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Entry Criteria
All test hardware platforms must have been successfully installed, configured and functioning properly. All documents related to design (How it works ) must be made available. All personnel involved in the system test effort must be trained in tools to be used during testing process. All QA resource has enough functional knowledge Test plans and test cases are reviewed and signed off Acquisition of resources The build should pass smoke and unit test in the team city The build should pass all sanity test.

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Exit Criteria
100% test coverage is met All the bugs raised are resolved, retested and closed. High severity defects are fixed All issue raised during regression cycle must be added in CARS. Regression results should be ready Ensure all application documentation(Known issues,Release notes,Adminisrator guide and installation guide) has been completed and is upto date Test Closure report should be ready and signed off The software runs on all the products supported hardware and software configurations.

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