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Alu Paratha Recipe

1. 2 potatoes 2. 5-6 stems coriander leaves 3. 1 tea spoon ginger-garlic paste(use fresh) 4. 2-3 green chilies 5. 2-3 cups wheat flour 6. 2 table spoon oil and Ghee each 7. Salt

1. Add water, salt to wheat flour. Make dough (similar to chapatti dough). Apply oil to the dough and keep for around 1hr. 2. Cook the potatoes and mash. Make paste of coriander leaves and green chilies. Add this to potatoes. Add ginger-garlic paste and salt. 3. Take a small ball of dough, spread it like a puri with hand, take a ball (ping pong ball sized) of potato stuffing, keep it on the puri and close the puri over stuffing. 4. Make paratha applying wheat flour. Fry paratha on tava, apply ghee on both sides. Serve hot. Serves : 3 Preparation time : 30min

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