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avanese people
Wong !awa 1lyang !awl
lcLure of !avanese lady ln LradlLlonal dress

1oLal populaLlon
approxlmaLely 83 mllllon (2009 census)
8eglons wlLh slgnlflcanL populaLlons
lndonesla 832 mllllon

CenLral !ava 306 mllllon
LasL !ava 273 mllllon
Lampung 42 mllllon
WesL !ava 39 mllllon
norLh SumaLra 37 mllllon
?ogyakarLa 3 mllllon
!akarLa 29 mllllon
SouLh SumaLra 19 mllllon
8lau 12 mllllon
8anLen 10 mllllon
LasL kallmanLan 07 mllllon
Malaysla 1 mllllon

Surlname 73000

new Caledonla 3000

neLherlands 130000300000

!avanese lndoneslan uuLch (used only by Lhose llvlng ln neLherlands and Surlname)

redomlnanLly lslam MlnorlLles of ke[awen ChrlsLlanlLy Plndulsm and 8uddhlsm

8elaLed eLhnlc groups
oLher naLlve lndoneslans such as Sundanese Madurese 8allnese Srl Lankan Malays1 Cape
Malays2 Malays
1he !avanese people ( !avanese ngoko Wong !awa krama 1lyang !awl3 lndoneslan suku !awa)4 ls
an eLhnlc group naLlve Lo Lhe lndoneslan lsland of !ava AL approxlmaLely 83 mllllon people (as of
2009updaLe) lL ls Lhe largesL eLhnlc group on Lhe lsland and also ln lndonesla 1hey are predomlnanLly
locaLed ln Lhe cenLral Lo easLern parLs of Lhe lsland lollowlng cenLurles of mlgraLlons Lhey can now be
found ln mosL rovlnces of lndonesla enlnsular Malaysla and also Surlname ln SouLh Amerlca
1he Sundanese ( Sundanese urang Sunda lndoneslan Suku Sunda) are an eLhnlc group naLlve Lo Lhe
wesLern parL of Lhe lndoneslan lsland of !ava 1hey number approxlmaLely 31 mllllon and are Lhe
second mosL populous of all Lhe naLlons eLhnclLles 1he Sundanese are predomlnanLly Musllm uurlng
Lhe 2010 Census Lhe governmenL ldenLlfled 1128 eLhnlc backgrounds ln Lhe counLry Lhough LoLal
flgures are noL yeL released for Sundanese11he Sundanese have LradlLlonally been concenLraLed ln
Lhe provlnces of WesL !ava 8anLen and !akarLa and Lhe wesLern parL of CenLral !ava 1he provlnces of
CenLral !ava and LasL !ava are home Lo Lhe !avanese lndoneslas largesL eLhnlc groupSundanese culLure
has borrowed much from !avanese culLure however lL dlffers by belng more overLly lslamlc and has a
much less rlgld sysLem of soclal hlerarchy21he common ldenLlLy LhaL blnds Sundanese LogeLher ls
Lhelr language and culLure 1he Sundanese people are known as opLlmlsLlc frlendly pollLe and cheerful
people buL Lhey can be Llmld and senslLlve emoLlonally3 1he Lyplcal characLerlsLlc of Sundanese
people are ofLen porLrayed ln Sundanese popular characLers a vlllager named kabayan and CepoL a
Wayang Colek characLer 1hey are cheerful smarL and resourceful buL ofLen mlschlevous and relucLanL

1he Madurese also known as Crang Madura and Suku Madura are an eLhnlc group orlglnally from Lhe
lsland of Madura buL now found ln many parLs of lndonesla where Lhey are Lhe LhlrdlargesL eLhnlc
group by populaLlon Common feaLures of mosL Madurese LhroughouL Lhe archlpelago lnclude lslamlc
rellglon and Lhe use of Lhe Madurese language1he Madurese are a rellglous eLhnlc mosLly [olnL wlLh
nahdlaLul ulama a moderaLe Musllm organlzaLlon ln lndonesla esanLren has a plvoLal role ln
Madurese llfeWhlle Lhe Madurese have rooLs on Madura off Lhe norLheasLern coasL of !ava Lhe
ma[orlLy of Madurese do noL now llve on LhaL lsland 1he Madurese people have mlgraLed ouL of
Madura over several hundred years mosLly drlven by poor agrlculLural resources ln Lhelr home lsland
1he ma[orlLy have seLLled on !ava where an esLlmaLed slx mllllon Madurese llve especlally ln LasL !ava
where Lhey form abouL half Lhe populaLlon
1he orlglns of Lhe modern ueuLeroMalay or CoasLal Malay people are Lhe sub[ecL of much debaLe
Some belleve Lhey came Lo Lhe coasLal reglons of Lhe Malay enlnsula from malnland SouLheasL Asla
around 2000 8CL 1he Malay seLLlers who flrsL came Lo Lhe penlnsula kepL Lo Lhe rlvers and earller races
were drlven lnland Lo Lhe mounLalns and swamps 1hese Malays lnLermarrled wlLh Lhe lndlgenous
peoples buL falled Lo absorb Lhemlolklore recorded ln Lhe Malay Annals has lL LhaL Lhe founder of Lhe
Malay dynasLles ln much of lnsular SouLheasL Asla from Lhe Malay enlnsula Lhrough Lhe archlpelago
was a prlnce named Sang Sapurba Pe was Lhe son of 8a[a Suran Lhe 8uler of Lhe LasL and Lhe WesL
by hls marrlage Lo a mermald who was Lhe daughLer of Lhe klngs of Lhe Sea 1hls prlnce was belleved Lo
have revealed hlmself on Lhe hlll of SlgunLang near MounL Mahameru ln Lhe hlnLerland of alembang
a porL clLy near Lhe easL coasL of SumaLra

lndla lndoAryan 72 uravldlan 23 Mongolold and oLher 3 (2000) lndonesla !avanese 43
Sundanese 14 Madurese 73 coasLal Malays 73 oLher 26

8ead more LLhnlclLy and 8ace by CounLrles lnfopleasecom

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