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1. SeismicCodesandRelevantDataLayerforHazardandRiskAssessment 1.1 DescriptionofNationalCodeDevelopment Indonesiahasdevelopedtheearthquakecodesince27yearsago.Ithadaimtoimprovethe regulationoftheearthquakeresistanceforbuildingwhichwasinterpretedinthestandard code(DesignMethodofEarthquakeResistanceforBuildings).Thiscodewasproposedby Beca Carer Hollings, Ferner Ltd and Indonesians expert engineers.

rs. The result of this investigation waspublishedinIndonesianEarthquakeStudiesvolume1until7at1979. Based on this investigation, the hazard map was published for period 500 years. In the hazard map, the earth quake zone map of Indonesia is divided into 6 zones and it is classifiedby2(two)subsoilconditionstype,stiffsoilandsoftsoil. Nowadays, there are many technologies and research to investigate the occurrences of earthquakemuchmoredetails.Theimprovinganddevelopingofthisresearchispublished intheBuildingCodethatmustbefulfilledinordertogeneralizethedesignscalculation andgiveasafetyfactorforbuildingsandusers.Indonesiaisaoneofdangerouslocationsin theworldasithasalotofearthquakeoccurrences;hencetheIndonesiagovernmentmakes aregulationandreferenceforengineerstodesignabuildingandinfrastructurebyusinga code which is called Design Method of Earth quake Resistance for Buildings Indonesia Standard National 172602. This standard is intended as a replacement of Indonesian NationalStandard(SNI0317261989). IndonesiagovernmenthasstartedanewcodeafterTsunamidisasterwhichwasoccurred5 yearsago.Wewereawarethatthecurrentcodeisnotrelevantanymoretobeimplemented fordesigningofbuilding.Manybuildingsandinfrastructuresweredestroyedbyearthquake and tsunami due to lack of quality and wrong construction method. This code is being accomplished by government which consider higher safety factor including construction methodforhousingandhighbuilding.Thisisnecessarytogiveknowledgeforengineersand architectstobuildabuildingaswellasnewcode. 1.2Recentcodesituation 1.2.1ElaborationofNationalSeismicZoningMaps Currently,IndonesiahasthreeearthquakehazardmapsissuedbyDepartmentofPublic Works.ThefirstmapisPeakGroundAcceleration(PGA)mapatbedrockfor500years returnperiodintheStandardforEarthquakeResiliencePlanningStructureBuilding(SNI 0317262002). This hazard map is used for designing general buildings. The second is thehazardmapsfordesigningwaterworks(dam).ThismapwasdevelopedbyTheoF. NajoanandpublishedbyResearchcentreforWaterworksDepartmentofPublicWorks. ThethirdmapisusedfordesigningbridgeandroadconstructionpublishedbyResearch


CentreforRoadsandBridgeworks.ThismapisreferredtothemapdevelopedbyTheo F.Najoanwithareturnperiodof50and100years. The map for PGA at bedrock in the SNI 0317262002 (Figure 1e) was developing by averaging values from four seismic hazard maps developed by four different research groupsinIndonesia(Figure1ato1d).Thisseismichazardmapwasdevelopedusingtotal probability theorem (Cornel, 1968) and by applying area sources model (2dimension model).This2dimension(2D)modelhassomelimitationsinmodelingthefaultsource geometries. Moreover, several great earthquake occurrences in Indonesia in the last two years inquire revision of seismic hazard parameters in SNI 0317262002. These earthquake events must be considered in determining seismic hazard parameters especiallymaximumcredibleearthquakemagnitude(MCE).


Figure1. 1.2.2 IndonesiaHazardMapfromfourresearchesandasinSNI0317262002.

SpecificationofCodeProvisions Thisstandarddefinestheeffectofdesignearthquakethatmustbeexaminedin thebuildingstructuredesignandvariouspartsandcomponentsingeneral.Due totheeffectofdesignearthquake,overallbuildingstructuremuststayerected, albeitinnearcollapsingcondition.Thedesignearthquakeisdefinedtohave a reoccurrenceperiodof500years,soitsprobabilityinthe50yearsbuildinglife spanis10%. Thedesignrequirementsofearthquakeresistantbuildingstructuresdefinedin thisstandarddonotapplyforthefollowingbuildings: Buildingwithuncommonstructuresystemorbuildingsstillrequiringproving oftheirworthiness. Buildingsusingbaseisolationsystemtoabsorbearthquakeeffectonthe upperstructure. CivilEngineeringStructuressuchasbridges,irrigationbuilding,wallsand piersofharbor,offshoreoilstructure,andothernonbuildings. Onestoreyhouseandothernontechnicalbuildings. Thisstandardhasaproposethatthebuildingstructurewhichitsearthquake resistanceisdesignedconformingtothisstandardcanfunction: Topreventhumancasualtiesbythecollapseofbuildingbecauseofastrong earthquake


Toreducebuildingdamageduetolighttomediumearthquake,sothe buildingisrepairable. Topreventtenantdiscomfortforbuildingtenantsduringlighttomedium earthquakes. Tomaintainatalltimevitalservicesofbuildingfunction. For various building categories, depending on the probability of building structurecollapsingforthelifeandexpectedageofthe building,theeffectof design earthquake on it must be multiplied with a significance factor I (ImportanceFactor). BuildingCategory Generalbuilding,suchasforresidential,tradeandoffice Monumentandmonumentalbuildings Post earthquake important buildings such as hospital, clean water installation, power plant, emergency rescue center,radioandtelevisionfacilities. Buildings for storing dangerous goods such as gas, oil products,acid,toxicmaterials Chimneys,toweredtanks Table1.Importancefactor I1 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.5 SignificanceFactor I2 I(I1xI2) 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.6 1.5

I1 = the significant factor to adjust the reoccurrence period of the earthquake related to probabilityadjustmentoftheearthquakeoccurrenceforthelifeofthebuilding. I2 = Significant factor to adjust earthquake reoccurrence period related to the building age adjustment. Abuildingstructureisdefinedasaregularbuildingunderthefollowingterms: Height of the building structure measured from lateral clamping level may notbemorethan10storiesor40m. Shape of the building is rectangular without protrusion, if there is an protrusion,thelengthoftheprotrusiondoesnotexceed25%ofthelargest sizeofthebuildingstructureinthedirectionoftheprotrusion. The building structure map does not show any corner notch, if there is a notch, the length of the side of the notch does not exceed 15% of the largestsizeofthebuildingstructureinthenotchsidedirection. The building structure system is formed by the lateral load bearer subsystems which direction is perpendicular to each other and parallel to orthogonalmainaxisofoverallbuildingstructuremap. Thebuildingstructuresystemdoesnotshowaleapofthefrontplane,ifa leapofthefrontplane,sizeofthestructuremapofthebuildingprotruding ateachdirectionisnolessthan75%ofthelargestsizeofstructuremapof

thelow werbuildingp part.Inthiscase,roofhou usestructure whichisless sthan 2storeystallisnotn necessarilyco onsideredtocausefrontp planeleap. 4.Ductilityofthebuildingstructureand dnominalear rthquakeload ding ) of Building structure ductility factor ( is a ratio o maximum deflection to the buildingstr ructureduetotheeffecto ofthedesignearthquakew whenreachin ngthe conditiono ofnearcollap psing(m)and dbuildingstru ucturedeflect tionwhenthe efirst yieldingyoccurs,which his:

