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La Tirana Festival

Each year from the 12th through the 18th of July, in the small town f La Tirana (72km from Iquique) People celebrate the virgin of Carmel, Chiles patron saint. Activities include singing and dancing that go on twenty four hours a day for the whole week. The festival is a mixture of history and religion, legend and myth. An In9can princess vowed to kill any Spaniard after the Spanish conquerors killed her father. She earned the name of the tyrant if Tamarugal (la Tirana de Tamarugal), but she then converted to Catholicism and changed her name to Maria. The priest that discovered her grave built a temple in her memory where pilgrims converge every year. The most memorable feature of the festival is the procession of Las Diabladas that consist of some two hundred people in extraordinary costumes and masks of birds, snakes or devils who dance day and night.

Answer: 123456When is La Tirana Festival Celebrated? What kinds of masks are used? Who was Maria? How did tyrant of Tamarugal earn her nick name? Why would the Incan princess kill Spaniards? Where is the small town of la Tirana located?

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