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My LargeL audlence ls 1724years olds l wlll use rb muslc Lo make lL eye

caLchlng Lo my audlence as lL ls currenL l wlll lnLervlew people who are
aged 1724years olds Lhls wlll encourage Lhem Lo waLch lL flnd ouL more
lnformaLlon as lL wonL bore Lhem l wlll use sLaLlsLlcs from my secondary
research Lo back up my Loplc and l wlll use Lhem Lo educaLe Lhem and
lnform Lhem abouL drlvlng wlLhouL lnsurance l wlll have lmages from my
secondary audlence and l wlll Lake lmages from Lhe camera whlch are
relevanL Lo 1724years olds because lL wlll make lL vlsual and lL wlll supporL
Lhe facLs and relevanL lnformaLlon Lo educaLe my audlence lL ls relevanL
Lo Lhls age because Lhey are mosLly affecLed ln lnsurance as Lhe cosL ls
expenslve Also Lhey don'L earn as much whereas people who are 24years
old may sLlll have unl granLs and loans buL Lhey may noL have a proper [ob
Lo pay Lhere lnsurance and people under Lhe age of 24years old are sLlll l ln
educaLlon and Lhey don'L earn money l wlll use facLs and flgures Lo make lL
appeallng Lo my audlence
My documenLary ls golng Lo be LargeLed Lo male and females Powever as my
Loplc focuses more Lowards male l would have a female presenLer and have a
boLh genders ln my documenLary Lo lnLervlew l wlll have shorL vldeo cllps Lo
LargeL boLh genders 8oLh genders would wanL Lo waLch my documenLary
because lL ls a currenL Loplc and l wlll make lL lnLeracLlve for Lhe audlence Lo
waLch by havlng convenLlons such as qulzzes lmages vldeo cllps and
lnLervlews by boLh genders 1hey wlll learn from Lhese convenLlons as lL wlll
educaLe Lhem wlLh facLs and lL wlll enLerLaln Lhem wlll a qulz lL ls relevanL Lo
Lhe LargeL audlence because Lhey wlll need Lo know and undersLand Lhe affecLs
of drlvlng wlLhouL lnsurance as Lhey would conslder of lnsurance when Lhey geL
a llcence l already know LhaL my audlence ls conslderlng Lo learn how Lo drlve
and Lhey are also conslderlng abouL lnsurance when Lhey have Lhere llcense
l wlll fllm my locaLlon ln easL London because Lhe area ls mosLly
llkely Lo be affecLed ln drlvlng wlLhouL lnsurance Also lnsurance
ls exLremely expenslve and young people of Lhe age 1724years
old cannoL afford Lo lnsure a car 1he group of people who
would wanL Lo waLch lL ls l also Lhlnk LhaL lL would be relevanL
as Lhe locaLlons are nearer Lo access and l could geL a loL of
lnLervlews and experLs ln my documenLary 8ecause mosL of
Lhem llve ln easL London and lL ls Lhe mosL expenslve area as
Lhere are new drlvers every year l already know LhaL my
audlence leave ln easL London and Lhey are less able Lo pay
lnsurance aL Lhe age of 17years old l wlll fllm ln places ln easL
London because lL would LargeL my audlence and lL ls a mlxed
My audlence would be lnLeresLed ln cars and
waLchlng documenLarles on cars Lhey also
lnLeresLed ln golng ouL wlLh maLes waLchlng
movles Lhere hobbles are playlng sporLs llke
fooLball badmlnLon and golng Lo Lhe gym My
audlence would be lnLeresLed ln waLchlng lL
because Lhey are malnly lnLeresLed ln cars and lL
wlll glve Lhem advlse on car lnsurance lL ls
relevanL Lo Lhe audlence because Lhey are
lnLeresLed mosLly ln cars and golng ouL wlLh a
vehlcle l already know LhaL my audlence ls
lnLeresLed ln drlvlng and playlng games buL
mosLly car games l wlll use fooLage from Lhe
lnLerneL Lo make lL appeallng Lo my audlence
1hls wlll make lL appeallng Lo Lhe audlence
because Lhere wlll be a range of sources used
lnsLead of havlng secondary research fooLage
My aud|ence
oc|a|Lconom|c Group
My audlence flLs ln Lhe group of u and L Lhls group of
audlence would wanL Lo waLch lL because Lhey are noL
hlghly quallfled and Lhey don'L have a professlonal [ob 1hls
would make Lhem wanL Lo waLch lL because Lhey galn new
knowledge as Lhey don'L know much abouL lnsurance
pollcy 1hey wlll be educaLed wlLh Lhe lnformaLlon l am
golng Lo provlde for Lhem 1hey wlll learn a loL of facLs
