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May Lncarn|na Gao|ran

(reproduce as lL ls lncludlng my name %


Chapter 1 Genera| rov|s|ons

Sec 12
roperty keg|strat|on Decree
Nature lo tem as|s 1orrens sysLem
k1C 1% excluslve [urlsdlcLlon
a over all appllcaLlons for orlglnal reglsLraLlon of LlLle lands lncludlng lmprovemenLs
b over all peLlLlons flled afLer orlglnal reglsLraLlon of LlLle
2% power Lo hear and deLermlne all quesLlons arlslng upon such appllcaLlons or peLlLlons
Court v|a C|erk of Court shall furnlsh Lhe L8C wlLhln 3 days from Lhe flllng or lssuance Lhe followlng
1 2 cerLlfled coples of all
a pleadlngs
b exhlblLs
c orders
d declslons flled or lssued ln appllcaLlons or peLlLlons for land reglsLraLlon
Lxcept|on sLenographlc noLes
Sec 2 Art kII 1987 Const|tut|on
agr|cu|tura| |ands can be allenaLed
State has full conLrol and supervlslon of exp|orat|on deve|opment and ut|||zat|on of natura| resources (LDU)
may enLer lnLo coproduct|on [o|nt venture or product|onshar|ng agreements
corporat|ons]assoc|at|ons 60 of Lhe caplLal musL be owned by llllplno clLlzens can LLASL noL
exceedlng 23 years renewable for noL more Lhan 23 years
Cthers that can e granted
1 rlghLs of lrrlgaLlon
2 waLer supply
lndusLrlal uses

urpose of the 1orrens system
1 Lo quleL LlLle Lo land
2 Lo puL a sLop forever Lo any quesLlon of Lhe legallLy of Lhe LlLle Lxcept|ons clalms whlch were noLed aL Lhe Llme
of reglsLraLlon or whlch may arlse subsequenL LhereLo
Lo decree land LlLles LhaL shall be flnal lrrevocable and undlspuLable
Lo relleve Lhe land of Lhe burden of known as well as unknown clalms
3 Lo avold posslble confllcLs of LlLle Lo real esLaLe
6 Lo faclllLaLe LransacLlons relaLlve LhereLo
Lo dlspense wlLh Lhe need of lnqulrlng furLher
1he t|t|e once reg|stered cannot e
1 lmpugned
2 alLered
3 enlarged
6 dlmlnlshed
Lxcept|on some dlrecL proceedlng permlLLed by law
keg|strat|on noL a mode of acqulrlng ownershlp merely evldence of such LlLle over a parLlcular properLy

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Advantages of the 1orrens system
1 securlLy
2 reduced Lhe cosL of conveyances
for brevlLy and clearness
slmpllfled ordlnary deallngs
3 affords proLecLlon agalnsL fraud
6 resLored Lo Lhelr [usL value many esLaLes

8ackground of 1orrens System of keg|strat|on
1 1he u||c Land Act (CA No 141) nov 196
Act No 926 llrsL ubllc Land AcL (ln pursuanL Lo hlllpplne 8lll of 2902%
Act No 2874 Second ubllc Land AcL (!ones Law 1919%
2 Land keg|strat|on Act (Act No 496) nov 6 1902 effecLlve !an 1 190
creaLed CourL of Land 8eglsLraLlon"
provldes Assurance Iund paymenL for Lhe loss or damage susLalned by any person who wlLhouL
negllgence on hls parL ls wrongfully deprlved of any land or lnLeresL Lhereln on accounL of Lhe brlnglng of Lhe same
under AcL or reglsLraLlon of any oLher persons as owner of Lhe land
1he Cadastra| Act (Act No 22S9) leb 11 191
D|rector of Lands ordered Lo make a survey
So||c|tor Genera| shall lnsLlLuLe reglsLraLlon proceedlngs
2x publlcaLlon ln successlve lssues of Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe
1he roperty keg|strat|on Decree (D No 1S29) !une 11 19
Lo updaLe Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AcL
Lo codlfy Lhe varlous laws relaLlve Lo reglsLraLlon of properLy
Lo faclllLaLe effecLlve lmplemenLaLlon of sald laws
Land keg|strat|on Author|ty under Lhe uC! acLual reposlLory of records relaLlve Lo orlglnal reglsLraLlon

8 129 Sec 19(2)
k1C all clvll acLlons whlch lnvolve Lhe LlLle Lo or possesslon of real properLy or any lnLeresL Lhereln Av 20k
Metropo||tan Man||a clvll acLlons whlch Av 30k
Lxcept|ons (M1C ML1C MC1C)
a% forclble enLry
b% lawful deLalner
|nfer|or court ,v 13k

Sec 34 Cadastra| or Land keg|strat|on Cases
1 where Lhe loL soughL Lo be reglsLered ls noL Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe conLroversy or opposlLlon or
2 where Lhe loL ls conLesLed buL lL does noL exceed 100k
how to ascerta|n? affldavlL of Lhe clalmanL agreemenL Lax declaraLlon

keg|strat|on Court noL dlvesLed of lLs [urlsdlcLlon by admlnlsLraLlve acL for Lhe lssuance of paLenL
homestead patent does noL flnally dlspose of Lhe publlc or prlvaLe characLer of Lhe land as far as courLs acLlng upon
proceedlngs lo tem are concerned

Sec 3
Gen ku|e Spanlsh LlLles are no longer used as evldence of land ownershlp and may be losL vla prescrlpLlon
Lxcept|on lf recorded wlLhln 6 mos from Lhe daLe of effecLlvlLy of D No 892 Aug 16 196
Iorms of Grants] Concess|ons
1 royal granL
2 speclal granL
LlLle or ad[usLmenL LlLle
LlLle by purchase
3 graLulLous LlLle
6 possessory lnformaLlon LlLle

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proate court seLLles and llquldaLes Lhe esLaLe of deceased persons elLher summarlly or vla Lhe process of
rules on wheLher or noL Lhe lnvenLory of Lhe esLaLe properly lncluded Lhem for purposes of
dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe neL asseLs of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased Lo lawful helrs
Notes 1% A merely appolnLed [udge who dld noL Lry Lhe case can declde Lhe same provlded LhaL Lhe record and Lhe
evldence are all avallable Lo hlm and LhaL Lhe same were Laken lnLo conslderaLlon and Lhoroughly sLudled
2% 8eglsLraLlon of lnsLrumenLs affecLlng LlLled lands under AcL no 2 lneffecLlve agalnsL

Chapter 2 1he Land keg|strat|on Comm|ss|on and Its keg|str|es of Deeds

Sec 4
A|m of LkC Lo have a more efflclenL execuLlon of Lhe laws relaLlve Lo Lhe reglsLraLlon of lands

Sec S

Cff|c|a|s and emp|oyees of the Comm|ss|on shall be appolnLed by Lhe Sec of !usLlce upon Lhe recommendaLlon
of L8C Commlssloner
1 Comm|ss|oner quallfled member of Lhe hlllpplne 8ar aL leasL 10 yrs of pracLlce ln Lhe legal professlon
2 Deputy Comm|ss|oner SA, sa|ary k/year C's salary
Spec|a| Ass|stant to the Comm|ss|oner
Ch|ef Geodet|c Lng|neer 00/yr uC's salary
3 Cther Cff|c|a|s] Lmp|oyees of LkC keg|str|es of Deeds

Sec 6

Genera| Iunct|ons
A Comm|ss|oner of Land keg|strat|on
1 lssue decrees of reglsLraLlon pursuanL Lo flnal [udgmenLs of Lhe courLs ln land reglsLraLlon proceedlngs
and cause Lhe lssuance by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds of Lhe correspondlng cerLlflcaLes of LlLle
2 exerclse supervlslon and conLrol over all 8eglsLers of ueeds and oLher personnel of Lhe Commlsslon
resolve cases elevaLed eo coosolto by or on appeal from declslon of 8eglsLers of ueeds
exerclse execuLlve supervlslon over all clerks of courL and personnel of Lhe 81C
3 lmplemenL all orders declslons and decrees promulgaLed re reglsLraLlon of lands an d lssue sub[ecL Lo
Lhe approval of Lhe SC!
6 verlfy and approve subdlvlslon consolldaLlon and consolldaLlonsurvey plans of properLles LlLled under
AcL no 96 except Lhose covered by u no 93
8 Land keg|strat|on Comm|ss|on
1 exLend speedy and effecLlve asslsLance Lo Lhe uA8 Land 8ank eLal
2 exLend asslsLance Lo courLs ln ordlnary and cadasLral land proceedlngs
cenLral reposlLory of records
Notes 1he duLy of L8A Lo lssue decree ls m|n|ster|a| hence lL ls noL compellable by mandamus
1he L8A has no auLhorlLy Lo represenL Lhe governmenL ln reglsLraLlon proceedlngs

Sec 7

Cff|ce of the keg|ster of Deeds
aL leasL 8eglsLer of ueeds for each provlnce and one for each of clLy
lf lL has a yearly average collecLlon of more Lhan 6k durlng Lhe lasL years 1 uepuLy 8eglsLer of ueeds lf more
Lhan k one second uepuLy 8eglsLer of ueeds

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Secretary of Iust|ce shall deflne Lhe offlclal sLaLlon and LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of each reglsLry upon Lhe
recommendaLlon of L8C

keg|strat|on Lhe enLry of lnsLrumenLs or deeds ln a book or publlc reglsLry Lffect consLrucLlve noLlce Lo all persons

Who must g|ven pr|or|ty etween 2 uyers of the same |mmova|e property reg|stered under the 1orrens system?
1 1
reglsLranL ln good falLh
2 1
possessor ln good falLh
buyer who ln good falLh presenLs Lhe oldesL LlLle

Sec 8

keg|ster of Deeds shall be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL upon recommendaLlon of Lhe SC!
Deputy keg|sters of Deed eta| shall be appolnLed by SC! upon recommendaLlon of Lhe Commlssloner of Land

1 llrsL Class 8eglsLrles k/yruC's salry
2 Second Class 8eglsLrles k00/yr #!
1hlrd Class 8eglsLrles k00/yr#2

SCI upon recommendat|on of the Comm|ss|oner of Land keg|strat|on shall cause Lhe reclasslflcaLlon of 8eglsLrles

Sec 9

ua||f|cat|ons of keg|sters of Deeds and Deputy keg|sters of Deeds
1 admlLLed Lo Lhe pracLlce of law
2 engaged ln such pracLlce for aL leasL years

Sec 10

Genera| Iunct|ons of keg|sters of Deeds
1 publlc reposlLory of records of lnsLrumenLs affecLlng reglsLered or unreglsLered lands and chaLLel morLgages
2 lmmedlaLely reglsLer an lnsLrumenL presenLed for reglsLraLlon deallng wlLh real or personal properLy
see Lo lL lf sald lnsLrumenL bears Lhe proper documenLary and sclence sLamps and LhaL Lhe same are properly
lf Lhe lnsLrumenL ls noL reglsLrable a% deny reglsLraLlon b% lnform Lhe presenLor of such denlal vla wrlLlng c%
sLaLe ground d% advlse hlm of hls rlghL Lo appeal by coosolto
Notes A courL of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon deLermlnes wheLher or noL a documenL ls valld
8eglsLraLlon musL flrsL be allowed and Lhe valldlLy or effecL Lhereof llLlgaLed afLerwards
uoubLful quesLlons shall be submlLLed Lo L8A for resoluLlon

When keg|ster of Deeds may refuse reg|strat|on
1 when Lhere are several coples of Lhe LlLle buL only one ls presenLed wlLh lnsLrumenLs Lo be reglsLered
2 when Lhe properLy ls presumed Lo be con[ugal buL Lhe lnsLrumenL of conveyance bears Lhe slgnaLure of only one
when Lhere ls a pendlng case ln courL where Lhe characLer of Lhe land and valldlLy of Lhe conveyance are ln lssue

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Sec 11

Causes of Vacancy
1 absence
2 lllness
lnablllLy Lo dlscharge duLles
Crder (Lxcept|on lf Lhe SC! deslgnaLes anoLher offlclal Lo acL Lemporarlly ln hls place%
1 uepuLy 8eglsLers of ueeds 2
uepuLy 8eglsLers of ueeds
2 lf none rovlnclal or ClLy llscal or any deslgnaLed AsslsLanL llscal
lf newlycreaLed provlnce/clLy 8eglsLer of ueeds of Lhe moLher provlnce

Sec 12

|ndex system shall conLaln Lhe names of all reglsLered owners alphabeLlcally arranged wlLh Lhe correspondlng lands
reglsLered ln Lhelr name

Who 8eglsLer of ueeds
What submlL Lo Lhe L8C monLhly reporLs on collecLlons and accompllshmenL
When wlLhln 10 days afLer Lhe monLh
What e|se annual lnvenLory of all LlLles and lnsLrumenLs ln hls 8eglsLry When aL Lhe end of uecember of each year

Sec 13

Ch|ef Geodet|c Lng|neer Lechnlcal advlser of Lhe L8C on all maLLers lnvolvlng surveys
shall be responslble for all plaLs planLs and eLc
When from Lhe Llme he wlll be asslgned by Lhe L8C

Note only Lhe Lands Management 8ureau has auLhorlLy Lo approve orlglnal survey plans for reglsLraLlon purposes

Chapter 3 Cr|g|na| keg|strat|on

Sec 14

Who May App|y?
1 Lhose who by Lhemselves or Lhrough Lhelr predecessorslnlnLeresL have been ln open cont|nuous exc|us|ve
and notor|ous possess|on and occupat|on of allenable and dlsposable lands of Lhe publlc domaln under a ooo
flJe clalm of ownershlp slnce !une 12 193 or earller
2 Lhose who have acqulred ownershlp of prlvaLe lands by prescr|pt|on under Lhe provlslons of exlsLlng laws
Lhose who have acqulred ownershlp of prlvaLe lands or abandoned rlver beds by r|ght of access|on or accret|on
under exlsLlng laws
Lhose who have acqulred ownershlp of land ln any oLher manner provlded for by law
3 lf Lhe land ls owned ln common all Lhe coowners shall flle Lhe appllcaLlon [olnLly
6 lf Lhe land has been sold under octo Je tetto Lhe vendor o tetto may flle an appllcaLlon for Lhe orlglnal
reglsLraLlon of Lhe land however lf Lhe perlod of redempLlon explred durlng Lhe pendency of reglsLraLlon
proceedlngs Lhe vendee o tetto can subsLlLuLe hlm
a LrusLee ln behalf o hls prlnclpal unless prohlblLed by Lhe lnsLrumenL creaLlng Lhe LrusL

Note 8eglsLraLlon only conflrms exlsLlng LlLle

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Laws govern|ng |and reg|strat|on
1 u||c Land Act (CA No 141) governs Lhe [udlclal conflrmaLlon of lmperfecL or lncompleLe LlLles on Lhe basls of
possesslon and occupaLlon of allenable porLlons of Lhe publlc domaln ln Lhe manner and for Lhe lengLh of Llme
requlred by law
2 roperty keg|strat|on Decree (D No 1S29) codlflcaLlon of all laws relaLlve Lo reglsLraLlon of properLy and
supersedes all oLher laws relaLlve Lo reglsLraLlon of properLy
3 Cadastra| Act (Act No 22S9) requlres LhaL Lhe LlLle Lo any lands be LlLled and ad[udlcaLed (lL ls Lhe gov'L lLself
who lnlLlaLes Lhe acLlon%
4 Ind|genous eop|es k|ghts Act (kA No 8371) recognlzes Lhe rlghLs of ownershlp and possesslon of lCCs/ls Lo
Lhelr ancesLral domalns and ancesLral lands on Lhe basls of ootlve tltle

O 8A no 916 has exLended perlod of flllng Lo uecember 1 2020
O Land musL be A and u land aL Lhe Llme Lhe appllcaLlon for conflrmaLlon ls flled
O A parcel of foresL land ls wlLhln Lhe excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8ureau of loresLry and beyond Lhe power and
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe cadasLral courL Lo reglsLer under 1orrens sysLem
O Jhere appllcanL acqulred a rlghL Lo a governmenL granL Lhe appllcaLlon ls a mere formallLy
O Compllance wlLh all requlremenLs for a governmenL granL lso jote converLs land Lo prlvaLe properLy
O JlLhouL a [udgmenL or order declarlng Lhe land Lo be publlc lLs prlvaLe characLer and Lhe possessory lnformaLlon
LlLle over lL musL be respecLed
O A person who had been ln CCn possesslon and occupaLlon of publlc agrlculLural land for a perlod of aL leasL 10
yrs prlor Lo !uly 2 190 could peLlLlon for Lhe conflrmaLlon of hls LlLle over Lhe land he had so possessed and
O 1lLle ls vold where land ls lnallenable and may be cancelled even ln Lhe hands of an lnnocenL purchaser for value
O Land declared publlc land ln a prevlous reglsLraLlon case may be Lhe sub[ecL of [udlclal conflrmaLlon
O ueclslon of Lhe cadasLral courL declarlng land as publlc land does noL consLlLuLe tes joJlcoto kat|ona|e lL ls noL
Lhe flnal decree conLemplaLed ln SecLlons and 30 of Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AcL
O AppllcaLlon musL conform Lo Lhe reqL's of Lhe 8u
O 8urden of proof resLs on appllcanL

kequ|s|tes for ava||ment of Chapter VIII
1 Lhe appllcanL musL be a llllplno clLlzen
2 he musL have by hlmself or Lhrough hls predecessorslnlnLeresL possessed and occupled an allenable and
dlsposable agrlculLural porLlon of Lhe publlc domaln
such possesslon and occupaLlon musL have been open conLlnuous excluslve noLorlous and ln Lhe concepL of
owner slnce !une 12 193
Lhe appllcaLlon musL be flled wlLh Lhe proper courL
|mmemor|a| possess|on possesslon of whlch no man llvlng has seen Lhe beglnnlng and Lhe exlsLence of
whlch he has learned from hls elders

L|m|tat|on to Cwnersh|p of Land y Corporat|on
1 kIVA1L LANDS AL leasL 60 llllplno Lo acqulre prlvaLe land
resLrlcLed as Lo exLenL reasonably necessary Lo enable lL Lo carry ouL purpose whlch lL was
lf agrlculLural 102 ha
2 A1kIMCNIAL kCLk1 CI 1nL S1A1L lease for 23 years renewable
llmlLed Lo 1000 ha
apply Lo boLh llllplno and forelgn corporaLlons
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Corporat|on So|e regard|ess of clLlzenshlp quallfled Lo apply for reglsLraLlon may purchase and hold real
esLaLe creaLed noL only Lo admlnlsLer Lhe LemporallLles of Lhe church or rellglous socleLy where he belongs buL also hold
and LransmlL Lhe same Lo hls successor ln sald offlce

k1C wlll hear appllcaLlons for reglsLraLlon

D|rector of Lands wlll appear as a parLy ln such case

So||c|tor Genera| wlll lnvesLlgaLe all of Lhe facLs alleged ln Lhe appllcaLlon or oLherwlse broughL Lo hls aLLenLlon

