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***180C/350F for 3 hours.

Recipe A.
----------1lb basmati rice.
----------2lbs mutton cut into 2"pieces.

1.1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste

2.5 big onions, sliced fine and fried till crisp
3.2 tbsp red chili powder
4.1 tsp turmeric powder
5.2"piece raw papaya made into paste
6.1 1/2 cups beaten curd
7.2 pinches saffron (dissolved in warm milk)

8.Powder the following masala:

--4 pieces cinnamon
--6 green cardamoms
--6 cloves
--2 masala elaichi (black)
--2 bay leaves
--1 tsp black pepper
--1 tsp shahijeera

9.Whole garam masala for rice:

--2 pieces dalchini
-–2 green elaichi
--1 masala elaichi
--3 long
--5 tbsp ghee or refined oil
--A handful of chopped mint leaves & coriander leaves
--Salt to taste

---------------------------------Wash and soak the basmati rice for half an hour.
---------------------------------To the mutton add the beaten curd, ginger-garlic paste, raw papaya paste, chili powder, turmeric powder, powdered masala, salt
and half of the crushed fried onions. Allow the mutton to marinate for 3 hours.

-------------------------------Heat water (2 1/2 times more than the rice) when boils, add the whole masala, rice and salt to taste.
---------------------------------Cook the rice till 3/4 done and then drain water & save the water separately.
---------------------------------Melt the ghee and set aside.

To assemble:
-----Take a heavy bottomed vessel and add the marinated mutton and 1/2 of the melted ghee. Cover with chopped mint & coriander leaves, fried onion and
slit green chilies & juice of half a lemon. Spread the rice over this. Sprinkle the remaining ghee, saffron milk and lemon juice.
-----Cover and seal the vessel with wheat dough or with foil. Place over high heat for 20 to 25 minutes.
-----Lower heat and cook for another 45 minutes. Serve hot.
Recipe B.
Prepare the meat, rice and potatoes all separately.


Step 1:
Preparing the Meat:

-------------------Mutton 5 lbs
--Onion 2 big ones
--Ginger 2 teaspoons
--Nutmeg/Mace (jaiphal/javitri) 0.5 teaspoons
--Cinnamon Stick 2
--White cardamom & clove 15-20
-chili powder 2 teaspoons
-yogurt 2.5 cup
-Oil 1 cup
---------------------Wash the meat and drain all water.
---------------------Heat oil and add the sliced onion and fry a little bit.
---------------------Add everything and fry while stirring.
---------------------Now add mutton and cook the mutton as it turns soft.
---------------------Make sure the mixture is not watery.

Step 2:
Preparing the Potatoes:

Potatoes 3 big ones

Cut the potatoes into big pieces.
To give it a color, mix with orange color and salt.
Heat oil and fry the colored potatoes.

Step 3:
Preparing the Rice:

--Rice 6 cup
--Water 11 cup
--Oil 0.5 cup
--Prune 8-10
--Keora/Keoda water or Rose water 0.5 teaspoon
--Saffron or orange food color very little

--Fry the Rice in oil for sometime.

--Add all the water, salt as necessary and Keoda/Rose water.
--After ¾water is gone leave it on for very low heat.
--Add green chili, fried potatoes, and pr
--On top of it add all the cooked meat. Don't mix.
--Spread little bit of orange color/saffron.
--Put the lid on for 15-20 minutes in low heat.
--You'll know its done when smell comes out.


Dig through all the layers while serving to make sure meat, colored rice, non colored rice & potatoes are there.



A head of Katla fish- 250gm,

Gobindovog chal (a sp.rice of W.B) - 500gm,
onion paste - 1/4th cup,
garlic paste - 1/4th cup,
ginger paste - 1/4th cup,
tomato puree - 1/2 cup,
red chilli powder - 2tsp,
turmeric powder - 2tsp,
garam masala powder - 2tsp,
dhania and jeera powder - 2tsp,
lemon juice - 2tsp,
whole garam masala - few,
bayleaves - 2,
whole jeera seeds - 2tsp,
salt and oil as required,
fresh corriander for garnish.


