Telegraph Code (GTC called i9B';'221' by the Germans),
enciphered by the use of substitution alphabets. This code,
a flve-lettel",one-part, 84,000 group system, had been
at Bergen 1940.
9 ,'. .
j 0 'England (See, Unl ted K1ngdomJ. '.',
, ,k. trance. The Z S success in solution of French
diplomatic transmissions vas con.siderable. Dr. Brandes stated
:In his' 1941 report that approximately 75 cent of French
diplomatic transmissions were diplomatic systems
were tour-figure, two-part codes, enciphered either through an.
additive system, or byblgram substitution tables. Manywere
compromised in 1940, and later, when they were deposited with
the German Armistice Commission at Wiesbaden.
1. Great Britain See United . .
m. Greece. ccord ng to Di't. fieuner, there vere three
main Greek diplomatic systems, all of' which vere read: an
five-letter code book (fifth letter for inflection
onlY')" carrying most or the traf"fic; an Wlenc1pl1ered rOUl'
. letter book, used.mainly :fortraftic.wlth Berne; and a tour-
figure book, used with blgram substitution, tor on
the Noscov, WashiMton, Cairo a.,n.dAnkara links. 91 .
no Holla.nd. Netherlands. Little information is available
relative to t e e1's Z woron Dutch systems. A 1939 report
listed work on a tour-letter, one-part code, and Q. figure code
convertible to a letter basic book. 92 . .'
o. HWlga::z. It is not known whethel'Pers Z S ever worked.
on BLtn.gsria.ncodes. In April, 1940., Dr. Paschke reportedtbat
'ne had discussed cooperation on systems with Fenner
an,d Sei:fert Pf, the S1Snal Intelligence Agency of the
Command Armed Forcss OXW'/Chi). He recommended that Pers Z S
attack the :five-figUl'e eodedes1gnated as nU-3"o93
1 172, Para 11, and D 16, Reports #3 and #4
D 54, Report # 5, page.13
22;1 Para 169. The repo:rts from the Lehmann Group (Gruppe
Lehmann) 'for 1939-1941 do not list such impressive successes,
although they imply that shortages personnel vere a strong
contributing raetor. See .
92T2050; Report on Dutch Systems
dated November 29, 1939
,93T2043, Report of the Group Austria.-Hungary, dated April,1940
DOCID: 3486663
. p.lran(Persia}. Dr. Benzing stated that all the
Irania.n systems were read. The Iranians. used three-letter,
12,000 - 13,000 group, one-part or reverse-alphabetic,
en.ciphered code books. 94 .
q. Italy. Work on Italian diplomatic codes was 11;1 out-
standing PersZ S From 1935 until late 1942,
with lapses as neY code books were introduced, Pers Z S
apparently read all Italian diplomatic codes. The
1940 reports from the Italian Group listed twelve en-
. ciphered or all of vThich were read. 95 The
work became increasingly difficult in 1942-1943, for the
Ita.lia118 introduced blfiramsubstitution over the additive on
the basic code books, If the basic books. had been changed,
thetrafflc would have been impossible to read". 9b Some
systems 'Were read arter the collapse in 1943. Mention was made
of 8 Badog11odouble transposition system which was never
solved.97 Dr. Paschke mentioned three systems
which were read in the latter stages or the war.98 .
. r. Japan. Pers Z S read the lower grade Japanese
system.s until 1934. Af'ter 1934 the Ja.panese "',ent over 1n-
to the use of a machine, (I1JB.. 48. ", or the "Red"
This machine was. solved in September 1938, and
read-ourrently-until February, 1939, When the tra..ff'icbe-
came unreadab1etthe Germans railed to realize that f new
machine,. the II Purple n machine had been introduced'. 99 A
major diplomatic code (known to the Germans as "JB-57) was
solved. at the end of 1941 and read for about two
years. This was a \wo-four letter book, enciphered by a
series or alphabets and/ o-F stencil transposition with nulls.
Some success was also achieved with other diplomatic systems"
particularly "JB (US JBA), a two/three letter code.
1 22, Para 166, and '1.'2052, Report of the Lehmann Group,
dated February 19, 1942 ..
Report Italian Group for 1940
22, Para 25 .
1 22, Para 168
Para 25
991 Para 19
22, Para 176
DOCID:' 3486663

Neither nor captured' ,

documents s ad muc light on thePers Z,Svork wlthJugoslav
It 1s only knO'tm that work was done on these
systems aTter 1940-1941.101 ' I
, t. ManelLU!"ia.. Manchukuoan systems vera handled by the
group whieili"orked on Japanese and Chinese systems. Little
,data is available on, successes.' A three-letter, Japanese-
language codebook)lenclphe1"ed 'With a f1f'!;een-pla.ce, trans-
position Shortages of personnel were always a
l1mi ting 'factor. 102 , ' ' ",
u. Mexico. No information' is available as to successes
wi th Me'xicansystems aftar 1942 The principal codes, "Pomos it ,
a one-parJt, five-letter code, e.udilXepit", a s1ml11ar system:,
both enciphered by substitution alphabets, vereread thPough
1942. The "Xepi t n book was comprolnised in, Novembe:r ,
although it had been brokenprlor to compromise.
3 '
, v.!_olsnd. Rela.tively little progress was made in so-
lution a.fter 1942. Dr. Karstien stated t.hstPolish codes
"were unbreakable in practice- there were too many of' them"
, they required too much work
The pr,inelpal Po11,sh '
(ct1,lled 91PD-l i9 by the Germans) JI an enciphered
two-part codal wa,sbroken in 1940 and read 100
per cent untilOetob<e1"JI 19L!-2, vent out of use.
w.', A .f'ive-figure, partially alphabetic, 50,000
group booK, (eaed t1302U by the Gel"'lllans) 'was read. nth some
succesS in 1941. Tvo other :five-figure, partia.lly alphabet1c,
61,500 group books vel'e compromised in Deeember, 1942, when a
basic book [called n20S
) was receivedfr-om the Signal Intelli-
gence of ,the Command Armed Forces (OKW/Ch1),. '
'After ,that ,time tne tra.ffic vas read 100 per cent. The work
done+n the 1942-1945 period does not S6?m to have been covered
in the ihterrogatlons.
lOlT20;a,'Report on JugoslaVia at the beginning the year 1941
6J' ,Report of the ManchU1"ian Group Q t beginning of 1941
l03D16 Report #4, Page 5
22, Para 72
6- r: ' '6
' 5.. Paraf:;:.5J1
l06D16JI Report's #1,#2II #3, #4
.,. ::,
DOCID: 3486663
x. Rumania. The Pers Z S work on Rumanian systems was
not the interrogations. Dr. Kasper and Menning,
the head and deputy of the Rumanian were
not captured... A one page report, signed by Kasper a.nd dated
1940, listed seven known diplomatic systems (called "RII-ItI7."
by the Ge:rmans), all fiile-figure codes, varylng from 70,000
to 100,000 andenclpheredby means of ten-place sub-
stitution tables. 07 No statement was made as to successes
in solution, but captured code book reconstructions indicate
an approximate 5 to 10 pe;j:' cent recovery on book gl"oUpS.
y. Russia. Work on Russian diplomatic systems does not
seem to have been a Pers Z Scommitment. Dr. Kunze made it
clear that Russian systems had been read up until 1927, but
that no success had-been achieved a.fter that time. Pre-
sumptively he had reference to the introduction of one-time
pads. Lt. C,010ne1 Mettig of' Signal Intelligence Agency of
the Supreme Command Ar'med Forces (OKW/Chi) stated that "after
a certain date fl. (which hecQuld not remember), no Russian
traffic was attempted, either by his agency or
., Pel's Z So 108
z. Scandinavia Norway, Dr. Mueller,
the nominal head of the Pers Z S Scan.dinavian stated
that he had worked on Scandinavian systems for about
months in. 1941. Afte:r> that, all the \<lork was transferred to
the Signal Intelligence Agenoy of the Supreme Command Armed
Forces (OIGf/Chi).
9 On the other hand; Dr. Rohrbaoh state.d
he had .ilJJJes,tigated' traffic thought to be Swedish Hagelin
for three months in 1941, and again in August; 1944. There
lsno the two statements, since Dr.
Rohr,bach worked in the Mathematical-Cryptanalytic SubSection
and Dr. Mueller was in Dr. Paschke's Linguistic-Cryptanalytic
Subsection. lID
l07n 54, Page 5 1940 Report of the Rumanian group
1081 22, Para 16; I 96, Page 14
I 22, Para 182
22, Para

DOCID: 3486663
aa. South Africa See United K.l
abo Spain. pparenty Ittle work was done on Spanish
systems. In 1941 and 1942, the only for which reports
are available, workwaa done only on '04" (German name), a.
four-figure, partly al
10,000 group code book. ,The
book was partially recovered.l 1 ' .
se. Switzerland. Generally speaking, a.l1 Swiss diplo-
matic sys,tems were read except the Enigma cipher machine.
That, too, was read for a time in 1941. The codes were
chiefly three-letter books, usually bi-lingual, enc,iphered
with a .series of substitution tables. New wirings of. the
Enigma were solved by cribs every three months. Subsequent
messages .were recovered from message texts.11
. ,
ad. Thai Siam). According to the 1941 and 1942 reports
iased by M ss Hagen's group, the main Thailand Code was a. one-
part, five-figure, 110,000 group English language code, used
bothenc1phered and unenelphered. It was read almost without . ' ..
'ae. Jurkey. Pars Z S started york on Turkish systems
arter the Conference in Most Turk1shdlplomatl0
trarfic was read. Three codes vere usuallyln use, changing
at monthly intervals. In 1944-194Sthe codas were ohiefly
one-part,w1th a cyclic additive, and were readily broken.
, ., af. United K1' dom ari tish Em ire. The principal
Pel'S Z S successes v_ mp re an r. 8_ diplomatic systems
wSl'eobtained on medium grade letter codes. The Government
Telegraph Code CGTC- "B22
by the Germans), used in
communication with Canada, Australia. (and also by Eire), and
another Government Telegraph ,Code ("B23 tl ),used solely 1'.01'
South African communications, were read. These were five-
letter, one-part, 84,000 group codes$ usually unenclphered.
. D16JI Report #4, Page 4, II 04II 'Was the Spanish name also.
22, Para 160, and D 54, Report # 8, Page 18
D 16, 'Report # 3, Page 2
I 22, Para 165; I 63

