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Unit 1 Anatomy

By Anastasis Ntinopoulos

The animal that I have been spliced is the Sea Lamprey.

I have study my animals anatomy and I have found some ideas that will help me.

I created an influence map with some pictures I found for my final drawing:

Also I have drawn some feet, hands and faces that will help me with the final result:

Also I have drawn some figures and silhouettes that will help me with my final project:

Written Assignment: Essay Introduction : The essay wants to explore the aspects of metamorphosis and hybridization. Also wants to examine the human psychology in the transformation stages of human to a hybrid. Case studies for investigation will be Davids Cronenbergs The Fly (1986) which examines the slow transformation and the degradation of the human body and Vincenzo Natalis Splice(2009) which also shows the slow stages of transformation and the emotional psych of the creature that is being transformed. Additional movies: The Fly (1958) Kurt Neumman, Spiderman (2002) Sam Raimi, The Company Of Wolves (1984) Neil Jordan, The American Werewolf in London (1981) John Landis, and resources will be used for the completion of this essay.

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