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It is the policy of Hotel Bristol to ensure that all guests needs for car parking are
organized by the Concierge Department and conducted by Bellman on duty.

To organize and arrange car parking according to guest requirements and to ensure
that guests, requiring this service, are assisted within the least waiting time possible.

If guest arrives by car, offer to the guest that his/her car could be parked in the
hotel parking and give instructions on how to have the car back, as well after parking, give
the parking card to the guest (if applicable). In that way, the guest can take the car by
himself/herself if needed, or demand from Bellman to bring him the car by giving him the
car ticket.

In case guest leaves, Bellman is supposed to park the car and bring the key with
the parking card (if applicable), as soon as possible, to the guest who is at the Front Desk
or even to the guests room directly if the guest already went to his/her room, i.e. Bellman
needs to give the key with the parking card (if applicable) ONLY to the guest

If, and whenever, a guest requests his car to be ready for him at early morning, the
front desk staff dealing with the request will also ask the guest whether he/she would
require a wake-up call. Should this be the case, the wake-up call procedure will be

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