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Crocodile Stitch Christmas Tree by Thelma Lockhart

H, G, F and E hooks Special st: the crocodile st is worked over the 2 dcs that are made together in the 1 dc. 5 dc are worked around the 1st dc, then another 5 dc worked around the 2nd dc. To work your 1 st, 5 dc you must turn your working piece on its side to the right, so you will work your 5 dc from the top of the side post downwards. When working the other side, you will turn your working piece on its side to the left, so you will work your 5 dc from the bottom of the side post and upwards With H hook Row 1: Ch 43 and slip stitch in first ch (be sure not to twist chain). Row 2: Ch 1 and sc in each ch across (42 sc) Row 3: Ch 1 and in same sc do 2 dc,, ch 1 *sk 2 sc, 1 dc in next sc, ch 1, sk 2 sc in next sc, ch 1, sk 2 sc, 2 dc in next sc, ch 1* Same as between* across to last 3 sc, sk 2 sc and in last sc put in dc and sl st into first dc, ch 1 and turn Now you will start crocodile stitch Row 4: Should have 7 groups of crocodile stitch. At end sl st through last dc, Row 5: Repeat row 3 Row 6: Repeat Row 4 Change to G hook Row 7: Repeat row 3 Row 8: Crocodile Stitch row Row 9: Repeat row 3 but put 3 decreases in this row Row 10: Crocodile Stitch row (6 groups of crocodile st) Change to F hook Row 11 Repeat row 3 but put 3 decreases in this row Row 12: Crocodile Stitch row (5 groups of crocodile st) Row 13: Repeat row 3 Row 14: Crocodile Stitch row (5 groups of crocodile st) Change to E hook Row 15: Repeat row 3 but put 3 decreases in this row Row 16: Crocodile Stitch row (4 groups of crocodile st) Row 17 Sc in each st, Row 18 to end - do not sl st, just keep going around decreasing in each 2 stitches until you only have one sc left, fasten off Now place a star on top. You can crochet a small one or use a large star button.

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