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/* ************************************************** *********************** * * * Main menu and function calls for soft drink inventory * * * * Team project for CS218a

:: Mr. Steven King * * * * Team Members: Andrew Gonyea, Rick Hedden, James Kreger * * * ************************************************** *********************** */ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.h> #define SIZE 26 using namespace std; using std::string; //variable definitions int l = 0; int i = 0; // data structures struct productType { string brand; string flavor; string descript; string size; string SKU; double deposit; }; productType drink[1000]; struct costType { string sku; double cost; double salePrice; }; costType drinkCost[3000]; struct { string string string string string string string string string companyType VID; coName; contactName; address1; address2; city; state; zip; phone;

string fax; }; companyType vendor[1000]; struct invenType { string sku; int quantity; }; invenType inventoryLine[1000]; void makeLine(int); // function declarations //void updateInfo (productType drink[],companytype vendor[]); char updateProduct(productType drink[]); char displayProduct(productType drink[]); char updateVendor(companyType vendor[]); char displayVendor(companyType vendor[]); char updateMenu(); void makeLine(int l); char makeMenu(); ///////////////////////// MAIN FUNCTION //////////////////////////////////////// ///// int main () { char select; select = 'i'; //set length of line int l; l = 55; //Make the main menu while(select != 'q' && select != 'Q') { select = makeMenu(); if(select == 'c' select == 'C') { select = 'C'; //replace the following line with the call to the check() function cout << "\t\tBegin Inventory Check" << endl; } if(select == 'a' select == 'A') { select = 'A'; //replace the following line with the call to the addProduct() function cout << "\t\tBegin Inventory Addition" << endl; } if(select == 's' select == 'S') { select = 'S'; //replace the following line with the call to the sellProduct() function cout << "\t\tBegin Sale" << endl; }

if(select == 'u' select == 'U') { select = 'U'; char changeAnother; changeAnother = 'R'; char updateChoice = 'q'; cout << "\t\tBegin update function: " << endl << flush; system ("CLS"); updateChoice = updateMenu(); if(updateChoice == 'v' updateChoice == 'V') { updateChoice = 'V'; cout << "\t\tBegin Vendor Update" << flush; while(changeAnother == 'R') { changeAnother = updateVendor(vendor); } } if(updateChoice == 'd' updateChoice == 'D') { updateChoice = 'D'; cout << "\t\tDisplay Vendor data" << flush; changeAnother = displayVendor(vendor); } if(updateChoice == 'r' updateChoice == 'R') { updateChoice = 'R'; cout << "\t\tReport Product data" << flush; changeAnother = displayProduct(drink); } if(updateChoice == 'p' updateChoice == 'P') { updateChoice = 'P'; cout << "\t\tBegin Product Update" << flush; while(changeAnother == 'R') { changeAnother = updateProduct(drink); } } } if(select == 'q' select == 'Q') { return 0; } } // end while loop return 0; } ////////////////////// CALLED MENU FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////// char makeMenu() { int i; char branch; branch = 'i'; cout << flush; system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); for(i=0;i<2;i++)

{ cout << endl; } cout << "\t\t" << "Soft-Drink-Co -:- Inventory Control System " << endl << endl; time_t ltime; wchar_t buf[size]; errno_t err; time( &ltime ); err = _wctime_s( buf, SIZE, &ltime ); if (err != 0) { printf("Invalid Arguments for _wctime_s. Error Code: %d\n", err); } wprintf( L"\t\tToday is %s\n", buf ); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { cout << endl; } makeLine(65); cout << "\t\t" << "Enter a single-letter command" << endl << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "C - Check inventory" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "A - Add product to inventory" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "S - Sell product <strong class="highlight">in</strong> invent ory" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "U - Update or display product/vendor info" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "Q - Quit program" << endl; cout << endl << "\t\t" << "Please enter your selection now: "; cin >> branch; return branch; } void makeLine(int l) { int p; cout << " "; for(p=0;p<l;p++) { cout << "*"; } cout << endl; return; } ////////////////////// CALLED APPLICATION FUNCTION //////////////////////////// char updateMenu() { int i; char branch,updateFlag; branch = 'i'; makeLine(65); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { cout << endl; } cout << "\t\t" << "Soft-Drink-Co -:- Inventory Control System " << endl << endl; time_t ltime; wchar_t buf[size];