C|erk of Court shall cerLlfy whenever Lhe [udgmenL of conflrmaLlon or oLher decree of Lhe courL shall become
flnal Lo Lhe ulrecLor of Lands wlLh a cerLlfled copy of Lhe decree of conflrmaLlon or [udgmenL of Lhe courL and Lhe plan
and Lechnlcal descrlpLlon of Lhe land
f|na| decree of the court basls for Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ln favor of Lhe persons enLlLled Lo Lhe properLy
under Lhe properLy under Lhe procedure prescrlbed ln Lhe 8u

rescr|pt|on one of Lhe modes of acqulrlng ownershlp ord|nary prescr|pt|on 10yrs extraord|nary prescr|pt|on 0 yrs
Crd|nary Acqu|s|t|ve rescr|pt|on requlres possesslon of Lhlngs ln good falLh and wlLh [usL LlLle for Lhe Llme flxed by law
kequ|s|tes of rescr|pt|on
1 Lhe possesslon musL be LhaL of owner
2 lL musL be publlc peaceful and unlnLerrupLed
Computat|on by Lacklng hls possesslon Lo LhaL of hls granLor or predecessorlnlnLeresL
Actua| ossess|on conslsLs ln Lhe manlfesLaLlon of acLs of domlnlon over lL of such a naLure as a parLy would naLurally
exerclse over hls own properLy
Construct|ve ossess|on Lhe possesslon and culLlvaLlon of a porLlon of a LracL under clalm of ownershlp lf Lhe
remalnder ls noL Lhe adverse possesslon of anoLher

V|rtue of a L|cense or mere to|erance on the part of rea| owner noL sufflclenL acLs of possessory characLer

rescr|pt|on vs Laches
facL/delay effecLs of delay
maLLer of Llme quesLlon of lnequlLy
sLaLuLory nC1
applles aL law applles ln lnequlLy
flxed Llme nC1

kequ|s|tes of Access|on
1 Lhe change musL be sudden ln order LhaL Lhe old rlver may be ldenLlfled
2 Lhe changlng of Lhe course musL be more or |ess permanent
Lhe change of Lhe rlver musL be a natura| one
Lhere musL be deflnlLe aandonment by Lhe governmenL
3 Lhe rlver musL cont|nue to ex|st
kequ|s|tes of Accret|on
1 LhaL Lhe deposlL musL be gradual and lmpercepLlble
2 LhaL lL be made Lhrough Lhe effecLs of Lhe currenL of Lhe waLer and
LhaL Lhe land where Lhe accreLlon Lakes place ls ad[acenL Lo Lhe banks of rlvers
kat|ona|e Lo compensaLe Lhe rlparlan owner for Lhe danger of loss LhaL he suffers because of Lhe
locaLlon of hls land
a g e | 8

O 8eglsLraLlon does noL proLecL Lhe rlparlan owner agalnsL Lhe dlmlnuLlon of Lhe area of hls land Lhrough gradual
changes ln Lhe course of Lhe ad[olnlng sLream
O AccreLlon does noL auLomaLlcally become reglsLered land hence Lhe land may sLlll be acqulred Lhrough
prescrlpLlon by
O Alluvlal formaLlon along Lhe seashore forms parL of Lhe publlc domaln
O ay a parL of Lhe sea belng a mere lndenLaLlon of Lhe same
O 1he courLs have no auLhorlLy Lo declare Lhe land no longer necessary for any publlc use or purpose as Lo become
dlsposable and avallable for prlvaLe ownershlp
O 1he occupaLlon or maLerlal possesslon of any land formed upon Lhe shore by accreLlon wlLhouL prevlous
permlsslon from Lhe proper auLhorlLles ls lllegal and ls a mere deLaolner
Gen ku|e Lhe ad[olnlng reglsLered owner of foreshore land cannoL clalm ownershlp Lhereof by rlghL of
accreLlon Lxcept|ons 1% lf he has flled a revocable permlL appllcaLlon wlLh Lhe Lands ,anagemenL 8ureau 2% lf Lhey are
no longer needed for publlc use
revoca|e perm|t app||cat|on Lemporary auLhorlLy Lo occupy a foreshore land upon paymenL
of permlL fees and cannoL be used Lo acqulre Lhe land ln full ownershlp

Lands reserved for a spec|f|c pu||c purpose y res|dent|a| roc|amt|on noL sub[ecL Lo enLry and no lawful seLLlemenL
on Lhem can be acqulred Lxcept|on lf Lhe reserved area was ceded and Lransferred ln full ownershlp Lo someone
sub[ecL Lo exlsLlng concesslons lf any

1he Ind|genous eop|es k|ghts Act (IkA) CcL 29 199 8A no 1 allows lndlgenous people Lo obLaln recognlLlon
of Lhelr rlghL of ownershlp over ancesLral lands and ancesLral domalns by vlrLue of ootlve tltle
8as|s SecLlon 3 ArL 12 of 19 ConsLlLuLlon
resumpt|on of Nat|ve 1|t|e 1% as far back as LesLlmony or memory wenL and 2% under a clalm of prlvaLe

Nat|ve 1|t|e vs Acqu|s|t|ve rescr|pt|on aga|nst the State
1% presupposes LhaL Lhe land has been held converslon of Lhe characLer of Lhe properLy
by hls possessor and predeceessorsln lnLeresL from allenable publlc land Lo prlvaLe land
ln Lhe concepL of an owner slnce Llme lmmemorlal
2% preconquesL rlghLs Lo lands and domalns whlch
as far back as memory reaches have been held
under a clalm of prlvaLe ownershlp by lCCs/ls

k|ght any lnLeresL ln or LlLle Lo an ob[ecL or any [usL and kegal clalm Ll hold use and en[oy lL

Def|n|t|on of terms

1 Ind|genous Cu|tura| Commun|t|es] Ind|genous eop|e refers Lo a group of people or homogeneous socleLles
ldenLlfled by selfascrlpLlon and ascrlpLlon by oLhers who have conLlnuously llved as organlzed communlLy or
communally bounded and deflned LerrlLory and who have under clalms of ownershlp slnce Llme
lmmemorlal occupled possessed and uLlllzed such LerrlLorles sharlng common bonds of language cusLoms
LradlLlons and oLher dlsLlncLlve culLural LralLs or who have Lhrough reslsLance Lo pollLlcal soclal and culLural
lnroads of colonlzaLlon nonlndlgenous rellglons and culLures become hlsLorlcally dlfferenLlaLed from Lhe
ma[orlLy of llllplnos
2 Ancestra| Doma|ns refers Lo all areas generally belonglng Lo lCCs/ls comprlslng Lhe followlng
a lands
lnland waLers
c coasLal areas
d naLural resources
a g e | 9

held under a clalm of ownershlp occupled or possed by lCCs/ls by Lhemselves or Lhrough Lhelr
ancesLors communally or lndlvldually slnce Llme lmmemorlal conLlnuously Lo Lhe presenL
1 war
2 force ma[eure
dlsplacemenL by
a force
c sLealLh
d consequence of gov'L pro[ecLs or any oLher volunLary deallngs enLered lnLo by gov'L and
prlvaLe lndlvlduals/corporaLlons
Ancestra| Lands refers Lo land occupled possessed and uLlllzed by lndlvlduals famllles and clans who are
members of Lhe lCCs/ls slnce Llme lmmemorlal by Lhemselves or Lhrough Lhelr predecessorslnlnLeresL
under clalms of lndlvldual or LradlLlonal group of ownershlp
1 resldenLlal loLs
2 rlce Lerraces or paddles
prlvaLe foresLs
swldden farms
3 Lree loLs
Nat|ve 1|t|e refers Lo preconquesL rlghLs Lo lands and domalns whlch as far back as memory reaches have
been held under a clalm of prlvaLe ownershlp by lCCs/ls have never been publlc lands and are Lhus
lndlspuLably presumed Lo have been held LhaL way slnce before Lhe Spanlsh ConquesL
3 1|me Immemor|a| refers Lo a perlod of Llme when as far back as memory can go cerLaln lCCs/ls are known
Lo have occupled possessed ln Lhe concepL of owner and uLlllzed a deflned LerrlLory devolved Lo Lhem by
operaLlon of cusLomary law or lnherlLed from Lhelr ancesLors ln accordance wlLh Lhelr cusLoms and

Cert|f|cate of Ancestra| Doma|n where Lhe formal recognlLlon embodled whlch ls sollclLed by lCCs/ls concerned Lo
recognlzed Lhelr LlLle over Lhe LerrlLorles ldenLlfled and dellneaLed

C|ass|f|cat|on of u||c Doma|ns (Sec 3 Art kII of the 1987 Const|tut|on)
1 agrlculLural
2 foresL or Llmber
mlneral lands
naLlonal parks

Importance of Spec|f|cat|on of Areas 8e|ong|ng to the Ancestra| Doma|ns Lo ensure LhaL no unnecessary
encroachmenL on prlvaLe properLles ouLslde Lhe ancesLral domalns wlll resulL durlng Lhe dellneaLlon process

"r|vate ut commun|ty property" merely descrlpLlve of Lhe lndlgenous people's concepL of ownershlp communa|
character cannoL be sold dlsposed or desLroyed because lL was meanL Lo beneflL Lhe whole lndlgenous communlLy and
noL merely Lhe lndlvldual member

Modes of Acqu|s|t|on y ICCs]Is
1 by naLlve LlLle over boLh ancesLral land and domalns
2 by 1orrens LlLle under Lhe ubllc Land AcL and 8u wlLh respecL Lo ancesLral lands only

Land keg|strat|on Act 496 agrlculLural ln characLer and are acLually used for agr|cu|tura| res|dent|a| pasture and tree
farm|ng purposes lncludlng Lhose wlLh a slope of 1 or more are classlfled as A u agrlculLural lands opLlon Lo secure
cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall be exerclsed wlLhln 20 years from Lhe approval of Lhe l8A (CcL 29 199%

Sect|on 8 IkA lncludes Lhe rlghL Lo Lransfer land or properLy rlghLs Lo members of Lhe same group sub[ecL Lo
cusLomary laws and LradlLlons

a g e | 10

Se|fde||neat|on guldlng prlnclple ln Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon and dellneaLlon of ancesLral domalns
roof of Ancestra| Doma|n C|a|ms
1 Sworn SLaLemenL of Lhe lders
2 agreemenLs/pacLs made wlLh nelghborlng lCCs/ls
Lax declaraLlons
proof of paymenL of Laxes

offlclal dellneaLlon of ancesLral domaln census of all members of Lhe communlLy

AncesLral uomalns Cfflce shall prepare Lhe followlng
1 perlmeLer map
2 Lechnlcal descrlpLlon
descrlpLlon of Lhe naLural feaLures and landmarks

posLlng for aL leasL 13 days ln a promlnenL place and local provlnclal and reglonal offlces of nCl

publlcaLlon ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon once a week for 2 consecuLlve weeks

clalmanLs shall flle opposlLlon wlLhln 13 days from Lhe daLe of such publlcaLlon
Note broadcasLlng ln a radlo sLaLlon/posLlng ls sufflclenL ln Lhe absence of newspaper

wlLhln 13 days from publlcaLlon and of Lhe lnspecLlon process AuC shall cause a parcellary survey of Lhe
area belng clalmed

re[ect|on Lhe AuC shall glve Lhe appllcanL conf||ct|ng c|a|ms among ICCs]Is on the oundar|es
due noLlce copy furnlshed and all concerned of the ancestra| doma|n c|a|ms Lhe AuC shall cause
conLalnlng Lhe grounds doe denlal Lhe conLendlng parLles Lo meeL and asslsL Lhem ln
comlng up wlLh a prellmlnary resoluLlon of Lhe confllcL

prepare a reporL Lo Lhe nCl endorslng a favorable acLlon upon a clalm LhaL ls deemed Lo have sufflclenL
proof (|f |nsuff|c|ent requlre submlsslon of addlLlonal evldence%

lssuance of Lhe CAu1

nCl shall reglsLer sald cerLlflcaLe before Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds ln Lhe lace where Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed
Note den|a| ls appealable Lo Lhe nCl pre||m|nary reso|ut|on of the conf||ct musL be w/o pre[udlce Lo lLs full
ad[udlcaLlon accdg Lo Sec 62 of Lhe l8 D|rector of Lands shall represenL Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe SLaLe

keso|ut|on of conf||cts
customary process shall be followed lf Lhe dlspuLe ls beLween and/among lCCs/ls regardlng Lhe LradlLlonal
boundarles of Lhelr respecLlve ancesLral domaln
dec|s|on of the NCI may be broughL by a peLlLlon for revlew Lo Lhe CA w/ln 13dys from Lhe recelpL of a copy
a g e | 11

Iunct|ons of Ancestra| Doma|ns Cff|ce (ADC)
1 shall be responslble for Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon dellneaLlon and recognlLlon of ancesLral lands/domalns
2 for Lhe managemenL of ancesLral lands domalns ln accordance wlLh a masLer plan as well as Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe ancesLral domaln rlghLs of Lhe lCCs/ls
shall lssue upon Lhe free and prlor lnformed consenL of Lhe lCCs/ls concerned cerLlflcaLlon prlor Lo Lhe granL
of any llcense lease or permlL for Lhe explolLaLlon of naLural resources affecLlng Lhe lnLeresL of lCCs/ls or Lhelr
ancesLral domalns
shall asslsL Lhe lCCs/ls ln proLecLlng Lhe LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy of all ancesLral domalns
3 shall perform such oLher funcLlons as Lhe nCl may deem approprlaLe and necessary

Iunct|ons of Nat|ona| Comm|ss|on on Ind|genous eop|es (NCI)
1 prlmary gov'L agency w/ch ls responslble for Lhe formulaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of pollcles plans and
programs Lo recognlze proLecL and promoLe Lhe rlghLs of lCCs/ls
2 shall proLecL and promoLe Lhe lnLeresL and wellbelng of Lhe lCCs/ls wlLh due regard Lo Lhelr bellefs cusLoms
LradlLlons and lnsLlLuLlons
has been granLed admlnlsLraLlve quaslleglslaLlve and quasl[udlclal powers Lo carry ouL lLs mandaLe
Compos|t|on commlssloners belonglng Lo lCCs/ls who are appolnLed by Lhe resldenL aL leasL Lwo of
whlch shall be women
Lthnograph|c Areas
1 8eglon 1 and Cordllleras
2 8eglon ll
Lhe resL of Luzon
lsland Croups
a ,lndoro
c 8omblon
d anay
e Lhe resL of vlsayas
3 norLhern and JesLern ,lndanao
6 SouLhern and asLern ,lndanao
CenLral ,lndanao


Iorms and contents of the app||cat|on for reg|strat|on
Note lL musL be ln wrlLlng and slgned by Lhe appllcanL or person duly auLhorlzed
1 lull descrlpLlon of Lhe land
a survey plan duly approved by Lhe ulrecLor of Lands
surveyor's cerLlflcaLe
c Lechnlcal descrlpLlon
2 ClLlzenshlp and clvll sLaLus of Lhe appllcanL
a slngle or marrled
lf marrled Lhe name of Lhe wlfe or husband
c lf Lhe marrlage has been legally dlssolved when and how Lhe marrlage relaLlon LermlnaLed
lull names and addresses
a all occupanLs of Lhe land
ad[olnlng owners lf known
c of noL known lL shall sLaLe Lhe exLenL of Lhe search made Lo flnd Lhem
Assessed value of Lhe land and Lhe bulldlngs and lmprovemenLs Lheron
3 JheLher or noL Lhere are morLgages or encumbrances of any klnd whaLsoever affecLlng Lhe land or any oLher
person havlng any lnLeresL Lhereln legal or equlLable or ln possesslon Lhereof
6 1he manner by whlch Lhe appllcanL has acqulred Lhe land
JheLher or noL Lhe properLy ls con[ugal paraphernal or excluslve properLy of Lhe appllcanL
names of all Lhe occupanLs of Lhe land lf any
9 Crlglnal munlmenLs of LlLle and oLher relaLed documenLs supporLlng Lhe appllcanL's clalm of ownershlp and
10 lf Lhe land ls bounded by publlc or prlvaLe way or road
a g e | 12

a wheLher or noL Lhe appllcanL clalms any and whaL porLlon of Lhe land wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe way or
wheLher Lhe appllcanL deslres Lo have Lhe llne of Lhe way or road deLermlned

Mun|ments of t|t|e lnsLrumenLs or wrlLLen evldences whlch Lhe appllcanL holds or possesses Lo enabe hlm Lo
subsLanLlaLe and prove LlLle Lo hls esLaLe

1 shall be ln accordance wlLh Lhe form prescrlbed ln Sec 13 of u no 1329
2 LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon be
a subscrlbed by Lhe appllcanL or Lhe person duly auLhorlzed ln hls behalf
sworn Lo before or any offlcer auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs for Lhe provlnce or clLy where Lhe
appllcaLlon was acLually slgned
c lf Lhere ls more Lhan one appllcanL lL shall be slgned and sworn Lo by and ln behalf of each
LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon and lLs accompanylng papers be flled ln LrlpllcaLe
a orlglnal Clerk of CourL
dupllcaLe L8A
c LrlpllcaLe SolCen
LhaL prlor Lo Lhe flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon Lhe appllcanL has furnlshed Lhe 8eglonal xecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe un8
wlLh a copy of Lhe appllcaLlon and lLs annexes

What to Accompany App||cat|on
1 orlglnal plan ln Lraclng cloLh or ulazo olysLer fllm Note lL ls slmply aLLached Lo Lhe orlglnal record and reLalned
by Lhe courL for evldence urpose Lo flx Lhe exacL or deflnlLe ldenLlLy of a reglsLered land
2 whlLe or blue prlnL coples of Lhe plan
orlglnal and Lwo coples of Lhe Lechnlcal descrlpLlons Note lL musL noL merely slgned by Lhe CeodeLlc ngr
orlglnal and Lwo coples of Lhe CeodeLlc nglneer's cerLlflcaLe or cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe 8eglonal 1echnlcal ulrecLor
3 cerLlflcaLe ln LrlpllcaLe of Lhe rovlnclal ClLy or ,unlclpal assessor of Lhe assessed value of Lhe land aL lLs lasL
assessmenL |f not assessed affldavlL ln LrlpllcaLe of Lhe markeL value of Lhe land slgned by dlslnLeresL
6 all orlglnal munlmenLs of LlLle Note noL mandaLory

Sec 16

If the app||cant |s not a res|dent of the h|||pp|nes he sha||
1 flle wlLh hls appllcaLlon an lnsLrumenL ln due form
2 appolnL an agenL or represenLaLlve resldlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes
glve hls full name and posLal address
agree LhaL Lhe servlce of any legal process ln Lhe proceedlngs under or growlng ouL of Lhe appllcaLlon made
upon hls agenL or represenLaLlve shall be of Lhe same legal effecL as lf made upon Lhe appllcanL wlLhln Lhe
3 |f the agent or representat|ve d|es or |eaves the h|||pp|nes make anoLher appolnLmenL for Lhe subsLlLuLe
fallure Lo do so? dlsmlss Lhe appllcaLlon
Note nonresldenL appllcanL may be represenLed by an ALLorneylnfacL
Sec 17

