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Presented by: Sandeep Kumar

The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts

and interacts with others. The collection of factors that make up an individuals personality affects how the person adjust to different environment.

Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment.

Gordon Allport
Personality is the outcome of a series of psychology crisis.


Determinants of personality
Biological factors: These factors mainly
include physical structure, mental and other inherited traits.

Family and other social and environmental factors: Family and

other primary social groups such as friendship groups, community,etc. have a significant impact on personality development.

Determinants of personality
Cultural factors: Culture may be defined as
the sum total of knowledge ,beliefs ,values ,traditions, customs ,habits and moral values acquired by the people from society.

Situational variable:Situational factors

demand that the individual should behave and use his traits of personality and make necessary modifications in it accordingly.

Personality Theories
Trait Theory The Big Five Model Theory

Trait Theory
This theory states that in order to understand individuals, we must breakdown behavior patterns into a series of observable traits.
In this theory researchers gives us 16 traits . These 16 traits have been found to be generally steady and constant sources of behavior, by allowing prediction of an individuals behavior in specific situations by weighing the characteristics for their situational relevance.

Sixteen personality traits 1. Reserved 2. Less intelligent 3. Affected by feelings 4. Submissive 5. Expedient 6. Serious 7.Timid vs vs vs vs vs vs vs Outgoing More intelligent Emotionally stable Dominant Conscientious happy-go-lucky Venturesome

8. Tough minded 9. Trusting

10. Practical 11.Forthright 12.Self assured 13.Conservative 14.Group dependent 15. uncontrolled 16. relaxed

vs vs
vs vs vs vs vs vs

Sensitive Suspicious
Imaginative Shrewd Apprehensive Experimenting Self sufficient ontrolled Tense

The Big Five Model Theory

In this researchers give five basic dimensions which shows significant variation in human personality.

The big five factors are :Extraversion: A personality dimension

describing someone who is sociable,gregarious and assertive.

Agreeableness: Personality dimension

that describes someone who is goodnatured,cooperative and trusting.

dimension that describes someone who is responsible,dependable,persistent and organized.

Emotional stability: A personality

dimension that characterizes someone as calm, self confident, secure(positive) versus nervous, depressed and insecure(negative).

Openness to experience: A personality

dimension that characterizes someone in terms of imagination, sensitivity and curiosity.

Major personality attributes influencing OB

Locus of control: The degree to which
people believe they are masters of their own fate.

Machiavellianism: Degree to which an

individuals pragmatic, maintains emotional distance and believes that end can justify means.

Major personality attributes influencing OB

Self-esteem: Individuals degree of liking or
disliking themselves .

Self-monitoring : A personality trait that

measures an individuals ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors.

Major personality attributes influencing OB

Type A personality: Aggressive
involvement in a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time and if necessary, against the opposing efforts of other things or other people.

Type B personality: They are rarely harried

by the desire to obtain a wildly increasing number of things or participate in an endless growing series of events in an ever-decreasing amount of time.

Major personality attributes influencing OB

Risk taking: People differ in their willingness to
take chances .this propensity to assume or avoid risk has been shown to have an impact on how long it takes managers to make a decision and how much information they require before making their choice.

Proactive personality: People who

identify opportunities, show initiative, take action and preserve until meaningful change occurs.

Hollands typology of personality and congruent occupation

Type Realistic: prefer physical activities that require skill, strength and coordination Investigative: prefer activities that involve thinking, organizing and understanding Personality characteristics Congruent occupations Shy, Mechanic, drill press genuine,persistent,stable, operator, assembly-line Conforming,practical worker, farmer

Analytical,original,curiou s,independent

Biologist,economist,math ematician,news reporter

Social: prefer activities that involve helping and developing others

Sociable,friendly,cooperat Social ive,understanding worker,teacher,counselor, clinical psychologist

Hollands typology of personality and congruent occupation

Type Conventional: prefers rule-regulated,orderly and unambiguous activities Enterprising: prefer verbal activities in which there are opportunities to influence others and attain power Artistic: prefers ambiguous and unsystematic activities that allow creative expression Personality characreristics Congruent occupations Conforming,efficient,prac Accountant, corporate tical,unimaginative,inflex manager, bank teller, file ible clerk ambitous,energetic,domi neering,self-confident Lawyer, real state agent, public relation specialist, small business manager

Imaginative,disorderly,id ealistic,emotional,imprac tical

Painter,mucician,writer,in terior decorator

Organizational Behaviour-Stephen P. Robbins

Thank you

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