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DIAGNOSIS OF AQUACULTURE IN REGION LA LIBERTAD, PER In the first side, the economic scenery, we can look at the highlander

citizen of La Libertad Per, are very poor, they had dedicated to activities support of farming in life, but this is not a rental activity, because they dont have access to the easy credit in higher sums. This is one of the reasons for the growth of social problems in the mountains besides coca among others. The rate of malnutrition in Sanchez Carrion and Julcan in the scholar size, 6 from 9 year old is 50%, Pataz and Bolviar 45.7% and 45.5%; Otuzco 46.3%, Santiago de Chuco 43.5% and Gran Chimu 33.8%, the coastal state are most higher rate. Similar scenary with the rate of poverty, en Sanchez Carrion 35.4%, Santiago de Chuco 35.1%, Pataz 32%, Julcan 30.5% and Bolivar 28.1%, Otuzco 21.6% and Gran Chimu 17.4% . The lasts background in aquaculture in the region are from 1985 and 1986, when La Corporacin de Desarrollo La Libertad, (The Development corporations La Libertad) inside the project Crianza de Truchas en Jaulas Flotantes (Trout Rearing in Floating Cages), installed in Laguna El Toro (El Toro Lake), in Santiago de Chuco and Laguna Sausacocha (Sausacocha Lagoon) in Sanchez Carrion,

demostrated the higher profitability, regrettably, the terrorismo they had to stop in partial. The aquaculture activity in La Libertad is a important opportunities for the development of the citizen, whom have several aqua resources (lakes, rivers, etc.) and irrigation structures. Infrastructure can be used in optimal use in aquaculture (for example: chavimochic Project:

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