What to f||e?
1 appllcaLlon
2 all orlglnal munlmenLs of LlLles or coples Lhereof
survey plan of Lhe lands approved by Lhe Lands ,anagemenL 8ureau
Where to f||e? 81C of Lhe provlnce or clLy where Lhe land ls slLuaLed
a g e | 13

C|erk of Court shall noL accepL any appllcaLlon UNLLSS lL ls shown LhaL Lhe appllcanL has furnlshed Lhe ulrecLor of Lands
wlLh a copy of Lhe appllcaLlon and all annexes

Genera| ku|e k1C have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo acL noL only on appllcaLlons for orlglnal reglsLraLlon buL also on all peLlLlons flled
afLer Lhe orlglnal reglsLraLlon of LlLle
Lxcept|on lnferlor courLs may be asslgned Lo handle orlglnal reglsLraLlon cases ln Lhe followlng lnsLances
1 where Lhe loL ls noL Lhe sub[ecL conLroversy or opposlLlon or
2 where Lhe loL ls conLesLed buL Lhe value Lhereof does noL exceed 10000000

1 Appeals from declslons of lnferlor courLs ln land reglsLraLlon cases are Laken Lo CA
2 venue ls procedural hence may be walved
Jhoever flrsL acqulres LlLle Lo a plece of land shall prevall
1he person who holdlng a prlor cerLlflcaLe ls enLlLled Lo Lhe land as agalnsL a person who relles on a subsequenL
3 Date of the cert|f|cate of t|t|e
6 Lands Management 8ureau may verlfy and approve survey plans for orlglnal reglsLraLlon purposes
D|rector of Lands has excluslve auLhorlLy ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon managemenL survey and dlsposlLlon of lands of
Lhe publlc domaln

Sec 18

1 An appllcaLlon may lnclude Lwo or more parcels of land belonglng Lo Lhe appllcanL/s provlded Lhey are slLuaLed
wlLhln Lhe same provlnce or clLy
2 When to amend app||cat|on anyLlme
now to amend app||cat|on?
a by sLrlklng ouL one or more of Lhe parcels or
b by a severance of Lhe appllcaLlon

Sec 19

What are a||owed y the court at any stage of proceed|ngs
1 amendmenLs Lo Lhe appllcaLlon
2 [olnder

1 lf lL lnvolves lncluslon of an addlLlonal land publlcaLlon and noLlce ls requlred
2 lf durlng Lhe pendency Lhe vendor falled Lo redeem Lhe properLy aL a glven perlod Lhe vendee may conLlnue
Lhe proceedlngs ln Lhe case and flnally obLaln LlLle as owner
lf Lhe amendmenL lnvolves a reducLlon of Lhe orlglnal area LhaL was publlshed no new publlcaLlon ls requlred
Sec 20

When |and app||ed for orders on road Lhe appllcaLlon shall sLaLe
1 wheLher or noL Lhe appllcanL clalms any
2 whaL porLlon of Lhe land wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe way or road
wheLher Lhe appllcanL deslres Lo have Lhe llne of Lhe way or road deLermlned

a g e | 14

Sec 21

1 AddlLlonal facLs may be requlred Lo be sLaLed ln Lhe appllcaLlon
2 1he courL may also conducL an ocu|ar |nspect|on lf necessary

Sec 22 does noL requlre amendmenL of Lhe appllcaLlon

1 Land sub[ecL of reglsLraLlon ls allowed Lo be dealL wlLh afLer Lhe flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon and before Lhe lssuance
of decree
2 1he appllcanL or Lhe parLles Lo Lhe LransacLlon may flle Lhe correspondlng moLlon or manlfesLaLlon lndlcaLlng
Lhe rellef deslred
ln case of Lransfer of a porLlon of land Lhe correspondlng subdlvlslon plan approved by Lhe ulrecLor of Lands
should be presenLed
Dpon noLlce Lo Lhe parLles Lhe courL shall
a order Lhe land reglsLered sub[ecL Lo Lhe conveyance or encumbrance creaLed by such lnsLrumenLs or
order LhaL Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon be lssued ln Lhe name of Lhe person Lo whom Lhe properLy has
been conveyed
3 Ad[udlcaLlon of land ln a land reglsLraLlon or cadasLral proceedlngs does noL become flnal unLll after one year
from the entry of the f|na| decree prepared by Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AuLhorlLy
6 1he law does not requ|re LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon be amended by subsLlLuLlng Lhe buyer" or Lhe
person Lo whom Lhe properLy has been conveyed" for Lhe appllcanL
a LhaL Lhe lnsLrumenL be presenLed Lo Lhe courL by Lhe |nterested party LogeLher wlLh a mot|on LhaL Lhe
same be consldered ln relaLlon wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon and
pr|or not|ce be glven Lo Lhe parLles of Lhe case
A mot|on to ||ft order of genera| and mot|on under Sec 22 may noL be flled afLer Lhe flnallLy of Lhe [udgmenL ln
Lhe reglsLraLlon case

Sec 23

Who courL
What lssue an order seLLlng Lhe daLe and hour of Lhe lnlLlal hearlng whlch shall not e ear||er than 4S days nor
|ater than 90 days from Lhe daLe of Lhe order
When wlLhln 3 days from Lhe flllng of Lhe appllcaLlon

Means of Not|ce
1 u||cat|on
a once ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe
once ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes
| Lxcept|on lf Lhe CC shall be sufflclenL Lo confer [urlsdlcLlon upon Lhe courL
c to whom |t w||| e addressed
| all persons appearlng Lo have an lnLeresL on Lhe land lnvolved
|| ad[olnlng owners
||| Lo whom lL may concern
d kequ|s|tes
| all persons concerned shall appear ln courL aL a cerLaln daLe and Llme
|| show cause why Lhe prayer of sald appllcaLlon shall noL be granLed
2 Ma|||ng
When? days afLer Lhe publlcaLlon ln Lhe CC of Lhe noLlce of lnlLlal hearlng
a g e | 1S

Who? L8A AdmlnlsLraLor
1o whom?
a to persons named |n the app||cat|on wlLhln days afLer Lhe publlcaLlon of noLlce ln Lhe CC
lf Lhe appllcanL requesL Lo have Lhe llne of a publlc way or road deLermlned
| Secretary of u||c Works and n|ghways
|| the rov|nc|a| Governor and
||| Mayor
c lf Lhe land
| borders on a rlver
|| navlgable sLream or shore
||| on an arm of Lhe sea where a rlver or harbor llne has been esLabllshed
|v lake
v adverse clalm of LenanLfarmer or naLlonal governmenL
1 SecreLary of Agrarlan 8eform
2 Sol Cen
3 ulrecLor of Lands
4 uJ
S ulrecLor of loresL uevelopmenL
6 ulrecLor of ,lnes
7 ulrecLor of llsherles and AquaLlc 8esources
a Who?
| sherlff of Lhe provlnce or Lhe clLy
|| depuLy
| consplcuous place on each parcel of land lncluded ln Lhe appllcaLlon
|| consplcuous place on Lhe bulleLln board of Lhe munlclpal bulldlng of Lhe munlclpallLy or clLy ln
whlch Lhe land or porLlon ls slLuaLed
c When?
| 1 days aL leasL before Lhe daLe of lnlLlal hearlng

Iorm of Not|ce of In|t|a| near|ng (pp 13133%
1 slgned by Lhe [udge
2 copy of Lhe noLlce ls malled by Lhe clerk of courL Lo Lhe L8A

1 A parLy Lo an acLlon has no conLrol over Lhe AdmlnlsLraLor or Lhe Clerk of CourL acLlng as land courL
2 urpose of u||cat|on
l Lo confer [urlsdlcLlon upon courL over Lhe tes
ll Lo apprlse Lhe whole world of Lhe pendlng reglsLraLlon case
A parLy as an owner seeklng Lhe lnscrlpLlon of realLy ln Lhe land reglsLraLlon courL musL prove by saLlsfacLory and
concluslve evldence noL only hls ownershlp Lhereof buL Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe same
8efore Lhe clalmed properLy ls Laken from Lhe concerned parLles and reglsLered ln Lhe name of Lhe appllcanL
sald parLles must e g|ven not|ce and opportun|ty to oppose
3 ubllcaLlon ln Lhe CC does noL dlspense wlLh Lhe requlremenL of noLlce by mollloq and ostloq
6 Lack of personal noLlce does noL vlLlaLe Lhe proceedlngs un|ess requlred by Lhe courL
urpose of not|ce y a|| 3 modes Lo sLrengLhen Lhe 1orrens sysLem and Lo prevenL anomalous LlLllng of real
1he rlghL of Lhe land reglsLraLlon courL Lo correcL an error of closure ls auLhorlzed by law provlded such
correcLlon does noL lnclude land noL lncluded ln Lhe orlglnal peLlLlon
9 Lffect of non or defect|ve pu||cat|on vold declslon of Lhe land reglsLraLlon courL
a g e | 16

10 Jhen Lhe courL o poo lacks [urlsdlcLlon Lo Lake cognlzance of Lhe case Lhe same lacks auLhorlLy over Lhe whole
case and all lLs aspecLs
11 ko|e of the So|Gen
l represenL Lhe Cov'L ln all land reglsLraLlon and relaLed proceedlngs
ll lnsLlLuLe acLlons for Lhe reverslon Lo Lhe Cov'L of lands of Lhe publlc domaln and lmprovemenLs Lhereon as
well as lands held ln vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
lll depuLlze any provlnclal or clLy flscal Lo asslsL hlm ln Lhe performance of any funcLlon or dlscharge any duLy
lncumbenL upon hlm
lv Lo proLecL Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe gov'L and noL LhaL of any parLlcular governmenL offlclal or agency
12 k|ghts of the So|Gen
l wlLhdraw Lhe gov'Ls appeal wlLh blndlng effecL
ll enLlLled Lo be furnlshed coples of all courLs orders noLlces and declslons
lll Lhe reglemenLary perlod for appel should be reckoned from Lhe Llme he ls apprlsed f Lhe declslon or order
of Lhe courL

Sec 24

Note CerLlflcaLlon of Lhe L8A and sherlff as Lo publlcaLlon malllng and posLlng ls concluslve

Sec 2S

kequ|s|tes for oppos|ng app||cat|on
1 Lhe opposlLor musL have an lnLeresL ln Lhe land applled for
2 he should sLaLe Lhe grounds for hls ob[ecLlon as well as Lhe naLure of hls clalmed lnLeresL
he should lndlcaLe Lhe deslred rellef and
Lhe opposlLlon should be slgned and sworn Lo by hlm or by hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve

ersons who may f||e oppos|t|on
1 a homesLeader who has noL yeL been lssued hls LlLle buL has fulfllled all Lhe condlLlons req'd by law for Lhe
lssuance of Lhe paLenL
2 a purchaser of frlar land who ls deemed Lo have an equlLable LlLle Lo Lhe land even before Lhe lssuance of Lhe
an awardee ln a sales appllcaLlon who by vlrLue of Lhe award ls auLhorlzed Lo Lake possesslon of Lhe land Lo
enable hlm Lo comply wlLh Lhe reqL's for Lhe lssuance of paLenL
a person clalmlng Lo be ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe land and has applled wlLh Lhe Lands ,anagemenL 8ureau for lLs

1 Dnverlfled opposlLlons are sufflclenL provlded LhaL Lhe opposlLors verlfy Lhem laLer on
2 JrlLLen appearance wlLh opposlLlon ls also sufflclenL
Nature of |nterest to support oppos|t|on rlghL of domlnlon or some oLher real rlghL opposed Lo Lhe
ad[udlcaLlon or recognlLlon of Lhe ownershlp of Lhe appllcanL
lL ls lmmaLerlal lf Lhe opposlLor cannoL show LlLle or legal characLer provlded LhaL he appears Lo have an lnLeresL
ln Lhe properLy
3 Cwner of Lhe bldgs and lmprovemenLs should clalm Lhem durlng Lhe proceedlngs for reglsLraLlon and Lhe facL of
ownershlp lf upheld by Lhe courL musL be noLed on Lhe face of cerLlflcaLe
6 Lffect of fa||ure to f||e oppos|t|on w|th|n a per|od of 1yr after the cert of t|t|e had een |ssued deemed Lo
have losL hls rlghL ln sald land even granLlng LhaL he had any rlghL Lhereln
rlvaLe persons may noL flle opposlLlon for Lhe gov'L eg foreshore lessee
Cppos|t|on y the Gov't
a D|rector of Lands or D|rector of Iorestry publlc opposlLor
a g e | 17

b 8urden of roof appllcanL
c lf noL lnlLlaLed by Lhe SolCen Lhe acLlons flled shall be dlsmlssed
9 Absence of opposlLlon by Lhe gov'L does noL [usLlfy ouLrlghL reglsLraLlon 1he appllcanL musL show LhaL he ls Lhe
absoluLe owner ln fee slmple
10 lallure Lo appear on Lhe day of lnlLlal hearlng ls noL a ground for defaulL where opposlLlon or answer had been
11 CovernmenL may appeal desplLe fallure of agency Lo flle opposlLlon kat|ona|e Lhe gov'L ls usually noL sLopped
by Lhe mlsLake or error of lLs offlclals or agenLs
12 ,oLlon Lo dlsmlss ls proper ln a reglsLraLlon proceedlng 1haL boLh courLs should have equal [urlsdlcLlon ls noL a
requlslLe of tes joJlcoto

When to Sum|t Sud|v|s|on |an
1 lf Lhe opposlLlon or adverse clalm covers only a porLlon of Lhe loL applled for whlch ls noL dellmlLed on Lhe plan
accompanylng Lhe appllcaLlon
2 ln cases of
l undlvlded coownershlp
ll confllcLlng clalms of ownershlp or possesslon
lll overlapplng of boundarles

Sec 26

Genera| Defau|t lf no person appears and answers wlLhln Lhe Llme prescrlbed Crder of Genera| Defau|t
addressed Lo Lhe whole world lnLerlocuLory ln characLer may be modlfled or amended as Lhe courL may deem proper
aL any Llme prlor Lo Lhe rendlLlon of flnal [udgmenL
Spec|a| Defau|t parLy appears aL lnlLlal hearlng wlLhouL havlng flled an answer buL falled Lo do so wlLhln perlod
allowed Crder of Spec|a| Defau|t dlrecLed only agalnsL Lhose who dld noL enLer Lhelr appearance and flle answer

1 A declaraLlon of defaulL does noL guaranLee LhaL Lhe appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon wlll be granLed
2 1he moLlon Lo llfL Lhe order of general defaulL should be flled before Lhe enLry of flnal [udgmenL
A moLlon Lo seL aslde Lhe order of defaulL flled prlor Lo Lhe rendlLlon of Lhe [udgmenL on Lhe merlLs should be
consldered wlLh llberallLy Lxcept|on 3 yrs afLer Lhe defaulL order had been enLered
Lffect of order of defau|t blndlng agalnsL Lhe whole world Lxcept|on parLles who had appeared and flled
pleadlngs ln Lhe reglsLraLlon case
3 A parLy ln defaulL cannoL
| appear ln courL adduce evldence be heard or be enLlLled Lo noLlce
|| appeal from Lhe [udgmenL rendered by Lhe courL Lxcept|on lf he flles a moLlon Lo seL aslde Lhe order of
defaulL under Lhe followlng grounds
1 fraud
2 accldenL
excusable negllgence
3 merlLorlous defense
6 CovernmenL ls noL sLopped by Lhe mlsLake or error of lLs agenLs

Sec 27

Who conducts hear|ng
1 81C (wlLhln 90 days from Lhe daLe Lhe case ls submlLLed for declslon%
2 8efer Lo referee commlssloner (wlLhln 13 days afLer Lhe LermlnaLlon of hearlng%

a g e | 18

rocedure |n Land keg|strat|on Case
1 survey of land by 8ureau of lands or duly llcensed prlvaLe surveyor
2 flllng of appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon by appllcanL
seLLlng of daLe of lnlLlal hearlng of appllcaLlon by 81C
Clerk of CourL LransmlLs Lo L8A Lhe appllcaLlon daLe of lnlLlal hearlng and perLlnenL documenLs
3 publlcaLlon of noLlce of flllng of appllcaLlon daLe and place of hearlng ln CC and ln newspaper of general
6 servlce of noLlce conLlguous owners occupanLs and Lhose who have lnLeresL ln properLy
flllng of answer or opposlLlon Lo appllcaLlon
hearlng of case by 81C
9 promulgaLlon of [udgmenL by courL
10 lssuance of decree by 81C declslon lnsLrucL L8A Lo lssue decree of conflrmaLlon and reglsLraLlon
11 enLry of decree of reglsLraLlon ln Land 1lLles AdmlnlsLraLlon
12 send copy of decree Lo 8eglsLer of ueeds
1 LranscrlpLlon of decree of reglsLraLlon ln reglsLraLlon book and lssuance of Lhe owner's dupllcaLe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe
of LlLle of Lhe appllcanL by Lhe L8A upon paymenL of prescrlbed fees

1 1he tlveoko docLrlne allens dlsquallfled from acqulrlng publlc and prlvaLe lands kat|ona|e Lo lnsure Lhe pollcy
of naLlonallzaLlon Lxcept|on legal successlon
2 AcqulslLlon of agrlculLural lands of Lhe publlc domaln ls llmlLed Lo llllplno clLlzens A natura| orn c|t|zen of the
h|||pp|nes who has |ost h|s c|t|zensh|p may be a Lransferee of prlvaLe lands sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons provlded by
no land exceedlng 1 ha acqulred ln Lhe followlng manner shall be Lransferred asslgned or leased Lo any
l free paLenL
ll homesLead
lll lndlvldual sale
lf Lhe person noL legally capaclLaLed Lo acqulre lands and lmprovemenLs falled Lo allenaLe such wlLhln 3 years
Lhe properLy shall reverL Lo Lhe Cov'L
3 Gen ku|e rlvaLe corporaLlons may noL hold allenable lands of Lhe publlc domaln Lxcept|on lease
6 Genera| ku|e Who may acqu|re pr|vate |ands?
l llllplno clLlzens llmlLed Lo 12 ha |ease 300 ha
ll llllplno corporaLlons and assoclaLlons
l allens Lxcept|on heredlLary successlon v|rtua| transfer of ownersh|p an opLlon Lo buy a plece of land
by vlrLue of whlch Lhe llllplno cannoL sell or oLherwlse dlspose of hls properLy Lhls Lo lasL for 30 years
ll a naLural born clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes who has losL hls clLlzenshlp
lll prlvaLe corporaLlons Lxcept|on lease for 23 yrs renewable noL Lo exceed 1000 ha
;uallflcaLlon ls deLermlned as of Lhe Llme Lhe rlghL Lo own properLy ls acqulred and not the t|me to reg|ster
A corporaLlon sole may acqulre and reglsLer prlvaLe agrlculLural land
9 Corporat|on so|e eg 8oman CaLhollc Church 8oman CaLhollc AdmlnlsLraLor of uavao lnc
a conslsLs of one person only
b vesLed wlLh Lhe rlghL Lo purchase and hold real esLaLe and Lo reglsLer Lhe same ln LrusL for Lhe falLhful
members of Lhe rellglous socleLy or church for whlch Lhe corporaLlon was organlzed
c lL has no naLlonallLy
d merely an admlnlsLraLor
e Lhe properLles pass upon hls deaLh Lo hls successor ln offlce
10 Corporat|on aggregate an unreglsLered organlzaLlon operaLlng Lhrough LrusLees who are nonllllplnos
a g e | 19