DOCID: 3486663
The former had been completely compromised ,at Bergen ill
1940. The four-letter, two-part codes (called "B25", "B30"
and "B31" by the Germans) had a more slgnit'icant message
content. "B25" and "B31" (the Foreign Office "R
\' '
were Considered most important by the Germans. The five-
Interdepartmental Cipher, also compromised at Bergen,
was 'Worked on in 1941 and 1942, the bulk of the ,work being
done by Goering's llResearch" Burea.u (FA).115
'ago United States of America. The Germans considered
their main-successes with AmerICan systems to have included
the solution off the Code (called "B3" by the Germans),
the Brc)<'wn Code (UB8")., and the State Department strip systems.
The Grey Code had been in use since June 1918, and the Brown
Code since 1938. Both systems were readable, the Brown Code
having been comprolnised in 1941. The Strip System was
partj,allyread'in +941, and the Strip system 0-2 was solved
early in 1943.
The strip systems mentioned were not
read currently, but only artera delay of monthso
ah. VaticaIl' The 1940 Report of the Italian Group
(paschke) made it clear that whileapPl"oximate1y 50 per cent
of the Vatican traffic could be read, the traffic was not
a, major Pel'S Z $ commitment. was made to a one-
part, three-letter code,:> enciphered by a transposition with-
in the groups, and to a one-part fi.gul'e code, enciphered by
means of substi.tution alphabets and a. sliding strip. Most
of groups were secured from Goering's "Research"
Bureau (FA) .117
115' "
, D16, Reports 'lf2, #3, 1/4; I 22, Paras 91-100; I 172 complete
I 22, Para 24; DF 15; Reports of the A Group 1919-1942
T2252, Report of the Italian Group for/the year 1940

>,co, .. ,.. ..

DOCID: 3486663

aj. Latin America.- Smaller States. Such was the se-
curity level or the systems used by the smaller Latin
American states that only limitations of content" inter-
cept aria personnel prevented.solution. Security levels
varied from plain language .(Nicaragua and Panama), to
. subs ti tution ciphers (Colombia and Venezuela),'
to enciphered codes (Bolivia and Peru). It does not appear .
:from the 1941 and 1942 reports of'Miss Hagen' sgIaoup that .
the main,Peruvian code was everreaA, although lack.ot traf!'ic
depth.and personnel shortages were important limiting factors.
In 1941 a five-figure, 78,000 group Bolivian code" enciphered
a letter substitution table, could be read with some .'. . .
ak.- Near ,Eastern Countries excludL Iran. and Turke ,.'
Little work was done on sys ems or ginatingin g stan,
EgyPt" Il'aq or Saudi Arabia. As was the case with the small
Latin American states,tra:f".f'ie was 'Usually inconsequentia.l .
in content, lacking in depth, and there vas never surricient
personnel to pe:rm1t exploitation. Some york to have
been done on Afghanistan, Abyssinia and. The available
invariably emp1.oyed on Turkish and
Iranian systems.
Baltic etate.s. There are no details on Pel's Z' 8 york
With work had apparently been done on
Lettish and Lithuanisnsystems before. these oountries wepe
incorporated into the USSR. Dr. Karstien stated
Lettish and Lithuanian systems weretranspos1tion ciphers,
singly or doubly enciphered; sometimes enciphered With a
V1genere substitution.
118D16" Reports #2, #3, #4
.1195ee v'ork sheets and reconstructions in TI062jlTI067, TI014"
TI068, TI077
22, Para 164
, Para 74
DOCID: 3486663
Chapter IVu Liaison and Collaboration with Other
Cryptanaly'tic Agencies

Introduotiono; .. III .. III .'. Cl 0 0 '3.D a " ... '6 .... IOi (Ie 0 II IIJ ...... 0 4 c;I 4: 1-3
Liaison. with the Signal Intelligence Agenoy of '
the Army High Command., (OKIeoI/Gdl'lA). 0 0 14
with the Signal Intelligence of
the Navy High Command (OKM/4SKL!IIIj ..... 15
'Relat1onswith the Signal Intelligence Agency of
the Commander in Chief of the Air Force (Chi
S'te"lle C'l : OBd:[,) ...... c 0 0 ...... " ...... _ ....... -. 0 0 ' o' 16
Relations with GceringWs "Research" Bureau.. 17
Liaison w1ththe Signal Intelligence Agency of' '
the Supreme Command Armed Forces (OKW/Chj.) .... 18
llialson 'tli th Foreign Cryptographers' and
tI " t'J .. II> (} 0 c 0 ':' 0' Ii' .... to Q II 0 0 ... 19
13. Introduction.--
"Liaison with other German cryptographic was
bad '. The Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme '
Command Armed Forces (OXW/Chl),snd Goering's "Research"
Bureau (FA) also worked on diplomatic systems and the
relat,ions of all tht'ee stations were ma.rked by jealousy
rather than by cooperatlon
"Ther;e vas no overall coordination of policy f'or the
various GermancryPtogI,s.phic bureaus. l?127 .
I 22, Introduction
I 143, Para 51
DOCID: 3486663
Statements of this nature abound in the TICOM material.
imply a gross amollllt of duplication, strong personal
'jea.lousies, and,occas1onaldownright inefficiency. However,
in many cases they do not represent informed opinion, a.nd
should therefore be treated with reserve. From the interro-
gations and the scanty documentary evidence availa.ble, it.
seems clear that the Pel's Z S relationships with other crypt-,
a.nalytic a.nd cryptographic agencies do not lend themselves
to generalization.. .
. The amount of collaboration varied markedly from agency
to ageocy.;There is no mention of cooperation with the Army
High Command (either with 1n 7/VI or OKlI/LNA) after 1941-1942.
Specialist (Dberregierungsrat) Tranow of the Signal
Intelligence Agency of the Naval HighCommanq (OKM/4 SKL/III)
apparently knew Dr .. Schauffler. There was some personal'
antipathy between Senior Specialist .( Oberregierungsrat) Voegele,
the principal cryptana.lyst. in the Signal Intelligence Agency
of the Air Force High (Chi Stelle, OBdL), and Dr. .
Kunze or Pel's Z S. These agencies, h01'/ever, had primary
cryptanalytic interests, of' a militsry na.ture.
Llaisoln with Goering! s nResearch" Bureau (FA) appears
to been extensive. Intercept material vas received from
the "Resear-ch
Bu:reau (FA), a.nd there was frequent crypt-
analytic collaboration, including exchanges or recovered book
'groups and additives.
The CQllaboration with the Signal Intelligence Agency,
Supreme Command or the Armed Forces (OKW/Chi), a.t least at
lower administrative and technical levels, appears to have .
. been the mClst extensive of Work was ,divided on 'various
systems, personnel were exchanged on a.t least two occasions,
and there j,'ss'dtne evidence that elements or the Signal Intelli-
gence Agency of the Supreme Command Armed Forces 'Were actually
Pel'S Z S from November, 1943, until March, 1945.
If collaboration with the Signal Intelligence Agency or the
Supreme Command Armed Forces apPears to have been good'on'
cJ:oyptanalyticmatters, the reverse ",as apparently the case
cryptographic matters and Foreign Office codes and
ciphers. weI'e at stake. Dr. Hue t tenhain., chief cryptanalyst
DOCID: 3486663
of the Sigr.llll Intelligence Agency of "the Supreme Command
Armed Forces (OXW/Chi) stated that:
1I0krf/Chi ,fas never allowed to know the deta.ils the
ciphers used by the Foreign Ofrice .. Even toward the
end, "rhen the:r-e vas a further attempt to.
eecur+ty OEJ1/Ch1, the africe would not
come into Selchow (Chief" of' Z Branch) strongly
.it, prefer-ring to rema:1n independent 1'1 .128 .
A .detailed account of Ij,ltlson aat1vitiesrolloW's.
14. th the 81 na.l 111:1elligence Agenqx of the
A1"ml 0 . G .N -- As polnted out 1n the Intro-
duction, there ",ras itt e in the va, of' coopel'at1oI! between
Pers Z S the Signal Intelligence Agency of the
command.and Dr. Otto Bug61sch formerly
or the Army High Command Inspectorate 7/VI (In 71vIL a pre- .
, .. 1944 agency" glvesthe only available inf'o:t:>mat1on. Dr. Bugg1sch,
worked in the French language g:i>oup in the High Command '
Signal Intelligence Agency
s Inspectorate 7/V1) from
November 1941, until August, 1942. During this period he
collaborated with Dr. Kunze of Pers Z S on a five
DeGaulle code. He also worked with Dr. Kun.ze on the Swiss
Enigma problem.
9 General Jodl
Ohief of the Armed Foroes .
Operations ,Starr, stated that he did not receive the Foreign
Office decodes. However, he ,knew in a general way of the
Pers Z S c.ommltment a.nd successes.130 .
Thlsgeneral lack of collaboration between Pars Z Sand
the Signal Intelligence Agency of the High Command (oKH/GdNA)
does not, however, point to any lack of coordination on ,higher
administrative levels, nor to jealousy and laak of cooperation
between the two They had essentially tvo distinct
and separate missions, one military and the other diplomatic.
There little or no need for a detailed collaboration.
31, Page 15
129 8 5. 6'
1 5 J Pa.ges ,
130 .
I 143, Page 5
DOCID: 3486663
. Liaison lJith the Intell:.!E1nee or the
Naval ms;l.9omma.jJ.d .Cmgy:4 SKLITI}. -- Like the my the
Navy hael I1ttleoccas1on t01lTork with Pars Z S. Their
respective problems and commitments were dissimiliar.
Admiral Doen1tz best Elummarized the situation vhen he
said tha,t he:
"had no lmowledge of the cryptanalytic bureaus. maintained
by the other ... As for civil he had
never tried to find out, they were or no use to him. "131
Senior Specialist (Oberregierungsrat) Trano'W or the
Intelligence Agency of' th,e Naval High Command (OKM 4/SlCL/III)
knew Sohauf'fler of Pel'S Z S slightly. Schauf'fler had once
given him some Japanese traf'fic.for examination, but Tranoy
had had time to study it.132 Miss Ragen in
1942 that the group had sent their results on British
oodes "B30
and to the naval agency, but had received
. nothing in return.133 Uncooperat1vethe Navy may have been,
but the Pers Z S cryptana1lsts were to be unaware ot
message content in terms of intelligenoe. The possibility
that the "B30" and "B31" messages might been of no interest
to Naval intelligence apparently did not oocur to Miss Bagen.
16. Relationshi s with the 81 nal Intelli enos A eno '
of the Commander- n- .--
Li e Ie Ar-my and t e svy, t e Air Force was primari Y'
interested in messages emanating from its allied counterparts.
Diplomatic traffic would probably have lain outside: 'its scope
of interest. There 8re, however, two examples or'Pers Z 8-
Air Force colla.boration in the signal 1ntell1gencef'ield.
The f1rst dates back to 1939. According to Dr. Sobautf1er,
Dr. Kunze orPell's Z 8 wa.s approaohed at that time bI the "Luf't-
waff'ti n tor assistance wi th Br1tlsh weather- ciphers.}4 Nothing
is known 8S to the extent 01" the success of the ensuing
I'll Para 26
147, Page 2
1331 172; Para 14
134 .
I 22, Para 22. It is assumed that Schauffler meant the
Commander-in-Chief' of" the Air Force fOBdLL rather than
the "Research" Bureau (FA) in the Air Ministry.
DOCID: 3486663
The second instance of collaboration was noted by Dr.
Huettenhain of the Intelligence Agency of the Supreme
Command Armed Forces (O,}l/Chi). His letter of July 27, 1943,
speaks for itself.135
"Tlu"ee 't4'eeks ago adlscusslon \las held in the Foreign
Ofrice between Dr. Kunze (of Pers Z 8),
Reg1erungsrat Dr. Voegele (chief Air Force cryptanalyst)
his willingness to cooperate on the
"MUO" (German name for a U. S. Strip System) and Dr.'
KtUlze undertook to provide thE! material.
rtVoegele vas held orf for a fortnight. When he pressed
for the production of promised material, Dr. Kunze
stated that he had changed his mind and would not pro- .
vide the material, as Dr. Voegele had made disparaging
remarks about his work
"Suggestion: LIV (unknown) or the head of OK'vf/Chi
should arrange With Paschke for the already planned
collaboration of Pers Z S with Chi Stelle OBdL actually
to come into force. Should Pers'Z S not consent, Chi
will terminate the agreement with Pers Z S to get a
rree hand, so that Chi can'collaborate with Air 11
Thls incident is not mentioned in either the Pers Z S
or the Voegele interrogations. It does suggest that the spirit
of cooperation between Pers Z S and the Signal Intelligence
Agency of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force (Chi Stelle,
OBdL) was not all that it might have been.
D 60, .Page 5 It must be remembered that Pers Z Shad
the U. S. Diplomatic Strip System 0-2, and that the
Air Force was interested in simi liar systems (such as
CENF.B) used by the USAAF and not in "0_2
-----_.. _---- ..
DOCID: 3486663