1.0 =
Buildingstructure e performanceLevel
Full Ela astic Partial Elastic

m m y
f2 f

1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,3

1, ,6 2, ,4 3, ,2 4, ,0 4, ,8 5, ,6 6, ,4 7, ,2 8, ,0 8, ,5

1 1.09 1.17 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.51 1.61 1.70 1.75

1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0 2 2.2 2 2.3 2 2.4 2 2.6 2 2.7 2 2.8 2

Full Du uctile

Tab 2. Ductility for each performance lev ble y vel

R = . f1 =

Ve Vn

Ve m = Vy y Vm Vy

f2 =

f1 =
Figure2.Du uctilitycurve

Vy Vn Vm Vn

f = f1. f 2 =

Page5 5of51

Where: Ve=Maximumloadingduetoeffectofdesignearthquakeabsorbablebyafully elasticbuildingstructureintheconditionofnearcollapsing. Vm=Maximumloadingduetoeffectofdesignearthquakeabsorbablebyafully ductilebuildingstructureintheconditionofnearcollapsing. Vy=Theloadingthatcausesthefirstyieldinginthebuildingstructure. Vn=Thenominalearthquakeloadingduetoeffectofdesignearthquakewhich mustbeexaminedinbuildingstructuredesign. f1=theloadandmaterialextrastrengthfactorincludedIthebuildingstructure, f1=1.6 f2=Thestructureextrastrengthfactor R=Theearthquakereductionfactor Theearthquakecode,whichiscalledSNI172602,explainsthefailure mechanismwhichisstillinthesafezoneduetoearthquakeload.This mechanismiscalledSideSwayMechanism(picture2)wheretheplastichinge onlyoccursontheedgeofbeamsandcolumns.Toreachthismechanism,the strongcolumnweakbeammustbefulfilledthecapacitydesign.Thisconcept explainsthatthecolumnsmusthavenominalflexurecapacitywhichislarger thanbeams.Sideswaymechanismisexpectedinthedesigntopreventthe collapsemechanismatthecolumnwhereitiscalledasSoftStoreyMechanism (Picture3).



IntheStrongcolumnweakbeamconcept,thecapacitydesignneedsamultiplier to enlarge the column capacity against beam, which is called Overstrength factor(OF).Thisconceptcouldbeinterpretedinequilibriumasbelow:

OFx M g

Where: Mc=Amountofcolumnmomentsinthejointbeamcolumn Mg=Amountofbeammomentsinthejointbeamcolumn OF=OverstrengthFactorvalue(6/5) Soiltypesaredeterminedashardsoil,mediumsoilandsoftsoil.Forthe uppermostlayeratamaximumthicknessof30m,therequirementinthetable issatisfied: AverageNonFlowing Averageshearwave AverageStandard shearstrengthSu propagationspeed PenetrationTestResult (kPa) N Vs350 N50 Su100 175Vs350 15N<50 50Su<100 Vs<175 N<15 Su<50 Or,eachprofilewithsoftsoilhavingtotalthicknessofmorethan3mwith PI>20,wn40%,andSu<25kPa Requiresspecialevaluationateachlocation Table3.Shearwavevelocity Theeffectofdesignearthquakeonthesoilsurfacemustbedeterminedfrom theanalysisresultofearthquakewavepropagationfromthedepthofthebase rocktosoilsurfacebyusinginputearthquakemovementwithpeakacceleration forbaserock.
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 Minimum PGA (g) 0.03 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Ao (g) Rock 0.04 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.28 0.33 Ao (g) Stiff 0.05 0.15 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.36 Ao (g) soft 0.08 0.2 0.3 0.34 0.36 0.38


HardSoil MediumSoil SoftSoil SpecialSoil



Consideringtheshortnaturalfrequencyperiodof0T0.2second,thereisan uncertainty,bothinsoilmovementcharacteristicoritsstructureductilitylevel, theearthquakeresponsefactorCisdeterminedbytheequationbelow: ForTTc;C=Am ForT>Tc;C=Ar/T Where:Ar=Am.Tc Zone HardSoil MediumSoil SoftSoil Tc=0.5sec Tc=0.6sec Tc=1.0sec Am Ar Am Ar Am Ar 0.10 0.05 0.13 0.08 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.15 0.38 0.23 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.23 0.55 0.33 0.75 0.75 0.60 0.30 0.70 0.42 0.85 0.85 0.70 0.35 0.83 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.83 0.42 0.90 0.54 0.95 0.95 Table5.Accelerationvalueforeachsoiltype

1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure5.ResponseSpectraGraphforeachzone 1.2.3 BasicEquationforPredictingtheEquivalentHorizontalForces Fundamentalperiodisbasicallyabletobedeterminedbyusingequationfrom UBC97: T=0.0853H3/4(forsteelframe) T=0.0731H3/4(forconcreteframe) T=0.0488H3/4(forothersframe) WhereHistotalheightofbuilding Topreventausageofoverflexiblebuildingstructure,thefundamentalnatural frequencyperiodT1ofthebuildingstructuremustbelimited,dependingonthe coefficient fortheSeismiczonewherebuildingislocatedanditsstoreytotaln isaccordingtotheequation.

