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Targeted AS Media Thriller Christina Low

Christina Low CJL Productions

EXT. 112-121 SHENFIELD PLACE- NIGHT From a low angle mid-shot, the camera pans up to a low angle long shot of the protagonist, CHLOE, walking down the road texting. MATCH CUT THROUGH LIGHT OF LAMP POST. EXT. HALL LANE- NIGHT Starting at a long shot of CHLOE walking across the road on the phone. The camera then tilts up to a low angle long of the light from the lamp post. FADE THROUGH WHITE. INT. ANTAGONISTS LAIR- EVENING A quick pan across from a close up of the window (looking through at the moon) to the desk. Around the desk the camera concentrates on the pictures of CHLOE and also on the editing of the pictures. Shot finishes on a close up of a belt. EXT. HALL LANE- NIGHT A panning long shot of Chloe walking past a lamppost. She is on the phone. CAMERA FLASH INT. ANTAGONISTS LAIR- EVENING The shot begins on a close up of the picture taken in the previous scene. Camera then pans across with a close up of another photo of Chloe with an X over both eyes. FADE THROUGH BLACK EXT. ALLEYWAY- NIGHT Chloe is walking down the alley way away from the camera. After a few seconds she turns around after hearing a noise. She turns back soon after and the camera tracks to the left back behind shrubbery.

2. INT. ANTAGONISTS LAIR- EVENING Camera pans across a sheet of paper with the name Chloe Rickenbach EXT. HALL LANE- NIGHT A panning mid shot to long shot across following Chloe walking along on her phone. INT. ANTAGONISTS LAIR- EVENING A close up of someone scribbling out the name Chloe Rickenbach. EXT. HALL LANE- NIGHT An extreme wide shot of Chloe walking across the road. There are branches in the foreground, presenting a voyeuristic view. EXT. HALL LANE- NIGHT Extreme wide shot of Chloe walking across the road, still on the phone. INT. ANTAGONISTS LAIR- EVENING An extreme close up of a photo of Chloe which has been tampered. Camera then pans across to reveal the name Christina Low. It then zooms out, to reveal more of the paper and desk. EXT. 112-121 SHENFIELD PLACE- NIGHT Mid Shot of Chloe walking down the road on her phone. CHLOE No, Im just on my way home now. I cant believe he said that to you though! Hang onShe turns around, obviously hearing something. CHLOE Sorry, could have sworn I heard something. Oh well must be imagining things again!


INT. ANTAGONISTS LAIR- EVENING An extreme close up of CJL Productions logo. It zooms out along with the zoop in the non-diegetic music. EXT. 112-121 SHENFIELD PLACE- NIGHT A pan across of the road sign 112-121 as it pans across it fades into black. FADE THROUGH BLACK EXT. PROTAGONISTS HOUSE- NIGHT Camera tracks across to the left, out from behind a car. Chloe is walking to the front door. As she gets there she drops her keys. The camera, front a point of view, moves forward. Just as Chloe puts the keys in the door, there is a gun shot. CUT TO BLACK.

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