17-. with Goering's. (RAl.--

"Captain Oschmarm. mentionedan by his
chief, Korvettenkapitaen Patzig, to the effect that
all cryptanalytic with the Forschungsamt
should be dropped, since cryptanalytic work did not
belong the province or the Forschungsamt."136
This tIDsigned letter, dated February 23, 1934, wss
probably written by Dr. Paschke. It was :found in a 'file
which dealt with Pers Z, S-Reichswehr collaboration. It
probably does not represent the then prevailing Pers Z S
at.titude, but it does con.stitute the first :t'eference in the
Pers Z S materia.l to this new "third competitor", Goering'S
"Research" Bureau (the Forschungsamt, a.bbreviated FA).
The later material bearing on Pers Z S-"Research
Bureau relationships is tragmentary. It consists of scattered
references in Pers Z S cryptanalytic reports, none later than .
1942" a.nd the interrogations made in 1945. ,
is author for the statement that tithe Foreign
'Ortice had continuou!31y tried to interfere" (With the "Research"
Bureau)137 No dates are given and his statement may have
been motivated by his antipathy to von Rlbbentrop. Be also
said that "both agencies covered precisely the same field!
and there 'was unfortunately almostcomp1ete duplication" .38
Dr. Paschk,g 9 s statement that, in general; "there was less
liaison with the "Research" Bureau than with the Signal Intelli-
gence Agency' of Supreme Oommand Armed Forces (OKWIOhi ) "
seems to he the best summary.139 .
DF 17, T3273
Letters on Proposed Foreign Oftice Defense
143, Para 59
I 143" Para 49
139 '
I 22, Para 101
DOCID: 3486663
Pera Z S received a certain amount :orits from
the ttResearch
Bureau. The names and locations of the intercept
stations were unknown. Until November, 1943, when the "Research"
'Bureau was bombed out, it acted as the forwarding agency for
trarric lntercepted by the German Postoff1ce, both :radio and
trarr1c. Thereafter the Postofficeforwarded
intercept ma.terial to Pers ZS direct.
There 1s little evidence bearing on an official liaison.
Seifert of the "Research" Bureau is author for the statement'
that intelligence produced by the Bureau 'Was dis.,
tr1buted to "all departments, including the Foreign Office
At some of these departments we had liaison officers".141
In another interrogation a Dr. Gerstmeyer 1s mentioned as the
'''Research" Bureau-Fopeign Qf.fice Liaison Of:f'lce:r (Verblndungs-
mann).142 SaueJ.'f'bler of' the "Research" Burea.u stated that
"liaison with the Foreign Off1ce was handled by a single
representative, and involved any exchange of v1sits by
operations personne1

3 -Unfortunately, the interrogations
do not state,whether this liaison was
or of an intelligence dissemination nature. The latter
8ss'umption seems more probable. There 1s no statement as to
whether Pel's Z S itself wa.s ever a direc't bene:ficiary of' this
From the Pers Z S side there is excellent, albeit scattered
I evidence that there vas a techll1cal liaison of sorts. Both
the "Research
Bureau and Pers Z'S were invited to attend as
guests the meetings of the unofficia.l A!'my-Air-l\lava1 co'"
Dr. Paschke of Pers Z S ev.idently
1401 22 Para 103
4 $
1 II 25, Page 2
, I 54, Page 4
162, Page 4
Para. 11
DOCID: 3486663
Ministerial (Ministeria.ldirigent) Schroder of
the "Research" Bureau. Senior Specialist
Brandes, head of the French language group, in Dr. Paschke's
Pel's Z S Subsection, reported in 1940 that he was respons1bie
for his group's liaison with the "Research" Bureau.l45
statement about "very close with Pel'S Z S
to avoid'unnecessary duplication" takes on additional credi-
bility when the information on liaison is examined'
in detail (See Sub. Para. a. following).' .
, Out of this sketchy eVidence, several very tentative con-
clusions may be formed for the period 1940-1942:
a. There was extensive duplication of effort between
Pel's Z S and Goering' 8 1'R;9search
Bureau (FA).
b. There was some sortor official liaison between
Goering'S "Research" Bureau and the "Foreign O:ffiee",
exact nature and extent unknown.
c. On the technica.l level, there was apparently fair
amount of liaison. Where both agencies were working
"on the same problem, there vas some exchange of
information. Where solution vas achieved, there Were
.frequent exchanges of keys.
It is not known whether the situation outlined in
Paras a-a above still held at the end or the war.
Detailed Listin,g of Pers U-F'A Collaboration by Countries:
111 Bulgaria. .
A 1940 reportrrom the Pers Z S Bulgarian Group
that Goering's "ReSElSl"ch
Bureau (FA) had furnished them with
photocopies of two Bulgarian codes.1
145 4
D 5 Report #5, Page 13. While Dr. Brandes had over twenty
years of seniority in Pers Z S, it does not seem that his
stanciing in the agency was suf'ficlent to permit him to en-
gage in of the non-technical, J)olicy-formational
146T Report on BulgariaJ> January 1, 1940.