Wherethecoefficientisdefinedaccordingtotablebelow: Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 Coeff. () 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.15



Accordingtothetableabove,itcanbeclearlyseenthatthecriticalzone(6)is expectedtohavelowerperiodratherthanotherzones. Fundamentalnaturalfrequencyperiodofaregularbuildingstructureineach mainaxisdirectioncanbedeterminedusingRayleighformulaasfollows: n Wi di2 T1 = 6,3 i =1n g Fi di i =1

Where: =Thefloorweightoftheithincludingcorrespondingliveload Wi Fi =Equivalentstaticnominalearthquakeloads di =Thehorizontaldeflectionoftheithfloor g =Gravitationalacceleration(9.8m/sec2) Thecenterofgravityofstoreyfloorofabuildingstructureistheresultantpoint of dead load, including corresponding live load working at that floor. On the building structure design, the center of gravity is the resultant point of equivalentstaticloadordynamicearthquakeforce. Storeylevelrotationcenterofabuildingstructureisapointatthestoreyfloor whichifa horizontalload isworkingonit, thestoreyfloorwill notrotate, but only translates, while the other levels not experiencing horizontal load will all rotateandtranslate. Betweenthecenterofgravityandthecenterofrotation,adesignedeccentricity ed must be examined. If the largest horizontal size of the building structure a storeyfloor,measuredperpendiculartoearthquakeloadingdirection,isstated asb,thedesignedeccentricityedmustbedeterminedasfollows: For0<e0.3b ed=1.5e+0.05b or ed=e0.05d andselectedbetweenbothwhicheffectisthemostdeterminingforthe examinedbuildingstructurecomponentorsubsystem: Fore>0.3b Ed=1.33e+0.1b or ed=1.17e0.1b Equivalentstaticnominalearthquakeload Aregularbuildingstructurecanbedesignedagainstnominalearthquakeloading due to effect of design earthquake in the direction of each main axis of the structuremap,informofequivalentstaticnominalearthquakeload. TheequivalentstaticnominalbasicshearloadVoccurringatthebaselevelcan becalculatedaccordingtotheequation:


Where: C1 I W1 R

C1 I W1 R

=Theearthquakeresponsefactor =Importancefactor =Thetotalweight =earthquakereductionfactor

NominalbasicshearloadVmustbedistributedalongtheheightofthebuilding structuretobeequivalentstaticnominalearthquakeloadsFiworkingatthe centerofgravityattheithlevelaccordingtoequation:

Fi =

Wi zi

Wi zi
i =1

Where: Wi =Thefloorweightoftheithincludingcorrespondingliveload Z i =Thefloorheightoftheithfloormeasuredfromlateralclampinglevel.

Iftheratiobetweentheheightofthebuildingstructureanditsmapsizeinthe earthquake loading direction equals or exceeding 3, then 0.1 V must be considered as a horizontal loads centralized at the center of gravity of the uppermostlevel,whiletheremaining0.9Vmustbedistributedalongtheheight ofthebuildingstructuretobeequivalentstaticnominalearthquakeload. erviceLimitPerformance S Service limit performance of a building structure is defined by the interlevel deflection due the effect of design earthquake which limit the occurrence of steel yield and excessive concrete cracking. To satisfy this requirement, inter level deflection calculated from the building structure deflection may not exceed0.03/Rofheightoftherespectivelevelor30mm. The ultimate limit performance of the building structure is determined by the deflectionandmaximuminterleveldeflectionofthebuildingstructuredueto effect of design earthquake when the building structure is near collapsing. To limittheoccurrencepossibilityofbuildingstructurecollapsingwhichcancause human casualties and to prevent dangerous collisions between buildings or between earthquake load parts separated by separation space (dilatation clearance). Forregularbuildingstructure =0.7R Forirregularbuildingstructure

0.7 R scale _ Factor

WhereRisearthquakereductionfactorofthebuildingstructure. Tosatisfythebuildingstructureultimatelimitperformancerequirements,inall conditions, the interlevel deflection calculated from the building structure deflectionmaynotexceed0.02oftherespectivestoreyheight. Thisapproachpermitsthemultiplemodesofresponseofabuildingtobetaken intoaccount(inthefrequencydomain).Thisisrequiredinmanybuildingcodes for all except for very simple or very complex structures. The response of a structurecanbedefinedasacombinationofmanyspecialshapes(modes)that inavibratingstringcorrespondtothe"harmonics". Combinationmethodsincludethefollowing: absolutepeakvaluesareaddedtogether squarerootofthesumofthesquares(SRSS) completequadraticcombination(CQC)amethodthatisanimprovement onSRSSforcloselyspacedmodes Inthisreport,IwillcomparetheEquivalentstaticresultwithSRSSresult. TheequilibriumofSRSSmethodis: N m

MPFj =

m m
k =1 k =1 N

k kj

i =

( MPF )
N j =1 ij j

Fi =

i i

k =1

k k

2 k kj

1.3ElaborationofFurtherInformation 1.3.1GeneralInformation Indonesia,locatedinSoutheastAsia,isanationconsitingofover13,000islands(some publications cite more than 17,000 islands). Only 6000 of these islands are inhabited. TheislandsspreadbetweentheIndianandPacificoceans,linkingthecontinentofAsia and Australia. The main islands are Sumatera (473,606, Kalimantan (539,460,Sulawesi(189,,IrianJaya(421,,andJava(132, Indonesia shares the islands of Kalimantan with Malaysian, and Irian with Papua New Guinea. Indonesia is recognized as archipelagos country which has more than ten thousand islands.60%ofpopulationisconcentratingintheJavaIslandandtherestaredistributed inSumatra,Kalimantan,SulawesiandIrianIsland.


MostofbigcitiesinIndonesiahavebigpotentialtohaveearthquakeduetothelocation isneartothetectonicplateandactivemountain.


ThemapsbelowaredrawingthegeologicalandtopographicalconditioninIndonesia.It isconsistedofseveralofsoiltypesforinstance,metamorphicrock,Mesozoicformation andvolcanicformation.Itiscausedbymanyactivevolcanosandmanytectonicplatesin Indonesia.



1.3.3GovernmentandPoliticalconditions Indonesia is a republic based on the 1945 constitution providing for a separation of executive, legislative, and judicial power. Substantial restructuring has occurred since President Suharto's resignation in 1998 and the short, transitional Habibie administrationin1998and1999.TheHabibiegovernmentestablishedpoliticalreform legislation that formally set up new rules for the electoral system, the House of Representatives (DPR), the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), and political parties without changing the 1945 Indonesian constitution. After these reforms, the constitutionnowlimitsthepresidenttotwotermsinoffice.

