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The most expensive things? Either way, this is a compilation of most expensive stuff I have come across recently. The consumer goods are all inproduction and available to buy. No esoteric vintage, gold-plated speculums here. These are also available for private ownership.

Most expensive motorcycle

The Ecosse Moto Works Limited Edition Titanium $275,000

Most expensive motor car

That certainly is a pretty car, but more than a million dollars for a car? Holy crap! Not only is it the most expensive car in production, it is also the second-fastest car in the world. 265 mph.

Most expensive cellular phone

If you though $1 million plus for a car was expensive, this thing makes the Bugatti Veyron look decidedly cheap. Apart from the 120 carats of diamonds set in white gold, a pretty ordinary phone. That makes phone calls. It is not as though you get your own private cellular network or anything. Exclusively for those with more money than sense. At least you can scare yourself shitless with the car. This Why?

Most expensive laptop computer

Styled to look like a purse, the Bentley Ego is a fairly pathetic computer with the handle from a Bentley motor car for carrying. Hard to imagine a more worthless piece of junk, although I am sure they sold a few

The Most Expensive Private Jet

The Bombardier Global Express XRS ultra-longrange business jet $44,000,000

Most expensive private yacht

Rather difficult to be certain in this category. Most private yachts are a one-off, built to order. No certainties, but this one is definitely a contender for the most expensive. Designed by Phillipe Starck, and painstakingly tested and built to the most exacting specification, the Sigma SF-99 or A is my bet. $300,000,000? ish

Most expensive private island

Vatu Vara in Fiji $40,000,000

Nicknamed Hat Island for obvious reasons, the island has been for sale for some time now.

Most expensive bikini $30,000,000


Most expensive Hamburger $99.00

The Worlds most expensive home $2,000,000,000

Now, there are some who would say that building a 2 billion dollar home within sight of the largest slum in Asia was the height of bad taste. And I would have to agree with them. But when you inherited this much money who cares?

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