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Group members: Neeraj Singh, Mayur Verma, Prince Moriya, Rishi Kant 1.Introduction to hospital management
a) registration of patients b) storing patient and staff details in system c) room availability 2. Problem description & need

3. System specifications: Detailing all the necessities for making of the project report
a) hardware requirements b) software requirements

4. System study
a) introduction b) initial investigation c) existing system d) proposed system e) operating system

5. Data flow diagrams Presenting every operation/function in diagramatic form

a)login module b) billing process c) purchase details 5.2 entity relationship diagram

6. Software description(visual basic 6.0)

a) starting b) parts c)events d) features e) areas of application 6.2 microsoft access2003 6.3 database design a) login b) doctor registration c) patient details d) medicine e) discharge sheet

7. Illustrated forms in hospital management system Representing the already feed data in the various forms

8. Conclusion

8.1 advantages 8.2 future enhancements

9. Bibliography
a) books b) site address

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