Newsletters 2003 - AVT

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Training & Translations

Newsletters 2003

CONFUSABLE WORDS: brand make. -- Brand: (marca): the brand of a product such as soap or tea is the name given to it by the firm that makes it. One firm may make several brands of a particular product. ( There used to be so many different brands of tea). -- Make ( fabricante, marca): the make of a car or of an electric appliance such as a radio or washing machine is the name of the company that makes it.( tests on different makes of a car to establish resistance to bodywork stress).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- Spelling of an English word that you just cannot find in an English language dictionary? -- Technology Glossary Bob Jensen at Trinity University The Glossarist:

INTERNATIONAL FINANCE -- Face Value (valor nominal):el valor del bono impreso en la lmina. Es el precio al cual fue emitido el bono. -- Debenture (debenture) es un bono garantizado por e crdito general de la empresa ( como un pagare gigante). Tips of the month 01-02-2003

CONFUSABLE WORDS: remark notice -- Remark : ( comentar, hacer notar): if you remark that something is the case, you say what you think about a particular subject or what you have observed about it .What you say may be an opinion or a statement of fact. ( All day people had remarked that I looked well). -- Notice ( notar ): if you notice that something is the case, you become aware of it. You may say something about it or you may not. ( The first thing you notices about him was his eyes).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- Caught in the web : -- CLICHS, AVOID THEM: - BANKING -- Express Company money orders: (giros de pago de): giros o libranzas similares a los giros o libranzas postales o bancarias.
Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:




Training & Translations

-- Permanent asset : ( activos fijos o inmovilizados) todo activo fijo o de capital.

EXPRESSIONS: -- spick-and-span - very clean, very neat This idiom is used with the verbs be, seem, and appear and can also occur with make and an object. It refers to the cleanliness of places, not people. The hospital operating room always has to be spick-and-span. The restaurant appeared spick-and-span through the window, but some corners were quite dirty. -- short and sweet - without delay, brief This idiom can be used with be, or make and an object. The word sweet in this idiom suggests that the shortness is preferred by someone. I was quite relieved that the politician's speech was short and sweet. The students appreciated the fact that the teacher made the exam short and sweet.

- RECOMMENDED URLS -- Know the IPO language "The ABCs of IPO",1855,4318-9817,00.html -- Speak the IPO language used on the stock market. "Beginner's Guide to IPOs",1855,431812294,00.html -- A concise beginner's guide of the CBS MarketWatch articles. " Glossary of Terms",1855,431887942,00.html A variety of terms unique to the IPO market.

-BANKING -- Secured debt: (deuda garantizada):toda deuda que se ha garantizado con algn tipo de colateral aceptable. -- Secured Deposits: ( depsitos asegurados) de acuerdo con las leyes de ciertas jurisdicciones los depsitos bancarios de los fondos de los gobiernos locales o estatales estn asegurados con la garanta de valores aceptables o por un contrato de seguros (conocido como fianza del depositario) para la proteccin directa de dichos fondos. 04-2003 EXPRESSIONS: -- Up and about - in good health; active after an illness This idiom is used only with the verb to be. It refers to the ability to move around after being limited by illness or injury. Im happy to be up and about after a week of flu. -- Touch and go - risky, uncertain. This idiom is used most often with to be. It is used when the result or outcome of a situation cannot be predicted until the very end, and when a change in the situation could occur at any time.
Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:



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The peace negotiations were touch and go until both sides were satisfied.

RECOMMENDED URLS -- Caught in the web : -- CLICHS, AVOID THEM: - BANKING -- Express Company money orders: (giros de pago de): giros o libranzas similares a los giros o libranzas postales o bancarias. -- Permanent asset : ( activos fijos o inmovilizados) todo activo fijo o de capital. 05-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: everyday, every day -- Everyday: (cotidiano): spelled as one word, to describe normal like and the ordinary things that are part of it and which are not especially interesting or unusual. Everyday is an adjective which always comes in front of the a noun. ( We must return to our everyday life.) -- Every day ( cada dia): if smth. happens every day, it happens on seven days each week. It is an adverbial, rather than an adjective. You can also use it as a synonym of often. (Lucy and I talk on the telephone every day. -Things like this ones happen every day in the world of business).

RECOMMENDED URLS -- The Investment FAQ: -- Investing Basics, Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Other Investments, Economy.

FINANCE -- AJOJ (April, July, October, January): AJOJ , abril, julio, octubre, enero ( pagos trimestrales de intereses y dividendos). -- A/k/a or a.k.a. (also known as) tambien conocido como o alias. 06-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: everyday, every day --Discreet: (discreto): if you describe people or their behavior as discreet, you mean that they are tactful and do not give away secrets about other people. ( He followed at a discreet distance). --Discrete (independientes , separadas): things or ideas are totally separate from and unconnected with each other. It is a formal word. ( Occupations are grouped into discrete categories).

Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:



Training & Translations

RECOMMENDED URLS --Wachowicz's Web World: --The following financial management web sites are grouped to correspond with the major topic headings in Fundamentals of Financial Management (with Prentice Hall Finance Center CD-ROM), 11th ed., Prentice-Hall (2001) by James Van Horne and John Wachowicz. Part I: Introduction to Financial Management | Part II: Valuation ,Part III: Tools of Financial Analysis and Planning | Part IV: Working Capital Management, Part V: Investment in Capital Assets | Part VI: The Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, and Dividend Policy, Part VII: Intermediate and Long-Term Financing | Part VIII: Special Areas of Financial Management.