2.1Analysisofconcreteframe 2.1.1ModelofStructure

Inthisyellowproject,thetypicalstructuregivenfordesigningisa4storeybuilding whichisconstructedbyReinforcedconcrete.Theanalysisusesastructuressoftware (ETABSv.9.0.9).Thedimensionofframeelementsandlayoutareexplainedasfollows:


1. Column

2. Beam

3. Sla ab Slabis16cm

Figure e9.Layoutofbuildingstru f ucture

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2.1.2.MaterialProperties Intheetabssoftware,wecouldapplythematerialpropertiessuchasbelow:

Figure10.Materialproperties Accordingtopictureabove, concretedensityis2500kg/m3 concreteCompressionStrengthis2800000kg/m2 Reinforcementyieldstressis42000000kg/m2 2.1.3LoadCases Thereareseveralloadcaseswhichareappliedintoaccount.TheseloadcasesareDead Load(DL),LiveLoad(LL)andEarthquakeLoad(E). Thedetailofeachloadcaseiscalculatedinthetablebelow:





Slab Plastering Partitions Superimposed Load Roof

[kN/m ] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] 25 0.16 1.25 1.25 5.75 2 25 25 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 5 5 5 5 5 20 6.25 6.25 32.5 28.75 10 2.25 4 3.375

LiveLoad FrameLoad Column300mmx300mm Column400mmx400mm Beam300mmx450mm

25 0.45 0.3


2.1.4EquivalentstaticnominalearthquakeloadCalculation Beforecalculatingtheshearforce,wehavetodeterminetheweightateachstorey whichiscalculatedastablebelow:

Weight each Storey h1 [m] w4 w3 w2 w1 3.05 3.2 3.2 h2 [m] h3 [m] h4 [m] 3.2 3 3 3 3 n-slab L2 [m] 5 5 5 5 n-beam n-column Sub Total (KN) 24 24 24 24 16 16 16 16 893.85 1101.45 1191.05 1186.25 4372.6

Table8.Weightdistributionforeachstorey Accordingtotheequivalentstaticequilibrium,thebaseshearforeachseismiczoneis

Wi Storey [kN] 4 3 2 1
1101.45 1191.05 1186.25 4372.60

zi [m]

Wi*zi [kN.m]

893.85 12.65 11307.20 9.45 10408.70 6.25 3.05 7444.06 3618.06 32778.03



Cv Base Shear (kN) 0.2 hard Soil 218.63 75.42 69.43 49.65 24.13 0 218.63

0.08 medium Soil 87.45 0.05 soft Soil 54.66 0.5 hard Soil 546.58 188.55 173.57 124.13 60.33 0 546.58

0.23 medium Soil 0.15 soft Soil

0.75 0.33 hard medium Soil Soil 0.23 soft Soil 0.85 hard Soil

0.42 medium Soil 0.3 soft Soil

0.9 0.5 hard medium Soil Soil 0.35 soft Soil 0.95 hard Soil

0.54 medium Soil 0.42 soft Soil

251.42 163.97 819.86 360.74 251.42 929.18 86.73 79.84 57.10 27.75 56.56 282.82 124.44 52.07 260.35 114.55 37.24 186.20 18.10 90.50 81.93 39.82 86.73 79.84 57.10 27.75 320.53 295.06 211.02 102.56 0 929.18

459.12 327.95 983.84 546.58 382.60 1038.49 590.30 459.12 158.38 113.13 339.39 188.55 131.98 145.80 104.14 312.42 173.57 121.50 104.27 74.48 223.43 124.13 50.68 36.20 108.60 60.33 86.89 42.23 358.24 203.63 158.38 329.77 187.45 145.80 235.85 134.06 104.27 114.63 65.16 50.68


4 3 2 1 0

30.17 18.85 27.77 17.36 19.86 12.41 9.65 6.03 0 0 87.45 54.66

0 0 0 0 0 251.42 163.97 819.86 360.74 251.42

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 459.12 327.95 983.84 546.58 382.60 1038.49 590.30 459.12





4 3 Storey 2 1 0 0.00 100.00 200.00 BaseShear(kN) 300.00 400.00 zone1 zone2 zone3 zone4 zone5 zone6

4 3 Storey 2 1 0 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 zone1 zone2 zone3 zone4 zone5 zone6


4 3 Storey 2 1 0 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 zone1 zone2 zone3 zone4 zone5 zone6





1 UY -0.0057 -0.0046 -0.0026 -0.0011

2 UX 0.0058 0.0046 0.0026 0.0011

3 RZ -0.00085 -0.0007 -0.00044 -0.00019

4 UY -0.0045 0.0015 0.0053 0.0033

5 UX 0.0044 -0.0015 -0.0053 -0.0033

6 RZ -0.00069 0.00015 0.0008 0.00053

7 UY -0.0032 0.0059 -0.0021 -0.0034

8 UX -0.0032 0.006 -0.0021 -0.0033

9 RZ -0.00052 0.00088 -0.00021 -0.00057

10 UY -0.0004 0.0016 -0.0046 0.006

11 UX -0.0004 0.0016 -0.0046 0.0061

12 RZ 0.0001 -0.00034 0.00073 -0.00086

normalization 1 UY 1.00 0.81 0.46 0.19 0.00 2 UX 1.00 0.79 0.45 0.19 0.00 3 RZ 1.00 0.82 0.52 0.22 0.00 4 UY 1.00 -0.33 -1.18 -0.73 0.00 5 UX 1.00 -0.34 -1.20 -0.75 0.00 6 RZ 1.00 -0.22 -1.16 -0.77 0.00 7 UY 1.00 -1.84 0.66 1.06 0.00 8 UX 1.00 -1.88 0.66 1.03 0.00 9 RZ 1.00 -1.69 0.40 1.10 0.00 10 UY 1.00 -4.00 11.50 -15.00 0.00 11 UX 1.00 -4.00 11.50 -15.25 0.00 12 RZ 1.00 -3.40 7.30 -8.60 0.00

4 3 2 1 base






4 3 2 1

893.85 1101.45 1191.05 1186.25


1 UY 893.85 893.85 888.89 543.29 717.35 247.81

2 UX 893.85 893.85 873.56 533.92 692.83 239.34

3 RZ 893.85 893.85 907.08 616.54 747.00

4 UY 893.85 893.85 -367.15 122.38

5 UX 893.85 893.85 -375.49 128.01

6 RZ 893.85 893.85 -239.45 52.05 1601.08

319.15 -1402.79 1652.18 -1434.67 1728.13 -1380.93

228.93 44.18 224.98 42.67 265.16 59.27 -869.92 637.94 -889.69 667.27 -911.18 699.89 2554.95 1903.19 2526.31 1868.69 2682.63 2019.28 -1746.01 3306.35 -1806.01 3417.25 -1637.70 3246.87 1.34 1.35 1.33 -0.53 -0.53 -0.50
8 UX 893.85 893.85 781.63 512.94 9 RZ 893.85 893.85 3154.45 481.00 10 UY 893.85 -4405.80 11 UX 893.85 -4405.80 12 RZ 893.85 -3744.93 8694.67

