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Mobility model in ad hoc network


Introduction Random Walk Mobility Model Random Waypoint Mobility Model Boundless Simulation Area Mobility Model Gauss-Markov Mobility Model Proba Walk Mobility Model City Section Mobility Model Group Mobility Model References


In the performance evaluation of a protocol for an ad hoc network, the protocol should be tested under realistic conditions including, but not limited to, a sensible transmission range, limited buffer space for storage of messages, representative data traffic models, and realistic movement of mobile users. This page describes several mobility models that represent mobile nodes whose movements are independent of each other.

Random Walk Mobility Model In this mobility model, a mobile node moves from its current location to a new location by randomly choosing a direction and speed in which to travel. The new speed and direction are both chosen from pre-defined ranges, respectively [minspeed, max-speed] and [0, 2*pi] respectively. Each movement in the Random Walk

Mobility Model occurs in either a constant time interval t or a constant traveled d distance, at the end of which a new direction and speed are calculated.

Random Waypoint Mobility Model The Random Way Point Mobility Model includes pauses between changes in direction and/or speed. A Mobile node begins by staying in one location for a certain period of time (i.e pause). Once this time expires, the mobile node chooses a random destination in the simulation area and a speed that is uniformly distributed between [min-speed, max-speed]. The mobile node then travels toward the newly chosen destination at the selected speed. Upon arrival, the mobile node pauses for a specified period of time starting the process again.

Boundless Simulation Area Mobility Model

In the Boundless Simulation Area Mobility Model, there is a relationship between the previous direction of travel and velocity of a mobile node with its current direction of travel and velocity. A velocity vector V = (v, O) is used to describe a mobile node's velocity v as well as its direction O; the mobile node's position is represented as (x,y). Both the velocity vector and the position are updated at every delta t time steps according to following formulas : v(t+delta(t)) = min[max(v(t) + delta(v), 0), Vmax] O(t+delta(t)) = O(t) + delta(O) x(t+delta(t)) = x(t) + v(t) * cos(O(t)) y(t+delta(t)) = y(t) + v(t) * sin(O(t)) v = velocity Vmax is the maximum velocity delta(v) is uniformly distributed between [-Amax*delta(t), Amax*delta(t)] Amax is the maximum acceleration a given node

O = direction delta(O) = change direction is uniformly distributed between [-alpha*delta(t), alpha*delta(t)] alpha is the max angular change

Gauss-Markov Mobility Model The Gauss-Markov Mobility Model was designed to adapt to differents levels of randomness via tuning parameters. Initially each mobile node is assigned a current speed and direction. At each fixed intervals of time n a movement occurs by updating the speed and direction of each mobile node. Specifically, the value of speed and direction at the nth instance is calculated based on the basis of the value of speed and direction at the (n-1)st instance and a random variable using the following equations: Sn = alpha * Sn-1 + ( 1 + alpha )*S + sqrt(1 -alpha 2 )*SXn - 1 Dn = alpha * Sn-1 + ( 1 + alpha )*D + sqrt(1 -alpha 2) *DXn - 1 where Sn and Dn are the new speed and direction of the mobile node at the time interval n, where 0 < alpha < 1, is the tuning parameter used to vary the

randomness s and d are constants representing the mean value of speed and direction as n->infinity and SXn-1 and DXn-1, are random variables from a Gaussian distribution. Totally random values(or Brownian motion) are obtained by setting alpha = 0 and linear motion is obtained by setting alpha=1. Intermediate levels of randomness are obtained by varying the value of alpha between 0 and 1. At each time interval the next location is calculated on the basis of the current location, speed and direction of the movement. Specifically, at time inteval n, a mobile nodes position is given by the equations: Xn = Xn-1 + Sn-1 Cos(Dn-1) Yn = Yn-1 + Sn-1 Sin(Dn-1)

Proba Walk Mobility Model

This model uses a probability matrix to determine the position of a particular Mobile node in the nest time step, which is represented by three different states for position x and three different states for position y. State 0 represents the current (x or y) position, and state 2 represents the mobile node next position if the mobile continues to move in the same direction. The Value within this matrix are used for updates for to both the mobile node's x and y positions. Each node moves randomly

with a preset average speed. With the defined value, a mobile node may take a step in any way of the four possible directions (ie., north, south east, or west) as long as it continues to move(ie., no pause time). In addition, the probability that the mobile node continues to follow the same direction is higher than the probability that the mobile node changes direction. Lastly, the defined value prohibits movement between the previous and next positions without passing through thecurrent location. The implementation produces probabilistic rather than purely random movement, which may yield more realistic behaviors.

City Section Mobility Model

In the City Mobility Model, the simulation area is a network that represents the section of a city where the ad hoc network exists. Each mobile nodes begins the simulation at a defined point of some street. The movement algorithm from the current destination to the new destination locates a path corresponding to the shortest travel time between the two points; in addition, there are safe driving characteristics such as a speed limit and a minimum distance allowed between any to mobile nodes. While reaching the destination, the Mobile Node pauses for a

specific time and then randomly chooses another destination (i.e., a point of some street) and repeats the process.

Group Mobility Model

We discuss mobility models that represent multiple mobile nodes whose action are completely independent of each other. In an ad hoc network, however, there are many situations where it is necessary to model the behavior of mobile nodes as they move together.

RPGM(Reference Point Group mobility Model)

The Reference Point Group Mobility model represents the random motion of a group of mobile nodes as well as the random motion of each individual mobile node within the group. Group movements are based upon the path traveled by a logical center for the group. it is used to calculate group motion via a group motion vector, GM. The motion of the group center completely characterizes the movement of this corresponding group of mobile nodes. including their direction and speed. Individual mobile nodes randomly move about their own pre-defined reference points whose movements depend on the group movement. As the individual reference point move from time t to t+1, their locations are updated according to the group's logical center. Once the updated reference group points, RP(t+1) are calculated, they are combined with a random vector, RM, to represent the random motion of each mobile node about its individual reference point. The length of RM is uniform distributed within a specified radius centered at RP(t+1) and its direction is uniformly distributed between 0 and Pi.

Column Mobility Model

This model represents a set of mobile nodes that move around a given line(or column), which is moving in a forward direction(e.g., a row of soldiers marching together toward their enemy). A slight modification of the Column Mobility Model allows the individual mobile nodes to follow one another(e.g., a group of young children walking in a single-file line to their classroom). For the implementation of this model, an initial reference grid(forming a column of mobile nodes) is defined. Each mobile node is then placed in relation to its reference point in reference grid; the mobile node is then allowed to move randomly around its reference point via an entity mobility model. The new reference point for a given mobile node is defined as:

new_reference_point = old_reference_point + advance_vector


Obstacle Mobility Model Project A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research A Standard Measure of Mobility for Evaluating Mobile Ad Hoc Network Performance Mobility Models Founded on Social Networks Theory Perfect Simulation and Stationarity of a Class of Mobility Models by Jean-Yves Le Boudec and Milan Vojnovic The Random Trip Mobility Model CANU Mobility Simulation Environment (CanuMobiSim)

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