FINANCE --Simple lump-sum-credit (crdito por una sola cantidad total): acuerdo de crdito limitado en que el total del saldo adeudado se vence en una fecha especifica. --Indirect compensation (compensacin indirecta): gratificaciones incentivas o participaciones en efectivo en las ganancias obtenidas y recibidas en un mismo ao. Las compensaciones indirectas incluyen todos los pagos en efectivo recibidos, adems de un salario bsico o gratificaciones garantizadas de fin de ao. 07-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: cost, costs , price --Cost: (costo): amount of money you need to buy , do or make something. For example, the cost of a holiday could include what you pay for travel, hotels and restaurants. ( You may be charged with the cost of the telephone call. --Costs (costos): of a business or a home are the sums of money that have to be spent regularly on running it. ( The company has one particular problem: energy costs). --Price ( precio): amount of money you have to pay to buy it. ( Most restaurants now include the tip in the price of the meal.


FINANCE --Mail deposit ( deposito por correo): deposito que recibe el banco por correo en lugar de recibirlo directamente . el banco acredita la cuenta del cliente y le enva un recibo por correo. --Composite check (cheque combinado). Lista de los pagos que deben hacerse con una 4 Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires
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Training & Translations

cuenta. El dueo de la cuenta enva una lista a su institucin depositaria, acompaada de las indicaciones de pagar y debitar su cuenta por el total de los pagos realizados. La institucin depositaria trasmite los pagos a los acreedores, quienes ms tarde los depositan en sus respectivas cuentas.

CONFUSABLE WORDS: stranger, foreigner --Stranger: (extrao): a stranger is someone that you do not know or have never met or seen. ( Antonio was a stranger to all of us). Also a stranger is a person who does not know a place very well. (The tourists wife said to Harvey, What time do the stores close downtown? Harvey said, I am a stranger here). --Foreigner (extranjero): If you want to say that someone comes from another country and not from your own, you do not call them a stranger. You say they are a foreigner. ( In August there are over one million foreigners in France).

RECOMMENDED URLS --Diccionarios de variantes del espaol: --Medicine Abbreviations,Dentistry,Diseases,,Medical Care,Pharmacy,

FINANCE --Order paper:( documento a la orden): cuando se trata de instrumentos negociables, se le llama documento a la orden a aquel redactado en tal forma que necesita ser endosado por el beneficiario o endosatario. El documento a la orden puede convertirse en documento al portador mediante un endoso en blanco. --Covered margin ( margen de cobertura). Margen de los tipos de inters entre dos instrumentos denominados en diferentes monedas, despus de tomar en cuenta el costo de la cobertura futura. 09-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: programme - program --Programme: (programa): on a TV or radio is a broadcast of something such as a film or documentary. (What is your favorite TV programme?). --A research programme or a development programme is a plan for future research or development. ( He had not been able to prise any information about his own teaching programme from the university). --A programme is also a plan which gives details of actions or events that that are to take place. ( their programmes of meetings, talks and exhibitions). -Note than in American English the spelling program is used for the above meanings --A computer program ( programa ) is a set of instructions that is used by a computer in order to perform a particular operation. Note that the British and American spellings are 5 Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires
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the same. (I decided to write a program for a microprocessor using machine code.


FINANCE --Liquid Ratio:( coeficiente de liquidez): relacin entre los activos actualmente disponibles y las obligaciones pendientes. --Living trust: ( fideicomiso activo). Fideicomiso voluntario creado con los activos de una persona viva. 10-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: stationary, stationery This words look similar and are both pronounced the same. However, their meanings are completely different. --Stationary: (parado): Something that is stationary is not moving. (The boats were nearly stationary in the water). --Stationery:( articulos de libreria y papeleria ) is all the various things you use for writing, such as paper, pens, envelopes and ink. ( I have a good stock of stationery in the locker).


FINANCE --Due from Balance:(pagadero del balance):termino ingles para nuestra cuenta. --Due from banks:(pagadero por bancos efectivos en bancos): titulo de una cuenta de activos ene l libro mayor. Las cuentas subsidiarias bajo este nombre incluyen cada cuenta de fondos que un banco tiene en deposito con otros bancos. Entre estas cuentas estn los fondos de las reservas legales y los fondos depositados en bancos corresponsales. 11-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: Assist - attend This words look similar and are both pronounced the same. However, their meanings are completely different. 6 Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires
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Training & Translations

--Assist: (asistir, ayudar): If you assist someone, you give them the help they need. For example, the nurse can assist the doctor. (I enclose a map that may assist you). --Attend:( asistir, participar, presenciar) You use attend to talk about being present at the event sch as a class or a meeting. ( I attend class every morning).

RECOMMENDED URLS --Engineering Construction Industry --eduPASS! The smartStudent Guide to Studying in the USA

FINANCE --Mandate: (mando, mandato, mandamiento, orden):orden de un tribunal dada a una agencia o funcionarios autorizados para poner en vigor un decreto, dictamen o sentencia a satisfaccin del tribunal. --Jogging:( entrada, asiento): procedimiento de registrar en un dispositivo de almacenamiento la ocurrencia de ciertas clases particulares de transacciones o actividades del sistema. 12-2003 CONFUSABLE WORDS: No none --You use no in front of nouns to mean not any or not one. For example, you might say that you have no time or no stamps. (He has given no reason for his reaction). --You use none instead of a noun group that begins with no to indicate that there are not any of the things or people that you have already mentioned. ( Part - time assistance is a lot better than none at all).

RECOMMENDED URLS --Electrical Glossary --ELSEVIE

FINANCE --Rescheduling: (replanificar): renegociacin de los trminos de una deuda pendiente --Dishonored: (rechazado, rehusado) termino usado para describir un instrumento negociable presentado para su pago y que se devuelve o no se acepta por aluna razn. Source: Collins Cobuild, Marketing by J Evans & B Berman, Diccionario de Banca de J Rosenberg. Trminos Financieros de G Segui, AMBA.

Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos Aires Tel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


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