7 UY 893.85 893.85 781.63 512.94

893.85 17623.20

893.85 17623.20

893.85 12732.76 63471.05

-2030.80 3744.28 -2065.22 3872.29 -1863.99

194.25 13697.08 157516.36 13697.08 157516.36

1260.39 1339.17 1223.32 1261.55 1300.31 1425.34 -17793.75 266906.25 -18090.31 275877.27 -10201.75 87735.05 905.07 6490.24 833.58 6540.63 811.17 5667.89 -7608.63 442939.66 -7905.19 451910.68 -4358.17 164832.72 0.14 0.13 0.14 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03
1 1.34 1.80 1.17 0.37 0.07 3.42 1.85 2 1.35 1.83 1.15 0.37 0.07 3.41 1.85 3 1.33 1.76 1.20 0.47 0.09 3.52 1.88 4 -0.53 0.28 0.03 0.39 0.15 0.85 0.92 5 -0.53 0.28 0.03 0.41 0.16 0.87 0.93 6 -0.50 0.25 0.01 0.34 0.15 0.76 0.87 7 0.14 0.02 0.07 0.01 0.02 0.12 0.34 8 0.13 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.10 0.31 9 0.14 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.33 10 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.33 11 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.07 0.12 0.34 12 -0.03 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.31

MPF 4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1 m i i

mi i UY 1652.53 1013.48 405.45 394.20 3465.67

mi i UY mi i RZ 1650.68 1677.74 1029.80 959.30 372.12 389.77 405.47 370.86 3458.08 3397.66









0.08 0.05 0.5 0.23 0.15 0.75 0.33 0.23 0.85 0.42 0.3 0.9 0.5 0.35 0.95 0.54 0.42 Cv medium hard medium soft medium hard medium medium medium soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil 87.45 54.66 546.58 251.42 163.97 819.86 360.74 251.42 929.18 459.12 327.95 983.84 546.58 382.60 1038.49 590.30 459.12 Base Shear (kN) 218.63 104.25 41.70 26.06 260.62 119.89 78.19 390.93 172.01 119.89 443.06 218.92 156.37 469.12 260.62 182.44 495.18 281.47 218.92 4


3 2 1 0

63.94 25.58 24.87

25.57 10.23 9.95

15.98 6.39 6.22

159.84 63.94 62.17

73.53 29.41 28.60

47.95 19.18 18.65

239.76 95.92 93.26

105.49 42.20 41.03

73.53 271.72 29.41 108.70 28.60 105.69

134.26 53.71 52.22

95.90 38.37 37.30

287.71 115.10 111.91

159.84 63.94 62.17

111.89 44.76 43.52

303.69 121.49 118.12

172.62 69.06 67.14

134.26 53.71 52.22








0.08 0.05 0.5 0.23 0.15 0.75 0.33 0.23 0.85 0.42 0.3 0.9 0.5 0.35 0.95 0.54 0.42 Cv medium medium hard medium medium hard medium soft medium soft Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil 87.45 54.66 546.58 251.42 163.97 819.86 360.74 251.42 929.18 459.12 327.95 983.84 546.58 382.60 1038.49 590.30 459.12 Base Shear (kN) 218.63 104.36 41.74 26.09 260.90 120.02 78.27 391.35 172.20 120.02 443.53 219.16 156.54 469.62 260.90 182.63 495.71 281.77 219.16 4


3 2 1 0

65.11 23.53 25.64

26.04 9.41 10.25

16.28 5.88 6.41

162.77 58.82 64.09

74.87 27.06 29.48

48.83 17.65 19.23

244.15 88.23 96.13

107.43 38.82 42.30

74.87 276.71 27.06 99.99 29.48 108.95

136.73 49.41 53.83

97.66 35.29 38.45

292.98 105.87 115.36

162.77 58.82 64.09

113.94 41.17 44.86

309.26 111.75 121.77

175.79 63.52 69.21

136.73 49.41 53.83








0.08 0.05 0.5 0.23 0.15 0.75 0.33 0.23 0.85 0.42 0.3 0.9 0.5 0.35 0.95 0.54 0.42 Cv medium medium hard medium medium hard medium soft medium soft Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil soft Soil hard Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil Soil 87.45 54.66 546.58 251.42 163.97 819.86 360.74 251.42 929.18 459.12 327.95 983.84 546.58 382.60 1038.49 590.30 459.12 Base Shear (kN) 218.63 107.96 43.18 26.99 269.89 124.15 80.97 404.84 178.13 124.15 458.82 226.71 161.94 485.81 269.89 188.93 512.80 291.49 226.71 4


3 2 1 0

61.73 25.08 23.86

24.69 10.03 9.55

15.43 6.27 5.97

154.32 62.70 59.66

70.99 28.84 27.44

46.30 18.81 17.90

231.48 94.05 89.49

101.85 41.38 39.37

70.99 262.34 28.84 106.59 27.44 101.42

129.63 52.67 50.11

92.59 37.62 35.80

277.78 112.86 107.39

154.32 62.70 59.66

108.02 43.89 41.76

293.21 119.13 113.35

166.67 67.72 64.43

129.63 52.67 50.11



2.1.5AxialForce,ShearForceandBendingMomentDiagram AccordingtotheresultfromETABSsoftware,theforcesandmomentdiagramaregivenasfollows: a. DeadLoad(DL)

AxialForce ShearForce

BendingMoment Figure15.LoaddiagramsforDeadLoad


b. LiveLoad(LL)



BendingMoment Figure16.LoaddiagramsforLiveLoad


c. EarthquakeForce



BendingMoment Figure17.LoaddiagramsforEarthquakeLoad



In this recent century, Indonesia has been impacted by a lot of Earthquakes every year. MostofbigislandsandcitiesinIndonesiahaveearthquakeoccurrenceswhichcausesmall and big damage. There are many historical earth quake including magnitudes and intensitieswhichwererecordedbygeologists.
Date 117970210 Sumatra Location Magnitude Fatalities Description TherewasTsunamithatwasparticularlysevere nearPadang

8.4 >300




alargetsunamithatfloodedthesouthwestern coastoftheislandTherearenoreliablerecordsof 'numerous' thelossoflife adevastatingtsunamiwhichledtoseveral thousandfatalities.Theearthquakewasfeltasfar awayastheMalaypeninsulaandtheeasternpart ofJava

318610216 419170120

Sumatra Bali

'several 8.5 thousand'

1,500 itwastheninthlargestearthquakeinthe20th centuryItgeneratedTsunamisofupto1.5metres, butnohumanlivesappeartohavebeenlost. 5,000 2,500 103 8 3 1 37 34 32 inundatingcoastalcommunitieswithwavesupto 283,106 30meters(100feet)high approximately500kmfromEastTimoronMarch2, 2005.ResidentsofDarwin,Australiafelttheimpact quitestrongly,despitetheepicenterbeinglocated approximately140kmaway

519380201 619760625 719921212 820000604 920021010 1020021102 1120030526 1220040128 1320040205 1420040207 1520040725 1620041111 1720041126 1820041226 1920050101 2020050219 2120050226

