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Submitted By:

Asel James M. Guinoo 1-Love

Submitted To:
Ms. Mayflor adona

i. Guide Card

Hi my name is kinetic energy and want to know me more just read my story below. Im not only the energy in the world but only 2 energy are the popular to us me and my dear friend potential energy. Im the kind of energy that is motion or moving and my dear friend potential energy is a kind of energy that is waiting. Do you heard the song of us the kinetic and potential energy? if you did not heard our song please listen the song so do you understand more about us .And last I will introduce to you my other friends Mechanical Energy, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy, Sound Energy, Radiant Energy, Internal Energy, Nuclear and Magnetic Energy. Want to know more to us just go to next page and I will tell who are we.

ii. Activity Card

Now you are here before you know more to us please answer the activity below.

Scramble Words
1.calinacheM ernegy is form of energy that an object has when it is moving.


2. uonS d ernegy is form of energy associated with the vibration or disturbance of matter.
Answer ________________

3. leEcrtilac ernegy is form of energy that always uses at home.

Answer ________________

4. claerNuc energy is attributed to the composition of the nucleus.

Answer ________________

5.aRiantd energy is the form of energy that enables you to see things around you.
Answer __________________

Q(Question) and A(Answer) portion 1. What kind of energy your body system that cannot function without it?
Answer __________________

2. This energy is brought about by the motion or position of electric charges?

Answer __________________________

3. How will you conserve the energy?

Answer __________________________

4. Give Atleast 3 or 4 examples in each kind of energy?

Answer __________________________

5. Can you define the different sources of energy?

Answer __________________________

Drawing contest 1 Draw what comes in your mind when you heard the word mechanical energy?

Drawing contest 2 Draw what comes in your mind when you heard the word Kinetic energy?

III. EnRichment card

1. What is Kinetic energy?
The kinetic energy of an object is the energy which it possesses due to its motion.[1] It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. The same amount of work is done by the body in decelerating from its current speed to a state of rest. The speed, and thus the kinetic energy of a single object is frame-dependent (relative): it can take any non-negative value, by choosing a suitable inertial frame of reference. For example, a bullet passing an observer has kinetic energy in the reference frame of this observer, but the same bullet is stationary, and so has zero kinetic energy, from the point of view of an observer moving with the same velocity as the bullet.[2] By contrast, the total kinetic energy of a system of objects cannot be reduced to zero by a suitable choice of the inertial reference frame, unless all the objects have the same velocity. In any other case the total kinetic energy has a non-zero minimum, as no inertial reference frame can be chosen in which all the objects are stationary. This minimum kinetic energy contributes to the system's invariant mass, which is independent of the reference frame.

2. What is Potential energy?

in physics, potential energy is the energy stored in a body or in a system due to its position in a force field or due to its configuration.[1] The SI unit of measure for energy and work is the Joule (symbol J). The term "potential energy" was coined by the 19th century Scottish engineer and physicist William Rankine.[2][3]

3. How will I conserve the energy?

Home appliances
1. Turn your refrigerator down. Refrigerators account for about 20% of Household
electricity use. Use a thermometer to set your refrigerator temperature as close to 37 degrees and your freezer as close to 3 degrees as possible. Make sure that its energy saver switch is turned on. Also, check the gaskets around your refrigerator/freezer doors to make sure they are clean and sealed tightly.

2. Set your clothes washer to the warm or cold water setting, not hot. Switching from hot to
warm for two loads per week can save nearly 500 pounds of CO2 per year if you have an electric water heater, or 150 pounds for a gas heater.

3. Make sure your dishwasher is full when you run it and use the energy saving setting, if
available, to allow the dishes to air dry. You can also turn off the drying cycle manually. Not using heat in the drying cycle can save 20 percent of your dishwasher's total electricity use.

