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**Class Notes From, Prof. Dana Cox. UNCC Instructor**

This semesters research topics are: Trends in gaming especially in corporate training and education. Trends in computers and electronic communication. o Are smaller devices better for students and young professionals? o Which companies and countries are leading new technology? Multi-tasking in the electronic age. o Does geography matter? Where am I virtual or real? o How does multi-tasking affect students? Internet dating. o Is texting a form of dating? o How prevalent is internet dating among college students? Food. Nutrition. Exercise. o What programs are being studied and implemented to improve the health of students? o Are companies doing anything to help their employees stay/ become healthy? o Should students grow their own food in community garden plots on campus? Economy. Environment. Energy. o What action is needed by people? By governments? o Can small businesses fill a gap? Establish solutions? Technology. Transportation. Saving Money. Many topics on,, and Career options for university graduates in your field of study.

**Class Notes From, Prof. Dana Cox. UNCC Instructor**

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