errno_t err; time( &ltime ); err = _wctime_s( buf, SIZE, &ltime ); if (err != 0) { printf("Invalid Arguments for _wctime_s. Error Code: %d\n", err); } wprintf( L"\t\tToday is %s\n", buf ); for(i=0;i<2;i++) { cout << endl; } makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl; cout << "\t\tWould you like to update Vendor or Product information? " << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "Enter a single-letter command" << endl << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "V - Update Vendor info" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "D - Display Vendor data" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "P - Update product info" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "R - Report proudct info" << endl; cout << "\t\t" << "Q - Return to main menu" << endl; cout << endl << "\t\t" << "Please enter your selection now: "; cin >> updateFlag; return updateFlag; } //////////////////////////// Function updates Vendor Data ////////////////////// char updateVendor(companyType vendor[]) { // declare variables char pause; char vendorUpdateContinue = 'Y'; char recordUpdateContinue = 'Y'; string spacer; string searchVID; string searchNameString; string tempString; int foundItem; int choiceNum = 0; int selectItem = 0; int maxRecord; int candidateRecord[20]; // define input files ifstream vendorFile; ofstream newVendorFile;"vendorData.txt"); if (!vendorFile) //test for presence of { cout << "\t\tUnable to open vendor DATA cout << "\t\tPlease contact developer." cout << "\t\tThis program will end." << return 'X'; } system ("CLS"); cin.ignore(100,'\n'); for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++)

productFile file." << endl; << endl; endl;

{ getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].VID); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].coName); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].contactName); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].address1); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].address2); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].city); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].state); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].zip); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].phone); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].fax); } //vendorFile.close(); cout << "\t\tRecent vendor entries:" << endl << endl; for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++) { if(vendor[i].VID.empty()) { maxRecord = i; i = 1000; } else { cout << "\t\t" << vendor[i].VID << "\t\t" << vendor[i].coName << endl; } } cout << endl << "\t\tMake a note of Vendor ID before proceding. " << endl << end l << "\t\t"; system("PAUSE"); while(vendorUpdateContinue=='Y') { system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); cout << endl; cout << "\t\tEnter Vendor ID of record to change, " << endl; cout << "\t\tor, to search by company name, enter \'??\'" << endl; cout << "\t\tto abandon ALL changes and return" << endl; cout << "\t\tto the main menu enter 9999." << endl << endl; makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl << "\t\t"; getline(cin,searchVID); if(searchVID=="9999") { return 'X'; } if(searchVID=="??") // VID unknown, search by XX* { system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl; cout << "\t\tSearch for vendor data by first three " << endl; cout << "\t\tletters of company name or enter 9999 to" << endl; cout << "\t\tabandon ALL changes and return to main menu." << endl; cout << endl << endl; makeLine(65); cout << "\t\t"; cin.ignore(100,'\n'); getline(cin,searchNameString); cout << searchNameString;

system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); cout << endl; cout << "\t\tMatching records: " << endl; for(i=0;i < maxRecord;i++) { if(vendor[i].coName.substr(0,3)==searchNameString) { candidateRecord[choicenum]= i; choiceNum++; cout << "\t\t" << choiceNum << ": " << vendor[i].coName; } } makeLine(56); if(choiceNum==0) { cout << endl << "\t\tNo records found." << endl; break; } else if(choiceNum==1) { cout <<endl << "\t\tJust one company matches search: " << vendor[0].coName << en dl; foundItem = 0; } cout << endl; cout << "\t\tEnter the line number of the record you want to update: "; cin >> selectItem; foundItem = candidateRecord[selectitem]; } for(i=0;i<1000;i++) { if(vendor[i].VID==searchVID) { foundItem = i; i = maxRecord; } } while(recordUpdateContinue=='Y') { system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl; cout << "\t\t1. " << vendor[founditem].VID << endl; cout << "\t\t2. " << vendor[founditem].coName << endl; cout << "\t\t3. " << vendor[founditem].contactName << endl; cout << "\t\t4. " << vendor[founditem].address1 << endl; cout << "\t\t5. " << vendor[founditem].address2 << endl; cout << "\t\t6. " << vendor[founditem].city << endl; cout << "\t\t7. " << vendor[founditem].state << endl; cout << "\t\t8. " << vendor[founditem].zip << endl; cout << "\t\t9. " << vendor[founditem].phone << endl; cout << "\t\t10. " << vendor[founditem].fax << endl; cout << endl; makeLine(65); cout << "\t\tEnter the line number you would like to update" << endl; cout << "\t\tor enter 0 to abandon changes and return to menu.\t\t "; cin >> selectItem; cin.ignore(100,'\n'); switch (selectItem)