11 Land acqulred by an Amerlcan clLlzen ln 193 can be reglsLered under Lhe Crdlnance appended Lo Lhe 193
ConsLlLuLlon Unt|| the f|na| w|thdrawa| of the US over the h|||pp|nes c|t|zens and corporat|ons of the US sha||
en[oy a|| the same c|v|| r|ghts as h|||pp|ne c|t|zens
12 Lands sold Lo an allen whlch ls now ln Lhe hands of a llllplno may no longer be annulled
1 Can a llllplno vendor recovered land sold Lo an allen? No |f the I|||p|no vendor was |n pori de/icto w|th the
a||en vendee LkCL1 when the agreement |s not |||ega| per se ut |s mere|y proh||ted
1 Area ||m|tat|on that may e acqu|red y a natura|orn c|t|zen under Sec 8 Art kII
a urban land 3000 sqm
b rural land ha
c lf marrled couples one of Lhem may avall of Lhe prlvllege lf boLh Lhe LoLal area acqulred shall noL
exceed Lhe maxlmum flxed

1 Cnly A and u lands may be Lhe sub[ecL of dlsposlLlon
a ubllc Land AcL lands of publlc domaln
b speclal laws Llmber and mlneral lands
2 Sec 6 1he resldenL upon Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe SecreLary of un8 shall from Llme Lo Llme classlfy Lhe
lands of Lhe publlc domaln lnLo
l allenable or dlsposable
ll Llmber and
lll mlneral lands
Sec 9 ClasslflcaLlon of Lands Accordlng Lo Lhe Dse or urposes
l agrlculLural
ll resldenLlal commerclal lndusLrlal or for slmllar producLlve purposes
lll educaLlonal charlLable or oLher slmllar purposes
lv reservaLlons for LownslLes and for publlc and quaslpubllc uses
Sec 10 ,eLhods AuLhorlzed by ubllc Land AcL
l allenaLlon
ll dlsposlLlon
lll concesslon
3 Government |and lncludes noL only publlc land buL also oLher lands of Lhe governmenL already reserved or
devoLed Lo publlc use or sub[ecL Lo prlvaLe rlghL pu||c |ands or pu||c doma|n sald lands as are Lhrown Lo
prlvaLe approprlaLlon and seLLlemenL by homesLead and oLher llke general laws
6 A survey made ln a cadasLral proceedlng merely ldenLlfles each loL preparaLory Lo a [udlclal proceedlng for
ad[udlcaLlon of LlLle Lo any of Lhe lands upon clalm of lnLeresLed parLles
1he adverse possesslon whlch may be Lhe basls of a granL of LlLle ln conflrmaLlon of lmperfecL LlLle cases applles
only Lo allenable lands of Lhe publlc domaln
Genera| ku|e Any person seeklng Lo esLabllsh ownershlp over land musL concluslvely show LhaL he ls Lhe owner
Lxcept|on Jhere Lhere ls sufflclenL evldence on record whlch shows LhaL Lhe parcel of land applled for ls
allenable and dlsposable and has been ln Lhe possesslon of Lhe appllcanLs and Lhelr predecessorslnlnLeresL
slnce Llme lmmemorlal lL becomes Lhe duLy of Lhe governmenL Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe land ls foresL land
9 1he ulrecLor of loresLry should submlL Lo Lhe CourL convlnclng proof LhaL Lhe land ls noL more valuable
agrlculLural Lhan for foresL purposes
10 A mere formal opposlLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe ALLorneyCeneral for Lhe ulrecLor of loresLry unsupporLed by
saLlsfacLory evldence wlll noL sLop Lhe courLs from glvlng LlLle Lo Lhe clalmanL
11 CovernmenL may by reservaLlon declde for lLself whaL porLlons of publlc land shall be consldered foresLry land
unless prlvaLe lnLeresLs have lnLervened before such reservaLlon ls made

a g e | 20


u||c Dom|n|on
1% 1hose lnLended for publlc use such as
a roads
b canals
c rlvers
d LorrenLs
e porLs
f brldges
consLrucLed by Lhe
voLher of slmllar characLer
2% 1hose whlch belong Lo Lhe SLaLe wlLhouL belng for publlc use and are lnLended for some publlc servlce or for
Lhe developmenL of Lhe naLlonal wealLh

1 Land lnLended for publlc use or servlce noL avallable for prlvaLe approprlaLlon
2 1he resldenL has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo classlfy allenable or dlsposable lands of Lhe publlc domaln
A properLy conLlnues Lo be parL of Lhe publlc domaln noL avallable for prlvaLe approprlaLlon or ownershlp unLll
Lhere ls a forma| dec|arat|on on Lhe parL of Lhe CovernmenL Lo wlLhdraw lL from belng such
roperty of rov|nces C|t|es and Mun|c|pa||t|es
lpubllc use
O provlnclal roads
O clLy sLreeLs
O munlclpal sLreeLs
O squares
O founLalns
O publlc waLers
O promenades
O publlc works for publlc servlce pald for by
sald provlnces clLles and munlclpallLles
llpaLrlmonlal properLy
3 Land may be allenaLed when declared no longer needed for publlc use or servlce
6 Genera| ku|e Allenable lands of Lhe publlc domaln held by Lhe governmenL enLlLles under SecLlon 60 of CA no
11 remaln publlc lands Lxcept|on lf auLhorlzed by Lhe Congress Lxcept|on to Lxcept|on sale Lo prlvaLe
Land LlLled ln Lhe name of governmenL enLlLles form parL of Lhe publlc domaln
Sec 3 of u no 1329 auLhorlzes Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds Lo lssue ln Lhe name of Lhe naLlonal governmenL new
cerLlflcaLes of LlLle coverlng such exproprlaLed lands
9 Iorest large LracL of land covered wlLh a naLural growLh of Lees and underbrush a large wood
10 lf Lhe land forms parL of Lhe publlc foresL possesslon Lhereof however long cannoL converL lL lnLo prlvaLe
properLy as lL ls wlLhln Lhe excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8ureau of loresL uevelopmenL and beyond Lhe power
and [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe reglsLraLlon courL
11 lf somehow foresL land happens Lo have been lncluded ln a 1orrens 1lLle Lhe LlLle ls null and vold lnsofar as LhaL
foresL land ls concerned lL cannoL be Lhe sub[ecL of reglsLraLlon proceedlngs slnce lL forms parL of Lhe
lnallenable porLlon of Lhe publlc domlnlon
12 ConversaLlon of naLural resources musL be glven lmporLance
1 ClasslflcaLlon of land ls descrlpLlve of lLs legal naLure noL whaL lL acLually looks llke
1 grant of t|mer ||censes lL ls only a llcense or prlvllege whlch Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls llcense are sub[ecL Lo
change aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe ulrecLor of loresL uevelopmenL and LhaL Lhls llcense may be made Lo explre aL
an earller daLe when publlc lnLeresLs so requlre
a g e | 21

13 Mangrove Swamps mud flaLs alLernaLely washed and exposed by Lhe Llde on whlch grows varlous klndred
planLs whlch wlll noL llve excepL when waLered by Lhe sea exLendlng Lhelr rooLs deep lnLo Lhe mud and casLlng
Lhelr seeds whlch also germlnaLe Lhere
16 8ureau of I|sher|es has no [urlsdlcLlon Lo dlspose of swamplands or mangrove lands formlng parL of Lhe publlc
foresLs and Lherefore noL sub[ecL Lo dlsposlLlon
1 M|nera| Lands any area where mlneral resources are found m|nera| resources any concenLraLlon of mlneral/
rocks wlLh poLenLlal economlc value
1 hlllpplne ,lnlng AcL provlslons on l1AA are valld
19 ossesslon of mlneral land does noL confer possessory rlghLs
20 Jhlle a lode locaLor acqulres a vesLed rlghL by vlrLue of hls locaLlon made ln compllance wlLh Lhe mlnlng laws
Lhe fee remalns ln Lhe governmenL unLll paLenL lssues
21 Cwnershlp of land does noL exLend Lo mlnerals underneaLh hence Lhe SLaLe musL pay [usL compensaLlon for Lhe
loss susLalned by such owner
22 Land cannoL be parLly mlneral and parLly agrlculLural
2 Nat|ona| arks Jhere a cerLlflcaLe of LlLle covers a porLlon of land wlLhln Lhe area reserved for park purposes
Lhe LlLle should be annulled wlLh respecL Lo sald porLlon
2 M|||tary or Nava| keservat|on cannoL be Lhe ob[ecL of reglsLraLlon
23 Ioreshore |ands LhaL sLrlp of land LhaL lles beLween Lhe hlgh and low waLer marks and LhaL are alLernaLlvely
weL and dry accordlng Lo Lhe flow of Llde Sumerged areas Lhose permanenLly under waLer regardless of Lhe
ebb and flow of Lhe Llde
26 Deve|opment of the |aw govern|ng foreshore or rec|a|med |ands
lSpan|sh Law of Waters of 1866 Land reclalmed from Lhe sea belonged Lo Lhe parLy underLaklng Lhe
reclamaLlon provlded Lhe governmenL lssued Lhe necessary permlL and dld noL reserve Lhe ownershlp of
Lhe reclalmed land Lo Lhe SLaLe
llAct No 16S4 (May 8 1907) rlvaLe parLles could lease lands reclalmed by Lhe governmenL only lf Lhese
lands were no longer needed for publlc purpose
lllAct No 2874 u||c Land Act (Nov 29 1919) 1he CovernorCeneral ls empowered Lo declare whaL lands
are open Lo dlsposlLlon or concesslon
O resldenLlal
O commerclal
O lndusLrlal
O oLher producLlve nonagrlculLural purposes
lvCA No 141 u||c Land Act (Nov 7 1946)
2 1he SLaLe pollcy prohlblLs Lhe sale Lo prlvaLe parLles of Lhe governmenL reclalmed foreshore and marshy
allenable lands of publlc domaln
2 Sec 60 CA No 141 Congresslonal auLhorlLy ls requlred before lands under Sec 39 whlch Lhe governmenL
prevlously Lransferred Lo governmenL unlLs or enLlLles could be sold Lo prlvaLe parLles kat|ona|e exempLs
governmenL unlLs and enLlLles from Lhe maxlmum area of publlc lands LhaL could be acqulred from Lhe SLaLe
29 Land lnvaded by Lhe sea ls foreshore land and belongs Lo Lhe SLaLe
0 Laws govern|ng rec|amat|on
lkA No 1899 (Iune 22 19S7) auLhorlzed Lhe reclamaLlon of foreshore lands by charLered clLles and
O wharves
O plers and embankmenLs cannoL be sold or leased
O roads
O parks
O oLher publlc lmprovemenLs
1 spec|a| fund shall accrue ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance Lo Lhe slnklng fund
llD No 3A (Ian 11 1973) Lhe reclamaLlon of areas under waLer wheLher foreshore or lnland shall be
llmlLed Lo Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL or any person auLhorlzed by lL under a proper conLracL

a g e | 22

2 1he u||c Lstates Author|ty (D No 1084 Ie 4 1977)
l deslgnaLed by Lhe naLlonal governmenL's lmplemenLlng arm Lo underLake all reclamaLlon pro[ecLs of
Lhe governmenL"
ll empowered Lo hold lands of Lhe publlc domaln even ln excess of Lhe area permlLLed Lo prlvaLe
corporaLlons by sLaLuLe
lll Lasked under lLs charLer Lo underLake publlc servlces LhaL requlre Lhe use of lands of Lhe publlc domaln
lv shall be prlmarlly responslble for |ntegrat|ng d|rect|ng and coord|nat|ng all reclamaLlon pro[ecLs and on
behalf of Lhe naLlonal CovernmenL
v Note leglslaLlve auLhorlLy ls requlred so LhaL A can sell Lhese lands
1wo Cff|c|a| Acts of LA
l a classlflcaLlon LhaL Lhese lands are allenable or dlsposable and open Lo dlsposlLlon
ll Lhese lands are noL needed for publlc servlce
Any LlLle lssued over nondlsposable loLs (eg lakes% even ln Lhe hands of an alleged lnnocenL purchaser for
value shall be cancelled
3 Nat|ona| Lconom|c Deve|opment Author|ty (NLDA)
l has excluslve [urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue permlLs for Lhe use of lake waLers for any pro[ecLs or acLlvlLles ln or
affecLlng Lhe sald lake lncludlng navlgaLlon consLrucLlon and operaLlon of
Oflsh enclosures
Oflsh corrals
ll Lo lmpose necessary safeguards for lake quallLy conLrol and managemenL and Lo collecL necessary fees
for sald acLlvlLles and pro[ecLs
6 Area beyond Lhe naLural bed of Lhe Laguna de bay may be reglsLered h|ghest ord|nary depth hlghesL depLh of
Lhe waLers of Laguna de 8ay durlng Lhe dry season such depLh belng Lhe regular common naLural whlch
occurs always or mosL of Lhe Llme durlng Lhe year
Land ls noL parL of Lhe lake bed slnce lL ls noL covered by Lhe waLers of Lhe lake aL Lhelr hlghesL ordlnary depLh"
and lL ls reglsLrable as prlvaLe properLy
1he provlslons of Lhe Law of JaLers regulaLlng Lhe ownershlp and use of Lhe waLers of Lhe sea are noL
appllcable Lo Lhe ownershlp and use of lakes whlch are governed by speclal provlslons
9 Nav|ga|e r|vers may noL be acqulred under a free paLenL and Lhe lssuance of Lhe correspondlng cerLlflcaLe of
LlLle does noL change lLs publlc characLer
0 kA No 20S6 auLhorlzes removal of unauLhorlzed dlkes or obsLrucLlons on publlc navlgable sLreams as publlc
nulsances or as prohlblLed consLrucLlons
1 Creek recess or arm exLendlng from a rlver and parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe ebb flow of Lhe sea
2 1he resldenL shall have Lhe power Lo
l reserve for seLLlemenL or publlc use and for speclflc publlc purposes any of Lhe lands of Lhe publlc
domaln Lhe use of whlch ls noL oLherwlse dlrecLed by law
ll reserve Lhem from sale or oLher dlsposlLlon and for speclflc publlc uses or purposes

Water Code of the h|||pp|nes
1 S1A1
lrlvers and Lhelr naLural beds
llconLlnuous or lnLermlLLenL waLers of sprlngs and brooks runnlng ln Lhelr naLural beds and Lhe beds
lllnaLural lakes and lagoons
lvall oLher caLegorles of surface waLers
vaLmospherlc waLer
vlsubLerranean or ground waLers and
28lvA1 LAnuS 8LCnC 1C 1 S1A1
lconLlnuous or lnLermlLLenL waLers rlslng on such lands
a g e | 23

llraln waLer falllng on such lands
lllsubLerranean or ground waLers and
lvwaLer ln swamps and marshes

1 1he classlflcaLlon of publlc lands ls an excluslve prerogaLlve of Lhe execuLlve deparLmenL
2 recknon|ng po|nt !une 12 193 a prlvaLe corporaLlon may apply for [udlclal conflrmaLlon of Lhe land wlLhouL
need of a separaLe conflrmaLlon proceedlng for lLs predecessorslnlnLeresL
ClasslflcaLlon of agrlculLural publlc land as allenable and dlsposable reckoned aL Lhe Llme of flllng appllcaLlon for
8egallan docLrlne should be applled wlLh due regard Lo Lhe provlslons on soclal [usLlce
3 Lv|dences wh|ch are deemed suff|c|ent to esta||sh c|ass|f|cat|on of |and as A and D |and
lcerLlflcaLlon of Lhe 8ureau of loresL uevelopmenL
llland classlflcaLlon map
lllexecuLlve proclamaLlon wlLhdrawlng from a reservaLlon a speclflc area and declarlng Lhe same open for enLry
sale or Lhe same open for enLry sale or oLher mode of dlsposlLlon
lvleglslaLlve acL or execuLlve proclamaLlon reservlng a porLlon of Lhe publlc domaln for publlc use or quaslpubllc
use whlch amounLs Lo a Lransfer of ownershlp Lo Lhe granLee
vreporL of a land lnspecLor of Lhe 8ureau of Lands LhaL Lhe sub[ecL land was found lnslde an agrlculLural zone"
6 Lv|dences wh|ch are deemed |nsuff|c|ent
lmere recommendaLlon of Lhe ulsLrlcL loresLer for release of sub[ecL properLy from Lhe unclasslfled reglon
llconverslon of sub[ecL properLy lnLo a flshpond by Lhe appllcanLs or alleged LlLllng of properLles around lL
lllexlsLence of a survey plan of mangrove swamps approved by Lhe ulrecLor of Lands
lvcadastra| survey of a munlclpallLy merely ldenLlfles each loL preparaLory Lo a [udlclal proceedlng for
ad[udlcaLlon of LlLle Lo any of Lhe lands upon clalm of lnLeresLed parLles
vcerLlflcaLlons made by mlnor funcLlonarles who have no auLhorlLy whaLever ln Lhe classlflcaLlon of publlc lands
1he courLs of [usLlce have no rlghL Lo encroach on Lhe prerogaLlves of Lhe leglslaLlve and execuLlve offlclals
provlded LhaL lL has noL been shown LhaL Lhey have acLed wlLhouL or ln excess of [urlsdlcLlon or wlLh grave abuse
of dlscreLlon
rrors ln Lhe plans and reproduced ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle do noL annul Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon
9 L8A has no auLhorlLy Lo approve survey plans for orlglnal reglsLraLlon purposes
10 Sec 18S8 rlvaLe land surveys made by prlvaLe land surveyors musL be approved by ulrecLor of Lands
11 Sec 18S9 rocedure lncldenL Lo maklng of survey noLlce Lo ad[olnlng owners
lmake surveys
llprepare maps and plaLs of properLy
lllglve due noLlce ln advance Lo Lhe ad[olnlng owners
lvreporL all ob[ecLlons Lo Lhe boundarles of Lhe properLles Lo be surveyed
12 Sec 1860 uemarcaLlon of boundarles need noL be suspended because of Lhe presenLaLlon of any complalnL
or ob[ecLlon
1 Submlsslon of Lraclng cloLh plan ls a sLaLuLory requlremenL of mandaLory characLer purpose Lo flx Lhe exacL or
deflnlLe ldenLlLy of Lhe land as shown ln Lhe plan and Lechnlcal descrlpLlons
1 lL ls noL Lhe funcLlon of Lhe L8C Lo check Lhe orlglnal survey plan as lL has no auLhorlLy Lo approve orlglnal survey
13 LkA C|rcu|ar No 0S2000 March 8 2000 whaL need be forwarded Lo Lhe L8A ls only a cerLlfled copy of Lhe
Lraclng cloLh or ulazo polysLer fllm as approved by Lhe 8eglonal 1echnlcal ulrecLor
16 1he facL LhaL Lhe orlglnal survey plan was recorded on whlLe prlnL or blue prlnL lnsLead of Lraclng cloLh should
noL deLracL from Lhe probaLlve value Lhereof
1 trac|ng c|oth p|an assumes greaL lmporLance where Lhere ls a dlscrepancy beLween Lhe area of Lhe land
descrlbed on Lhe survey plan and Lhe area clalmed by appllcanL
a g e | 24

