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Ewing Township En vironmental Commission

7:00 P.M. Tuesday September 18, 2007
Municipal Complex 2 Jake Garzio Drive

I. Call to Order - Open Public Meetings Statement

The notice requirements provided for in the Open Public Meetings Act have been
satisfied. Notice of this meeting was properly given in the resolution by the Ewing
Township Council on January 3, 2007 which was transmitted to the Times of
Trenton and the Trentonian, filed with the Clerk of the Township of Ewing and
posted in the Ewing Township Municipal Complex, all on the January 4, 2007.

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

IV. Statements/Comments from the public on items on the agenda. The

Commission encourages participation by the public in its meetings. A member of
the public may use five minutes for specific remarks and questions, unless
otherwise engaged in a dialogue with a member of the Commission. Further
remarks or questions beyond the time limit must be authorized by the

V. Reports of Standing Committees

A. Planning Board – Hal Moeller
B. DEP stream monitoring program – Hal Moeller

VI. Reports of Special Committees/ Events

A. Report from Mayor’s Meeting – Mike Hiscock
B. Anti-solar tax petition wording – Rus Staniec
C. Community Fest – October 6, 2007 – Aimee Williams

VII. Correspondence and Communications

VIII. Old Business

A. JCC Plans

IX. Statements/Comments from public on items not listed on the agenda

X. New Business
A. EEC priorities. Funding, projects
B. Topics for meeting with Mayor in October

Adjourn 9:00 PM

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