DOCID: 3486663
(2) and the British EmplJ:"e.
CaJ Five-Figure SIstema
. Halvien, neaa 01' the Pel'S Z E1'l81ishGroup, has
stated that' there vas no liaison u1th the "ReaeaJ,"ch
Bureau (FA) except on the' subject or the Interd.epartmental
Ciphers." Pel'S Z S did not vork on this c1ph61' af'ter the
summer ot 1942; .but received sections or the additive sequences
tromtho' "Resea:rch" Bureau (FA).147
(bl . Code B20 .,'
'"In February, 1942, at,the request or Senior Specia11st
(ORR) 'Waechter of the "Research" BUl'eau (FA), an attempt was
made to establish contact with the "Research" Bureau (FA);
whioh, did not get beyond a general exchange ot ideas. The
onl,. concrete results vere that the "Research" Bureau CPA)
placed at our disposal a list ot approximately 50 "830"
recovered groups 0 "148
(c) Code B22 .
. 'l'hiscode, ca'Iled the Government 'l'elegraph vas
used by the Irish Government for diplomatic commWl1cations,
an enc1pherment by substitution alphabets. The "Re- .
search" Bureau (FA) solved the keys used on the Berlin and
Madr1.d links 'in 1943. Pars Z Stook ove:r the keys from the
"Research" Bureau in 1944.
9 , .
(3) France
(a] Code 19
Mention vas' made of' the Pars Z S work in 1941 on a
OOOg:roup f'igUltecode designated as "19". The first so-
lution l,as aclUeved by the IiResearch" Bureau, usi!l8 captm-ed'
which vere later turned over to Pars Z 8.150
147 '
1,172, Para 13,
148 '
149 '
150 ' .
D54" Report #8,
14; Dl6, Reports #3 and #4
page 1
Page 18
DOCID: 3486663
(4) !ta1x.. "
There was a fa:i.rly extensive Pel'S ZS "Research" Bureau
(FA) cooperation, on Italian systems, at least through 1940.
The "Research" Bureau intel'cept ,vas made a.vailable to Pel's
Z 8.
51', April, 1939, through there was a regular
exchange of enclphermen.t tables4 In September, 1940", and
in November, 1940.., there was a mutual exchange of' boqk groups
on two codes, na.mely "AR 38" and "RA 1".152
(5) Poland.
Two 1941 documents indicate that Pers Z S was receiving
Polish intercept from the "Resea1"ch
Bureau at that time, snd
that both were working' on a secondary consular system,
, unnamed. 153
( 6) Scand1navia. ,
Dr. Mueller of Pars Z S stated tha.t he "had some un-
oifie1s,l with the people intha "Research" Bureau
who were working on scandina.vian"" but spec1fles no dates
for this collaboration.
(7) Spatn. '
,The 1942 Pars ZS report from the Spanish Group mentioned
several Spanish systems on which no work was done and added
thstfltheVlResearch" Bureau held the opinion that machines were
employed. "155
(8) Switzerland.
(a) Swiss Enigma
In his 1941 report Dr. Brandes mentions solution of the
Swiss Enigma. Apparently the "Research
Bureau i"urn1shed
Pers Z S with a partial solution, which Dr. Kunze was able to
complete. Thereafter there was an exchange of' keys between the
two aRencies.
151 ,.
T 2252, Annual Report of the Italian Group for 1940.
, l53T 2038, Situation Report of the Polish Group, January I, 1941
22, Para 182
, Page 4
4, Report # 8, Page 18

DOCID: 3486663

(b) !hrea-Letter
The same report mentions a 2304 grouP9
code in the same repoItt. These tables were fi:rst solved by
the "Research
and later by Pars Z 3.157
( 9 ). 'rhai land.
At the beginning or 1942 the Thailand Code was turned
over to the ffResearch"Bureau for copying.15
flO) ,I
While Pers Z S did some work on Vatioan systems, the
1940 report indicates that most oftbe idents on Vatican
systems were received from the BUl"eau.
59 Code
values exchanged in 1939 on an unidentified Vatican
of the
the Army> with its military 1s dependent
for transmission of its reports upon the cipher systems
of the Foreign Office, it has a departmental interest 1n
the seclU"i ty of diplomatio systems. It was suggested that
close cooperation vould be in the mutlwl interest
, regarding breaches of security 1n the handling of
This statement, dated February 12, was taken from Dr.
Pasohke's notes. It documents the first known example of
Z-ml1itary an improved oipher
securi ty. It is not known whether the intent and doctrine
stated here ever advariced the discussion stage.
4, Page 3
of the Italian Group for 1940
6, Report #
T2252, Annual
161 .
DF 17, T3273, Page 3
, I
DOCID: 3486663
The picture sho1,fS strong F01"eign Office
(Pers Z) intransigeance in the mat.ter of the Signal Intelli-
gence Agency of the Supreme Command Armed Forces' (OKW/Ch1) ,
attempt to act as the senior German agency on all matters
pertaining to security, and code and cipher compilation. In
Octobel", 194311 the Supreme Command. of the German Armed Forces'
promulgated an order under which no code or cipher was to be
employed in Germany without the prior consent of the Signal
Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command Armed Forces
(OKW/Cl1i). In August, special section (Gruppe IV)
was created to coordinate the work of all departments in the
armed forces which interested in cipher matters.
From September, 1944, until January, 1945, special bi-weekly
conf'erences on security vere held under the .chairmanship of
Dr. Huettenha1n of' Agency of the Supreme
Command Armed Forces (OXW/Chi). purpose was to achieve
"unity among all German authorities using cipher systemf3",
out of them grew the unofficial Army-Navy-Air coordinating
3 While Dl". Huette:hhain could state With pride
that the conference and the committee officially confirmed the
of the Si
nal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme
Command Armed Forces \OKW/Chi) as the main authority on
cipher matters, it did not have any real powers. Recommen-
. dations could be made, but there was no to comply.
Furthermore, only service covered.
. .
Foreign (Pel'S Z) representatives werelnvited to
attend the meetings as guests .. Usually Hauthal of the Crypto-
gra.phic Section (Pers Z Chi) or Dr. Schauffler attended. Both
Dr. Huettenhain and Lt. Col. Mettig that the Foreign
Office went its own way in cipher security. Mettigis author
of the statement that t.he Foreign Office "remained aloof and
would not cooperate, as it was not prepared to let other
authorities see its ciphers".l65 Dr. Huettenhain's statement
Page 13
84, 4; I 176, Page 10
Page 13
DOCID: 3486663

is l'equoted here':
"OKW/Chi was never allowed t.o Imow the details of the
eiphi9rs used by the li'oreign Office. He (Huettenpa,ln)
knew that one-time pads 'fere used, and he had one met
Schau:rtler and Hauthal. Even toward the end 1-1he"'n there'
was a further attempt to cel)tralize security under the
Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command Armed
Forc,es (OKW/ChiL the Foreign 01'1"1ce would not come into
l1ne. Selchow opposed, it, preferring to re-
main independent. "166 . .
On the other hand, there is one instance of Forelgn Office
usage of equipment and systems by the Signal Intelli-
gence Agency or the Supreme Command Armed Foz-ces (OKW/Chi).
Dr. Schauffler noted that the Foreign Office used the Cipher
Telepr1nt,er (Geheimsehreiber). The Signal Intelligence Agency
of the Supreme Command Armed Forces (OEW/Chi) was responsible
for the security of this device, having developed it and
furnished it to the Foreign Of'flce.
b.Cryptanalytlc Cooperation.
The Pars Z S7Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme
Command Armed Forces (OKW/Chi) relationships in the crypt-
field contrast sharply With the collaboration, or
lack in the cryptographic field. Both
organizations considered diploma.tic codes and ciphers as a
primary commitment, with military attache systems as the ex-
clusive province of the Signal Intelllgence Agency of the '
Supreme Command Armed Froces (OXW/Chi). Since the S1&nal,Intelli-
gence Agency or the Supreme Command Armed Forces (OXW/Ch1)
vas junior in the field to Pars Z 8, a greater degree of
jealousy and a lesser amount of cooperation might have been
expected. However, from available sources it seems clear that
31, Page 15
22; Para 115
DOCID: 3486663
the cryptanalytic collaboration between the two agencies
was the mbst extensive and probably the most successful of
all the PEtrs Z S cooperation ventures. Duplication there
was, and too much of it, but 'it is probable that this
. duplicat.ion ioTas furthered by the att.itude or jealous
secrecy at the tOy of Pers Z, and a certain amount of
level resentment at encroachments on a f::l.eld '\-lhich
once been exclusively the possession of Pers Z 5.
Keitel, perhaps the most objective of the top leaders
interviewed by TICOM (but also palpably uninformed on '
.technical matters), characterized the Foreign
"extremely secretive and jealous about anything their
b-ureau produced... . Von Ribbcsntrop always wanted to keep it
strictly to himself. 11169 Rave, Hierer and Grosse, who were
on loan to Pers Z S from the Signal Intelligence Agency of
. the Supreme Command Armed Forces, (OKW/Chi) remarked on the
.duplication existing, and commented that Fenner arid Paschke
vorked to avoid it. "Their efforts were not regarded with
favor by Selchow-II who thus appears again in the role of
obstructionlst.170 Senior (Oberreglerungsrat)
Scherschmidt ot Pars Z 5, a veteran of 25 years crYPtanalytic
service, held a poor opinion of the Signal Intelligence Agency
of the Supreme Command Armed Forces (OKW/Chi) translations
in the Turkish ,field, and thought. their !'esults wele dis- .
proportionate to the number of persons involved.
Dr. Rohrbach
of Pel's Z S was more than a little scornful tOvlard the loaned -
personnel, charaoterizing them as haVing a level of
capability that .the regular Pel'S Z S members.

See DF l7j T3273
I l43,para 37
I 22, Para 56
103, Page 3
22 50
, Para .
DOCID: 3486663
Assuming that some duplication and aome
jealousies did exist, the 0'Ve1"a.11 pietu:re of' the Pers Z S
relationship with the Signal Intelligence Agency of the
Supreme Command Armed (OXW/Chl) is reasonably goodo
In the first place, Dr. Paschke and Principal Specialist
Fenner of the OKW Signal Intelligence
Agency were old friends, both having been born in St.
73 By virtue of thei:!? positions these men were
in a position to elimina.te a substantia.l amount or dupli-
cation and friction. For when Pars Z S solved a
new system which had a content dealing with non-
diplomatic matters, it was handed over to the Signal Intelli-
gence Agency of the Command Armed Forces (OXW/Chi)
for exp10itation.
In 1940, atter Pars Z S had worked
on Scandinavian s.ystems for months, all Scandinavian
was transferred to the Signal Intelligence Agency of the
Supreme Command A:rmed Forces (OKW/Chi) 0
15 . , ,
, There were exchanges of the exact extent of
whioh cannot be determined. Keitel is author of the state-
ment that he "had put a :feW' people at the disposal of'
von Rlbbentrop o at theoutbl'eak the wazo."176 This
group of people may well have worked on Chinese systems, for
Schautf.ler mentioned that at the beginni.:n...q;of' the war Chinese
was taken up again, With the collaboration of' the Signal
Intelligence Agency the Supreme Command Armed Forces (OXW/
Chi), which supplied the personnel.
77 Rave, Hierer and Grosse
of the Chinese Group vere all Signal Intelligence Agency of'
the Supreme Command German Armeq Forces (oKwlchi) personnel,
loaned to Pers Z S in 1943, to assist on Chinese