1 JhaL deflnes a plece of land ls noL Lhe area buL Lhe oundar|es Lhereof An error as Lo Lhe superflclal area ls
19 naLural boundarles musL be cerLaln
20 1he rule of preference ln case of confllcL or dlspuLe regardlng possesslon
lLhe presenL possessor shall be preferred
lllf Lhere are Lwo possessors Lhe one longer ln possesslon
llllf Lhe daLes of Lhe possesslons are Lhe same Lhe one who presenLs a LlLle
lvlf boLh possessors have LlLles Lhe courL shall deLermlne Lhe rlghLful possessor and owner of Lhe land
21 possessory |nformat|on lneffecLlve as a mode of acqulrlng LlLle under AcL ,o 96 may sLlll be losL by
22 kequ|s|tes for f|||ng of app||cat|on
lLhaL Lhe properLy ln quesLlon ls allenable and dlsposable land of Lhe publlc domaln
llLhaL Lhe appllcanLs by Lhemselves or Lhrough Lhelr predecessorslnLeresL have been ln CCn possesslon and
occupaLlon and
lllLhaL such possesslon ls under a ooo flJe clalm of ownershlp slnce !une 12 193 or earller
2 Genera| ku|e 1he facLual flndlngs of Lhe CA are blndlng and concluslve upon Lhe CourL
l when Lhe flndlngs are grounded enLlrely on speculaLlon surmlses or con[ecLures
ll when Lhe lnference made ls manlfesLly mlsLaken absurd or lmposslble
lll when Lhere ls grave abuse of dlscreLlon
lv when Lhe [udgmenL ls based on a mlsapprehenslon of facLs
v when Lhe flndlngs of facLs are confllcLlng
vl when ln maklng lLs flndlngs Lhe CA wenL beyond Lhe lssues of Lhe case or lLs flndlngs are conLrary Lo
Lhe admlsslons of boLh appellanL and Lhe appellee
vll when Lhe flndlngs are conLrary Lo Lhe Lrlal courL
vlll when Lhe flndlngs are concluslons wlLhouL clLaLlon of speclflc evldence on whlch Lhey are based
lx when Lhe facLs seL forLh ln Lhe peLlLlon as well as ln Lhe peLlLloner's maln and reply brlefs are noL
dlspuLed by Lhe respondenL
x when Lhe flndlngs of facL are premlsed on Lhe supposed absence of evldence and conLradlcLed by Lhe
evldence on record and
xl CA manlfesLly overlooked cerLaln relevanL facLs noL dlspuLed by Lhe parLles whlch lf properly
consldered would [usLlfy a dlfferenL concluslon
2 ,ere casual culLlvaLlon ls noL possesslon under clalm of ownershlp
23 Cvert acts of possess|on conslsL ln lnLroduclng valuable lmprovemenLs on Lhe properLy such as
lfrulLbearlng Lrees
llfenclng Lhe area
lllconsLrucLlng a resldenLlal house Lhereon
lvdeclarlng Lhe same for LaxaLlon purposes
26 1he appllcanL musL presenL speclflc acLs of ownershlp Lo subsLanLlaLe Lhe clalm and cannoL [usL offer general
sLaLemenLs whlch are mere concluslons of law Lhan facLual evldence of possesslon
2 ossesslon arlslng from a Lax dellnquency sale ls valld
2 1ax dec|arat|ons tax rece|pts may noL prevall as proof of adverse" possesslon agalnsL Lhe one who ls ln acLual
possesslon of properLy buL Lhey consLlLuLe aL leasL an loJlclo of possesslon
29 lallure Lo pay Laxes does noL alone consLlLuLe abandonmenL of properLy
0 1ax declaraLlons are noL by Lhemselves concluslve proof of possesslon under clalm of ownershlp especlally
where Lhey
lreveal a number of dlscrepancles ln Lhe boundarles
llvarlance ln Lhe names of ad[olnlng owners
llldlsparlLy ln Lhe acLual slze of Lhe land and
lvlrregular paymenLs of Lhe correspondlng Laxes

a g e | 2S

Sec 28

kequ|s|tes of art|a| Iudgment
1 only a porLlon of Lhe land sub[ecL of reglsLraLlon ls conLesLed
2 a subdlvlslon plan showlng Lhe conLesLed and unconLesLed porLlons
approved by Lhe ulrecLor of Lands
prevlously submlLLed Lo sald cour

Sec 29

kequ|s|tes of [udgment conf|rm|ng t|t|e
1 all confllcLlng clalms of ownershlp and lnLeresL ln Lhe land sub[ecL of Lhe appllcaLlon shall be deLermlned by Lhe
2 conslderaLlon of Lhe evldence and reporLs of Lhe L8A and ulrecLor of Lands
Lhe appllcanL or Lhe opposlLor has sufflclenL LlLle proper for reglsLraLlon

1 CourL has broad [urlsdlcLlon over all lssues such as
lappllcaLlon for orlglnal reglsLraLlon
llsubsequenL peLlLlons on maLLers arlslng afLer orlglnal reglsLraLlon
lllhear and declde conLenLlous lssues whlch used Lo be beyond lLs compeLence
2 Contents of the reports of LkA Adm|n|strator and D|rector of Lands
llnformaLlon abouL Lhe sLaLus of Lhe land applled for
llpresenL classlflcaLlon
lllwheLher or noL Lhe same had been prevlously decreed as prlvaLe properLy or paLenLed under Lhe provlslons of
Lhe ubllc Land AcL
techn|ca| men verlflcaLlon of surveys amendmenLs of Lhe plans |and |nvest|gators fleld verlflcaLlon on Lhe
kequ|s|tes of res judicoto
lLhe former [udgmenL musL be flnal
lllL musL have been rendered by a courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer and Lhe parLles
llllL musL be a [udgmenL on Lhe merlLs
lvLhere musL be ldenLlLy beLween Lhe 1
and 2
acLlons of
sub[ecL maLLer
cause of acLlon
3 A [udgmenL dlsmlsslng an appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon of land does noL consLlLuLe tes joJlcoto and Lhe
unsuccessful appllcanL or any person deprlvlng LlLle from hlm may flle anoLher proceedlng for Lhe reglsLraLlon
of Lhe same land

Sec 30

1I|na||ty of [udgment upon Lhe explraLlon of 13 days when Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds lssued copy of Lhe orlglnal
cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
21he courL reLalns [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe case unLll afLer Lhe explraLlon of 1 year from Lhe lssuance of Lhe flnal
decree of reglsLraLlon by Lhe L8A
!udgmenL once flnal cannoL be amended Lo modlfy decree
ConLesLs arlslng over Lhe |ocat|on of d|v|s|on ||nes are acLlons lo etsooom and musL be Lrled ln Lhe ordlnary
courLs of law
3Cnly [udgmenLs and processes recelved by Lhe SollclLor Ceneral blnd Lhe governmenL
a g e | 26

6Iunct|ons of So| Gen
llndependenL and auLonomous offlce aLLached Lo Lhe uC!
llrepresenLs Lhe governmenL lLs agencles and lnsLrumenLallLles offlclals and agenLs ln llLlgaLlon proceedlng
lnvesLlgaLlon or maLLer requlrlng Lhe servlces of a lawyers
lllrepresenLs Lhe governmenL ln all land reglsLraLlon and relaLed proceedlngs
lvlnsLlLuLes acLlons for reverslon Lo Lhe governmenL of lands of Lhe publlc domaln as well as lands held ln
vlolaLlon of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
Wr|t of possess|on employed Lo enforce a [udgmenL Lo recover Lhe possesslon of land commands Lhe sherlff Lo
enLer Lhe land and glve possesslon of lL Lo Lhe person enLlLled under Lhe [udgmenL
Where a Wr|t of ossess|on may e |ssued
lland reglsLraLlon proceedlng (lo tem%
llexLra[udlclal foreclosure of a realLy morLgage
lll[udlclal foreclosure of a realLy morLgage (poosl lo tem% kequ|s|te a% Lhe morLgagor ls ln possesslon of Lhe
morLgaged realLy and b% no Lhlrd person noL a parLy Lo Lhe foreclosure sulL had lnLervened
lvexecuLlon sale
91o whom |t w||| e |ssued
lagalnsL Lhe person who has been defeaLed ln a reglsLraLlon case
llagalnsL anyone unlawfully and adversely occupylng Lhe land or any porLlon Lhereof durlng Lhe land reglsLraLlon
proceedlngs up Lo Lhe lssuance of Lhe flnal decree
10When |t can e secured? afLer flnal [udgmenL
11de||very of possess|on lnherenL elemenL of ownershlp
121he facL LhaL Lhe peLlLloners have lnsLlLuLed more Lhan one year afLer Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon had been
lssued an ordlnary acLlon wlLh Lhe Cll aLLacklng Lhe valldlLy of Lhe decree on Lhe ground of fraud ls noL a bar Lo
Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL of possesslon applled for by Lhe reglsLered owners
1A wrlL of demollLlon ls a complemenL of Lhe wrlL of possesslon
1JrlL wlll noL lssue agalnsL person Laklng possesslon afLer lssuance of flnal decree kemed|es 1% unlawful enLry or
deLalner 2% relnvldlcaLory acLlon
13When Wr|t of ossess|on w||| not |ssue
lwhen lL has already been lssued aL Lhe lnsLance of Lhe appllcanL or hls successors who hold Lransfer
cerLlflcaLes of LlLle and
llwhen Lhe persons agalnsL whom lL ls soughL Lo be used have occupled Lhe premlses afLer Lhe flnal decree was
lssued and have noL Laken dlrecL parL as opponenLs ln Lhe reglsLraLlon proceedlngs where sald flnal
decree was lssued
lllreconsLlLuLlon of an allegedly losL or desLroyed cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
161he Lrue owner musL resorL Lo [udlclal process
1wr|t of mandamus compel Lhe Lrlal courL Lo lssue wrlL of possesslon Lo Lhe parLy enLlLled LhereLo
1contempt lf subsequenL Lo such dlspossesslon or e[ecLmenL Lhe loslng parLy enLers or aLLempLs Lo enLer lnLo or
upon real properLy for Lhe purpose of execuLlng acLs of ownershlp or possesslon or ln any manner dlsLurbs Lhe
possesslon of Lhe person ad[udged Lo be enLlLled LhereLo

Sec 31

Contents of Decree of keg|strat|on
1daLe hour and mlnuLes of Lhe enLry of Lhe decree
2slgnaLure of AdmlnlsLraLor
clvll sLaLus of Lhe owner lf con[ugal properLy
name of boLh spouses
lf Lhe owner ls under dlsablllLy naLure of
3lf mlnor hls age
6descrlpLlon of Lhe land
esLaLe of Lhe owner
relaLlve prlorlLles
9parLlcular esLaLes
1oLher encumbrances
1rlghLs of LenanLfarmers
a g e | 27

1uuLy of Lhe L8A Lo lssue decree ls mlnlsLerlal
21he L8A AdmlnlsLraLor ls speclflcally called upon Lo exLend asslsLance Lo courLs ln ordlnary and cadsLral land
reglsLraLlon proceedlngs"
Any defecL ln Lhe manner of Lranscrlblng Lhe Lechnlcal descrlpLlon should be consldered formal
xecuLlon pendlng appeal ls noL appllcable ln land reglsLraLlon proceedlngs kat|ona|e uecree cannoL be lssued
unLll afLer flnal [udgmenL becomes flnal
3CerLlflcaLes of LlLle become lndefeaslble afLer one year from Lhe lssuance of Lhe decree
6Genera| ku|e an lndlrecL or collaLeral aLLack on a 1orrens LlLle ls noL allowed Lxcept|on where a person obLalns
a cerLlflcaLe of LlLle Lo a land belonglng Lo anoLher and he has full knowledge of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe Lrue owner
1lLles over lands under Lhe 1orrens sysLem should be glven sLablllLy for on lL greaLly depends Lhe sLablllLy of Lhe
counLry's economy terst reipub/icoe ut sit fiis /itium

Sec 32

1 kemed|es to quest|on the va||d|ty of [udgment |n a reg|strat|on case
lnew Lrlal or reconslderaLlon
llrellef from [udgmenL
lllappeal Lo Lhe CA or SC
lvrevlew of decree
vllclalm agalnsL Assurance lund
lxcancellaLlon of LlLle
xannulmenL of [udgmenL
xlcrlmlnal prosecuLlon
2 mot|on for new tr|a| [udgmenL ls seL aslde mot|on for recon [udgmenL ls merely amended
Grounds for new tr|a|
lfraud accldenL mlsLake or excusable negllgence (IAML)
llnewly dlscovered evldence whlch he could noL wlLh reasonable dlllgence have dlscovered and produced
aL Lhe Lrlal and whlch lf presenLed would probably alLer Lhe resulL
Grounds for recons|derat|on
lexcesslve damages awarded
lllnsufflclency of evldence
lllflnal order ls conLrary Lo law
3 Contents (ku|e 37 Sec 2)
lshall be ln wrlLlng
llservlce of noLlce Lo Lhe adverse parLy
lll3| affldavlLs of merlLs whlch may be rebuLLed by counLeraffldavlLs
lv3|| affldavlLs of wlLnesses by whom such evldence ls expecLed Lo be glven or by duly auLhenLlcaLed
documenLs whlch are proposed Lo be lnLroduced ln evldence
6 A to fotmo moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon shall noL Loll Lhe reglemenLary perlod of appeal
AffldavlLs of merlL ls unnecessary lf Lhe granLlng of Lhe moLlon for new Lrlal ls a maLLer of rlghL
llextr|ns|c refers Lo any fraudulenL acL of Lhe successful parLy ln a llLlgaLlon whlch ls commlLLed outs|de the
tr|a| of a case agalnsL Lhe defeaLed parLy or hls agenLs aLLorneys or wlLnesses whereby sald defeaLed
parLy ls prevenLed from presenLlng fully and falrly hls slde of Lhe case
lll|ntr|ns|c refers Lo acLs of a parLy ln llLlgaLlon dur|ng the tr|a| whlch dld noL affecL Lhe presenLaLlon of Lhe
case buL dld prevenL a falr and [usL deLermlnaLlon of case
forged lnsLrumenLs
false and per[ured LesLlmony
baslng Lhe [udgmenL on a fraudulenL compromlse agreemenL
alleged fraudulenL acLs or omlsslons of Lhe counsel whlch prevenLed Lhe peLlLloner from
properly presenLlng Lhe case
a g e | 28

MIS1AkL unlnLenLlonal acL omlsslon or error arlslng from lgnorance surprlse lmposlLlon or mlsplaced
confldence Note Lhe error musL be Lhe casual noL merely lncldenLal facLor LhaL lnduced Lhe complalnlng parLy
Lo enLer lnLo Lhe agreemenL
9 Genera| ku|e A [udgmenL rendered on a compromlse agreemenL ls noL sub[ecL Lo appeal and also ls
lmmedlaLely execuLory Lxcept|on lf lL ls on Lhe ground of fraud mlsLake or duress
10 LkCUSA8LL NLGLLC1 fallure Lo Lake Lhe proper sLeps aL Lhe proper Llme noL ln Lhe consequence of Lhe parLy's
own carelessness lnaLLenLlon or wlllful dlsregard of Lhe process of Lhe courL
lunexpecLed or unavoldable hlndrance or accldenL
llrellance on Lhe care and vlgllance of hls counsel
lllpromlses made by Lhe adverse parLy
11 f|na| [udgment one LhaL flnally dlsposes of a case leavlng noLhlng more Lo be done by Lhe courL ln respecL
LhereLo |nter|ocutory does noL end Lhe courL's Lask of ad[udlcaLlng Lhe parLles' conLenLlon lndlcaLes LhaL oLher
Lhlngs remaln Lo be done by Lhe courL
12 1|me for f|||ng pet|t|on (ku|e 38 Sec3)
lwlLhln 60 days afLer Lhe peLlLloner learns of Lhe [udgmenL flnal order or oLher proceedlng Lo be seL aslde
llnoL more Lhan 6 monLhs afLer such [udgmenL or flnal order was enLered or such proceedlng was Laken
affldavlLs showlng lA, relled upon
peLlLloner's good and subsLanLlal cause of acLlon or defense
1 eLlLlon for rellef and moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon are excluslve of each oLher
1 ALAL may be Laken from
l a [udgmenL or flnal order LhaL compleLely dlsposes of Lhe case
lla parLlcular maLLer Lhereln when declared by Lhe 8ules of CourL Lo be appealbale

No appea| may e taken from
lan order denylng a moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon
llan order denylng a peLlLlon for rellef or any slmllar moLlon seeklng rellef from [udgmenL
lllan lnLerlocuLory order
lvan order dlsallowlng or dlsmlsslng an appeal
van order denylng a moLlon Lo seL aslde a [udgmenL by consenL confesslon or compromlse on Lhe
followlng grounds
dor any oLher ground vlLlaLlng consenL
vlan order of execuLlon
vlla [udgmenL or flnal order for or agalnsL one or more of several parLles or ln
aseparaLe clalms
cLhlrd parLy complalnLs whlle Lhe maln case ls pendlng Lxcept|on lf allowed by courL
vlllan order dlsmlsslng an acLlon wlLhouL pre[udlce

Modes of Appea|
lCrd|nary Appea| appeal Lo Lhe CA ln cases declded by 81C ln Lhe exerclse of lLs or|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on
Gen ku|e no record on appeal shall be requlred Lxcept|ons a% speclal proceedlngs b% oLher cases
of mulLlple or separaLe appeals
llet|t|on for rev|ew (ku|e 42) appeal Lo Lhe CA ln cases declded by 81C ln Lhe exerclse of lLs appe||ate
lllAppea| y Cert|orar| (ku|e 4S) quesLlons of law are ralsed or lnvolved dlrecLed Lo Lhe SC

a g e | 29

er|od of ord|nary appea|
lnoLlce of appeal w/ln 13 days from noLlce of Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from
llrecord on appeal w/ln 0 days
lll1he perlod of appeal shall be |nterrupted by a Llmely moLlon for new Lrlal or reconslderaLlon

erfect|on of appea|
lnoLlce of appeal upon flllng of Lhe noLlce of appeal ln due Llme Lffect Lhe courL loses [urlsdlcLlon over
Lhe case
llrecord on appeal upon Lhe approval of Lhe record on appeal flled ln due Llme Lffect Lhe courL loses
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe su[ect matter

