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What sort of Movies appeal to teenagers?

Student number: 69490 Instructor: Danielle Sarandon

Approximately 1,505,094

movies have been made from the year 1888 to 2015. 401,000 of these

are Comedy, 80, 542 are Action and 101, 205 are Romance movies, also known as chick flicks. These three movie genres are largely supported by the teenagers of todays generation. Comedies have always been a part of theatre from the Greeks (who admittedly loved their tragedies more) to William Shakespeare. Although teenagers today more often than not, prefer the more dramatic comedies like Zohan (featuring Adam Sandler) or sometimes the more cruder ones such as Harold and Kumar go to White castle which often include large amounts of drugs, alcohol and stupidity. These movies are more often than not a direct contradiction to the average teenagers life. While a teenagers life has its moments of hilarity it also has responsibilities of one kind or another. Comedies allow teenagers to escape their normal life and have a few good laughs. The Bourne Identity, starring Matt Damon has all the qualities of a good action movie. A troubled hero who is discovering himself and has to save the girl.

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