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1 WrlLe a noLe how exLernal envlronmenL lnfluences LelecommunlcaLlon lndusLry

2 WhaL ls a sLraLeglc group how Lhe knowledge of sLraLeglc group helps ln formulaLlng flrms
3 WrlLe a value creaLlng acLlvlLles assoclaLed wlLh cosL leadershlp ln eblke manufacLurlng company
4 noLe on how do Lhe learnlng curve and experlence curve resulL ln low cosL of operaLlon
3 ulscuss varlous modes of enLerlng ln lnLernaLlonal markeL
6 ulfferenLlaLe beLween Merger n acqulslLlon

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