{ case 0: break; case 1: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor ID: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].VID); break; } case 2: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor company name: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].coName); break; } case 3: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor contact name: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].contactName); break; } case 4: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor address line 1: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].address1); break; } case 5: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor address line 2: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].address2); break; } case 6: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor city: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].city); break; } case 7: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor state: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].state); break; } case 8: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor zip code: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].zip); break; } case 9:

{ cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor phone: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].phone); break; } case 10: { cout << "\t\tEnter new data for " << "Vendor Fax: "; getline(cin,vendor[founditem].fax); break; } } // end of switch strucure cout << endl << "\t\tMake additional changes to same record? (y/n) "; cin.ignore(100,'\n'); cin >> recordUpdateContinue; } // end record update while loop cout << endl << "\t\tMake changes to a different record? (y/n) "; cin >> vendorUpdateContinue; if(vendorUpdateContinue == 'y' vendorUpdateContinue == 'Y') { vendorUpdateContinue = 'Y'; } } // end of OTHER WHILE loop /////////////////// routine saves vendor data file"VendorData.txt"); for(i=0; i<1000; i++) { if(vendor[i].VID.empty()) { i = 1000; break; } else { newVendorFile << vendor[i].VID << endl << vendor[i].coName << endl << vendor[i].contactName << endl << vendor[i].address1 << endl << vendor[i].address2 << endl << vendor[i].city << endl << vendor[i].state << endl << vendor[i].zip << endl << vendor[i].phone << endl << vendor[i].fax << endl; } } // end of new vendor data file write loop newVendorFile.close(); return 'X'; } /////////////////// routine displays vendor data ////////////////////// char displayVendor(companyType vendor[]) { // declare variables char vendorUpdateContinue = 'Y'; char vendorDisplayContinue = 'Y'; char recordUpdateContinue = 'Y'; char recordDisplayContinue = 'Y'; string spacer;

string searchVID; string searchNameString; string tempString; int foundItem; int choiceNum = 0; int selectItem = 0; int maxRecord; // define input files ifstream vendorFile; ofstream newVendorFile;"vendorData.txt"); if (!vendorFile) //test for presence of productFile { cout << "\t\tUnable to open vendor DATA file." << endl; cout << "\t\tPlease contact developer." << endl; cout << "\t\tThis program will end." << endl; return 'X'; } system ("CLS"); cin.ignore(100,'\n'); for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++) { getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].VID); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].coName); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].contactName); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].address1); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].address2); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].city); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].state); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].zip); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].phone); getline(vendorFile,vendor[i].fax); } //vendorFile.close(); cout << "\t\tRecent vendor entries:" << endl << endl; for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++) { if(vendor[i].VID.empty()) { maxRecord = i; i = 1000; } else { cout << "\t\t" << vendor[i].VID << "\t\t" << vendor[i].coName << endl; } } cout << endl << "\t\tMake a note of Vendor ID before proceding. " << endl << end l << "\t\t"; system("PAUSE"); while(vendorDisplayContinue=='Y') { system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); cout << endl; cout << "\t\tEnter Vendor ID of record to display or \"9999\" to quit: " << endl << endl; makeLine(65);