Wash the head and marinate it with salt and turmeric powder. Fry it
till brown. Soak the rice for 35 minutes. Heat a pan. Add oil and
whole garam masala, jeera, and bayleaves. Now add all masalas and fry
them for 10 minutes until oil removes from it. Add rice and mix
it. Add now, the fish head and break it mixing with all masalas. Cover
it for 15 minutes in a low flame and serve hot garnished with fresh
Cook the beef first. Heat the pan & then put 1/2 cup oil, add 4 bay
leaf, 4 pieces cinnamon, 5 pieces cardamom, then add 1 cup sliced
onion, stir them till light brown, then add 2 1/2 tsp Ginger paste, 1
and 1/2 tsp Garlic paste, 1 tsp cumin powder, 2 tsp coriander
powder, 1/2 tsp Black pepper powder, 1/2 tsp Red chili powder, 1/2
tsp Nutmeg powder, keep stirring & then put 1 kg beef & stir for 5
minutes, then add 1 cup curd & salt to taste & cover them for 5
minutes. Then add some water & cook until the beef is done (there will
be no juice). Pour 1 tsp Sugar & leave the beef for 2 minutes on heat
& then turn the heat off. Your beef is done.

Now take 1/2 kg potatoes & boil them in salt water for 5 minutes. Add a
pinch of saffron color to potato & deep-fry them till they become light
brown. Then turn off the heat & keep that potatoes aside.

Now cook your Polau. Heat the pan & pour 3/4 cup ghee on pan. Then add
3 tejpata, 4 elach, 4 darchini, and 1 tblsp ginger paste, stir & add
1 kg Basmati rice & 1 tblsp Salt (to taste) & keep stirring for 3
minutes & then add 5 cup hot water. Add 5 green chili & cover. Simmer
them for 18-20 minutes. Before taking out the polau from heat, add 1/4
cup milk & 1/2 tsp sugar & leave that for 2 minutes & turn off the
heat. Your polau is ready.

Now the mixing part. Put the layer of polau & then add whole potato &
then whole cooked beef & cover them with the rest of the polau. Add 10
green chili, 10 raisin, 1/4 cup milk with saffron powder & seal the
pan. Put the pan on very low heat & keep for 5 minutes. Your tehari is
ready to serve. Serve this dish with salad.

Bagda Chingri’r Kosha:

(This is a quick & simple recipe for tiger prawns.
--Remove veins from really large sized tiger prawns.
--Heat oil & fry the prawns till they turn pink.
--Remove the prawns and in the oil fry a pinch of sugar (for color) and chopped onions till they turn brown.
--Add turmeric, red chili powder and sauté till the oil separates.
--Add shredded coconut, mustard powder in a little water, salt & green chilies sliced in the middle.
--Add the prawns & cook till done.
Panta Bhaat is a delicacy every Bengali appreciates. Here's how to make it:

Leftover, cooked rice needs to be soaked in water overnight at room

temperature to ferment. This rice should be ready the next day, soft
and mushy. It needs to be squeezed and mashed a little. You can add
a small ball of tamarind or squeeze half a lemon and a pinch of
salt. This `Panta Bhaat' is now ready to eat; it can be accompanied
by a whole lot of food items, almost anything of your choice.
Accessories that go very well with this food are:- A piece of onion,
chili peppers, Alu Bhate (mashed potato with onion, chili, salt and
some mustard oil), or Alu Bhaja (fried potatoes). Do not throw away
the water. Squeeze the rice in the water and drink the water as you
come to the end of your feast. It is usually eaten by fingers as this
brings out the actual maza'(fun) of eating `Panta Bhaat'.

Dry white peas - 1cup
Ginger paste - 11/2 tbsp
garlic pods(crushed)- 4
green chillies - 4
cinnamon - 1 small stick
cardamom - 2 pods
bay leaf - 1
cumin seeds - 1tsp
onions - 2
tomatoes- 2
tamarind paste - 1tsp
chili powder-1tsp
garam masala powder -2 tsp
coriander leaves - a few to sprinkle on top
coconut scrapings - 2 tbsp
oil - 2tbsp
salt to taste

Soak dry peas overnight. In the morning pressure cook it on simmer for
half an hour. Take a heavy bottomed vessel, add oil, splutter cumin
seeds, then add cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf fry for a few
seconds. Then add garlic, ginger, green chilies, fry for a minute and
then add onions and fry. After the onions turn pink add the tomatoes
and tamarind paste and sauté’ for a minute. When the tomatoes turn soft
and pulpy add chili powder and garam masala powder and salt. Also add
the cooked dry peas and coconut shreds and simmer for five
minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve hot with rice or

Chingrir Malaikari
Chingrir MalaiKari tastes pretty good using canned coconut milk and
simmered almost to dryness. Here is a quick way to make it, I think,
for eating during the weeknights, after coming from work. It is good
during Summertime, served on hot rice and a small Indian style salad
on the side.