1731 112, Para 11. It is nat intended to imply that Fenner'
and Paschke collaborated closely at all t1meso Questions
of agency policy must have overridden friendship. For
example, Fenner did not approve of contributions by Dr.
Huettalilia1n to Dro SchaufXler's' reports (131
Pa.ra 52)0
The mili tal"y s,:zoe also ,mown 'to engaged in a. certain
amount of cryptanalytic body-snatching. For example, a
certain Rudolf,Kochendoerf'er, a leading mathematical
cryptarmlyst under Dr. Kunze in 1941, up as a cor-
poral in OXW/Ch1in 1945 I 116, Page 8
22, Para 106
, Para 182
1 143, Para 37
22, pars'20
._- -----
, .
and Ja.panese tra.f.fic. . Zastrow, th: 8 expert on)
u. s. was on one occasion loa.ned to the Signal
Agency of' the Command Armed
(OXWjChi) t.o work in thei:r British-American
As po:tnted out in the Introduction, there is some in-
conclusive evidence that parte of the Signal Intelligence
Agency of the Supreme Command Armed Forces (OKW/Chi) may
have been lactually housed with Pers Z S. Keitel and
Sehauffler (cf. supra) mentioned a fairly extensive col-
laboration on Chinese at the beginning of the war. In his
interrogation Ravemight have implied that, in late 1943,
after the bombings or Berlin, the Chinese Section of
the Intelligence Agency of the. Supreme Command Armed
Foroes lOlCW/Ohi) vas at 1m Dol, Dahlem,. the Pers Z 8 ad-
dress. 179 .
Lt. Col. Mettig stated that, thebomb1ng,
"Parts OKW/Chl were acdomodated '"lith the. Foreign
Office.. Thus, in March, 1945, when OXW/Chi was
moved to Halle-Nietleben, \ the eqUivalent parts of the
FOIteign Of.fice accompanied it. These depa.rtments
vere thence to move to Eilenburg. "180' \
Eilenburg 1s 10 miles from Zschepplin, the final location,of
:8 large part of-the ZS personnel. An unidentified part
of Pers Z 8 was at Hal1e-Nietleben, and subsequently moved
on toZschepplln.
Since the, senior member of the OXW/Chi
group was 1st Lt. head of the Japanese Section, it
might be assumed that the Pers Z SJapanese-Chinese section
was the "party" mentioned.
22, Para 84
1 22, 52. "Rave had joined the OKW in October, 194.1.
He was first at Tirpitzufer 72-76 until it vas bombed out,
then at.lm Dol, Dahlem." This same failure to dissociate
Pers Z,S and is apparent in I 150:, Page 8, where
Uftz. Beyreuther mentlonedRave and Bierer as OXW/Ch1
members, both with military ranks.
96, Page 5
, Page.7
DOCID: 3486663
In summation, it can be 'said that:
The liaison between the groups
in Pel's Z,S and the Signal Intelligence Al5ency of
the Command Armed Forces (OXW/Chi) appears
to have been close.
There is some evidence that, November, 1943,
until the end o:fthewar, the two groups maY' have
operated as one.
In other respects, the collaboration between the Signal
Intell1,gence Agency of the Supreme Command Armed Forces ,
(OKW/Chi) was also sa.t1sfactoryo Certain ,problems wette tackled
on a cooperative basis, with a division o-r 'tlorko ' On the '
American State Department Strip Cipher ("0-2"), the Signal
Intelligence Agency of, the Supreme Command Armed Forces Coxw/chl)
worked on the point-to-point traf:fic, whi1e,Pel's Z S worked
on the circular tra.ff'ic,.182 In the, case or the Japanese, "Red"
Machine,Pers Z S Yorked on traffic from even days while the
Signal Intelligence Agency or the Command Armed Forces
(OKW/Ch1) worked on odd days. 183 Results were exchanged. When
the Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme 'Command Armed
'Forces (OXW/Chi) was bombed out in November, 1943, it seems
to have made good use of the Pars Z S, until its own
wOl"king materia.l could be replaced. Tribute vas paid by Colonel
Kettler to the "good relations, both personal and professional, .
with Foreign Office, vb1ch were xhen of great asslstance."184
A detailed 11stlngofknown examples ot Pel'S Z 5 collabo-
ration vltb the Signal Intelligence Agency o:f the Supreme
Command Armed Forces <OKWIOhi) follow
1 31, Para 52
31 31,' Para 53 It 1s worthy of noting identical
"modus vivendi" was in ef:fect from 1940to 1942 between the
u. 8. Army and the U. S. Navy: This sort ot "arrangement"
was vOl'ked out in the U. S. by the "p:rB.ct1cal people" a.nd not
by the technical people ooncerned-- no doubt 'the German,
equivalent, was worked out by the oorresponding
people! .
184ziP/sao, June 1945", page 3. OKW Aotivity Report tor
January 1, 1944, to June 25.11 1944.
DOClD: 3486663

(a) 'Brazil;
code. After Pars Z S had recovered a.bout 2,200 groups; SCOPi
of the original book was ,received OKW/Chi.
, (b) , and the British Empire. " . " ,
Themerdepartment .clpliezv, a 1'ive-rigure system. ,
::"Pers Z S c;iid not vor,lc on this system after the SUDm16r ot ,
1942 or early 1943. However, OKWjChi furnished a copy the '
captured and the solved $ddltive sequences to Pers Z 5.186
:2. Code B30 ' .
This vas 'a ,tour-f'lg4z'e, two-part code. At the beginnins
of Novetiiber; 1942, about '750 groups vere turned over to OJnlI
Chi tOl"copylng. ' Idents 'Yere also furnished to ,Pel's Z S by
OlGl/Chi.lay , "
3. Code B31 ' , "
This V8S another f"our-f'lgure; tvo-part code (possIbly the
For'sign Ottice R Code of 1941 ?). , In August, 194'2, Pera Z S
turned over about 1500 solved groups to OXW/Ch1. Thereat"ter a
regular of solved groups vas the '
two, agencies.
' . '
4 Code B220 '
" This urafJ a :five-figUre, one-part code, known to the Brtt1sh
as the Government Telegraph Code. , It was also used by Eire tOrt
d1plomat1e tran$m1ssions. Pel'S ZS gave OXW/Chi all the Irlsh
substitution and keys on this code.189 " ,
5016 Report #2 p }
1861 para 13; .D 16, Repo,rt #2, p 1
187' ,'.
,I 172, para 14; D 16, Report #4, p 2
18Bn 16, Report #4, P'2
172, para 14
DOCID: 3486663
. i'
(0) ': . ,
1940 Dr Paschke conferred 1;T1th Fenner and Seifert
of oxw/ckd with reference to initial PersZ S work on
Hungarian systems. It vas that Pers(Z 8 should,York
on the' system designated as U3" 0 It is not known whether or
any was Instltuted.
90 .
Cd) , '
Pars Z S apparently considered itself the senior partner
'. in the coope:ratlve eff'ort unde::rtaken on Italian sistems. The
1939-1940 reports from the Ita.lian group mention that Pel's Z S,
had broken the Italian diplomatic codes af"terOKW/Chi .
and the Austrian cryptanalytic organization had said the work,
was impossible, that OKW/Chi' had no ,success when the exchanges
ot book groups and enciphering tables were terminated.. etc.
The reports imply that Pel's Z 3 considered its collaboration
with Gosl:"inglls "Research" Bureau more :fruitful than that with;
. OKW/Chi . a1though the ; OKW'/Chi vas considered to be '
At the end of' 1940 OKW/Chi and Pel's Z S exchanged
book groups on 4 codes, and thel'e yas a current
solved encipherment tables. "
, There is little information covering the years 1941-1945,
but Dro 'Deubner's statement that "there. vas close cooperation
wi th OKW/Chi on Italian problems 1s probably
.' (e),
,y:').. JB 57
":::JB 57 was a major Japanese dlplomat1.c code. Toward the
end of Pars Z Sand OXWjChi, working independently, solved
the first daily keys.19
2. JlRed"Machine. .
. Pel'S Z S 'Worked on the evert days" while OKWICbi Yorked on
,the odd days. 195 ' . '.. ' /,'.
190T 2043, Film 9, Report of the GrQup Austria-Hungary.. dated
April 4, 1940 I
T2252,' ,.,' .. , \ .f'
T Report ot the Italian Group tor the Year' 1940
193 ".
. I 22,' Para 172
D76, Film 41, 1941 Heport ot the J'apan-Manchukuo-Ch1na Groupo
1 31.. Para 53
DOCID: 3486663
.(f) M.exico.
This five-letter code vas compromised when OXW/Chi
turned! oveI'" a photocopy to Pel's Z S on l'iovembel" 25, 19420
. Pel'S Z S had broken it on the day. 196
(Il) , ,Portupl!! 0

OKWjChi gave Pers Z S a.photocopy or. this five-figure
code book on December 14, 1942. Berore the compromise, there
. bad been a regular exchange of group meanings.l97 . .
(h) Russia. .
There vas no confirmed example or Pel's Z S OKW/Chl col-
laboration on Russian systems. In February, 1934, there were
Re1chsvehr-Pers Z 8 discussions on Russian military sistema.
Lt. Colonel Mettig stated that t1a:fter an unknown date OKW/
Chi did not york on Russian diplomatic traffic.
, "

