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WhaL ls Lhe range of Mlcrowave
lrequency ?
(f1300CPz or 30Cms 1mm)
WhaL ls a Mlcrowave?"
(arL of Lhe 8l specLrum
1 300 CPz)
Dses of Mlcrowaves
- CommunlcaLlon
- Medlclne
In the m|crowave
frequency reg|on power ls
consldered Lo be ln elecLrlc
and magneLlc flelds LhaL are
gulded from place Lo place by
some physlcal sLrucLure Any
physlcal sLrucLure LhaL wlll
gulde an elecLromagneLlc
wave from place Lo place ls
called a 8l 1ronsmission Line
1ransmlsslon Llne 1heory
In an e|ectron|c system
Lhe dellvery of power
requlres Lhe connecLlon of
Lwo wlres beLween Lhe
source and Lhe load AL low
frequencles power ls
consldered Lo be dellvered Lo
Lhe load Lhrough Lhe wlre
1hls ls called a low frequency
1ronsmission Line
_qe- cl _~:-.--.c: [.:e-
1 1wo wlre llne
2 Coaxlal cable
3 Wavegulde
4 lanar 1ransmlsslon Llnes
SLrlp llne
MlcrosLrlp llne
SloL llne
lln llne
Coplanar Wavegulde
Coplanar sloL llne
AL low frequencles Lhe
clrculL elemenLs are
lumped slnce volLage
and currenL waves
affecL Lhe enLlre clrculL
aL Lhe same Llme
AL mlcrowave
frequencles such
LreaLmenL of clrculL
elemenLs ls noL posslble
slnce volLage and
currenL waves do noL
affecL Lhe enLlre
Lransmlsslon llne clrculL
aL Lhe same Llme
Analysis of differences between Low and
High Frequency
Analysis of differences between
Low and High Frequency
1he enLlre Lransmlsslon llne clrculL musL be
broken down lnLo unlL secLlons wlLhln whlch Lhe
clrculL elemenLs are consldered Lo be lumped
1hls ls because Lhe dlmenslons of Lhe
Lransmlsslon llne clrculL are comparable Lo Lhe
wavelengLh of Lhe waves LransmlLLed on Lhe llne
accordlng Lo Lhe formula
c veloclLy of llghL
f frequency of volLage/currenL
Mlcrowave 1ransmlsslon Llnes
Wavegulde and oLher Lransmlsslon llnes
for Lhe lowloss Lransmlsslon of
mlcrowave power
Larly mlcrowave sysLems relled on
wavegulde and coaxlal llnes for
Lransmlsslon llne medla
Wavegulde hlgh powerhandllng capablllLy
low loss buL bulky and expenslve
Coaxlal llne hlgh bandwldLh convenlenL for
LesL appllcaLlons dlfflculL medlum ln whlch Lo
fabrlcaLe complex mlcrowave componenLs
lanar Lransmlsslon llnes sLrlpllne mlcrosLrlp
sloLllne coplanar wavegulde compacL low
cosL easlly lnLegraLed wlLh acLlve devlces
Mlcrowave 1ransmlsslon Llnes
@ransm|ss|on L|nes @ransm|ss|on L|nes
CrosssecLlonal vlew of Lyplcal Lransmlsslon llnes (a) coaxlal llne (b) Lwowlre llne
(c) planar llne (d) wlre above conducLlng plane (e) mlcrosLrlp llne
@ransm|ss|on L|nes @ransm|ss|on L|nes
(a) Coaxlal llne
connecLlng Lhe
generaLor Lo
Lhe load (b)
and flelds on
Lhe coaxlal llne
LlecLrlc and magneLlc flelds around
slnglephase Lransmlsslon llne
and I|e|d ||nes on
crosssecLloned Coaxlal llnes
@r|p|ate ||ne
9onor tronsmission Lines
The great majority oI planar circuits are realized in microstrip.
Microstrip is a practical medium for a wide variety oI
components and is a natural choice Ior large, integrated
systems. Microstrip, like most planar circuits, is a "quasi-
1EM" transmission line. This means that it is usually treated
as a 1EM line at frequencies low enough Ior dispersion to be
negligible. At higher frequencies, dispersion corrections are
usually necessary. Again, a number oI methods exist. One oI
the most popular and most accurate is that oI Kirschning and
Jansen. Another good one is by Wells and Pramanick. A
simple approximate expression Ior the cutoII Irequency oI the
lowest non- TEM mode is 75/h(k-1)`0.5. where this is got in
GHz and h is in mm. k is dielectric constant oI medium.
9onor tronsmission Lines
9onor tronsmission Lines
or many purposes CPW is a good alternative to microstrip. In
CPW the ground surIaces are alongside the strip conductor
instead oI underneath it. This conIiguration causes many
characteristics to diIIer Irom those oI microstrip. irst, the
Iields are not as Iully contained in the dielectric and extend
Iarther into the air above the substrate. This causes dispersion
and radiation to be worse in CPW than in microstrip. Second,
the currents are more strongly concentrated in the edges oI the
conductors. Because the edges are likely to be much rougher
than the surIaces, losses are higher.
9onor tronsmission Lines
evertheless, CPW has signiIicant advantages over microstrip
Ior monolithic circuits. The most important is that ground
connections can be made on the surIace oI the substrate; there
is no need Ior "via" holes, which are used to make ground
connections in microstrip circuits. CPW grounds usually have
much less inductance than microstrip, an important
consideration Ior many types oI high-Irequency circuits.