Chingrir Malaikari

2 Tbsp vegetable oil

3/4 cup thinly sliced onion
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp crushed ginger
2 sliced green Serrano Chili
1 medium tomato, thinly sliced
1 lb Shrimp (approx 30 ct), shelled and de veined
1.5 Cup of coconut milk (canned)
Salt to taste
Fresh Cilantro to garnish

Fry sliced onions in hot oil till they are golden and transparent. Add
ginger and garlic and Chili and fry for 3 more minutes. Add sliced
tomato and continue frying till mixture becomes like a paste. Add salt
to taste and Coconut milk and simmer for a few minutes till mixture
becomes thick. In a separate pan, using a little oil, fry the shrimp
till they are pink on the outside. Add the shrimp to the coconut gravy
and simmer covered for 10 minutes or till shrimps are cooked. Garnish
with fresh Cilantro and green Chili. Serve immediately.

*Note- "A taste of Thai" coconut milk works out well with this recipe.
However you can change to other brands of coconut milk, and the taste
may vary slightly.

Pujor Bhoger Khichuri and Bhaja

Pujor Bhoger Khichuri

1 cup Basmati rice

1/2 cup split moong dal
1/4 cup split urad dal
1/4 " cinnamon stick
2-3 cloves
2-3 green cardamons
1 bay leaf
Oil (try using mustard oil if possible)
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Chilly powder 1/2 tsp ( I use cayenne)
Salt to taste
1/4 cup peas - shelled
1/4 cup cauliflower
2 small red potatoes - cleaned and quartered
2-3 jalapenos/ green chilies
1 1/2 tsp Ginger paste (if available, else make a
paste with 1 tsp ginger powder and equal amount of
water and let it sit for 15 - 20 minutes)
1/2 tsp Cumin paste (1/4 tsp cumin powder and 1/4 tsp
water and let it sit for 15 - 20 minutes)

Clean and wash the dals and rice seperately.

Get the pastes and masalas ready.

Heat about 1 tbsp. of Mustard Oil in a flat bottmed

pan. Add about 1/2 tbsp of ghee in it. Let it heat up.
When hot, add the bay leaf, cinnamon stick, the cloves
and the cardamon seeds. Try to slightly crush the
cardamon before putting it in the pan else it will
tend to burst.

Add the dals. fry for 5 - 10 minutes. Add the pastes

(ginger, cumin), masalas (chilly, turmeric) and mix
well. Add the rice. Fry for few more minutes
constantly stirring.
Add water - about 3 cups. Cover and let it boil on
medium high heat.

When furiously boiling, increase heat, add more water

and add the vegies.
Stir constantly else it will stick to the bottom of
the pan.
When the veggies are done, remove from heat.
Serve with "begun bhaja" or "Alu bhaja".


1/2 eggplant (big round ones)

2 potatoes washed and sliced.

Cut the egg plant into thin slices. Mix with turmeric
and a pinch of salt and keep aside for 15 - 20
Mix the potato slices with turmeric.
In a pan with hot oil (preferably mustard else
canola), add the eggplant slices gently. The eggplant
slices will absorb the oil and when done will start
releasing the oil. Take them out using a slotted spoon
and place on a absorbent kitchen towel to absorb
excess oil. When done with eggplants, add the
potatoes. Fry them till golden brown.

Enjoy with the khichuri!

In Bangladesh, Borhani is a traditional yogurt drink served at wedding
ceremonies. No occasion or ceremony will be arranged without
Borhani. So, it is my pleasure to share with you the authentic recipe
for Borhani.


Plain Yogurt (white & sour) - 1/2 kg (1 kg = 2.2 pound)

Mint Leaf (pudina leaf) paste- 1/2 teaspoon
Coriander Leaf (dhania leaf) pest- 1/2 teaspoon
Green chilly pest - 1/2 teaspoon
Cumin powder - 3/4 teaspoon
Coriander powder - 1/2 teaspoon
White mustard seed powder - 3/4 teaspoon
Black pepper powder - 1/2 teaspoon
White pepper powder - 3/4 teaspoon
Sugar - 3 teaspoon
Tomato sauce- 1 teaspoon
Chat salt (not normal white salt, it's called BIT NUN) - 1/2 tea spoon
Normal salt - 1/2 teaspoon (as per taste).