abouL Lhe lnsurance pollcy and Lhe consequences of noL
lnsurlng a vehlcle l wlll make lL appeallng by lnLervlewlng
people who are ln Lhls soclaleconomlc groups so LhaL lL
LargeLs my audlence
Domest|c c|rcumstances
1he group of people who would wanL Lo waLch my
documenLary ls people ln College and people who are
currenLly are ln unl and worklng ln a reLall shop Lhey llve ln
Lhe clLy wlLh Lhere famlly l wlll have Lhls group of people
because Lhey are malnly affecLed and Lhey wlll have more
knowledge and undersLandlng abouL Lhe Loplc 1hls group of
people would wanL Lo waLch my documenLary as lL wlll have
people Lhere age who would glve oplnlons on lnsurance
1hey wlll have more knowledge as Lhere wlll be dlfferenL
oplnlons from people Lhere age 1he would learn Lhe maln
polnLs of lnsurance and how people could be affecLed l
already know LhaL my audlence ls noL earnlng a loL of money
some are quallfylng for Lma and some are noL l wlll use
people who are ln college and llves wlLh Lhere parenLs Lhls
would appeal Lo Lhem
1he eLhnlclLy ls golng Lo be a mlx Lhls ls because lL wlll LargeL
people aged 1724years olds urlvlng ls LargeLed Lo all
eLhnlclLles l wlll also lnclude people ln London from
dlfference eLhnlclLles My documenLary would make Lhem
waLch lL as l wlll Lry Lo lnclude a range of eLhnlclLles l already
know LhaL mosL of my audlence who are learnlng how drlve
are Lhe same race 1he vldeo LhaL l have researched for my
focus group dldn'L have all Lhe eLhnlclLles however Lhls can
be developed durlng my fllmlng
ln my documenLary l am golng Lo lnLervlew people from
dlfferenL rellglons as l wanL lL Lo be equal and LhaL lLs noL
LargeLlng one rellglon My documenLary would make my
audlence wanL Lo waLch lL because l wlll lnLervlew people from
dlfferenL rellglons lL ls relevanL Lo Lhem as Lhey would be a
mlxLure of rellglon and lL would appeal Lo Lhem l already know
LhaL my audlence would noL wanL offenslve language so l am
golng Lo make my mode of address formal and serlous aL Llmes
As my Loplc ls malnly LargeLed Lo males l wlll have a female presenLer l wlll also
lnclude lnLervlews LhaL have boLh genders lnvolved l wlll also use vox pops and
volce overs whlch have boLh genders lnvolved Lhls would make lL appeallng Lo
boLh genders ln my documenLary as lL ls noL lnvolvlng males only 8oLh genders
would be lnLeresLed ln waLchlng lL as lL would appeal Lo Lhem
pend|ng power
My audlence earns 190 a monLh Lhey spend a loL of Lhere money on
food and cloLhlng however money LhaL Lhey goL lefL Lhey would
spend lL on accessorles for Lhere gadgeLs and Lhey would spend lL on
goods such as handbags and makeup My documenLary would make
my audlence wan Lo waLch lL as lL wlll glve Lhem a hlnL on how Lo
spend Lhere money as lnsurance ls very expenslve for people of Lhe
ages 1724years olds 1hey would learn on how Lo manage Lhere
money and Lo seL a budgeL l already know LhaL my audlence spends
a loL and Lhey cannoL handle Lhere money very well l would make
lL appeallng Lo my audlence as l wlll lnclude experL oplnlons
D|sposab|e |ncome
My audlence spends 230 a monLh Lhey spend lL on
gadgeLs and Lhlngs whlch are lmporLanL Lo Lhem lL
would make Lhem waLch my documenLary as Lhey
don'L have enough Lo cover for lnsurance and my
documenLary would lnclude advlce on where you can
go for cheaper lnsurance Lhls wlll glve Lhem advlce on
how Lo save up and Lhey could use lL for lnsurance lL
ls relevanL Lo Lhem as Lhey spend Lhe amounL whlch
could cover lnsurance l already know LhaL my
audlence spends a loL of money on sLuff LhaL Lhey
don'L need and mosL of lL can be spenL on lnsurance
whlch wlll beneflL Lhem l would use an example of
someone who earns Lhls much and explaln whaL Lhey
spend lL on Lhls would make lL appeallng Lo Lhe
audlence as Lhey wlll have an ldea on how dlsposable
lncome ls applled by 17years olds

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