Another important advantage is size. CPW conductors can be
very narrow, even with low characteristic impedances. Low-
impedance microstrip lines oIten are impractically wide.
inally, CPW is much less sensitive to substrate thickness than
microstrip, so the thinning oI the monolithic substrate is much
less critical. CPW monolithic circuits oIten are not thinned at
9onor tronsmission Lines
Strip line is one oI the oldest types oI planar transmission
media, developed in the late 1950s and originally called
triplate. OI the lines listed in Table 1.1,stripline is the only true
TEM transmission line. As such, it is non-dispersive, but it is
not immune to moding, especially iI the strip conductor is not
centered evenly between the ground planes. Strip line
components invariably use composite substrates. One
technique is to create a sandwich oI two substrates, one having
a ground plane and a strip conductor, the other having only the
ground plane. These two substrates are clamped Iirmly
together to prevent the Iormation oI an air gap, which would
create variations in the dielectric constant oI the medium
between the ground planes
9onor tronsmission Lines
Stripline is a great medium Ior directional couplers.
This is virtually impossible in microstrip or CPW, which can
use only edge coupling. The homogeneous dielectric oI
stripline makes its even-mode and odd-mode phase velocities
equal, resulting in high directivity. Broadside coupling is also
possible in suspended-substrate stripline. Stripline is not a
Iavored transmission medium these days, probably because it
is not really suitable Ior components that include chip diodes,
transistors, or other discrete circuit elements, and it does not
integrate well with the media.
MlcrosLrlp baslc mlcrowave lnLerconnecLlon sLrucLure
Summary of key maLerlal requlremenLs
aL 8l
ConducLors low bulk reslsLlvlLy
good surface flnlsh (low surface roughness)
hlgh llne/space resoluLlon
good LemperaLure sLablllLy
ulelecLrlcs low loss LangenL (10
good surface flnlsh
preclsely deflned 1
(sLable wlLh frequency)
lsoLroplc 1
conslsLenL subsLraLe Lhlckness
low 1
( 30 ppm/

,etamater|a|s are arLlflclal maLerlals
englneered Lo have properLles LhaL
may noL be found ln naLure
MeLamaLerlals usually galn Lhelr
properLles from sLrucLure raLher Lhan
composlLlon uslng small
lnhomogenelLles Lo creaLe effecLlve
macroscoplc behavlor
1he prlmary research ln meLamaLerlals lnvesLlgaLes
maLerlals wlLh negaLlve refracLlve lndex negaLlve
refracLlve lndex maLerlals appear Lo permlL Lhe
creaLlon of superlenses whlch can have a spaLlal
resoluLlon below LhaL of Lhe wavelengLh ln oLher
work a form of lnvlslblllLy has been demonsLraLed
aL leasL over a narrow wave band wlLh gradlenLlndex
maLerlals AlLhough Lhe flrsL meLamaLerlals were
elecLromagneLlc acousLlc and selsmlc meLamaLerlals
are also areas of acLlve research
MeLamaLerlals conslsL of perlodlc sLrucLures An
elecLromagneLlc meLamaLerlal affecLs
elecLromagneLlc waves by havlng sLrucLural feaLures
smaller Lhan Lhe wavelengLh of llghL ln addlLlon lf a
meLamaLerlal ls Lo behave as a homogeneous
maLerlal accuraLely descrlbed by an effecLlve
refracLlve lndex lLs feaLures musL be much smaller
Lhan Lhe wavelengLh 1o daLe subwavelengLh
sLrucLures have shown only a few quesLlonable
resulLs aL vlslble wavelengLhs
LlecLromagneLlc MeLamaLerlals
lor mlcrowave radlaLlon Lhe sLrucLures need
only be on Lhe order of few cenLlmeLers
Mlcrowave frequency meLamaLerlals are
usually synLheLlc consLrucLed as arrays of
elecLrlcally conducLlve elemenLs (such as loops
of wlre) whlch have sulLable lnducLlve and
capaclLlve characLerlsLlcs 1hese are known as
spllLrlng resonaLors
LlecLromagneLlc MeLamaLerlals
- various molecular, atomic, and nuclear
resonances occur at microwave
frequencies, creating a variety of unique
applications in the areas of basic science,
remote sensing, medical diagnostics and
treatment, and heating methods.
1oday Lhe ma[orlLy of appllcaLlons of
mlcrowaves are relaLed Lo radar and
communlcaLlon sysLems 8adar sysLems are
used for deLecLlng and locaLlng LargeLs and for
alr Lrafflc conLrol sysLems mlsslle Lracklng
radars auLomoblle colllslon avoldance
sysLems weaLher predlcLlon moLlon
deLecLors and a wlde varleLy of remoLe
senslng sysLems
Mlcrowave communlcaLlon sysLems handle a
large fracLlon of Lhe world's lnLernaLlonal and
oLher long haul Lelephone daLa and Lelevlslon
MosL of Lhe currenLly developlng wlreless
LelecommunlcaLlons sysLems such as dlrecL
broadcasL saLelllLe (u8S) Lelevlslon personal
communlcaLlon sysLems (CSs) wlreless local area
neLworks (WLAnS) cellular vldeo (Cv) sysLems and
global poslLlonlng saLelllLe (CS) sysLems rely heavlly
on mlcrowave Lechnology
1PAnk ?CD !
CuesLlons lf any

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