If you see, the yogurt is very thick ,then add 1 glass (normal) of
water but if not then 1/2 glass of water & beat until it becomes
smooth. Now strain the mint leaf paste, chilli paste, coriander paste
together with some (like 3 tea spoon) water & add in yogurt. Then add
the rest of the ingredients into the yogurt & mix very well. Serve

Tip: You must fry all the seeds (which I mentioned above) in low
flame & then you will make them into powder, so that you can get the
real flavor of them.
By: Srijata Sengupta, Calcutta


-500 gms small sized Potatoes

- 1/2 table spoon Mustard
- 2 twigs Kurry leaves
- 50 gms Tamarind
- 4-5 green Chillies
- Salt to taste
- 1 table spoon Ginger paste
- 1 table spoon Sugar
- 3-4 tbl spoon Refined oil

Preparation :-

- Boil Potatoes and peel them.

- Soak tamarind in a cup of water for 10 minutes and strain the juice.
- Heat oil in pan and fry ginger, mustard, curry leaves till brown.
- Then add the boiled potatoes & fry for a minute or two.
- Then add chillies, sugar & salt & add tamarind juice.
- Stir & serve hot with Luchi.

Nayar Islam
Cook the beef first. Heat the pan & then put 1/2 cup oil, add 4 bay
leaf, 4 pieces cinnamon, 5 pieces cardamom, then add 1 cup sliced
onion, stir them till light brown, then add 2 1/2 tsp Ginger paste, 1
and 1/2 tsp Garlic paste, 1 tsp cumin powder, 2 tsp coriander
powder, 1/2 tsp Black pepper powder, 1/2 tsp Red chili powder, 1/2
tsp Nutmeg powder, keep stirring & then put 1 kg beef & stir for 5
minutes, then add 1 cup curd & salt to taste & cover them for 5
minutes. Then add some water & cook until the beef is done (there will
be no juice). Pour 1 tsp Sugar & leave the beef for 2 minutes on heat
& then turn the heat off. Your beef is done.

Now take 1/2 kg potatoes & boil them in salt water for 5 minutes. Add a
pinch of saffron color to potato & deep-fry them till they become light
brown. Then turn off the heat & keep that potatoes aside.

Now cook your Polau. Heat the pan & pour 3/4 cup ghee on pan. Then add
3 tejpata, 4 elach, 4 darchini, and 1 tblsp ginger paste, stir & add
1 kg Basmati rice & 1 tblsp Salt (to taste) & keep stirring for 3
minutes & then add 5 cup hot water. Add 5 green chili & cover. Simmer
them for 18-20 minutes. Before taking out the polau from heat, add 1/4
cup milk & 1/2 tsp sugar & leave that for 2 minutes & turn off the
heat. Your polau is ready.

Now the mixing part. Put the layer of polau & then add whole potato &
then whole cooked beef & cover them with the rest of the polau. Add 10
green chili, 10 raisin, 1/4 cup milk with saffron powder & seal the
pan. Put the pan on very low heat & keep for 5 minutes. Your tehari is
ready to serve. Serve this dish with salad.


A head of Katla fish- 250gm,

Gobindovog chal (a sp.rice of W.B) - 500gm,
onion paste - 1/4th cup,
garlic paste - 1/4th cup,
ginger paste - 1/4th cup,
tomato puree - 1/2 cup,
red chilli powder - 2tsp,
turmeric powder - 2tsp,
garam masala powder - 2tsp,
dhania and jeera powder - 2tsp,
lemon juice - 2tsp,
whole garam masala - few,
bayleaves - 2,
whole jeera seeds - 2tsp,
salt and oil as required,
fresh corriander for garnish.