BandaSea Papua FloresRegion SouthernSumatra WesternNewGuinea NorthernSumatra Halmahera Seram WesternNewGuinea WesternNewGuinea SouthernSumatra KepulauanAlor Papua SumatraAndamanIslands OfftheWestCoastof NorthernSumatra Sulawesi Simeulue

8.5 7.1 7.8 7.9 7.6 7.4 7 6.7 7 7.3 7.3 7.5 7.1 9.3 6.7 6.5 6.8





2320050328 2420050410 2520050514 2620050519 2720050705 2820051119 2920060127 3020060314 3120060516

NorthernSumatra KepulauanMentawai Region NiasRegion NiasRegion NiasRegion Simeulue BandaSea Seram NiasRegion

8.6 6.7 6.7 6.9 6.7 6.5 7.6 6.7 6.8

1,313 mostlyontheislandofNias Thelocationwas200kmsouthofAmbonIsland 4 36,299peoplewereinjured,135,000houses damaged,andanestimated1.5millionleft 5,749 homeless itshypocentreatadepthof48.6kmbelowthe 730 seabed itshypocenteratadepthof86.2km 7 4 hitnearthenorthernendofLakeSingkarakin Sumatra,Indonesia,Over60fatalitiesand460 68 seriousinjurieshavebeenreported Thequakewaslocated70miles(110km)east northeastofJakarta,atadepthof175miles (282km).[3] ItcausedbuildingstoswayinJakarta,andsome buildingswerereportedtohavecollapsedinthe 23 cityofBengkulu 3 4 Fourpeoplewerekilledinthequakeand59injured tenbuildingshadbeentotallydestroyed,including severalhotelsandthehouseofagovernment 4 official Theepicentreofthequakewaslocated43 kilometres(29miles)southeastofSiberutIslandoff westernSumatra killingatleast79people,injuringover1,250,and 15 displacingover210,000 around135,000houseswereseverelydamaged, 65,000housesweremoderatelydamagedand 1,117 79,000houseswereslightlydamaged

3220060526 3320060717 3420060723 3520061218 3620070121

Java Java Sulawesi NorthSumatra MoluccaSea

6.3 7.7 6.1 5.8 7.5







3920070912 4020080220 4120080225 4220081116

Sumatra Simeulue KepulauanMentawai Region Sulawesi

8.5,7.9,7.1 7.4 7.0,6.4,6.6 7.5,5.6




4420090816 4520090902

Siberut,MentawaiIslands Java

6.7 7






Itwasoneofasequenceoflargeearthquakes 7.2 Unreported alongtheSundamegathrustin2000s



Figure18.MaximumEarthquakedistributionmapinIndonesia 3.2Damagecaseson26December2004

TherearesomedamagecasesaffectedbyearthquakeinIndonesia.Itisdependentonbuilding stocksandvulnerabilityclasses.Inthisreport,Iwilldescribesomeearthquakecaseswhichoccur severalyearsago. The2004IndianOceanearthquakewasanunderseamegathrustearthquakethatoccurredat 00:58:53 UTC on December 26, 2004, with an epicenter off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the SumatraAndaman earthquake. Theearthquakewascausedbysubductionandtriggeredaseriesofdevastatingtsunamisalong the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteencountries,andinundatingcoastalcommunitieswithwavesupto30metershigh.Itwas one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followedbySriLanka,India,andThailand. USGSrecordedthiseventwherewecouldfinditintheUSGSwebsiteasfollowingbelow: Magnitude DateTime 9.1 Sunday,December26,2004at00:58:53(UTC) Sunday,December26,2004at7:58:53AM TimeofEarthquakeinotherTimeZones 3.316N,95.854E 30km(18.6miles)setbylocationprogram OFFTHEWESTCOASTOFNORTHERNSUMATRA 250km(155miles)SSEofBandaAceh,Sumatra,Indonesia 300km(185miles)WofMedan,Sumatra,Indonesia 1260km(780miles)SSWofBANGKOK,Thailand 1590km(990miles)NWofJAKARTA,Java,Indonesia horizontal+/5.6km(3.5miles);depthfixedbylocationprogram Nst=276,Nph=276,Dmin=654.9km,Rmss=1.04sec,Gp=29,

Location Depth Region Distances

LocationUncertainty Parameters

Table15.Earthquakeon26December2004 Numerous aftershocks were reported off the Andaman Islands, the Nicobar Islands and the region of the original epicenter in the hours and days that followed. The largest aftershock, whichoriginatedoffthecoastoftheSumatranislandofNias,registeredamagnitudeof8.7. The earthquake that generated the great Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshimatype atomic bombs, according to the U.S. Geological Survey(USGS). The earthquake was the result of the sliding of the portion of the Earth's crust known as the India plate under the section called the Burma plate. The process has been going on for millennia, one plate pushing against the other until something has to give. The result on December 26 was a rupture the USGS estimates was more than 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) long, displacing the seafloor above the rupture by perhaps 10 yards (about 10 meters) horizontallyandseveralyardsvertically.Thatdoesn'tsoundlikemuch,butthetrillionsoftonsof rock that were moved along hundreds of miles caused the planet to shudder with the largest magnitudeearthquakein40years. Therearetwotypesofdamagecasesoverbuildingsandinfrastructuresduetoearthquakeand tsunamion26December2004,whichis: a. Structural(Engineered)buildings. b. Nonstructural(nonengineered)buildings. c. RoadAccess d. Port e. Powersupply f. Telecommunication g. WaterSupply h. Industrial 3.2.1 Structural(Engineered)buildings. The causes of typical damage of reinforced concrete engineered buildings during the SumatraearthquakeinBandaAcehweremostlyduetoverticalirregularitiesincertain RC buildings creating abrupt changes in stiffness and strength that may concentrate forcesinanundesirableway.Alsopoorqualityofconcreteanddetailingcontributedto thecollapseofthoseengineeredbuildings.


Figure19.ThemostobviousdamageoccurredtoKualaTripahotel,a5storyRCbuilding. Itsufferedafirstsoftstorycollapse.Thesecondandthirdfloorwasseverelydamaged because of the impact but the building as a whole did not collapse. The collapse was causedbypoordetailing.

Figure 20. Another visible collapse was a three story supermarket, the Pante Pirak. The collapsewasduetopoorqualityofconstruction.