Rave" Hlerer a.nd Grosse said there had been "some co-
operat1<)n on TUl"'kish" eal"l,. in 19430
196 . .
D16, Report #4, P 5
. 197D16J Report #4, P 3
198! 96, Para 14
22, Para 56
IntrOduction, p 4
pages 5, 6$ 8
DOCID: 3486663
(j)' ,United of America.
"1 C d 'i'iZl);
0 e .DQl'.','..
Th1s-.f1ve-letter code (ealled Alby the State Department)
was solv:ed .in Septembezo
1939. .A photocopy vas reoe1ved ' .. ,
trom OKWlObi in 1941.
, 2. Code B7 ' " ' ,
There 1s no d1rectmentlon of liaison on this system
Pel'S Z 5 personnel appeared to be cognizant of
the status of
, solution at other agencies, lnclud1.n.g OKW/Ohi. OI .
,. Code B8 ,
. At tne end of June, Pel's Z S received a copy 9f this
code (the Brown Code) from OKW/eb.1. ' '
4. "SV" Di lomatic Str1 S sternOl '
"In t e summer 0 I 1 Pars Z'S received from OKW/Chi a
photocoPY,of the instructions 'tor use, and 4 series of strips,
which deciphered a number or messages." This appears to have
the Strip Device M-138A.
3 In the ease of one (unidenti-
fied) U. S. Strip the Intelligenoe Agenc:r, ot
the Supztema Command Armed FOl'Ces (OKWIChi) worked on point to
point tl'af':fic$ while Para, Z S lDorked on circular traffic. 205
.Liaison with Agencles.-- All
the Pers Z 8 personnel unanimous in stating
that they had never collabo:rated in any va.:r with foreign
(Finnish, Hungarian, Italian or Japanese) cryptanalysts. Pel'S
Z 8 had never been visited by orelgnoryptanalysts.
, .JJ
15, Introduction, p 4
203DF 15, P 5
2041 31, p 10. "SV" German abbreviation tor Strip
5ystc9m (stre1f'enverf'ahren). .
. '

V. Intelligence
Pa.rag1"8ph ?
Summary and Oonclusions ' , 20S-l,
Lack ot Data on Intelligence in the Interrogations 21
Handling and Intelligence o .o 22 57
20. Summary and Conclusions.-- In summarizing Pel'S
Z s/Fore1gn Office orgNlizatI"on for intelligence, as opposed
to its organization tor cryptanalysis, the following con-
clusions seem valid:
8. The question of' intelligence output .. and ot organi-
zation tor evaluation and dissemination, vere neglected in
the interrogations.- . '
b. The personnel about this phase or their
wo:rk', had either forgotten about the principal agency suocesses,
o:r were apathetic and uninormed about the intelligence value
of their activities.
. c. No definite information is available, as to the dis-
_tribution olthe Pel's Z 8 their intelligence content,
or their oonsideration and reception by higher authorities.
, 'd. The' ol'ganization seemed overly preoccupied with
cryptanalysis as a science, and apparently did not think in
terms of as a prime source of intelligence.'
21. of on Intelligence in the Interrogations.--
The Pel's Z S organization for Intelligence, its evaluation
and dissemination, seems to nave been weak. From von R1bbentrop
down, 'interrogated could recall little important information
wbioh'nad been obtained :a.-om their work. Either there was
little or no important intelligence in their decodes, or the
material oontained therein vas never properly evaluated and ted
baok by higher authorities. The former impression must be erroneous.
DOCID: 3486663
An ol-ganization which r,eJld the Japanese "Red" 'machine and
achieved nearly 100 per success on Italian diplomatic
. codes " n,1ust have produced some important intelligence re-
Bults. Theansverto the 'riddle must be sought elsewhere.
It may have been thetault of internal organization (or .
lack otorganization) tor intelligence
or the attitude ot
the organization' 8 leaders. 210- " .
. One lead ot potential s1gnifioance v&soverlooked in the
Until September" 1941 (and probably later)
there was a relatively high-ranking Pel's Z S ottic1al# whose
responsiblity vas the ot message oontent trom an
intelligence pointot view. This was Technical Assistant
Ch'issenschattlicher mltsarb.e11;er). Fr1edrich .Niendortt who
had seniority in the organization dating,trom October,
There is' no mention of Niendortf in the 1945 interrogations
or. personnel lists. In an ol'ganization whioh worked on,the
systemsot some 50 countries and was invariably short ot
personnel, lt ,1s doubtful whether a separate evaluation
was overly desirable or' et"tlcient. ,However6 had N1endorrr .
been ava1lable$ he might have. been able to 'speak with some
knowledgeot the Sectionss effectiveness aa an intelligence
agency. No attempt vas made to cover the york done bJ' Dr .. Horn'
who vas in charge of crlbs$ .files and personality I1sts (Arch1v1,
and who presumably had some Information along these lines.
22. Handllpg and Process1pg Intelligence.-- According to
Miss Friedrlchs$ no intelligence was extracted trom the material
except such as vas necessary to continue reading the
trat':f'1c.2l2 Dr. Karstien$ on the other stated that the .
selection ofmaterlal for publication vas guided by considerations
as to its possible intelligence value . This selection was made
by the group head (Reterent)on the basis or knowledge and .
exper1ence.213 Since Pers'Z 8 apparently never had sUf't1cient
personnel to allov adequate cryptanalysis, it 1s probable that
the group heads never had sufficient time to do a' thorough
analysis ot the solved traff1c.
2l0The interrogators also placed little.emphasis
. , and must share a part or the responfJibi1i t,..
2ll8ee Anlage 2 to Pel's Z 869/41 in 'l'F 24-
22, Para 37'
'22 77
, .
DOCIO: 3486663
, and Seherschmidt apparently took pride
theearetul standards of translation set upln the Section.
Both commented on the rigid practices which prevailed in
Pel's Z S, 1n contrast' to the looser practices prevalent with
. the, Signal Agency of the Supreme Command A1'med'
Forces (OKW/Chi). ,.,;;.4 If the pride in caref'ul translation
evidenced by" the a.bove statements be taken in conjunction
with Miss Friedrichs' statement as to work the im-
pression could be drawn that care and precision in all
phases of the work took precedence over considerations of
urgency (intelligence,? ') . '
. Considering the emphasis laid by Schau:rrlel' and Rohrbach
on the "Scientific
(vissenschaftliche) aspects ot their work,
and considering the strong academic' tinge of the group as a
whole, ,one may well wonder whether the Section as a whole'
had not:rallen into that,error of thought which may. too easily
dominate a cryptanalyst's York: viz., that cryptanalysis, an
abstract science and the principal element in signal intelligence,
may, become an end in itself, and that the raison d'etre of
cryptanalys1s- the production or intelligence-may be obscured
by these considerations.
a. fBck of Recognition Authorities.'
. ,This tendency can be magnif"le if cryptanaiysts are not
kept constantly aware of' the mean1ng and slgn1f'ance of their
products, the importance ot key messages, and the action taken
by other authorities on the strength of' cryptanalytic 1nf'ormation.
In this important respect the Z S organization seems to
have been deficient. Dr. Karstienn,s somewhat ,cyn1cal statement
that there 'Was no off1cial recognition of' the work done by the
organization 1s countered in part by Paschke
s letter of' com-
men.dation from von Weizsaecker for his Italian work, and the
War 8e:rvlce Cross(KVK II) which vass-warded to Dr. Rohrbach.
These we:re probably isolate-d ,Miss Friedrichs stated
2'4 .
.... I 22, Para 38; I 103, Para 2. i.e. omitting corrupt groups
or obscure passages.
"'15 . . ,
, "There was no sense of urgency in the .office, deciphered
messages were not transmitted by teleprinter to' their
I 22" Para 37
..- --
DOCID: 3486663
. )
that there had been no evtdence of appreciation of the work
done by the organization.
"From time to time copies of messages issued had been
. returned to them bearing a: stamp indicating they had been
. seen by the Fuehrer. Otherwise, no indication of the
importance attached to their work had ever penetrated to
the level at which she .
If higher authorities did not tell the cryptanalysts that their
work vas ot significant to be wondered that
the technicians felt thelzw york ignored and withdrew more.and
more into their own world of tvo-parte.odes. and enciphering
b. Attitude of the Pel's Z S leaders.
Some-responsiblity tor the failure to disseminate in-
ternally information concerning successes must be assigned to
the PersZ S leaders. SelchoW' has already been characterized
as a "competent administrator, who understood little about
cryptography, and vas content to let the heads of the sub-
sections run their affairs as seemed best to paschke
and Miss knew more about message content than did junior
Miss Friedrich stated that there was little
encouragement given to the communication or results inside the
organization by junio,tD members, who Yere encouraged to mind
thei]:, OT:m business.
9 Apparently the Pel's Z S leaders knew
in a general way or their successes, but denied this information
to the juniors vho most needed the encouragement. It is poss1ble
or course. that there was little or great importance in the
systems which Pers Z S read, but this seems scarcely credible.
In all probability, the Pers Z 8 leaders were just not "intelli-
gence-minded." They vere cryptanalysts, they thought primarily
in terms ofcryptana1ysis, and intelligence vas to them a by-
product of their work.,
.22. Para 36
22, Para 35
I 22, Paras
22", Para 39
107, 108, l10j I 27, Paras 3, 4.
a. Handling and of Decodes".
Information dealing with assignment of missions is
also limited. Instructions from von R1bbentrop vere invariably
or a general nature, and solely oonoernedvith the sUbJ.eot
matter of intelligenoe- Poland or the invasion. Hed1d not
conce:rn himself vi th the details of systems. Selchow
usually dealt direct with von Rlbbentrop and did not go
through Schroder or von Weizsaecker. To further cOnf'use the
issue of mission assignment, Miss Hagen stated/that she
received bel' instructions direct from the "Secretal'Y" (Under-
secretary Steengraoht von Moyland).22l
Thedistributlon given to decodes is not known. The
evidence is inconclusive even on the question of distribution
Within the Foreign Ofrice. According to Dr. Paschke, von
Ribbentrop "read only about 20-50' per cent of the material
produced. His seoretaries, Weber and von Loesoh, selected
these for him. "222 At one point in his interrogation von
Rlbbentrop stated that the selection of decodes for his own
personal perusal was made by Inspector Schmidt. He saw
.between one and tour items a day, or 1e,s8.
3 His principal
assistant, .Steengracht vonMoyland"or one of the secretaries,
determined what distribution should be made outside the
Ministry. also drew his attention to certain
other all these statements be taken at race
least five persons vere involved in'detel'min1ng the
distribution of decodes, With the consequent disadvantages of
divided responsibility and possible loss of continuity. .
Nor i8 it knovn where and hov the Pel's Z S intelligence
vas integrated into the total intelligence picture. All the
top personalities interrogated at Nuernberg agreed that there
was no central clearing house tor intelligence at the top, and
that this vas unfortunate. There is some evidence that, due to
. the JLaek ot: high level coordination, the same decode might be
passed to a ministry tromtvo 01" three sources. Keitel did not
221 172B, Par. 3
Para 18
I l72B, Para 9
2231143, Para 47
143, Para 48 .
--- ... .......
DOCID: 3486663
state whether or nQthe received all the Pel's Z S decodes.
Jodl knew in a general vay of the Foreign Ottice achieve-
ments" but did not receive the Pel's Z S output.
5 Whel'e
a message solved by the Signal Intelligence Agency ot the
supreme Command Armed Forces (OKW/Chi) vas not also 1n the
'hands of the Or:1ce, then 8 copy oftha decode (VNl
was passed to.them.
Keitel also pointed out that the
POl'eign Oftice vere
. "extremely secl'etive and jealous about anything their
bureau.produced. If, by any chanCe, Keitel produced direct
to Hitlel' an OKW/Chi diplomatic decode and did pass
it via the Foreign Oftice,they became extremel,. annoyed.
Actually, this happened very rarely. 11227
No mention'is made ot decodes exchanged between agencies tor
technical purposes, and decodes exchanged with heads
to be used tor intelligence purposes. .
225 I 143, Para 6
226 J, 143, Para 37
227 I .143, Para 37
IChapter VI.
DOCID: 3486663

