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MarkeLlng ConcepL

J MarkeLlng? ulscuss from !ournal

MarkeLlng ls an acLlvlL an educaLlonal process
lL lnvolves Le process of plannlng prlclng promoLlon selllng and dlsLrlbuLlng ldeas and goods and
servlces Lo creaLe excange LaL saLlsfles cusLomers
1ose cusLomers are ou
l ave uploaded Le vocab and ouLllne for Lls secLlon on 8ralnPone 1ake Lls Llme Lo
download lL Lo our markeLlng folder nCJ 1ls lnfo wlll elp ou sLud ln Le fuLure
Coods 1anglble lLems LaL ave moneLar value and saLlsf needs and wanLs 1angeble 1ouc and feel
Lxamples Cars furnlLure cloLlng
Servlces lnLanglble wlL moneLar value LaL saLlsfles needs and wanLs 8uL ou canL' Louc and feel
Lese Llngs Lxamples bank dr cleanlng alr sLllsL
Lver Llme ou bu or sell someLlng an excange occurs
1ere are 7 core luncLlons Lo markeLlng 1ese drlve Le enLlre markeLlng process or waL ls markeLlng

C8M CusLomer 8elaLlonslp ManagemenL
CusLomer servlce ls so lmporLanL ln Le 21
CenLur Man Llmes lL deLermlnes lf a buslness ls successful
or noL Lxample PL8L
C8M ls an aspecL of markeLlng LaL comblnes cusLomer lnformaLlon wlL cusLomer servlce and
markeLlng communlcaLlon Some of Le Lrends ou ldenLlfled can elp generaLe producL developmenL
C8M allows Lo llsLen Lo our cusLomers and meeL and exceed Lelr expecLaLlons lf ou undersLand our
cusLomers ou can opLlmlze revenue and generaLe more proflL 1roug daLa collecL C8M can send
emalls or posL on soclal neLworklng and evenLs LaL Le compan offers

CapLer 12 noLes
J MarkeLlng? 1ls ls a quesLlon l ave asked alread 1e answer ls LaL Le lmpacL of markeLlng
affecLs Le econom and sLandard of llvlng ln counLrles around Le world noL [usL uuranL Ck
Some of Le beneflLs lnclude
O new and lmproved producLs Cell pones ave become SmarL ones and evolved from slmple
Lo complex
O ower rlces MarkeLlng lncludes uLMAnu and LaL elps Lo lower prlces Jen demand ls
lg manufacLures can produce ln larger quanLlLles Meanlng a lesser prlce polnL And wen
producLs become popular more compeLlLors enLer Le markeLplace
1e funcLlons of markeLlng add value Lo a producL 1e added value ln economlc Lerms ls called u1ll1?
1ere are 3 economlc uLlllLles lnvolved ln markeLlng

Someone remlnd me of Le markeLlng concepL
An aLLrlbuLe of a good or servlce LaL makes Lem capable of saLlsflng a consumer need a wanL ls Le
uLlllL lL Lakes sape of

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