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Dear Kelly, How have you been? It has been so long since I last saw you.

I just learned from Mr David Lim, our form teacher, that you contracted chicken pox a few weeks ago. I am really sorry to hear that and I hope you are coping well with your illness. My classmates and I really miss your presence in class as you are always the one livening the class atmosphere with your jokes and warm personality. I am sure that being away from school for so long has made you really curious as to what has been going on in class. Last week, we were introduced to our new Mathematics teacher as Mr Koh has left the school to return to Malaysia. His name is Mr Ken Tan and he seems to be friendly and patient. He has been giving some of our classmates extra lessons after school. However, he can quite strict too. He does not allow anyone to submit their homework later than the deadline that he sets. You might also be happy to know that we are finally going to have a class outing during the June holidays! Our Class Chairperson has suggested a two ideas: a class barbeque at the Downtown East chalet or simply just a movie at Jurong Point. Most of our classmates had voted for the chalet but Mr David Lim is worried about the budget for it as may cost a few hundred dollars. We will make our final decision when you return. By the way, the mid-year examinations will take place on the fifth of May onwards. Although it is still a few

months away, you should start revising as soon as possible. Lets form a study group when you recover. I am sure helping each other in our revision will improve our chances of scoring better grades. Thats all I want to tell you for now. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you back in class very soon. Take care! Warm regards, Jeziel

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