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Qualities of a health worker 1.

Efficient plans with the people, organizes, conducts, directs health education activities according to the needs of the community knowledgeable about everything relevant to his practice; has the necessary skills expected of him 2. Good listener Listens to whats being said and whats behind the words always available for the participant to voice out their sentiments and needs 3. Keen observer keep an eye on the proceedings, process and participants behavior 4. Systematic knows how to put in sequence or logical order the parts of the session 5. Creative/Resourceful uses available resources 6. Analytical/Critical thinker decides on what has been analyzed 7. Tactful brings about issues in smooth subtle manner does not embarrass but gives constructive criticisms 8. Knowledgeable able to impart relevant, updated and sufficient input 9. Open invites ideas, suggestions, criticisms involves people in decision making accepts need for joint planning and decision relative to health care in a particular situation; not resistant to change 10. Sense of humor knows how to place a touch of humor to keep audience alive 11. Change agent involves participants actively in assuming the responsibility for his own learning 12. Coordinator brings into consonance of harmony the communitys health care activities 13. Objective unbiased and fair in decision making 14. Flexible able to cope with different situations


-Accepts needs of joint planning and decisions relative to health care in particular situation not resistant to changes; open to suggestions and criticism. b. TACTFUL -One who presides over an assembly meeting or discussion in a subtle manner; does not embarrass but gives constructive criticisms; has good diction, proper choice of words. c. OBJECTIVE -Gives fair judgment, no biases. -Unbiased and fair in decision making; no favoritism.

d. GOOD LISTENER -Attentive always available for the participant to voice out their sentiments and needs, listening is the key to good assessment; open to ideas; has empathy. e. EFFICIENT -Knowledgeable about everything relevant to his/her practice; has the necessary skills expected from him/her. f. FLEXIBLE -Able to cope with different situation. g. CRITICAL THINKER / ANALYTICAL -Decides on the basis of what has been analyzed. -Always a presence of mind.

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