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Gastrointestinal Tract

Histology of GIT
Schematic diagram showing different layers of GIT
1. 2. 3. 4. Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis Serosa

Consists of four layers Covering epithelium Eosophageal submucus gland Eosopageal cardiac glands Muscular layer Covering serosa

It is a mixed gland Is divided into four parts Is divided into four layers Mucosa and submucosa are found within rugae Cardia contains simple or branched tubular glands



Fundus and body contain branched tubular glands 3-7 opens into to one pit Gastric gland is divided into Gastric pit Stem cells Mucus neck cells Oxyntic cells Chief cells Enteroendocrine cells

Small Intestine
Composed of Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum Plica circularsis mostly in jejunum Intestinal villi leaf-like to tubular form Intestinal glands (simple tubular) Absorbtive cells and microvilli Goblet cells Paneth cells M cells

Regions of Small Intestine

Large Intestine
No folds or villi Abundance of goblet cells Absorptive cells with irregular microvilli Lymph follicles Teniae coli Appendices epiploicae

It is a large intestine Except: Narrow, small, irregular lumen Abundunt lymphoid follicles Few and short glands No teniae coli

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