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Notebook Check 6 week grading period English 11CP 9/1: Warm up: In your notebooks, respond to the following

g quote: Zeitoun shuddered as he

watched her recover. It was not right to watch a woman of her age suffer like this. The situation had stolen her dignity, and it pained him to bear witness. (103)

9/2: Warm up Think about both sets of questions below. Choose one to respond to and
answer in depth. 1. Immediately following Hurricane Katrinas landfall, notice the dichotomy of Zeitouns peaceful meandering around the city and Kathys impressions fueled by the media. Why would the media want to make the situation seem worse than it may have actually been? Notice how the medias focus on hysteria encouraged a police state mentality, yet Kathys contact with CNN and the Dutch reporter also help her seek justice. How are we to view the media after reading this work? 2. In many respects, this work is about identity how we see ourselves and others, how our impressions of another can affect his or her identity, and how our own identity can change over time. Why do you think Kathy seems to be suffering from PTS syndrome even more than Abdulrahman? Did this novel affect how you see the identity of the United States?

Notes on Context Clues:

Bits of information that allows you to decide the meaning of unknown words Direct definition = words in the text that give the words definition Synonym = similar words found in the text Antonym = opposite words found in the text Experience examples of words meaning

9/7: Thesis statements and introduction baseline essay practice 9/8: Continued baseline essay practice body paragraphs to follow previous days thesis & introduction paragraph 9/9: Write down scores for SAT sample essays and your justification for those scores 9/15: Quickwrite: To what lengths would you go to achieve success? Would you go against your own morals? What do you think of the phrase to sell your soul? 9/16: Quickwrite: If the selling of Jabez Stones soul is a metaphor, what does the soul represent? 9/19: Notes on The Yellow Wallpaper (roles of women vs. men in 1892) 9/20: Quickwrite: Imagine you were ordered by your doctor to stay on bed rest for an entire summer. Your doctor says you cannot use the internet, watch tv, or use your cell phone. What would you do to pass the time? 9/22: Discussion questions on The Yellow Wallpaper (questions were on the overhead projector and were to be answered in your notebooks)

9/23: Quickwrite: What do you think Charlotte Perkins-Gilmans story, The Yellow Wallpaper suggests about the life of middle class women in the late 19th/early 20th century? How have the roles of women changed over the century? Use examples from the text to support your claims. 9/30: chart characteristics of Sonny and the narrator 10/3: re-read the first 7 paragraphs and chart examples of light and darkness (visual imagery) and answer the following question: How does Baldwin use images of light and darkness to emphasize his theme of suffering? 10/6 (or 10/7): thesis notes warm-up review from Monday: chart characteristics of algebra teacher vs. jazz musician

Notebook Check 6 week grading period English 9CP 9/1: Warm up: In your notebooks, respond to the following quote: Zeitoun shuddered as he
watched her recover. It was not right to watch a woman of her age suffer like this. The situation had stolen her dignity, and it pained him to bear witness. (103)

9/2: Warm up Think about both sets of questions below. Choose one to respond to and
answer in depth. 3. Immediately following Hurricane Katrinas landfall, notice the dichotomy of Zeitouns peaceful meandering around the city and Kathys impressions fueled by the media. Why would the media want to make the situation seem worse than it may have actually been? Notice how the medias focus on hysteria encouraged a police state mentality, yet Kathys contact with CNN and the Dutch reporter also help her seek justice. How are we to view the media after reading this work? 4. In many respects, this work is about identity how we see ourselves and others, how our impressions of another can affect his or her identity, and how our own identity can change over time. Why do you think Kathy seems to be suffering from PTS syndrome even more than Abdulrahman? Did this novel affect how you see the identity of the United States?

Notes on Context Clues:

Bits of information that allows you to decide the meaning of unknown words Direct definition = words in the text that give the words definition Synonym = similar words found in the text Antonym = opposite words found in the text Experience examples of words meaning

9/7: Thesis statements and introduction baseline essay practice 9/8: Continued baseline essay practice body paragraphs to follow previous days thesis & introduction paragraph 9/9: Write down scores for SAT sample essays and your justification for those scores 9/15: quickwrite: write about your first day of high school with a focus on the five senses 9/16: 9P imagery paragraph on The First Day sentence starters on specific senses and The First Day 9/19: quickwrite: why did the narrator refuse the money from the conductor? Why do you think
the narrator decided not to tell Charlie what his mother said to him regarding his blue suit? What do you think is the significance of the title? 9/20: quickwrite: Respond to the following quotation: It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night. (E.A.Poe Tell Tale Heart)

9/23: quickwrite: word association: LOTTERY what images, ideas, thoughts come to mind when you hear this word? 9/26: answers to discussion questions 1-13 from The Lottery; definitions of IRONY and

examples from the text 10/3: Anticipation guide: The Necklace (series of statements that you either agreed or disagreed with) ; punctuation notes 10/6: continue punctuation notes (final pg.commas) 10/7: Beyond writing activity: write 2 (6-8 sentences each) paragraphs on the following. After finishing The Necklace what do you think happens after the story ends? What do you think happens to Mathilde? Her husband? Mme. Forestier?

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