cout << endl << endl << "\t\t"; getline(cin,searchVID); if(searchVID=="9999") { return 'X'; } for(i=0;i<1000;i++) { if(vendor[i].VID==searchVID) { foundItem = i; i = 1000; } } system ("CLS"); makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl; cout << "\t\tV.I.D. : " << vendor[founditem].VID << endl; cout << "\t\tCo Name: " << vendor[founditem].coName << endl; cout << "\t\tName : " << vendor[founditem].contactName << endl; cout << "\t\tAdd1 : " << vendor[founditem].address1 << endl; cout << "\t\tAdd2 : " << vendor[founditem].address2 << endl; cout << "\t\tCity : " << vendor[founditem].city << endl; cout << "\t\tState : " << vendor[founditem].state << endl; cout << "\t\tzip : " << vendor[founditem].zip << endl; cout << "\t\tphone : " << vendor[founditem].phone << endl; cout << "\t\tfax : " << vendor[founditem].fax << endl; cout << endl; makeLine(65); cout << endl << "\t\tDisplay a different record? (y/n) "; cin >> vendorDisplayContinue; } // end of Display Vendor WHILE loop newVendorFile.close(); return 'X'; } /////////////////////////////////Update Product Data/////////////////////// char updateProduct(productType drink[]) { // declare variables char productUpdateContinue = 'Y'; string spacer; string searchSKU; string tempString; int foundIndex; // define input files ifstream productFile; ofstream newProductFile;"productData.txt"); if (!productFile) //test for presence of productFile { cout << "\t\tUnable to open product DATA file." << endl; cout << "\t\tPlease contact developer." << endl; cout << "\t\tThis program will end." << endl; return 'X'; } system ("CLS"); for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++)

{ getline(productFile,drink[i].brand); getline(productFile,drink[i].flavor); getline(productFile,drink[i].descript); getline(productFile,drink[i].size); getline(productFile,drink[i].SKU); productFile >> drink[i].deposit; getline(productFile,spacer); } productFile.close(); while(productUpdateContinue=='Y') { makeLine(65); cout << endl; cout << "\t\tEnter SKU of product to update, " << endl; cout << "\t\tor, to abandon ALL changes and return" << endl; cout << "\t\tto main menu, enter 999." << endl; cout << endl; makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl << endl << "\t\tSKU: " ; cin >> searchSKU; if(searchSKU=="999") { return 'X'; } for (i = 0; i < 1000;i++) { if(drink[i].SKU == searchSKU) { foundIndex = i; cout << endl << "\t\tRecord found for " << searchSKU << flush << endl; i = 1000; break; } if(drink[i].SKU.empty()) { i = 1000; cout << endl << "\t\tSKU not Found. Try Again." << endl; continue; } } char action = 'n'; makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl; cout << "\t\t1. Brand name : " << drink[foundindex].brand << endl; cout << "\t\t2. Flavor : " << drink[foundindex].flavor<< endl; cout << "\t\t3. Description : " << drink[foundindex].descript<< endl; cout << "\t\t4. Size : " << drink[foundindex].size<< endl; cout << "\t\t5. SKU : " << drink[foundindex].SKU<< endl; cout << "\t\t6. Deposit AMT : " << drink[foundindex].deposit<< endl; cout << endl << endl; makeLine(65); cout << endl << "\t\tEnter line number (1-6) to edit," << endl; cout << "Q to quit, or K to delete entire product: "; cin >> action ; if(action=='q' action=='Q') { productUpdateContinue='N'; continue;

} if(action=='k' action == 'K') { char confirm; cout << "\t\tAre you SURE? Deletion will be permanent. (y/n) "; cin >> confirm; if (confirm=='Y' confirm == 'y') { drink[foundindex].SKU = "DELETED"; } } if(action=='1') { cout << endl << "\t\tEnter new brand for SKU: " << drink[foundindex].SKU << flus h << endl; cin.ignore(256,'\n'); getline(cin,tempString); drink[foundindex].brand = tempString; } if(action=='2') { cout << endl << "\t\tEnter new flavor for SKU:" << drink[foundindex].SKU << endl ; cin.ignore(256,'\n'); getline(cin,tempString); drink[foundindex].flavor = tempString; } if(action=='3') { cout << endl << "\t\tEnter new description for SKU:" << drink[foundindex].SKU << endl; cin.ignore(256,'\n'); getline(cin,tempString); drink[foundindex].descript=tempString; } if(action=='4') { cout << endl << "\t\tEnter new size for SKU:" << drink[foundindex].SKU << endl; cin.ignore(256,'\n'); getline(cin,tempString); drink[foundindex].size=tempString; } if(action=='5') { cout << endl << "\t\tEnter new SKU to replace SKU:" << drink[foundindex].SKU << endl; cin.ignore(256,'\n'); getline(cin,tempString); drink[foundindex].SKU=tempString; } if(action=='6') { cout << endl << "\t\tEnter new deposit amount for SKU:" << drink[foundindex].SKU << endl; cin >> drink[foundindex].deposit; } char closeSave = 'n'; cout << endl << "\t\tSave changes to file (y) or abandon changes (n)?"; cin >> closeSave; if(closeSave == 'y' closeSave == 'Y')

