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CouponsLet the Clipper Beware

By Elton Camp For those who dont know how to shop Cutting out coupons perhaps should stop Some clipper will shout in utter dismay How can such foolishness you dare say? By using coupons, I get items at little cost And now you suggest that my effort is lost! Yet, a waste of time and money they can be And may even endanger health as well see Coupons are always for name brand stuff Where the price is inflated and plenty rough Very often the generic brand is just as good To truly save, buying it is what you should Coupons can make us buy items we dont need The only benefit is to the marketers own greed We should be particularly wary if it says Free For very rarely the truth will that actually be Coupons can persuade us to buy unhealthy things Salty, sugary, sodas that many a problem brings Whats spent on junk food is money thrown away Theres no savings despite what the coupon may say

Dont be deceived

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