The Cryptographic Section or the
Foreign Office (Pers Z Chi)
'. j .... Paragraph 1<.;'
History and Personnel ............ 23
Cryptographic Work.... " ..'................. 24 v
23. History and Personnel.--Llttle 1s known from TICOM
sources concerning the history, strength and activ1ties ot
the German' ,Foreign Or-rice Cryptographic Section
dienst des Referats Z in del' Personalanteilung des Auswaertigen
Amtes, abbreviated Pel's Z Chi). It vas responsible for the
compilation$ preparation and d1str:t.but10n of' the codes and
ciphers used by the German Foreign Office, 8S well as the
crypt,ographic security of these systems. In the matter of
secur'1ty, senior personnel from the Cl"'Y'Ptanalyt1c Sect10n
(Pel's Z s) assisted the Cryptographic Section (Pel's ,Z Chi)
as Cryptographic Sect10n was latterly
(1943-1945) the head of Senior Specialist (ORR) Borst ,
Bauthal. Its previous head,' a Senior Specialist (9RR) Langlotz,
died'in 1943.
35 At the end. of the war, when Pers,Z S,was
evacuated from Berlin, Pars Z Chi remained behind. No trace
of the organization vas found by TICOM personnel.
, 24. Cryptographic Work.-- Dr. Paschke, a ,consultant on
cryptographic security remarked that the Germans vere con-
vinoed that their systems-we:re cryptographically secure.
1 172B, Page 7; 122, Para 8
235I 22, Para 70
'22, Para 118
DOCID: 3486663
' ..-.'
It is possible that this attitude or complacency was 'responsible
for some of the successes against Foreign Ottice
systems. Pers Z Chi must have been responsible for the com-
pilation of the "Deutsches 8atzbuch" and the additive systems
used for its encipherment, all o-r which were read by Anglo-
American cryptanalysts. One oitha additive systems'was theo-
retically a "one-time pad" system, but was insecure because
the sdditive used was predictable. This vas the GEE additive
(ASA tr1graph)pFinted on the Number. Printer (Numerierwerk)
described in Volume or this paper. An inspection of both
recovered and captured daily key tables
1J;l Emciphering the indicators in' the "Floradora'" (ABA trigraph
GEC) additive system indicates that these key tables may have .
been made up by a machine to the Number Printer (Numer-
ierverk). There is no indication as to how the text additive
itself vas generated. ,
The Cryptographic Section seems to have been interested
in improvements ror the Enigma In 1942,
Schauffler a.nd Hauthal discussed the constru.ction of" a neW'
cipher machine with Willi Korn, chief" engineer of the Enigma
firm of Heimaoeth a.nd Rincke, Berlin. It was to be'called the
. Machlne .42 (Maschine 42) and was in ef'fect an Army plugboard
Enigma with three additional rotors inserted in front of the
plugboardo The machine never passed the theoretical develop-
ment stage because of engineering and procurement difficulties.
So far as is known from TICOM sources, the ForelgnOf'f'lce
Cryptographic Section did with any other German
cryptographic agency. Schaut:f"ler and Hauthal attended the
1944-1945 meeting of theunorricial Army-Navy-Air coordinating
committee on cryptographic security, which were held under the
auspices of the Signal Intelligence Agency of the Supreme
Uommand Armed Forces (OXW/Chi). A plugboard Enigma With a
'printing attachment, bearing the German Foreign Office label,
has been 'captured, indicating that the military style Enigma
was used for Foreign 01"1"ice It alBo used the
military style cipher teleprinters.
,' Para 115
DOCID: 3486663


' .. ' '\

Tab A
AIel' 1st Lt. Chief of Subsection Vl3 of OKW/Chl
(Japa.n, China)
Administrative Seotion .See Pers Z Gen. Section responsible \
tor andadministratlve problems all Foreign
Office Z Branch, . incl. Pera Z 5, Pel's Z Chi & Pel's Z F
. ABA Army Seeuri ty Agency (US) '-, .
Badoglio,Marshal .Prime Minister of Italian Government
Benzing,' Dr. Johannes'Specialist (RR).Cryptanalyst. Head of
Pel'S Z S group for Near Eastern languages. \ .
Beyreuther, Heinz,Sergeant (Uffz). Former cryptanalyst'in
Japanese Subsection at OXW/Chi .' ,
Brandes, Dr.Vilhelm,Senior Specialist (ORR). Cryptanalyst.
Head or Pers Z Sgroup for Fl"8nCe, Be1gium,.Ho11and,
Swi tzerland. . -' .
Buggisch, Dr . Otto,S/Sgt (Oberw8chtmeister). Cryptanalyst.
OKWloh1. Formerly with Inspectorate 7/VI
Burgscheiciungen. German village in Kreis Thuringia.
Location of part of Pel'S Z S Apr11!May, 1945. .
Communications Section. See Pel'S Z F. Section in Z Branch,
Foreign Office, which was responsible Foreign Office
communication networks, including telephone, teletype and
. l"adl0. 1945 head was ORR Hoff"mann (Funkreferat) ..
Cryptanalytic Section. See Pel's Z 3. Cryptanalytic Section 1n -
Z Branch of the German Foreign Office. (Sonderdienst des
Referats Z in del' Personalabteilung des AUSY8ertigen Amtes).
Cryptogr,aphic Section.. See Pel's Z Chi. Foreign. O:rfice Section
in Z Branch responsible for preparation, oompilation,
distribution and security of Foreign Office codes and
ciphers. 1945 head vas ORR &\uthal (Ch1ffrierd1enst des
Referats Z 1n del' Personalabteilung des Ausvaertigen Amtes).
Dl6 Translations. "Annual Reports of the '(Pel's Z 8) Group
British Empire, Ireland, Thai, Portugal, Spain and
Latin America." A TICOM Publication.
DS4 Translations of' Z 5 reports dealing with wqrk on, Belgian, Dutch, Swiss and Rumanian systems).
.. ..J
Chief cryptanalyst roJ!' OK\{IOhi from
DOCID: 3486663
Dr. Otfried, TechnlcalAsst.. (WHA). Cryptanalyst.
to Dr. Paschke in Pars Z S ltalian-Greek-USSR
DF 17 . "Miscellaneous Items from the Files of the Gel'TDB.n
Foreign of'rfce. II A translation of' T3273 and T16S.. :.,A
TICOM Publication. . ,
Doen1tz, Ka:rl, Admiral. Head of German Admiralty_ 'BJ:01et17
head or German govt. Aprl1!May!lg4s. ,.'
. , Principle Specialist (Mlnisterialrat). Crypt-
analyst. Head of Seotion IV of OXW/Ohi.
Fr1edp1chs, Miss Asta, Technical Asst. (WHA). Pera ZS
cryptanalyst. Deputy to Dr. Karstien in Slavonic
language section. Leading female personal!ty in Pel's Z So
Gerstmeyer, Dr. Ldaison Officer from "Research
'. Bureau (FA} to the Foreign Office. )
Grosse, Sr. ,Arthur. Pers Z S cryptanalyst, Chinese and Japanese
,la.nguage group. On loan to Pel'S Z 5 from OXW/Oh1.
'GI'unslQr, Dr. Helmut; Techn1cal Asst. (WBA). Pars Z S cryptanalyst.
GZloup head in Dr.. Kunze es rnathematlcal-cl'yptanal;ytic
Hagen, Miss Ursula, Technical Asst. (WHA). Pel's Z S Crn>tanaly-st.
Head of languags-gl'oUP England, Ireland; Spain, /
and Latin Amer10an countries. . \
Hauthal, Horst, Senior Speoialist (ORR). Head of Pel's Z
Chi .
Hermsdort. Village in'Silasla. Location or Pel'S Z S
Mathematical-Cryptanalytic Subsection
lIieral', Edgar. Minor Pars Z S cryptanalyst.. On loan trom
OKW/Chi to Japsnese-Chinese language group..
Hlrschbers . Village in Riesengebirge. Location of part of
Pel's Z S 12/43-3/45..
Horrma:nn, Ernst, Senior Specialist (ORR). Head or Z F
1945. ,.. . ,
Horn, Proof'. Dr., Technical Asst. (WHA). In charge, 'oPers Z S
files and records (Archiv) 1945. Not captured.
Huehnke, Miss Dr. Annelise, Teohnical (WA). Pel's Z 5
cryptanalyst. Group head 1n Mathematical-oryptanalyt1c
Huettenhain, Dr. Erich.
--- - - ----- -- - - ------
- ..
DOClD: 3486663