4. Turn down your water heater thermostat. Thermostats are often set to 140 degrees F

when 120 is usually fine. Each 10 degree reduction saves 600 pounds of CO2 per year for an electric water heater, or 440 pounds for a gas heater. If every household turned its water heater thermostat down 20 degrees, we could prevent more than 45 million tons of annual CO2 emissions - the same amount emitted by the entire nations of Kuwait or Libya. the Energy Star Label - your assurance that the product saves energy and prevents

5. Select the most energy-efficient models when you replace your old appliances. Look for

pollution. Buy the product that is sized to your typical needs - not the biggest one available. Front loading washing machines will usually cut hot water use by 60 to 70% compared to typical machines. Replacing a typical 1973 refrigerator with a new energyefficient model, saves 1.4 tons of CO2 per year. Investing in a solar water heater can save 4.9 tons of CO2 annually.

Iv. Assessment card

1.What are the main sources of energy?
1. Oil
Oil prices need to be relatively high (roughly, above $75 per barrel) to warrant the extra expense of extracting and refining heavier oils, e.g., from oil sands. The distribution of usage within the oil sector is likely to shift from light sweet crude toward heavier oils, especially once oil prices return to levels seen in the second half of 2008.

Natural Gas
Natural gas is expected to gain in usage compared to the other main sources in the next two decades, due to the expected increase in oil prices. While demand in the transportation sector is inflexible, demand in industry is not. Industry gets a majority (44 percent) of its energy from oil, followed closely by natural gas. Those positions may flip in the next two years as demand from India and China drives up oil prices.

Coal may lose its position among other fuels, if a carbon credit system is implemented that severely penalizes coal use. The "clean coal" initiative could counter this, but that would depend upon the development of technology that, as of mid-2009, does not exist.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is used exclusively for electricity production. Therefore, increasing nuclear energy production would reduce our need for domestic coal and natural gas, but would not significantly reduce our demand for foreign oil.

The current numbers are not much different from 10 years ago. This is likely to stay the same for another decade. Even with a precipitous rise in oil demand from India and China, the 95 percent of transportation energy that comes from oil is quite rigid, being a function of what fuel the engines on the road can burn and the time needed to add infrastructure for delivery of new types of fuel. Other elements are less predictable. For example, the acceptance of new nuclear plants would likely depend on the price of oil, which has been a significant tool in winning acceptance of nuclear energy--despite that nuclear energy would not diminish oil demand in the transportation sector, the sector which uses the most oil by far.

2. 5 things you can do each morning to have more energy?

1. Drink a pint glass of water first thing in the morning. If you dont like water on its own, squeeze some fresh lime into it. 2. Have a good breakfast. A good bowl of muesli wont do you harm and neither will some porridge. Both are much better than a fry up. 3. Start off with at least 10 minutes of exercise. Stretch all your bodys larger muscles. Consider doing a brisk walk around the block each morning too. 4. Take in the sun light. I wake up when I see sun. Its energy, invigorating and excitement is absolutely amazing. Get up and spend a minute outside looking up in the sky taking in the morning light. Wrap up warm if its cold, but make sure you do it. 5. Fresh juice. I make myself a great carrot, apple and ginger juice daily. There is power in eating or drinking fruit before a meal and drinking a large glass of fresh juice is the best way to get started each day.


What is the importance of energy to us?

From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep at night, energy has affected your life. Energy is important in everyones life, whether you notice it or not. Without it people would have a harder time waking up and an even harder time getting anywhere. Energy is important whether its solar energy, mechanical energy, nuclear power, or the energy your body makes that allows you to talk, move, and walk. These are the tasks that we normally do that involve energy, and that we couldnt do with out it. You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, in a nice warm home.

Energy is important to heat our homes, and most houses have gas, oil or electric heaters. The mechanical energy in a wind up alarm or electric energy in a battery or plug in alarm is important to wake you up. Energy is needed to heat water, which is used when you take a shower or wash your face in the morning. Just imagine washing your face or taking a shower with ice cold water in the winter. It would be bad. If you brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, then energy allows your teeth to be clean. Energy even effects when you put on fresh clothes in the morning. Your clothing were probably made in a factory, which was powered by electricity. They m

Project Sources. 1.Guid Card It Came from my own Story and Integrated Science Text Book. 2.Activity Card It Is also from My own . 3.Enrichment Card
First Answer..(Kinetic energy)

Second Answer.(Potential energy)

Third Answer.(How to conserve energy)

4.Assesment Card
First answer.(Main Sourcer of energy)

Second answer.(5 things to do each morning to ave more energy)

Third answer.(Importance of energy to us)

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