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If youve read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies, then you have an idea how this game is played. The basic concept is to catch the Golden Snitch before the other team and to score as many goals as possible in the process. Each Team is made up of the following players: 1 Keeper who protects the goals; 3 Chasers shoot goals with the quaffle; 2 Beaters who shoot players on the opposing team with bludgers; 1 Seeker meant to chase and catch the Golden Snitch; and finally the Golden Snitch which is actually a student(s) dressed in YELLOW with a tennis ball inside a sock dangling out of his/her trousers. Balls in play: Quaffle = used to score goals, slightly deflated so students can grip it with one hand Bludger = dodge balls used to shoot at the opposing players Goals = hula hoops hung inside the soccer goals or fixed to a stand. Rules: 1. MUST KEEP ONE HAND ON THE BROOM AT ALL TIMES! 2. Chasers job is to score goals (10 points each) 3. Beaters job is to shoot opposing players, but not the keeper. 4. Seekers job is to catch the Golden Snitch (100 points each) 5. Once hit by a bludger, players must stop what theyre doing and run around their own goal before they can start playing again. If they have a ball, it must be dropped. 6. Once a Golden Snitch is caught and placed in a goal, s/he may not run away. 7. START: Teams line up next to their keeper in front of their goal. Balls are lined up in the center of the pitch and wait for the signal. Play continues after each goal, no stopping. 8. Play continues until all the Golden Snitches are caught. 9. Large classes can make 3-4 teams and one team not playing can wear yellow and be Golden Snitches.F

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