13 kev|ew of decree of reg|strat|on 1 year
16 1he daLe of lssuance of paLenL ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon
1 kequ|s|tes of pet|t|on for rev|ew
lLhe peLlLloner musL have an esLaLe or lnLeresL ln Lhe land
llhe musL show acLual fraud ln Lhe procuremenL of Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon
lllLhe peLlLlon musL be flled wlLhln one year from Lhe lssuance of decree by Lhe L8A
lvLhe properLy has noL yeL passed Lo an lnnocenL purchaser
1 Grounds for rev|ew fraud musL be acLual or consLrucLlve
actua| lnLenLlonal concealmenL or omlsslon of a facL requlred by law Lo be sLaLed ln Lhe appllcaLlon or a wlllful
sLaLemenL of a clalm agalnsL Lhe LruLh
extr|ns|c when lL ls employed Lo deprlve a parLy of hls day ln courL Lhereby prevenLlng hlm from asserLlng hls
rlghL Lo Lhe properLy reglsLered ln Lhe name of Lhe appllcanL (see pg 00%
19 Gen ku|e a mere mlsdescrlpLlon of Lhe properLy or a mlsLake lnLo facLs conLalned ln an appllcaLlon Lo brlng
land under a forelgn acL ls noL sufflclenL Lo lnvalldaLe a cerLlflcaLe of LlLle lssued on Lhe appllcaLlon by Lhe
reglsLrar Lxcept|on lf Lhe appllcanL has knowledge of Lhe facLs ln Lhe case and wlllfully mlssLaLed Lhem
20 eLlLlon musL be flled wlLhln 1 year from enLry of decree of reglsLraLlon
21 lnnocenL purchaser for value and ln good falLh
lbuys properLy of anoLher
llwlLhouL noLlce LhaL some oLher person has a rlghL Lo or lnLeresL ln such properLy
lllpays a full and falr prlce for Lhe same
lvaL Lhe Llme of such purchase or before he has noLlce of Lhe clalm or lnLeresL of some oLher person ln
Lhe properLy
22 Good fa|th
lconslsLs ln an honesL lnLenLlon Lo absLaln from Laklng any unconsclenLlous advanLage of anoLher
llconslsLs ln Lhe possessor's bellef LhaL Lhe person from whom he recelved Lhe Lhlng was Lhe owner of Lhe
same and could convey hls LlLle
lllhonesty of |ntent|on lmplles freedom from knowledge and clrcumsLances LhaL ouL Lo puL a prudenL
person on lnqulry
2 A purchaser ls charged only wlLh noLlce of llens noLed on Lhe LlLle
2 caveat emptor requlres Lhe purchaser Lo be aware of Lhe supposed LlLle of Lhe vendor and one who buys
wlLhouL checklng Lhe vendor's LlLle Lakes all Lhe rlsks and losses consequenL Lo such fallure
23 1he defense of lndefeaslblllLy of a 1orrens LlLle does noL exLend Lo a Lransferee who Lakes Lhe LlLle desplLe noLlce
of Lhe flaw ln lL
26 |nnocent purchaser for va|ue lncludes an lnnocenL lessee morLgagee or oLher encumbrancer for value
2 Genera| ku|e a person deallng wlLh Lhe reglsLered land has a rlghL Lo rely upon Lhe face of Lhe 1orrens
CerLlflcaLe of 1lLle and Lo dlspense wlLh Lhe need of lnqulrlng furLher
lwhen Lhe parLy concerned has acLual of facLs and clrcumsLances LhaL would lmpel a reasonably cauLlous man
Lo make furLher lnqulrles
a g e | 30

llwhen Lhe purchaser has knowledge of a defecL
llllack of LlLle of Lhe vendor
2 8anks before approvlng a loan send represenLaLlves Lo Lhe premlses of Lhe land offered as collaLeral and
lnvesLlgaLe who are Lrue owners Lhereof kat|ona|e Lhelr buslness ls affecLed wlLh publlc lnLeresL keeplng ln
LrusL money belonglng Lo Lhelr deposlLors
29 A person ls deemed Lo have knowledge of a publlc record llke a prlor reconsLlLuLed LlLle on flle wlLh Lhe 8eglsLry
of ueeds
0 A forged deed may be Lhe rooL of a valld LlLle
la LlLle Lo Lhe properLy
llhad already been reglsLered ln favor of a person oLher Lhan Lhe Lrue owner
lllbefore conveyance or morLgage
lvlnnocenL Lransferee
1 Cood falLh ls a quesLlon of facL
2 ku|e of preference (Art 1S44 NC)
lflrsL reglsLranL ln good falLh
llflrsL possessor ln good falLh
lllbuyer who presenLs Lhe oldesL LlLle
prior tempore potior jure he who ls flrsL ln Llme ls preferred ln rlghL
emo dot quod o hobet one can sell only whaL one owns or ls auLhorlzed Lo sell and Lhe buyer can acqulre
no more Lhan whaL Lhe seller can Lransfer legally
Gen ku|e knowledge galned by Lhe flrsL buyer of Lhe second sale cannoL defeaL Lhe flrsL buyer's rlghL
Lxcept|on lf Lhe second buyer flrsL reglsLers ln good falLh Lhe second sale ahead of Lhe flrsL
8efore Lhe second buyer can obLaln prlorlLy over Lhe flrsL he musL show LhaL he acLed ln good falLh from Lhe
Llme he acqulred Lhe properLy unLll Lhe LlLle or possesslon ls Lransferred Lo hlm
llegal and equlLable remedy granLed Lo Lhe rlghLful owner of land
llwhlch has been wrongfully or erroneously reglsLered ln Lhe name of anoLher
lll for Lhe purpose of compelllng Lhe laLLer Lo Lransfer or reconvey Lhe land Lo hlm
Lxcept|on lf Lhe rlghLs of lnnocenL purchasers for value wlll be affecLed kemedy act|on for damages
agalnsL Lhe persons responslble for deprlvlng hlm of hls rlghL or lnLeresL ln Lhe properLy
*Sec 96 ls Lhe sLaLuLory basls of an acLlon for reconveyance
*AcLlon for reconveyance may be barred by Lhe sLaLuLe llmlLaLlons
*assert|on of adverse t|t|e Lakes place upon Lhe reglsLraLlon and lssuance of Lhe correspondlng cerLlflcaLe of
Where to f||e
k1C 20k assessed value
Metropo||tan Man||a 30k
Mun|c|pa| Court lf only markeL value ls alleged
Who are the |nd|spensa|e part|es
Oowners of properLy over whlch reconveyance ls asserLed
lone wlLhouL whom Lhe acLlon cannoL be flnally deLermlned
llwho has lnLeresLs ln Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe sulL
lllhls legal presence parLy Lo a proceedlng ls an absoluLely neceslLy for Lhe rellef soughL
rescr|pt|on of act|on ased on
lfraud 10 years
ll|mp||ed trust 10 years
llldamages 10 years
uest|on of fact uest|on of |aw
when Lhe doubL or dlfferences arlses as Lo Lhe LruLh or
Lhe falslLy of Lhe sLaLemenL of facLs
exlsLs when Lhere ls a doubL or conLroversy as Lo whaL
Lhe law ls on a cerLaln sLaLe of facL
a g e | 31

lvvo|d contract lmprescrlpLlble
quod u//um est u//um producit effectum ln acLlons for recoveyance of properLy predlcaLed on Lhe
facL LhaL Lhe conveyance complalned of was vold o lolto a clalm of prescrlpLlon of Lhe acLlon would be
unavalllng and belng null and vold Lhe subsequenL sale of Lhe properLy and LlLle lssued ln pursuanL LhereLo
produced no legal effecLs whaLsoever
vf|ct|t|ous deed lmprescrlpLlble kemedy acLlon for declaraLlon of nulllLy
vlqu|et t|t|e where p|a|nt|ff |s |n possess|on lmprescrlpLlble kat|ona|e hls undlsLurbed possesslon glves hlm
a conLlnulng rlghL Lo seek Lhe ald of a courL of equlLy Lo ascerLaln and deLermlne Lhe naLure of Lhe
adverse clalm of a Lhlrd parLy and lLs effecL on hls own LlLle
1 Lhe LrusLee has performed unequlvocal acLs of repudlaLlon amounLlng Lo an ousLer of Lhe
cestol poe ttost
2 such poslLlve acLs of repudlaLlon have been made known Lo Lhe cestol poe ttost
Lhe evldence ls clear and poslLlve
*cestui que trust Lhe beneflclary of a LrusL Lhe person who wlll recelve paymenLs or fuLure dlsLrlbuLlon
from Lhe LrusL asseLs (accdg Lo asLor C%
*Cne who clalms properLy whlch ls ln Lhe possesslon of anoLher musL lnvoke hls remedy wlLhln Lhe
sLaLuLory perlod
6 1orrens LlLle cannoL be collaLerally aLLacked lL can be aLLacked only for fraud wlLhln one year afLer Lhe daLe of
Lhe lssuance of Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon
ke|evant a||egat|ons |n the comp|a|nt that wou|d ent|t|e the p|a|nt|ff to recover the d|sputed |and
lLhaL Lhe plalnLlff was Lhe owner of Lhe land
llLhaL Lhe defendanL had lllegally dlspossessed Lhe same
8econveyance ls an acLlon lo etsooom
Act|ons i persoom Act|ons i rem
ulrecLed agalnsL speclflc persons and seek personal
ulrecLed agalnsL Lhe Lhlng or properLy or sLaLus of a
person and seeks [udgmenL wlLh respecL LhereLo as
agalnsL Lhe whole world
9 An acLlon Lo recover a parcel of land ls a rea| act|on buL lL ls an act|on i persoom lL blnds a parLlcular
lndlvldual only alLhough lL concerns Lhe rlghL Lo a Langlble Lhlng
0 1he noLlce of /is pedes wlll avold Lransfer Lo an lnnocenL Lhlrd person for value and preserve Lhe clalm of Lhe
real owner
1 Laches may bar recovery
L|ements (oteto v %
lLhe conducL on Lhe parL of Lhe defendanL or of one under whom he clalms glvlng rlse Lo Lhe
slLuaLlon of whlch Lhe complalnL ls made and for whlch Lhe complalnL seeks remedy
lldelay ln asserLlng Lhe complalnanL's rlghLs Lhe complalnanL havlng had knowledge or noLlce of Lhe
defendanL's conducL and havlng been afforded an opporLunlLy Lo lnsLlLuLe a sulL
llllack of knowledge or noLlce on Lhe parL of Lhe defendanL LhaL Lhe complalnL would asserL Lhe rlghL on
whlch he bases hls sulL
lvln[ury or pre[udlce Lo Lhe defendanL ln Lhe evenL rellef ls accorded Lo Lhe complalnanL or Lhe sulL ls
noL held Lo be barred
*Laches as estoppe| lL prevenLs people who have slepL on Lhelr rlghLs from pre[udlclng Lhe rlghLs of Lhlrd parLles
who have placed rellance on Lhe lnacLlon of Lhe orlglnal paLenLee and hls successors ln lnLeresL
*Cne havlng sufflclenL knowledge Lo lead hlm Lo a facL ls deemed Lo be conversanL LherewlLh and chargeable
wlLh laches ln falllng Lo acL Lhereon (omol v ultectot of looJs%
2 lnacLlon and neglecL of a parLy Lo asserL a rlghL can converL whaL oLherwlse could be a valld clalm lnLo a sta|e
demand lL ls a clalm whlch has been for a long Llme undemanded (accdg Lo asLor C agaln! %
1rust legal relaLlonshlp beLween one person havlng an equlLable ownershlp ln properLy and anoLher person
ownlng Lhe legal LlLle Lo such properLy Lhe equlLable ownershlp of Lhe former enLlLllng hlm Lo Lhe performance
of cerLaln duLles and Lhe exerclse of cerLaln powers by Lhe laLLer
a g e | 32

Lxpress 1rust Imp||ed 1rust
creaLed by Lhe dlrecL and poslLlve acLs of Lhe parLles deduclble from Lhe naLure of LransacLlon as maLLers of
lnLenL or whlch are superlnduced on Lhe LransacLlon by
operaLlon of law as maLLers of equlLy
dlsables Lhe LrusLee from acqulrlng for hls own beneflL a
properLy commlLLed Lo hls cusLody or managemenL
repudlaLlon ls noL requlred unless Lhere ls concealmenL
of Lhe facLs glvlng rlse Lo Lhe LrusL
a beneflclary and a LrusLee are llnked by confldenLlal or
flduclary relaLlonshlp

2 k|nds of Imp||ed 1rusts

kesu|t|ng 1rusts Construct|ve 1rusts
valuable conslderaLlon are presumed always Lo have
been conLemplaLed by Lhe parLles
creaLed by Lhe consLrucLlon of equlLy ln order Lo saLlsfy
Lhe demands of [usLlce and prevenL un[usL enrlchmenL
lL ls whereby one person Lhereby becomes lnvesLed wlLh
legal LlLle buL lL ls obllgaLed ln equlLy Lo hold hls legal
LlLle for Lhe beneflL of anoLher
Lhey arlse conLrary Lo lnLenLlon agalnsL one who by
fraud duress or abuse of confldence obLalns or holds
Lhe legal rlghL Lo properLy whlch he oughL noL ln equlLy
and good consclence Lo hold
Lhere ls nelLher a promlse nor fudlclary relaLlon Lo speak
*express trusts and resu|t|ng |mp||ed trusts a LrusLee cannoL acqulre by prescrlpLlon ownershlp over properLy
enLrusLed Lo hlm unLll and unless he repudlaLes Lhe LrusL
*construct|ve |mp||ed trusts prescrlpLlon may supervene even lf Lhe LrusLee does noL repudlaLe Lhe
relaLlonshlp repudlaLlon of Lhe sald LrusL ls noL a condlLlon precedenL Lo Lhe runnlng of Lhe prescrlpLlve perlod
Act|ons that may e rought w|th|n 10 years from the t|me the r|ght of act|on accrues (ArL 11 CC%
lupon a wrlLLen conLracL
llupon an obllgaLlon creaLed by law
lllupon a [udgmenL
*trustee of an |mp||ed trust (ArL 136 CC% Lerm for Lhe person who acqulred Lhe properLy Lhrough mlsLake or

sustant|a| |dent|ty of part|es when Lhere ls communlLy of lnLeresL or prlvlLy of lnLeresL beLween Lhe parLy ln
Lhe flsL and a parLy ln Lhe second case even lf Lhe flrsL case dld noL lmplead Lhe laLLer
3 SLaLe ls not bound by prescrlpLlon hence [udgmenL of Lhe reglsLraLlon courL may be aLLacked aL any Llme elLher
dlrecLly or collaLerally by Lhe SLaLe
6 lf Lhe homesLead paLenL or free paLenL granLed Lo A ls a prlvaLe land Lhe paLenL granLed and Lhe 1orrens LlLled
lssued upon hlm are a nulllLy 8 Lhe owner may brlng an acLlon Lo have Lhe ownershlp or LlLle Lo Lhe land
[udlclally seLLled
roof of ldenLlLy and ownershlp ls lndlspensable
m|sce||aneous sa|es app||cat|on for the |and does noL vesL LlLle over Lhe properLy w/o showlng of Lhe Lands
,anagemenL 8ureau's approval
9 u|et|ng of t||e broughL Lo prevenL a cloud from belng casL upon LlLle Lo real properLy or any lnLeresL Lhereln
lLhere ls a cloud on LlLle Lo real properLy or any lnLeresL Lhereln
llby reason of any lnsLrumenL record clalm encumbrance or proceedlngs (l8C%
lllwhlch ls apparenLly valld or effecLlve
lvbuL ln facL lnvalld lneffecLlve voldable or unenforceable
vmay be pre[udlclal Lo sald LlLle
a g e | 33

*c|oud on t|t|e ouLsLandlng clalm or encumbrance whlch lf valld would affecL or lmpalr Lhe LlLle of
Lhe owner of a parLlcular esLaLe and on lLs face has LhaL effecL buL can be shown by exLrlnslc proof
Lo be lnvalld or lnappllcable Lo Lhe esLaLe ln quesLlon
30 success|ve nu|sance or trespass lL ls noL barred by Lhe sLaLuLe unLll conLlnued wlLhouL lnLerrupLlon for a lengLh
of Llme sufflclenL Lo affecL a change of LlLle as a maLLer of law
31 Act|on for revers|on
OresLoraLlon of publlc land fraudulenLly awarded or dlsposed of Lo Lhe mass of Lhe publlc domaln
Omay agaln be Lhe sub[ecL of dlsposlLlon ln Lhe manner prescrlbed by law Lo quallfled appllcanLs
OlnsLlLuLed by Lhe CovernmenL Lhrough Lhe SolCen
Grounds for revers|on
IV|o|at|ons of Sect|ons 118 120 121 and 122 of u||c Land Act
lSec 118
Gen ku|e lands acqulred under free paLenL or homesLead provlslons
Oshall noL be sub[ecL Lo encumbrance or allenaLlon from Lhe daLe of Lhe approval of Lhe
appllcaLlon and for a Lerm of 3 years from and afLer Lhe daLe of lssuance of Lhe paLenL or
Onor Lhey shall become llable Lo Lhe saLlsfacLlon of any debL conLracLed prlor Lo Lhe explraLlon
of sald perlod
Olf lL ls ln favor of Lhe CovernmenL or any of lLs branches unlLs or lnsLlLuLlons or legally
consLlLuLed banklng corporaLlons
O|mprovements or crops of the |and may be morLgaged or pledged Lo quallfled persons
assoclaLlons or corporaLlons