Figure 21. Another building that partially collapsed was the office of the department of finance. One of the wings suffered a pancake type of collapse. From the damaged columnsitcanbeseenthatthedetailingwaspoor. 3.2.2 Nonstructural(nonengineered)buildings ThemajorityofthebuildingsthatcollapsedinBandaAcehcity,andvillagesinLhokNga, KruengRaya,andMeulabohcity,arenonengineeredbuildingsconsistingoftwotypes. The first type is a one or two stories buildings made of burnt brick confined masonry using sand and Portland cement mortar. The roof mostly consists of galvanized iron sheets.AllthosebuildingsusedRCpracticalcolumnsandbeamsasconfinement.The secondtypeistimberconstructionconsistingofatimberframeandalsotimberplanks wallsandusuallyusegalvanizedironsheetsasroof. Almostnoneofthepeopleshousing,onetotwostorymasonrybuildingscollapsedby theshaking,eventhoughsomehadcracksinthewalls.Thedestructionwascausedby thetsunamiforces.


Mostofthe buildingsinthecoastalareasconsistofnonengineeredtimber structures andconfinedmasonrystructures.Theratioofthosetwotypesofstructuresisestimated tobe30%to70%.


Figure23.timberconstruction RoadAccess SomeroadsinBandaAcehwerescouredbytsunamibut the majoritywasstillintact. Most of the main roads in zone 1 were covered by huge amount of tsunami debris. SeveralpartsoftheroadfromBandaAcehtoMeulabohwerewashedawaybytsunami.


Figure24.SomeoftheDamageofRoads andBridgesfromBandaAcehtoMeulaboh



Figure26.LhokngaBeach Bridges



InBandaAceh,severalbridgesweredestroyed,theoneatJlIskandarMudaandtheone leadingtoLhokNga.TheLhokNgaBridgehasamainspanof20mandsecondaryspan of10mmadeofgalvanizedsteelframes.Bothweredumpedintotheriver.Alongthe road from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh (distance approx 270 km), several bridges were washedawaybytsunami.

Figure28.TheLhokNgaBridge 3.2.5 Ports Generally, jetties and wharf of ports in Banda Aceh and in Kreung Raya as well as the jettyofthecementfactoryLhokNgawereslightlydamagedbutcouldstillfunction.Part oftheplatformofthejettyinMeulabohwaswashedawaybytsunami,butthesupports werestillintact.ThemainbuildingoftheUlhueLheharborinBandaAcehwasdamaged andonlytheframeremained.


Figure29.LhokNgaCementFactoryJetty 3.2.6 Powersupply MainPowergeneratingplantinBandaAcehwasnotaffectedbytheshakingortsunami. However,manydistributionpolesandwiresindevastatedareascollapsed.

Figure30.MainPowergeneratingplantinBandaAceh 3.2.7 Telecommunication Somemobilephoneantennastowersweredismantledbythetsunamianddraggedup to 2 km from its foundations. Many telephone junction boxes were practically destroyed.



Watersupply WaterTreatmentplantinBandaAcehwasnotaffectedbyneithertheshakingnorthe tsunami,however,thepipingsystemsweredestroyedbyscouringofthetsunami.

Figure32.WaterTreatmentplantinBandaAceh 3.2.9 Industrial



3.3BuildingCodeBeforeandAftertheEarthquake ThelateststandardcodeusedforearthquakeisSNI17262002whereitwaspublishedbaseon somereferences,whichis: 1. SNI0317261989,EarthquakeResistanceDesignMethodforHousesandBuildings. ItwaspublishedbytheOfficeoftheStateMinisterofCivilWorks,TheDirectorateofthe TechnologyEducationandtheDirectorateGeneralofCiptaKaryain1997. 2. National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHERP). This was proposed for Seismic Regulation for New Buildings and Other Structures in 1997, and FEMA 302 in 1998. 3. Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1997, Volume 2, for Structural Engineering Design Provisions,InternationalConferenceofBuildingOfficials,April1997. In2010,IndonesianGovernmenthasintroducedarevisedcodewhichwasdevelopedbyateam ofIndonesianscientistsinrecognitionoftheseriousearthquakeriskIndonesiaisproneto.It estimatesthechancesofgroundshakingcausedbyearthquakesacrossIndonesiaandrevises nationalbuildingstandardstoensurethatbuildingsandinfrastructureareresilientto earthquakesinordertoreducethenumberoffatalities. Thenewhazardmapincorporatesthelessonslearntfromrecentdeadlyearthquakesin IndonesiasuchasthoseinSumatraandJava.Ithasbeendevelopedusingbetterinformation andmoreadvancedmethodologiesthanpreviousearthquakehazardmaps.Itaimstosupport buildingstandards,tobeusedtoeducatepeopleabouttheearthquakerisksthattheyface,and tohelpthemtobetterprotectthemselvesandtheirfamiliesfromfutureearthquakes. Thiscodeisbeingdevelopedbyexpertteams.Itwillbeaccomplishedsoonasanewhazardmap whichconsidersallearthquakeoccurrences.


Indonesiahasalotofbuildingtypeswhicharestillexistineverylocationevenitisallocatedin thecriticalearthquakezone.Thesebuildingtypesareassociatedinsomecategories,whichare: 1) Masonry a. Adobes b. Temples c. UnreinforcedwithRCFloors d. ReinforcedorConfined 2) ReinforcedConcrete a. FramewithModerateLevelofEarthquakeResistantDesign b. WallswithModerateLevelofEarthquakeResistantDesign 3) Steel a. SteelStructures b. LGSstructures 4) Wood

a. b.

TimberStructures BambooStructures

4.2MacroseismicIntensityScale Thebuildingtypesabovearecomparablewithmacroseismicintensityscalewhichisgenerated byEMS(EuropeanMacroseismicScale)98andtheworldhousingencyclopediafromEERI (EarthquakeEngineeringResearchInstitute). ThisisatableforvulnerabilityclassfromEMS:


4.3VulnerabilityClass 4.3.1Masonry Mostofbuildings/housingsinIndonesiaareconstructedbymasonry.Therearesome pictureswhichdescribetypicalmasonrybuildinginIndonesia.