{ cout << "\t\tAre you sure? Changes will be final. (y/n)"; cin >> closeSave; if(closeSave == 'y' closeSave == 'Y') {"productData.txt"); for(i=0;i<1000;i++) { if(drink[i].SKU.empty()) { i = 1000; newProductFile << endl << "\t\tSKU not Found. Try Again." << endl; continue; } newProductFile << drink[i].brand << endl << drink[i].flavor << endl << drink[i].descript << endl << drink[i].size << endl << drink[i].SKU<< endl << drink[i].deposit << endl; } newProductFile.close(); } } } // end of while loop return 'X'; } //////////////////////////// display product data //////////////////////////// char displayProduct(productType drink[]) { // declare variables char productDisplayContinue = 'Y'; string spacer; string searchSKU; string tempString; int foundIndex; // define input files ifstream productFile; ofstream newProductFile;"productData.txt"); if (!productFile) //test for presence of productFile { cout << "\t\tUnable to open product DATA file." << endl; cout << "\t\tPlease contact developer." << endl; cout << "\t\tThis program will end." << endl; return 'X'; } system ("CLS"); for (i = 0;i < 1000;i++) { getline(productFile,drink[i].brand); getline(productFile,drink[i].flavor); getline(productFile,drink[i].descript); getline(productFile,drink[i].size); getline(productFile,drink[i].SKU); productFile >> drink[i].deposit; getline(productFile,spacer);

} productFile.close(); while(productDisplayContinue=='Y') { makeLine(65); cout << endl; cout << "\t\tEnter SKU of product to display, " << endl; cout << "\t\tor, to quit, enter 999." << endl; cout << endl; makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl << endl << "\t\tSKU: " ; cin >> searchSKU; if(searchSKU=="999") { return 'X'; } for (i = 0; i < 1000;i++) { if(drink[i].SKU.empty()) { i = 1000; cout << endl << "\t\tSKU not Found. Try Again." << endl; continue; } if(drink[i].SKU == searchSKU) { foundIndex = i; i = 1000; } } char action = 'n'; makeLine(65); cout << endl << endl; cout << "\t\t1. Brand name : " << drink[foundindex].brand << endl; cout << "\t\t2. Flavor : " << drink[foundindex].flavor<< endl; cout << "\t\t3. Description : " << drink[foundindex].descript<< endl; cout << "\t\t4. Size : " << drink[foundindex].size<< endl; cout << "\t\t5. SKU : " << drink[foundindex].SKU<< endl << flush; cout << "\t\t6. Deposit AMT : " << drink[foundindex].deposit<< endl; cout << endl << endl; makeLine(65); cout << endl << "\t\tWould you like to display another product? (y/n) "; cin >> productDisplayContinue; if(productDisplayContinue=='n' productDisplayContinue=='N') { productDisplayContinue = 'N'; } } return 'R'; }

[B]My programming skill's are not the best, so bear with me. Here's my section so far i list the functions [/B]

void reportline; int findsku; string itm = 0; int index; int found; found = false; int i; cout << "Please enter <strong class="highlight">in</strong> sku or type 0 for al l skus"; cin >> findsku; now do I use fstream here or can I just use for (findsku=0; findsku<nextopen;findsku++ { if(strcmp(invenType[inventoryline[index].sku,itm)= =0); {found=1; break; } } break; if inventoryLine.quantity <= 5; cout << findsku << quantity << endl; } InventoryLine [1000] int maxRecord; #include fstream; open inventoryType.inventoryLine; for (i=0; i <1000, i++) { getline(inventFile.inventoryLine[i].sku; getline(inventFile.inventoryLine[i].quantity; if inventoryLine[i].sku== " "; { maxRecord= i; i = 1000; }

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