1-1. Final Report or TICOM Team 3 on the Exploitation ot

Burgscheidungen, dated June 8, 1945. Later canceled as
I-I, and renumbered as a Team A TICOM Publication.
1-22. "Interrogation ot German Cryptographers ot thePers Z S ..
Department of the Ausvaertiges Amt." A TICOM Publication.
. "Interrogation of Five Members ot the RLM/Forschungsamt
at Schloss Gluecksburg, near Flensburg, on 15th and 21st
June 1945. n A TICOM publication. '. .
1-27. "Preliminary Interrogations f'oro Froaeulein Hagen, Head ot
the English Section of) Pers Z 5, Ausvaertiges Amt." A
, TICOM Publication. .'. .
1-31. "Detailed Interrogations of Dr., .Formerll
Head of Research Section of OEM/Chi, 18-21 June, 1945.
A TIOON Publication. .'.
I-54. "Second Interrogat1on of F1ve Members ot the RllfJ./
Forschungsamt." A TICOM Publication. . "
I-58. "Interrogation ot Dr. Otto Buggisch of on/Ch1." A
. TICOM Publication. .
1-6.3. "Interrogation Report on ORR Herrmann Scherscbmidt
, Pers,e; S Auswaerotiges Amt." A TICOM Publication.
1-84. "FUl'ther.1nterrogation of RR Dr. Huettenha1n and
. Dr. Fricke ot OKW/Chi." A TICOM publication. .
1-89. ,"Reporot by Dr. H. Rohrbach ot PersZ Son Amer10an
. 5tripC1pher." A TICOM Publication.
1-96. . It Interrogation Oberst1eutnant Mettig on the Org&n1-
zation and Activities o-r OKW/Chi." A TICOM Publication.
1-103. "Second of Reg. Rat aerrmann Scherschm1dt
of' Pel'S Z S Ausvaert1gesAmt' on Turkish and Bulgarian .
. systems." .A TICOM Publication. . ,
"Report -on the o-r Five Leading Germans
at Nuremberg on 27 September... 1945 (Jodl,Xeitel .. Doenitz,
Goering.. von Ribbentrop)." .A TICOM publication.
1-147. "Detailed Interrogation of Members of OKM 4SKL III
at Flensburg." A TICOM Publioation. .
1-150: "Report by Heinz Beyreuther on the Organization
. . of OKW/Chi." A TICON Publication. . '.
1-162. on Iriterrogation of' 8auerbier of: RIM./
Forschungsamt held on 31 August .. 1945." A TIC9M
Publication. .
. .
DOCID: 3486663
",' .
1-172. Interrogation of Hagen and Pasohke or Pers Z S
. A Publioation.
JodI, Alfred, General. Chief of the Armed
. Staft. .
Dr. Hans-Heidrun, Speoialist (RR). PereZ S
Head 01" Slavonio language group.' .
Kasper, .. Dr.. , Speoialist_(RR). PersZ 5 Cryptanalya..t .
Head of Rl.lm8Jllan language group. Not captured.
Keitel, Field Marshal. Chief of Statt, Supreme
. Command Armed Forces (OKW). .' I ,.,.
Kettler, Hugo, Colonel. Chief'of OXW/Chi 1943-1945. .
Koahendoerfer, Dr. Rudolf, Oorporal. Mathematical' cryptanalyst,
f'o:rmerly.with Per's Z 5, la.tterly corporal with OKW/Oh1.
Krug, Hans-Georg, Technical Aset. (WHA). I.B.M. machine .'
expert in Z 8.
Kunze, Dr. W'et-ner, Senior Specialist "(ORR). Head 01" Mathematlcal-
. Cryptanalytic Subsection of' Pere Z s.
Lehmann, Dr. Bruno. Oryptanalystjl Former head of Greek
la,nguage group in Pers Z S.
von Loe,soh, Karl Heinrich. Secretary to Foreign Mln1ster von
Menning, .Wilhelm. Deputy head of' Pers Z S Rumanian language
group. Not
Mettig, . , Lt. Colonel. Second 1n command ot OKW/Chi,
. 12/43-19'+5.. .
von Moyland. See Steengracht.. . .
Muehlhausen.Locatlonofelements of Pers Z 8 1945.
Mueller, Dr. Hans-Kurt, Technical Asst. (WHA). Cryptanalyst ..
Head of Pers Z S American-Scandinavian group 1945.
Nlendol"tf, Friedrich, SeniUi'Specialist CORR) In charge ot
- Pers Z S intelligence evaluation 1941. Not captured.
Olbricht, Dr. Peter, Teohnical (WHA). Cryptanalyst,
Pars Z S. Deputy head of Japanese-Chinese langp,age group.
Oschmann, .. , Ca.ptain. Later Major. Head ot Ch1:f.fr1erab-
1n Reichsvehrministel"lum 1932--:34.
---'------...- ---
DOCID: 3486663


Pannw1tz, Miss Dp. Erika, Technical Asst. (WBA).
in Pers Z S. Group head in Mathematlcal-Cryptanalyt1c
Paschke, Dr. Adalr, Specia.list (ORR). Pel's Z S
Cryptanalyst. Head of Linguistic-Cryptanalytic Subsection.
Specialist in Italian.
Patz1S, J Lt. Commander (Korvettenkaplt8en). Unknown.
Connected with Ch1ffierabtellung, Relchswehrmin1sterium
Pel'S Z Chi. See Oryptographic Section, German Foreign Office.
Pel'S Z F. See Communioations Seotion, German Foreign Ottice.
Pel'S Z Gen. German name unknoW'n.Z Branoh ad.min1stl"&t1ve
Section, German Foreign Ofrice.
Pers Z S. See Cryptanalytio Section, German Foreign attice.
Rave, Kurt . Minor Pel's Z S cryptanalyst. Worked in Ja.panese-
Chinese group. Loaned to Pers Z S by OKW/Chi.
Ribbentrop, Joachim Foreign Minister. German Fore1gn
Rohrbach, Pror. Dr. Hans. Pers Z S oryptanalyst. Group leader
. in Mathematioal-Cryptanaly'tic Subsection. .
Roy, . , Senior Specialist Head or Pers Z Gen 1945.
Sauerbier, Kurt. Cryptanalyst, head or Seotion 9-c, Main Sec-
tion IV (Agent systems) in Goering's "Research" Bureau.
Sohau.ft.ler, Dr. Rudolf; Senior Specialist (ORR). Seniol' Cl"ypt-
analyst and probable head Pers Z,S.
Dr. Hermann, (ORR). Pars Z S
ol'1ptanalyst. Head of Turkish language group.
Schimmel, . Pars Z S cryptanalyst. Headof Yugoslav group.
Schmidt,.o , Inspector. Unknown. Probably Chief interpreter
in German Foreign Office.
Sohltader, Miss Hildegarde, Technical Asst. (WHA). Pel'S Z
crJPtanalyst. Deputy head or French.9 Dutch, Belgian and
, Swiss group. '
Schroder, . , Ministerial DirectoIt (Min. Di:rlgent). Head
of Section IV (Codes and Ciphers) in Goeringls
Dr. Karl, Technica.l Asst. (WHA). Pel's Z S crypt-
analyst. Group leader in Mathematical-Oryptanalytio
Schultz, Klaua,Teohnioal Asst. (WHA). Pel'S Z S cryptanalyst.
Gl'OUp leade:r- in Mathematical C:r-yptanalftic Subsection.
Schwaeger, Principle Specialist (ORR). C1vilServant,
i.n charge of' budget p:r-eparation in German Foreign Otfice.

- - -
DOCID: 3,486663
Selchow" , Minister (Gesandte) Head or Z Branch (Crypt-
ELnalysis, Czoyptography, Oommun1cationa) in the German
Foreign Of'fice.
Steengracht von Moy1and.. Former ADO to von Ribbentrop.
Succeeded von Weizsaecker as Undersecretary in the
Foreign Office May 1" 194,. '
T 56. Reports of' the A Group. Repol"'tssnd Studies bi the
Jlmerican Group of' the Cryptanalytic Section or the
German Foreign O:r:r:1.ce 1919-1942.' ,
T 76. Situation Repo:itt of the ManchU1"ian Group Beg1im1ng 19410
Notes and Reports on Japanese Cipher Sistems1919-194l.
,T 197. Onident1:f"ied Pel'S Z S Document covering york on
Chinese. ,
T 427 .. 'Chinese s/L Diplomatic Traffic (Film 10).
, T 10620 Partially Reconstructed }/I code Atgh(an1stan) 1.
T 1067. Afghanistan Traffic 1939-1944. -
T 1068. Arghan Traffic 1939-1944.
T 1074. Traffic and Worksheets- Iraq.
T 1077. 'Washington - Add1s Ababa Tl'af'f'ic, 1945.,
T 1169. Chinese Diplomatic Traffic and Decodes.,
T 1170. Old Material on BNM (abc)- Chineseo .
T 1172. Chinese diplomatic traffic and explanation or system.
T.203,8. Report on Polish Systems as of' JanU&17 11 1941.
Report on the Group, dated Aug. 13, 19410
Report on Jugoslavia at Beginning of' year 1941.
T Report of' the Group-Austr1a.-Hunga171 dated Apr11
. 1940. ' .
T 2050. See D 54. '
T 2052. Various Reports f'J'om "Gruppe Lehmann, n the Pera Z S
Greek group 1939-1940-1941.
T 2252. Report o:f the Italian Group :for the Year 1940.
T 3273. See D F 17. ,
'l'1'ano1', , Senior Spec1allst (ORR). Principal OAF
analyst in Signal Intelligence Agency 01' the Supreme
Oommander, German Air Forces.
...- - - - - - - - - - - = - ~ ~
DOCID: 3486663
Weber, . Foreign 9ffice Privy Councillor, Secretary to
von Rlbbentrop
Weizsaecker, Ernst von. Former Undersecretary in German
. Foreign Office. In 1943 appointed Minister to the Vatican.
Wilhelm Wander Schule. 5chool-build1hg1n Hermsdorf (811e81a),
location' of the Pars Z S Mathamatical-C17Ptana17t1e
Subsection 12/43- 3/45. .
8a.s'trovo, Karl, Technical AErst. (WHA). Pers Z'S.cryptanalyost.
Expert on U. S. .systems .
Zscheppl!n. in the Delltsch-E11enburg-Le1pzlg area.
Location of part of Pars Z S April, 1945.- ,
/ 0

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