Wash the head and marinate it with salt and turmeric powder. Fry it
till brown. Soak the rice for 35 minutes. Heat a pan. Add oil and
whole garam masala, jeera, and bayleaves. Now add all masalas and fry
them for 10 minutes until oil removes from it. Add rice and mix
it. Add now, the fish head and break it mixing with all masalas. Cover
it for 15 minutes in a low flame and serve hot garnished with fresh

যিি িিববাসি িাও

যিি িিববাসি িাও, আিি ওেে অঙুিি োোঁায়ােবা

আিি িবষপাি কেি িেি যােবা!
িবষন আেোায় এই বাংোােিশ
িিীি িশয়েি ঝুঁেক পড়া োিঘ
পানেি িিগন িিিিেিবষ-
এ আিািই সােড় িিি হাি ভূিি
যিি িিববাসি িাও, আিি ওেে অঙুিি োোঁায়ােবা
আিি িবষপাি কেি িেি যােবা।

ধািেেেি চাপ চাপ িক

এইখােি ঝেিিোো িািুেষি ঘাি
এখেিা সােিি আেগ োকউ োকউ কেি থােক িিীেক পণাি
এখেিা িিীি বুেক
োিাচাি োখাোায় োঘােি োুেেিা, োেিািী!
শহেি বনেি এি অিি বৃিি
বৃিিেি িচকণ িবু এক একিি অপরপ োভাি
বাজােি কুিিা, গােি িণিহংসা
বািািব োোবুি গােো োজািািকি িঝকিিক োখোা
িবশাো পাসােি বেস কাপুরষিাি োিোা
বুেোি ও িবেোািণ
শে িঞেকি এি োদেবশ
িািিি িশিশেি কঁােপ ঘাস েুো-
এ আিািই সােড় িিি হাি ভূিি
যিি িিববাসি িাও আিি ওেে অঙুিি োোঁায়ােবা
আিি িবষপাি কেি িেি যােবা।

কুয়াশাি িেধে এক িশশ যায় োভােিি ইসুেো

িিথি িিিঘি পােড় বেস আেো বক
আিি িক ভুেোিো সব
সৃিি, িুিি এি পিািক?
আিি িক োিিখিি োকােিা িনি িবেকেো
িশিুো িুেোাি ওড়াউিড়?
োিােষি ঘােড়ি িি পিিশিী িািুেষি পােশ
িশউিো েুেোি িি বািোকাি হািস
িিইিি িক োখজুি িেসি ঘাণ
শিিিি িক দপুেি িচেোি
িীে সি?
িবষন আেোায় এই বাংোােিশ...
এ আিািই সােড় িিি হাি ভূিি
যিি িিববাসি িাও আিি ওেে অঙুিি োোঁায়ােবা
আিি িবষপাি কেি িেি যােবা।

জুোাই ১৯৭১ : গঙা োথেক বুিড়গঙা

Boti Kabab
1 kg mutton-cut into pieces
1 cup yoghurt
salt to taste
1/4 cup roasted gram-powdered
onion slices-to garnish
lemon wedges-to garnish

Grind to a paste
1/4 cup raw papaya-chopped
1 tbsp peeled garlic
1 tbsp roughly chopped ginger
Pierce the pieces of meat with a fork or skewer. Mix in all the ingredients except the roasted gram and marinate for 6 hours or even better, overnight.

Mix in the powdered gram and skewer the meat pieces. Bake in a pre-heated oven over a drip-tray, for 15-20 minutes. Then lower the temperature and bake for
another 10 minutes or till tender. Alternatively, the pieces can be grilled on a barbecue. This gives it a better flavor.
Serve garnished with the onions and the lemon wedges. A green chutney is a good accompaniment.

Galauti Kabab
1/2 kg minced meat

Grind together
75-100 gm chopped raw papaya
salt to taste
1 tbsp chopped ginger
1 tbsp chopped garlic
8 cloves
seeds of 2 black cardamoms
2 tsp poppy seeds-roasted and dry ground
4 peppercorns
1/2 tsp pieces of cinnamon
2 tbsp dessicated coconut-lightly roasted
2 blades of mace
5 green cardamoms
1 tsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
1 cup sliced onions-fried brown and crisp in 1/2 cup ghee
1/4 cup finely chopped coriander leaves
1 tbsp finely chopped green chillies
3 tbsp roasted gram flour
1 egg
ghee to pan fry the kababs
lemon juice to sprinkle over the kababs

Marinate the minced meat in the ground ingredients for 4-5 hours.

Mix together the coriander leaves, green chillies, gram flour and egg. Add to the meat and work at it for some time, almost kneading it like a dough.

Shape mixture into round patties of desired size, and refrigerate for half an hour or so.

Heat the ghee in a heavy-based frying pan or griddle. Fry the kababs, browning first one side and then the other, over medium heat.

Arrange them on a serving dish, sprinkle lemon juice and serve.

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