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Snow Storm

Walters Idea

Its basic storyline is about a man who is effected by the freak snow storm that hits the east coast of the USA. He lives in an extremely remote area and all communication lines to other parts of the country have been cut off by the snow. In this condition he has to try and survive on the little supplies that he has left. Eventually he becomes delusional, imagining things that arent there. In the end rescue finally comes to him after a few weeks, but not in time to save him from going insane.

The Opening Two Minutes

The diegetic sound of a tuning radio would come on shortly followed by the sound of a tap running and plates being washed in a sink. The shot would then cut to the main character looking out the window as he listens to the radio talk about an expected freak snow storm. From different shot we then learn about the characters reaction to the news over the radio.

The Egyptian boat

This thriller idea is political. It follows the journey of a boat in the red sea. The Egyptians are planning to make an oil deal with the Iranians but the Americans dont want this to happen. So they send an undercover agent on to the boat where the deal is being disgusted, to stop it from happening at all costs.

Opening two minutes

The title sequence would begin with an establishing shot of New York. Then we would see the outside of a business building, then moving the camera through the vents to a base underneath the building where the agent would be getting his brief about his task. We wouldnt here all the exact deals but we could see a map of the where the boat was to learn where the location of the film would be.

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