Gen ku|e no allenaLlon Lransfer or conveyance of any homesLeader afLer 3 years and before
23 years afLer lssuance of LlLle shall be valld wlLhouL Lhe approval of Lhe SecreLary of nvlronmenL and naLural
8esources whlch approval shall noL be denled Lxcept|on consLlLuLlonal and legal grounds
llSec 120
Gen ku|e conveyance and encumbrances made by llllLeraLe nonChrlsLlans or llLeraLe non
ChrlsLlans where Lhe lnsLrumenL of conveyance or encumbrance ls ln a language noL undersLood by Lhem shall noL be
valld Lxcept|on lf lL ls duly approved by Lhe Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon on naLlonal lnLegraLlon
lllSec 121
Gen ku|e no corporaLlon assoclaLlon or parLnershlp may acqulre or have any rlghL LlLle
lnLeresL or properLy rlghL whaLsoever Lo any land granLed under Lhe free paLenL homesLead or lndlvldual sale provlslon
of ubllc Land AcL or Lo any permanenL lmprovemenL of such lands
Olf wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe granLee and Lhe approval of Lhe SecreLary of nvlronmenL and
naLural 8esources
Olf lL ls solely for commerclal lndusLrlal educaLlonal rellglous or charlLable purposes
Olf lL ls for rlghL of way
*Any acqulslLlon of such lands rlghLs LhereLo or lmprovemenLs Lhereon by a corporaLlon
assoclaLlon or parLnershlp prlor Lo Lhe promulgaLlon of ubllc Land AcL ls deemed valld and blndlng
Ono flnal declslon of reverslon of such land Lo Lhe SLaLe has been rendered by a courL
Osuch acqulslLlon ls approved by Lhe SecreLary of nvlronmenL and naLural 8esources
wlLhln 6 mos from Lhe effecLlve of Lhe uecree

a g e | 34

lvSec 122
Gen ku|e
Ono land or any porLlon Lhereof orlglnally acqulred under Lhe free paLenL homesLead or
lndlvldual sale provlslons or any permanenL lmprovemenL on such land shall be
Lransferred or asslgned Lo any lndlvldual
Onor shall such land or any permanenL lmprovemenL Lhereon be leased Lo such lndlvldual lf
Lhe area of sald land added Lo LhaL of hls own shall exceed 1 hecLares
Lxcept|on ln cases of heredlLary successlon
vSec 123
Gen ku|e no land orlglnally acqulred ln any manner under Lhe provlslons of any prevlous AcL
eLc nor any lmprovemenL on such land shall be encumbered or allenaLed
Opersons corporaLlons or assoclaLlons (CA% who may acqulre land of Lhe publlc domaln
under ubllc Land AcL
OcorporaLe bodles organlzed ln Lhe hlllpplnes whose charLers auLhorlzes Lhem Lo do so
Oby reason of heredlLary successlon duly acknowledged and legallzed by compeLenL courLs
Olf Lransferred by [udlclal decree Lo CA noL legally capaclLaLed Lo acqulre Lhe same Lhey
shall be obllged Lo allenaLe sald lands or lmprovemenLs Lo oLhers so capaclLaLed wlLh Lhe
perlod of 3 years oLherwlse such properLy shall reverL Lo Lhe CovernmenL
*ClLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes may lease noL more Lhan 300 ha or acqulre noL more Lhan 12 ha by purchase
homesLead or granL
IIwhen the |and patented and t|t|ed |s not capa|e of reg|strat|on
IIIfa||ure of grantee to comp|y w|th cond|t|ons |mposed y |aw to ent|t|e h|m to a patent or grant
IVwhen area |s expanded area
Vwhen acqu|red |n v|o|at|on of the Const|tut|on
Act|on for cance||at|on
Oproper remedy where prlvaLe land had been subsequenLly LlLled and Lhe parLy plalnLlff ln Lhls case ls Lhe
prlor rlghLful owner of Lhe properLy
O lL ls lnlLlaLed by a prlvaLe parLy usually ln a case where Lhere are Lwo LlLle lssued Lo dlfferenL persons for
Lhe same loL
Odeclared as lawfully belonglng Lo Lhe parLy whose cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ls held superlor over Lhe oLher
*1he lndefeaslblllLy of a LlLle over land prevlously publlc ls noL a bar Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon by Lhe ulrecLor of Lands
as Lo how such LlLle has been acqulred lf Lhe purpose of such lnvesLlgaLlon ls Lo deLermlne wheLher or noL fraud had
been commlLLed ln securlng such LlLle ln order LhaL Lhe approprlaLe acLlon for reverslon may be flled by Lhe governmenL
(9loeto v ultectot of looJs%
*Cnce a paLenL granLed ln accordance wlLh Lhe ubllc Land AcL ls reglsLered Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle lssued ln
vlrLue of sald paLenL has Lhe force and effecL of a 1orrens LlLle lssued Lhrough regular reglsLraLlon proceedlngs

Lscheat roceed|ngs Act|on for kevers|on
may be lnsLlLuLed as a consequence of a vlolaLlon of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon whlch prohlblLs Lransfers of prlvaLe
agrlculLural lands Lo allens
expressly auLhorlzed by Lhe ubllc Land AcL

32 SLaLe ls noL barred by esLoppels
3 kecovery from the Assurance Iund
lLhaL a person susLalns loss or damage or ls deprlved of any esLaLe or lnLeresL ln land
llon accounL of Lhe brlnglng of land under Lhe operaLlon of Lhe 1orrens sysLem arlslng afLer orlglnal
a g e | 3S

lllLhrough fraud error omlsslon mlsLake or mlsdescrlpLlon ln any cerLlflcaLe of LlLle or ln any enLry or
memorandum ln Lhe reglsLraLlon book
lvwlLhouL negllgence on hls parL
vls barred or precluded from brlnglng an acLlon for Lhe recovery of such land or resLaLe or lnLeresL
3 1he plalnLlff's negllgence ls manlfesL where havlng knowledge of Lhe pendlng llLlgaLlons and noLlce of lls
eoJeos affecLlng Lhe lands ln dlspuLe lL neverLheless proceed Lo Lake Lhe rlsk of purchaslng properLy ln
33 Annu|ment of [udgment or f|na| orders and reso|ut|ons
Grounds for annu|ment kemedy
lexLrlnslc fraud moLlon for new Lrlal or peLlLlon for rellef
lllack of [urlsdlcLlon cerLlorarl

|f no sustant|a| mer|t ouLrlghL dlsmlssal
|f there |s a primo focie mer|t servlce of summons Lo respondenL

Cr|m|na| prosecut|on per[ury

Sec 33

*1he [udgmenL and orders of Lhe courL hearlng Lhe land reglsLraLlon cases are appealable Lo Lhe CA or Lo Lhe SC
ln Lhe same manner as ln ordlnary acLlons (see pgs 229%

Sec 34

App||ca|||ty of ku|es of Court land reglsLraLlon and cadasLral cases
1 by analogy or ln a suppleLory characLer
2 whenever pracLlcable and convenlenL
eg moLlon Lo dlsmlss moLlon for Lhe lssuance of an order from Lhe 81C


8 L1I1ICN LC1 NUM8LkS (Sec 36)
C ANSWLk (Sec 37)

Secs 3S 38

Cadastra| roceed|ngs
1 Lo seLLle as much as posslble all dlspuLes over land
2 Lo remove all clouds over land Llle as far as pracLlcable ln a communlLy

1 Cadastra| survey preparatory to f|||ng of pet|t|on
l 1he resldenL wlll dlrecL and order Lhe ulrecLor of Lands Lo cause Lo be made a cadasLral survey
ll 1he ulrecLor of Lands shall glve noLlce Lo persons clalmlng any lnLeresL ln Lhe lands and Lo Lhe general
publlc of Lhe day of Lhe survey
Such not|ce |s to e
a publlshed ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe
a g e | 36

b posLed ln Lhe places lndlcaLed
c senL Lo Lhe munlclpal mayor otooqoy capLaln sooqqoolooq oololowlqoo and
sooqqoolooq oyoo concerned
lll 1he geodeLlc englneers or oLher employees of Lhe Lands ,anagemenL 8ureau shall glve advance
noLlce Lo survey clalmanLs of Lhe daLe of Lhe survey of speclflc porLlons of Lhe land Lo be posLed ln
approprlaLe lands
O 1he geodeLlc englneers may
4 enLer upon Lhe lands sub[ecL of Lhe survey
4 mark Lhe boundarles Lhereof by Lhe placlng of monumenLs
O very clalmanL shall lndlcaLe Lo Lhe surveyor Lhe boundary llnes of Lhe properLy over whlch
he clalm LlLle or lnLeresL
2 I|||ng of pet|t|on for reg|strat|on
l llllng of Lhe necessary peLlLlon ln Lhe 81C of Lhe place where Lhe land ls slLuaLed by Lhe ulrecLor of
Lands represenLed by Lhe Sol Cen
ll ConLenLs of Lhe eLlLlon
adescrlpLlon of Lhe lands
coLher daLa as Lo faclllLaLe noLlce Lo all occupanLs and persons havlng a clalm or lnLeresL Lhereln
O parcels loLs" shall be glven cadasLral loL numbers"
O Gen ku|e cadasLral number of a loL shall noL be changed afLer flnal declslon has been
enLered decreelng Lhe reglsLraLlon Lxcept|on order of courL
O fuLure subdlvlslons of any loL leLLer or leLLers of Lhe alphabeL + cadasLral number of Lhe loL
O subdlvlslons of clLles or Lown slLesblocks and loL numbers
Not|ce of survey and pu||cat|on
Who ulrecLor of Lands
What noLlce of Lhe day on whlch Lhe survey wlll begln
Ior whom
O persons clalmlng any lnLeresL ln Lhe lands
O general publlc
O munlclpal mayor
O barangay capLaln
O sanggunlang panlalawlgan
O sanggunlang bayan
now publlcaLlon once ln Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe posLlng ln Lhe bulleLln board of munlclpallLy
I|||ng of answer
Who any clalmanL wheLher named ln Lhe noLlce or noL
What flle an answer
When on or before Lhe daLe of lnlLlal hearlng or wlLhln such furLher Llme as may be allowed by Lhe

lshall be slgned and sworn Lo by Lhe clalmanL or by some oLher auLhorlzed person ln hls behalf
llshall sLaLe hls sLaLus naLlonallLy and posLal address
Cther Contents
lage of Lhe clalmanL
llcadasLral number of Lhe loL or loLs clalmed
lllname of Lhe barrlo and munlclpallLy ln whlch Lhe loLs are slLuaLed
lvnames and addresses of Lhe owners of Lhe ad[olnlng loLs so far as known Lo Lhe clalmanL
a g e | 37

vlf Lhe clalmanL ls ln possesslon of Lhe loLs clalmed
alengLh of Llme he has held such possesslon and LhaL of hls predecessors
bmanner ln whlch lL has been acqulred
vllf Lhe clalmanL ls noL ln possesslon or occupaLlon of Lhe land
aLhe lnLeresL clalmed by hlm
bLlme and manner of hls acqulslLlon
vllLhe lasL assessed value of Lhe loL/s
vlllLhe encumbrances lf any affecLlng Lhe loLs and Lhe names of Lhe adverse clalmanLs as far as
3 near|ng of the pet|t|on
What Lrlal of Lhe case
Where any convenlenL place wlLhln Lhe provlnce ln whlch Lhe lands are slLuaLed
now akln Lo ordlnary land reglsLraLlon proceedlngs and shall be governed by Lhe same 8ules
6 Iudgment when t|t|e deemed vested upon promulgaLlon of Lhe order or lssuance of a decree
Oln Lhe absence of successful clalmanLs Lhe properLy ls declared publlc land
Oln Lhe absence of fraud LlLle Lo land ln a cadasLral proceedlng ls vesLed on Lhe owner
lupon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lo appeal from Lhe declslon or ad[udlcaLlon by Lhe cadasLral
courL wlLhouL such appeal belng perfecLed
llfrom Lhe Llme Lhe land becomes reglsLered properLy whlch cannoL be losL by adverse possesslon
lll|f pu||c |ands (Sec 103) unLll Lhe flnal acL or Lhe enLry ln Lhe reglsLraLlon book of Lhe 8eglsLry
of ueeds had been accompllshed

Act|ons taken |n a cadastra| proceed|ng
1ad[udlcaLlon of ownershlp ln favor of one of Lhe clalmanLs consLlLuLes Lhe [udgmenL ([udlclal acLlon%
2declaraLlon by Lhe courL LhaL Lhe decree ls flnal and lLs order for Lhe lssuance of Lhe cerLlflcaLes of LlLle by Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLor of Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AuLhorlLy When wlLhln 13 days from Lhe recelpL of a copy of Lhe
declslon no appeal ls Laken from Lhe declslon ([udlclal acLlon%
devolves upon L8A whlch lnvolves Lhe lssuance of decrees of reglsLraLlon pursuanL Lo flnal [udgmenLs of Lhe
courLs ln Lhe land reglsLraLlon proceedlngs

1Cnly unreglsLered lands may be Lhe sub[ecL of a cadasLral survey
2xcluslon from survey
llands already LlLled elLher Lhrough [udlclal conflrmaLlon or lmperfecL LlLles under Lhe ubllc Land AcL
llLhrough volunLary reglsLraLlon proceedlngs under Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon AcL
lllprlvaLe lands
mot|on to d|sm|ss necessary for Lhe expedlLlous LermlnaLlon of a subsequenL reglsLraLlon case lnvolvlng Lhe same
properLy as ln Lhe flrsL
Iur|sd|ct|on of the cadastra| court over prev|ous|y t|t|ed |ands
lllmlLed Lo Lhe necessary correcLlon of Lechnlcal errors ln Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe lands
Osuch correcLlons does noL lmpalr Lhe subsLanLlal rlghLs of Lhe reglsLered owner
Osuch [urlsdlcLlon does noL deprlve a reglsLered owner of hls LlLle
llmay order a change ln Lhe name of Lhe owners by lncluslon or excluslon of some or ln Lhe rlghLs of r
parLlclpaLlon of each land reglsLered
lllhas [urlsdlcLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe prlorlLy or relaLlve welghL of Lwo or more cerLlflcaLes of LlLle for Lhe same land
3An order enLered ln a cadasLral proceedlng seLLlng aslde a [udgmenL of parLlLlon ln order Lo recognlze and enforce
Lhe preferenLlal LlLle of a Lhlrd person Lo Lhe land ls noL a revlslon of any decree or [udgmenL upon LlLle
a g e | 38

6Sec 108 of the kD afLer Lhe enLry of a cerLlflcaLe of LlLle or of a memorandum Lhereon Lhe reglsLered owner or
any lnLeresLed parLy may ask Lhe correspondlng courL Lo declare Lhe LermlnaLlon of reglsLered real rlghL or Lhe
creaLlon of new real rlghLs
CadasLral answer may noL be Lhrown ouL upon a mere moLlon of adverse clalmanLs
wr|tten dec|arat|on c|a|m|ng certa|n descr|ed property basls of [urlsdlcLlon Lo render a [udgmenL
9Court has no [ur|sd|ct|on to
ldecree a loL as noL conLesLed when lL ls conLesLed
llproceed Lo ad[udlcaLlon wlLhouL glvlng Lhe opposlng parLles an opporLunlLy Lo be heard
10AddlLlonal LerrlLory cannoL be lncluded by amendmenL of Lhe plan wlLhouL new publlcaLlon
Cert|f|cate of t||e ased on a patent Cert|f|cate of t|t|e |ssued pursuant to cadastra|
lL ls sLlll sub[ecL Lo cerLaln condlLlons and resLrlcLlons
even afLer Lhe explraLlon of 1 year from Lhe lssuance
lL becomes lnconLroverLlble afLer Lhe lapse of 1 year
11[ud|c|a| act [udgmenL ln a cadasLral proceedlng lncludlng Lhe rendlLlon of Lhe decree
12Gen ku|e 8eglsLraLlon of LlLle under Lhe cadasLral sysLem ls flnal concluslve and lndlspuLable afLer Lhe lapse of
Lhe perlod allowed for an appeal Lxcept|on speclal provlslon provldlng for fraud
1new LlLles may be lssued for prlvaLe lands wlLhln cadasLral survey 1he new LlLle lssued under Lhe cadasLral
sysLem Lo a person who already holds a valld 1orrens LlLle musL lnclude Lhe whole land speclfled ln Lhe laLLer
1ueclslon declarlng land as publlc land ls noL a bar Lo a subsequenL acLlon for conflrmaLlon of LlLle over Lhe same
lLhe appllcanL complles wlLh Lhe provlslons of Sec of CA no 11
llLhe sald publlc land remalns allenable and dlsposable (ultectot of looJs v ooJ Moolooz%
13lssuance of wrlL of possesslon ls lmprescrlpLlble

Cases where dec|s|on of the cadastra| court was cons|dered res judicoto (pp 23%
1oJtlqoez v 1oteoo Lhe flnal [udgmenL rendered Lhereln ls deemed Lo have seLLled Lhe sLaLus of Lhe land
sub[ecL Lhereof and Lhe purporLed sales lf noL noLed on Lhe LlLle are deemed barred under Lhe prlnclple of
tes joJlcoto
2es v oJll 1est to determ|ne the ex|stence of res judicoto would Lhe same evldence supporL and
esLabllsh boLh Lhe presenL and former cause of acLlon?"
eollc v veto Lhe cadasLral courL declared Lhe lands ln quesLlon publlc lands Lhus Lhe respondenLs are
now barred by prlor [udgmenL Lo asserL Lhelr rlghLs over Lhe sub[ecL land kat|ona|e under Lhe sald
docLrlne parLles are precluded from rellLlgaLlng Lhe same lssues already deLermlned by flnal [udgmenL
-ovotto v ultectot of looJs tes joJlcoto barred peLlLloner's appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon under Sec of Lhe
ubllc Land AcL
lflnallLy of Lhe formal [udgmenL Lhe declaraLlon by flnal [udgmenL ln Lhe cadasLral proceedlng LhaL
Lhey are publlc lands
llldenLlLy of cause of acLlon reglsLraLlon of Lhe Lwo loLs ln quesLlon
lllldenLlLy of Lhe sub[ecL maLLer wheLher Lhe loLs applled for are parL of Lhe publlc domaln or have so
far been possessed by appellanL LhaL he musL be deemed Lo have acqulred LlLle LhereLo whlch ls
sufflclenL for reglsLraLlon ln hls name

a g e | 39

Sec 39

reparat|on of decree and Cert|f|cate of 1|t|e
1JlLhln 13 days from Lhe enLry of [udgmenL
lLhe courL shall lssue an order dlrecLlng Lhe Commlssloner Lo lssue Lhe correspondlng decree of reglsLraLlon and
cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
llLhe clerk of courL shall send
a cerLlfled coples of Lhe [udgmenL
bLhe order of Lhe courL dlrecLlng Lhe Commlssloner Lo lssue Lhe correspondlng decree of reglsLraLlon and
cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
ccerLlflcaLe sLaLlng LhaL Lhe declslon has noL been amended reconsldered nor appealed and has become
21he Commlssloner shall cause Lo be prepared Lhe decree of reglsLraLlon as well as Lhe orlglnal and dupllcaLe of Lhe
correspondlng cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
1he followlng shall be slgned by Lhe Commlssloner
ldecree of reglsLraLlon
llorlglnal of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
1he decree of reglsLraLlon shall be enLered and flled ln Lhe Land 8eglsLraLlon Commlsslon
31he orlglnal of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle LogeLher wlLh Lhe owner's dupllcaLe cerLlflcaLe shall be senL Lo Lhe
8eglsLer of ueeds of Lhe clLy or provlnce where Lhe properLy ls slLuaLed for enLry ln hls reglsLraLlon book