Adobe StonebuildinginBali



Figure36.VulnerabilityClassformasonry IfitiscomparedwithworldhousingencyclopediafromEERI,theSeismicVulnerabilityofUnreinforced MasonryBuildingis:


Structural and Architectural Features

Structural/ Architectural Feature Statement Most appropriate type

The structure contains a complete load path for seismic force Lateral load path effects from any horizontal direction that serves to transfer inertial forces from the building to the foundation. Building The building is regular with regards to both the plan and the Configuration elevation. The roof diaphragm is considered to be rigid and it is expected Roof construction that the roof structure will maintain its integrity, i.e. shape and form, during an earthquake of intensity expected in this area. The floor diaphragm(s) are considered to be rigid and it is Floor construction expected that the floor structure(s) will maintain its integrity during an earthquake of intensity expected in this area. There is no evidence of excessive foundation movement (e.g. Foundation settlement) that would affect the integrity or performance of the performance structure in an earthquake. Wall and frame structuresThe number of lines of walls or frames in each principal direction redundancy is greater than or equal to 2. Height-to-thickness ratio of the shear walls at each floor level is: Less than 25 (concrete walls); Wall proportions Less than 30 (reinforced masonry walls); Less than 13 (unreinforced masonry walls); Vertical load-bearing elements (columns, walls) are attached to the Foundation-wall foundations; concrete columns and walls are doweled into the connection foundation. Wall-roof Exterior walls are anchored for out-of-plane seismic effects at each connections diaphragm level with metal anchors or straps The total width of door and window openings in a wall is: For brick masonry construction in cement mortar : less than of the distance between the adjacent cross walls; For adobe masonry, stone masonry and brick masonry in mud Wall openings mortar: less than 1/3 of the distance between the adjacent cross walls; For precast concrete wall structures: less than 3/4 of the length of a perimeter wall. Quality of building Quality of building materials is considered to be adequate per the materials requirements of national codes and standards (an estimate). Quality of workmanship (based on visual inspection of few typical Quality of buildings) is considered to be good (per local construction workmanship standards). Buildings of this type are generally well maintained and there are Maintenance no visible signs of deterioration of building elements (concrete, steel, timber) Other

Table16.Structural and Architectural Features


Seismic Features
Structural Element Wall Seismic Deficiency 1. Clay-brick with very low compressive strength 2. The quality of clay-brick varies depends on the local clay-soil material 3. The clay-brick material is very brittle and doesn't have any ductility. Earthquake Resilient Features Earthquake Damage Patterns Shear crack, flexure crack or combination of both in clay brick walls.

Frame (columns, beams) Roof and floors

Timber truss system for roofing without any special connection with the clay brick walls.

The roof sliding off from the clay brick walls.

Table17.Seismic Features Overall Seismic Vulnerability Rating

Vulnerability high mediumhigh poor B medium moderate C mediumlow good D low very good E very low excellent F

very poor A Vulnerability Class

Table18.Overall Seismic Vulnerability Rating 4.3.2 ReinforcedConcrete

FramewithModerateLevelofEarthquake ResistantDesign

WallwithModerateLevelofEarthquakeResistant Design



4.3.3 SteelStructure



Figure38.VulnerabilityClassforSteel 4.3.4TimberBuilding





4.4 DamageGrades

AccordingtoEMS98,therearesomedamagegradeswhichareusedtoinvestigatethecertainconditionofbuildingsafterearthquake occurrences.


4.4.1Masonry Afterearthquakeoccurrence,somebuildingsweredevastatedanddestroyedbyearthquake oversomemasonrybuildingsandhistoricalbuildings.Thesearesomedocumentationwhich explainssomedamagecasesinthemasonrybuildingtypes.

Adobe DamageGrade 2 3 4

Unreinforcedbuilding DamageGrade 1 2 3 4 5

Stonebuilding(temple) DamageGrade 1 2 3 4 5

Reinforcedbuilding DamageGrade 1 2 3 4 5




FramewithModerateLevelofEarthquakeResistantDesign DamageGrade 1 2 3 4 5 Figure41.DamagegradesforReinforcedConcrete 4.4.3 Steel

SteelStructure DamageGrade 2 3 4

LGSStructure DamageGrade 2 3 4




Timberhouse DamageGrade 2 3 4

Bamboohouse DamageGrade 2 3 4

Figure43.DamagegradesforTimber 4.5AfterEarthquake 4.5.1Masonry Some International Organizations and countries donated some money to help reconstruction and retrofit program in Indonesia after Earthquake disaster. They just consider constructing a reinforcedbuildingforhousesasitisusableforlongtimeandthematerialshavetobeprovided bylocalareatomakeitmucheasiertobuild.Thetypeofbuildinghastobeeasyimprovedifthe housesownerneedstoexpandthesizeofhouse.Thesearesomedocumentationofbuildings whichwerereconstructedafterearthquakeandtsunamidisaster.


4.5.2 ReinforcedConcrete

Figure45.FramewithModerateLevelofEarthquakeResistantDesign 4.5.3 Steel

Figure46.LGSstructureforhouses 4.5.4 Timber




Accordingtodescriptionsabove,wecouldconcludesomerecommendations,whichare: 1) NewEarthquakeandTsunamiCodearebeingdevelopedbyexpertteamwhoisresponsibleto concludeitaccordancewithoccurrenceofthesecatastrophes. 2) ShearforcesdistributionfromSRSShasinclinationtobesoftstoreyat2ndfloor.Itisdifferent fromShearforcesdistributionfromequivalentstaticinclination. 3) Mode shapes for each direction are relatively similar as the shape of building is rectangular andpositionofelementsissymmetric. 4) Base on figure 11, shear force distribution for hard is relatively higher compare to medium andsoftsoilatzone3,4,5and6. 5) Base on figure 12, it can be clearly seen that shear force distribution for hard, medium and softsoilatzone3,4,5and6havethesameinclination,whereaszone1and2isrelatively differentinclinationcomparetootherzones. 6) Vulnerability class is important to be developed in each country where it has a lot of earthquakeoccurrences. 7) Bracingelementsarereallyimportanttobeconstructedinsimple(traditional)housewhichis usedtoresistearthquakeload. 8) Routine maintenance for steel building should be done to investigate the construction elementfromcrackorcollapseduetoearthquakeoccurrences.Thisisimportantasthesteel elementsarecoveredbyconcretewhichisnotvisuallyseen. 9) ForbuildingwhichisneartoTsunamiregion,weshoulddesignitbyconsideringminimumtwo storeybuildingwherethepeoplecouldescapefromlowtsunami.Atleast,thehighofthefirst storeyishigherthanmaximumfloodlevel. 10) LGS (Light Gauge Steel) elements are used as main frame of building as long as the type of buildingissimplestructureandithasrigidfoundation. 11) Qualityandquantityofshearreinforcementshouldbeimprovedforresidentialbuildingand highrisebuilding. 12) Additionalbeamandcolumnareneededtoinstallneartotheopeningsectiontoenlargethe buildingcapacity. 13) For ancient building (temple) should be conducted a retrofit treatment to increase the buildingcapacityforlongperiod.


1. IndonesiaNationalStandardforearthquake17262002. 2. WorldhousingencyclopediafromEERI(EarthquakeEngineeringResearchInstitute),theSeismic VulnerabilityofUnreinforcedMasonryBuilding. 3. MacroseismicintensityscalebyEMS(EuropeanMacroseismicScale)98. 4. UniformBuildingCode(UBC)1997 5. ComputersandStructures,Inc,Berkeley,California,USA,ETABSv.9.0.9softwaremanual, November2005. 6. SumateraEarthquake26December2004,TeddyBoen.


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