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School Phone: 352.466.


Micanopy Area Cooperative School

October 27, 2011

NO SCHOOL THIS FRIDAY!!! On Monday, Oct. 31, the school will have a Parade of Costumes at 8:30 a.m. If your child would like to wear a costume, please provide a change of clothes for the remainder of the day. Please honor the following costume guidelines: *No costumes depicting violence *No props that could be considered a weapon *No blood and gore On Monday, Kindergarten will be having a day full of harvest celebration and fun! Please be sure your child is dressed in clothes you do not mind getting a bit messy We are working with students on appropriate behavior in class and on the playground. Please be patient, and proactive, as your child may receive more yellow cards than usual. **Please be sure your child comes to school with a coat and healthy snack each day.

Helpful Tips

What we did this week:

We had a great week in Kindergarten. These are a few things we did this week in school: We introduced the letters D and N and practiced listening for those sounds in words. In math, we are recognizing patterns and making our own. We are spending time blending letters and having each child help spell simple words. For science, the class has been learning about the common cold and flu. Please remind your child to wash his/her hands frequently and cough into their elbow. IF YOUR CHILD IS SICK, PLEASE KEEP THEM HOME!

*We are participating in the Book It! Reading Program. Please make sure your children are reading, or being read to, every night. Make note of the books read on the October book list. We will give Pizza Hut coupons to children who read a minimum of 20 books for the month! *Please review your childs Reading Racers every night. We are making excellent progress with our letters and sounds! They are reviewed on Fridays, so please be sure to send the folder to class so he/she can get new letters. *Please remind your children to use pencil for writing so they can correct mistakes if necessary. Everybody has been turning in homework, keep up the good work!

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