11he cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ls an absoluLe and lndefeaslble evldence of ownershlp of Lhe properLy ln favor of Lhe person
whose name appears Lhereln
21he lncluslon of publlc hlghways ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle does noL glve Lhe holder of such cerLlflcaLe ownershlp of
sald publlc hlghways
uecree blnds Lhe land and ls concluslve agalnsL Lhe whole world
Any defecL ln Lhe manner of Lranscrlblng Lhe Lechnlcal descrlpLlon should be consldered as a forma| defect
3A 1orrens LlLle ls lnconLroverLlble as agalnsL any
llofotmotloo ossessotlo
lllnLeresL ln Lhe land exlsLlng prlor Lo Lhe lssuance Lhereof and whlch ls noL annoLaLed on Lhe LlLle
68eglsLraLlon does noL glve any person a beLLer LlLle Lhan whaL he really has
Genera| ku|e 1he cerLlflcaLe cannoL be alLered changed modlfled enlarged or dlmlnlshed (AC,u% Lxcept|on
Lo correcL errors ln some dlrecL proceedlngs permlLLed by law
Not Conc|us|ve Lv|dence of Cwnersh|p
lnoLaLlons or memoranda
llLax declaraLlons and/or Lax recelpLs
9CerLlflcaLe of LlLle lssued pursuanL Lo a publlc land paLenL ls lndefeaslble and lnconLroverLlble
lLhe land covered by sald cerLlflcaLe ls dlsposable publlc land
llupon Lhe explraLlon of one year from Lhe daLe of lLs lssuance
10lf Lhe land ls noL a publlc land buL a prlvaLe land Lhe paLenL and cerLlflcaLe of LlLle are a nulllLy
11Jhere Lwo or more cerLlflcaLes cover Lhe same land Lhe earller ln daLe prevalls Such rule applles only where
Lhere ls no anomaly or lrregularlLy mlsLake or faulLy or fraudulenL reglsLraLlon LalnLlng Lhe prlor LlLle

Sec 40

Lntry of Cr|g|na| Cert|f|cate of 1|t|e
11he orlglnal and dupllcaLe coples of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall be enLered ln Lhe record book of Lhe
8eglsLry of ueeds
21he orlglnal and dupllcaLe coples of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall be
a g e | 40

lvsealed wlLh Lhe 8eglsLer of ueed's seal
Sald cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall Lake effecL upon Lhe daLe of Lhe enLry Lhereof
1he 8eglsLer of ueeds shall forwlLh send noLlce by mall Lo Lhe reglsLered owner
31he dupllcaLe shall be dellvered Lo Lhe owner upon paymenL of Lhe legal fees

1Cr|g|na| Cert|f|cate of 1|t|e cerLlflcaLe of LlLle lssued for Lhe flrsL Llme afLer lnlLlal reglsLraLlon proceedlngs
21ransfer Cert|f|cate of 1|t|e any subsequenL Llle lssued pursuanL Lo any volunLary or lnvolunLary lnsLrumenL
affecLlng Lhe properLy covered by Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle

Sec 41

Issuance of the owner's dup||cate cert|f|cate of t|t|e
11he owner's dupllcaLe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall be dellvered Lo Lhe
lreglsLered owner
llduly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
2Genera| ku|e lf Lwo or more persons are reglsLered owners one owner's dupllcaLe cerLlflcaLe may be lssued for Lhe
whole land Lxcept|on lf Lhe coowners deslre for Lhe lssuance of separaLe dupllcaLe LlLle
All ouLsLandlng cerLlflcaLes of LlLle shall be surrendered whenever Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall reglsLer any
subsequenL volunLary LransacLlon affecLlng Lhe whole land or parL Lhereof or any lnLeresL Lhereln
1he 8eglsLer of ueeds shall noLe on each cerLlflcaLe of LlLle a sLaLemenL as Lo whom a copy Lhereof was lssued

1Genera| ku|e An helr may allenaLe asslgn or morLgage Lhe land and even subsLlLuLe anoLher person ln lLs
en[oymenL Lxcept|on when Lhe personal rlghLs are lnvolved
2Coowners can only dlspose of hls allquoL share ln Lhe properLy held ln common
no morLgagee's or lessee's dupllcaLe cerLlflcaLe shall be lssued by Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds
8eglsLered owner ls enLlLled Lo possesslon of Lhe owner's dupllcaLe

Sec 42

keg|strat|on 8ooks
11he orlglnal copy of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall be flled ln Lhe 8eglsLry of ueeds
21he orlglnal copy of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe shall
lbe bound ln consecuLlve order LogeLher wlLh slmllar cerLlflcaLes of LlLle
llconsLlLuLe Lhe reglsLraLlon book for LlLled properLles

Sec 43

Contents of 1ransfer Cert|f|cate of 1|t|e
1number of Lhe nexL prevlous cerLlflcaLe coverlng Lhe same land
2Lhe facL LhaL lL was orlglnally reglsLered
glvlng Lhe record number
Lhe number of Lhe orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
3Lhe volume and page of Lhe reglsLraLlon book ln whlch Lhe laLLer ls bound

a g e | 41

Sec 44

1Genera| ku|e every reglsLered owner recelvlng a cerLlflcaLe of LlLle lssued pursuanL Lo a decree of reglsLraLlon and
every subsequenL purchaser of reglsLered land for value and ln good falLh shall hold Lhe same free from all
aLhose noLed ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
bLhose encumbrances whlch may be subslsLlng
lllens clalms or rlghLs arlslng or exlsLlng under Lhe laws or Lhe ConsLlLuLlon whlch are noL by law requlred
Lo appear of record ln Lhe 8eglsLry of ueeds
kemed|es for de||nquent taxpayer Sec 316 of the kev|sed Interna| Code 1% dlsLralnL of
personal properLy and lnLeresL and rlghLs LhereLo and 2% [udlclal acLlon
llunpald real esLaLe Laxes levled and assessed wlLhln Lwo years lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe acqulslLlon of
any rlghL over Lhe land
tax ||en auLomaLlcally reglsLered once Lax accrues
lllany publlc hlghway or prlvaLe way esLabllshed or recognlzed by law or any governmenL lrrlgaLlon canal
or laLeral Lhereof
applles only where Lhe servlLude was o/reody existi aL Lhe Llme of purchase
lvany dlsposlLlon of Lhe properLy or llmlLaLlon on Lhe use Lhereof by vlrLue of u no 2 or any oLher law
or regulaLlon on agrarlan reform
D 27 1enant Lmanc|pat|on Decree
Sha noL lrrlgaLed
3 ha lrrlgaLed
7ha LoLal area LhaL a landowner wlll culLlvaLe
1%Lhe cosL of Lhe porLlon Lransferred Lo hlm lncludlng Lhe lnLeresL shall be pald ln 13 equal annual
2%he musL be a member of such assoclaLlon ln hls locallLy
kA No 66S7 Comprehens|ve Agrar|an keform Law (Iune 10 1998)
Sec 6 ketent|on L|m|ts
Sha landowner
3ha chlld of Lhe landowner
1%he ls aL leasL 13 years of age
2%he ls acLually Lllllng Lhe land or dlrecLly managlng Lhe farm
*1he landowners whose lands have been covered by u no 2 shall be allowed Lo keep Lhe areas
orlglnally reLalned by Lhem Lhereunder
*1he orlglnal homesLead granLees or Lhelr dlrecL compulsory helrs who sLlll own Lhe orlglnal aL Lhe Llme
of Lhe approval u no 2 shall reLaln Lhe same areas as long as Lhey conLlnue Lo culLlvaLe sald homesLead
*revo|ut|onary expropr|at|on affecLs all prlvaLe agrlculLural lands
2 ||en charge on properLy usually for Lhe paymenL of some obllgaLlon
encumrance burden upon land depreclaLlve of lLs value whlch Lhough adverse Lo Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe
landowner does noL confllcL wlLh hls conveyance of Lhe land ln fee
not|ce of /is pedes mere noLlce or warnlng LhaL a clalm or posslble charge on Lhe properLy ls pendlng
deLermlnaLlon by Lhe courL
Cenerally purchaser need noL go behlnd reglsLry Lo deLermlne condlLlon of properLy
A sale of reglsLered properLy whlch ls recorded noL under Lhe 8u buL under AcL no ls noL consldered

a g e | 42

Sec 4S

Contents of a cert|f|cate of t|t|e
1full names of all persons whose lnLeresL make up Lhe full ownershlp ln Lhe land
2clvll sLaLus
names of Lhelr respecLlve spouses lf marrled
3resldence and posLal address

1An orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of LlLle lssued ln accordance wlLh Lhe decree merely conflrms a preexlsLlng LlLle
2Genera| ku|e all properLy of Lhe marrlage ls presumed con[ugal Lxcept|on lf lL ls proven LhaL lL perLalns
excluslvely Lo Lhe husband or Lo Lhe wlfe (Art 160 CC)
Art 160 of the C|v|| Code cannot preva|| when
lLhe LlLle ls ln Lhe name of only one spouse and
llLhe rlghLs of lnnocenL Lhlrd parLles are lnvolved
1he wlfe may noL blnd Lhe con[ugal asseLs wlLhouL a speclal auLhorlzaLlon from Lhe husband
roof of acqulslLlon durlng marrlage ls a condlLlon slne qua non for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe presumpLlon ln favor of
con[ugal parLnershlp
3marr|ed to merely descrlpLlve of Lhe clvll sLaLus of Lhe reglsLered owner of Lhe properLles

Sec 46

Genera| |nc|dents of reg|stered |and
1 rlghLs lncldenL Lo Lhe relaLlon of husband and wlfe and landlord and LenanL
2 llablllLy of aLLachmenL or levy on execuLlon
llablllLy Lo any llen of any descrlpLlon esLabllshed by law on Lhe land and Lhe bulldlngs Lhereon or on Lhe lnLeresL
of Lhe owner on such lands and bulldlngs
rlghLs lncldenL Lo Lhe laws of descenL or parLlLlon beLween coowners
3 Laklng of Lhe properLy Lhrough emlnenL domaln
6 rlghL Lo relleve Lhe land from llablllLy Lo be recovered by an asslgnee ln lnsolvency or LrusLee ln bankrupLcy under
Lhe laws relaLlve Lo preferences and
rlghLs or llablllLles creaLed by law and appllcable Lo unreglsLered land

Sec 47

18eglsLered lands cannoL be acqulred by prescrlpLlon or adverse possesslon
21he sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons ls merely a bar Lo a rlghL of acLlon and does noL operaLe as Lransfer of LlLle aL all
rescrlpLlon ls unavalllng noL only agalnsL Lhe reglsLered owner buL also hls helrs
Genera| ku|e Lhe legal helrs of a deceased may flle an acLlon arlslng ouL of a rlghL belonglng Lo Lhelr ancesLor
wlLhouL need of a separaLe [udlclal declaraLlon of Lhelr sLaLus Lxcept|on lf Lhere ls a pendlng speclal proceedlng
for Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe decedenL's esLaLe
31he rlghL of Lhe reglsLered owner Lo recover possesslon of Lhe reglsLered properLy ls equally lmprescrlpLlble slnce
possesslon ls a mere consequence of ownershlp
68eglsLraLlon of morLgage does noL make an acLlon for foreclosure lmprescrlpLlble
lf noL for prescrlpLlon reglsLered owner may be barred from recoverlng possesslon Lhrough laches
Laches fallure or neglecL for an unreasonable and unexplalned lengLh of Llme Lo do whlch by exerclslng due
dlllgence could or should have been done earller
rescr|pt|on Laches
lapse of Llme effecL of unreasonable delay
a g e | 43

Sec 48

1CerLlflcaLe of LlLle ls noL sub[ecL Lo collaLeral aLLack
D|rect Attack Ind|rect] Co||atera| Attack
when Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe acLlon ls Lo annul or seL
aslde such [udgmenL or en[oln lLs enforcemenL
an acLlon Lo obLaln a dlfferenL rellef an aLLack on
Lhe [udgmenL ls neverLheless made as an lncldenL
2A dlrecL aLLack on Lhe LlLle may be made ln Lhe followlng
lcounLerclalm new sulL and ls Lo be LesLed by Lhe same rules as lf lL were an lndependenL acLlon
llLhlrd parLy complalnL
A homesLead paLenL lssued under Lhe ubllc Land AcL and reglsLered ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe provlslons of Sec 122
of AcL no 96 cannoL be collaLerally aLLacked
JheLher or noL an allen ls quallfled Lo acqulre land covered by a 1orrens LlLle can only be ralsed ln an acLlon
expressly lnsLlLuLed for LhaL purpose
3A coowner ls enLlLled Lo use Lhe properLy owned ln common

Sec 49

|f a reg|stered owner des|res separate cert|f|cates
(1% he musL flle a wrlLLen requesL for LhaL purpose wlLh Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds concerned
(2%he musL surrender Lhe owner's dupllcaLe
(%Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall cancel lL LogeLher wlLh lLs orlglnal
(%Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall lssue ln lleu Lhereof separaLe cerLlflcaLes as deslred

|f a reg|stered owner des|res a s|ng|e cert|f|cate for the who|e |and or a severa| cert|f|cates for the d|fferent parce|s
(1%he musL flle a wrlLLen requesL for LhaL purpose wlLh Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds concerned
(2%he musL surrender Lhe owner's dupllcaLe
(%Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall cancel lL LogeLher wlLh lLs orlglnals
(%Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall lssue ln lleu Lhereof one or separaLe cerLlflcaLes as deslred

Sec S0

Sud|v|s|on and conso||dat|on p|ans
(1% Any owner deslrlng Lo subdlvlde a LracL of reglsLered land lnLo loLs shall submlL Lo Lhe L8A Lhe followlng
a subdlvlslon plan of Lhe land duly approved by Lhe Lands ,anagemenL 8ureau Lhrough Lhe 8eglonal
1echnlcal ulrecLor or Lhe AdmlnlsLraLor of L8A
bapproved Lechnlcal descrlpLlons
ccorrespondlng owner's dupllcaLe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
(2% 1he plan shall dlsLlncLly and accuraLely dellneaLe Lhe followlng
(% 1he 8eglsLer of ueeds shall Lhereupon reglsLer Lhe subdlvlslon plan wlLhouL need of prlor courL approval
(% 1he 8eglsLer of ueeds shall lssue a new cerLlflcaLe of LlLle for Lhe land as subdlvlded
1he 8eglsLer of ueeds shall annoLaLe on Lhe new cerLlflcaLe of LlLle a memorandum coverlng Lhe followlng
lllopen space
a g e | 44

1Genera| ku|e no porLlon of any sLreeL passageway waLerway or open space so dellneaLed on Lhe plan shall be
closed or oLherwlse dlsposed of by Lhe reglsLered owner wlLhouL Lhe approval of 81C of Lhe provlnce or clLy ln
whlch Lhe land ls slLuaLed Lxcept|on by way of donaLlon ln favor of Lhe naLlonal governmenL clLy or
2a reg|stered owner des|r|ng to conso||date severa| |ots |nto one or more
aflle wlLh Lhe L8A a consolldaLlon plan
bshow Lhe loLs affecLed wlLh Lhelr Lechnlcal descrlpLlon
csurrender Lhe owner's dupllcaLe cerLlflcaLes and a recelpL of Lhe plan duly approved by Lhe L8A
dLhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall cancel sald cerLlflcaLes
elssue a new one for Lhe consolldaLed loLs
lf Lhere ls no unanlmlLy among Lhe owners no new cerLlflcaLe of LlLle shall be flled unLll Lhe peLlLlon shall have
been properly deLermlned by Lhe courL
1he Comm|ss|on may not
aorder or cause any change modlflcaLlon or amendmenL ln Lhe followlng
l conLenLs of any cerLlflcaLe of LlLle or of any decree or plan coverlng any real properLy reglsLered
under Lhe 1orrens sysLem
lllncludlng Lhe Lechnlcal descrlpLlon
border Lhe cancellaLlon of Lhe sald cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
clssue a new LlLle whlch would resulL ln Lhe enlargemenL of Lhe area covered by Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
3sud|v|s|on of a reg|stered property |nto sma||er |ots and conveyance of a spec|f|c |ot y the owner
aLhe vendee needs Lo have Lhe deed of purchase reglsLered
bpresenL Lhe subdlvlslon plan and Lhe vendor's copy of Lhe cerLlflcaLe LlLle Lo Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds
cobLaln a Lransfer of cerLlflcaLe of LlLle ln hls name
6conveyance of on|y a port|on of the |and
aa plan lndlcaLlng Lhe porLlons lnLo whlch Lhe land has been subdlvlded shall flrsL be presenLed LogeLher
wlLh Lhe Lechnlcal descrlpLlons Lhereof
bLhe deed of conveyance may be annoLaLed on Lhe owner's cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
capproval of Lhe plan and Lechnlcal descrlpLlons of Lhe porLlons lnLo whlch Lhe land has been subdlvlded
dLhe same shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds for annoLaLlon on Lhe cerLlflcaLe of LlLle
eLhe 8eglsLer of ueeds shall Lhereupon parLlally cancel Lhe granLor's cerLlflcaLe as Lo Lhe porLlon affecLed
and lssue Lhe followlng
la new cerLlflcaLe Lo Lhe granLee coverlng Lhe speclflc porLlon conveyed
llanoLher cerLlflcaLe Lo Lhe granLor for Lhe remalnlng porLlons
fLhe 8eglsLer of ueeds may slmply make a memorandum Lhereon Lo Lhe effecL LhaL a porLlon of Lhe land has
been conveyed and LhaL Lhe LlLle ls deemed cancelled only lnsofar as LhaL porLlon ls concerned

a g e | 4S

Chapter S Susequent keg|strat|on



Sec S1

1An owner of reglsLered properLy may convey morLgage lease charge or oLherwlse deal wlLh Lhe same ln
accordance wlLh exlsLlng laws
doLher volunLary lnsLrumenLs
Genera| ku|e no deed morLgage lease or oLher volunLary lnsLrumenL shall Lake effecL as conveyance or blnd Lhe
land Lxcept|on lf Lhere ls a wlll purporLlng Lo convey or affecL reglsLered land
effects of conveyance
alL shall operaLe as a conLracL beLween Lhe parLles
bevldence of auLhorlLy Lo Lhe 8eglsLer of ueeds Lo make reglsLraLlon
38ead ArLs 13613
6ConLracL of Sale v ConLracL Lo Sell
lorm ls lmporLanL for valldlLy convenlence and enforceablllLy
1he sale of real esLaLe wheLher made as resulL of prlvaLe LransacLlon or of foreclosure of execuLlon sale becomes
legally effecLlve agalnsL Lhlrd persons only from Lhe daLe of lLs reglsLraLlon
98eglsLraLlon of Lhe deed of sale and securlng a new LlLle ln Lhe name of Lhe vendee before Lhe laLLer shall pay Lhe
balance of Lhe purchase prlce does noL preclude Lhe Lransmlsslon of ownershlp

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