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Management is a essential part of any group activity. It is a primary force within the group or organization which tends to lead it towards the group goal. It is required to plan, organized, co-ordinate and control the affairs of the organization. Management is a universal process in all organized social and economic activities. Where there is human activity, there is management. In business field management is useful in factory, shop or office and also use in government enterprises, educational institutions, health service, military organizations and so on. A manager applies his knowledge and skills in a wide variety of enterprise.

Peter Drucker Management is a multipurpose organ that manages a business, manages manager and manages worker and work. Henry Fayol (father of principle of management.) To manage is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate, and to control. Marry Parker Follet Management is the art of getting things done through people. Donald J.clough Management is an art and science of decision making and leadership Thus we can say that management is a discipline useful in any type of organization.



The terms management and administration are used synonymously. Some writers argue that both these terms have same meanings and there is no difference. Running of a business requires skills which is called management and functioning if government departments and non-profit organizations requiring skill is called administration. Also define that, administration is distinguished as a top level function while management is a lower level function. Policy and objectives of a business are determined by the top level of executive- (Administration). At the same time, lower level people(Management) work to attain the objectives of the business unit and follow the policy framed by the administration.

According to Over Sheldon, Administration is the function in industry concerned with the determination of the corporate policy, the co-ordination of finance, production and distribution, the settlement of the compass (structure) of the organization nder the ultimate control of the executive Management is the function in industry concerned with the execution of policy within the limits set up by the administration and the employment of the organization for the particular objects set before it.

Basic difference between administration and management:1. 2. Administration determines policy to be followed and decide the objectives to be achieved. But management implements the policy and achieves the objectives. Administrations are not directly involve in the execution of plan and achievement of objectives. But management directly involves in the execution of plan and achieving objectives. The main functions of administration are to planning, organizing and stuffing. But the main functions of management are to directing, motivation and control. Administration is the top level executives. i.e. Owners or Board of director. But management is lower level executives. i.e. manager, supervisor and workers. If we talk about the position, administration acts as principal, but management act as an agency. About knowledge, administration requires administrative ability more than technical ability. But management requires technical ability more than administrative ability.

3. 4. 5. 6.

The term management can be define as in different senses. As an activity management just like playing, studying, teaching etc. As an activity management has been defined as the art of getting thing done through the efforts of others people. Management is a group activity wherein manager do to achieve the objective of the group. In the word of Harold Koontzs, management is the art of getting things done through and with people in finally organized groups. Manager generally performs the following activities:-1. Interpersonal activities 2. Decisional activities 3. Informative activities

Interpersonal activities: A manager has to interact with his subordinates as well as superiors. He has also keep liaison with people outside the organization. Interpersonal activities consist of attending social function, Motivating subordinates, maintaining contact with clients and such like activities.

2.Decisional activities A manager has to take several types of decision, such as allocation of resources, initiating new projects, burgainning with outsiders etc. A manager has fix production targets, fixequality standards specifying time frame for executing projects etc. Managerial decision serve as the basis for the actions of subordinates.

3.Informative activities In order to run the unit efficiently a manager has to communicate regularly with inside and outside the organization. He receives and gives information about the tasks, situations and persons.

. Thus, from the above discussion, we can conclude that there is close relationship between administration and management though they have differences between them. Management functions are relating to the functions like directing, motivating, controlling etc. Whereas administration functions are planning, organizing, stuffing etc. Management is a part of administration so as to have an effective administration; it is highly indispensable of effective managers and managements of the organization. And as an activity management is doing different types of activities such as interpersonal, informative etc

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