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How Is A Paradigm Formed?

"OnIy two things are infinite: "OnIy two things are infinite:
The universe and human The universe and human
stupidity. And I am not so sure stupidity. And I am not so sure
about the former." about the former."
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
A group of scienfisfs pIoced b monkeys in o coge ond in fhe A group of scienfisfs pIoced b monkeys in o coge ond in fhe
middIe, o Iodder wifh bononos on fhe fop. middIe, o Iodder wifh bononos on fhe fop.
;ery fime o monkey wenf up fhe Iodder, fhe scienfisfs ;ery fime o monkey wenf up fhe Iodder, fhe scienfisfs
sooked fhe resf of fhe monkeys wifh coId wofer. sooked fhe resf of fhe monkeys wifh coId wofer.
Affer o whiIe, e;ery fime o monkey wenf up fhe Iodder, fhe Affer o whiIe, e;ery fime o monkey wenf up fhe Iodder, fhe
ofhers beof up fhe one on fhe Iodder. ofhers beof up fhe one on fhe Iodder.
Affer some fime, no monkey dore fo go up Affer some fime, no monkey dore fo go up
fhe Iodder regordIess of fhe fempfofion. fhe Iodder regordIess of fhe fempfofion.
$cienfisfs fhen decided fo subsfifufe one of fhe monkeys.
The I
fhing fhis new monkey did wos fo go up fhe Iodder.
ImmediofeIy fhe ofher monkeys beof him up.
Affer se;eroI beofings, fhe new member
Ieorned nof fo cIimb fhe Iodder e;en fhough
ne;er knew why.
monkey wos subsfifufed ond fhe some occurred. The I
porficipofed on fhe beofing for fhe Z
monkey. A 3
monkey wos
chonged ond fhe some wos repeofed (beofing). The 4
wos subsfifufed
ond fhe beofing wos repeofed ond finoIIy fhe b
monkey wos repIoced.
hof wos Ieff wos o group of b monkeys fhof e;en fhough
ne;er recei;ed o coId shower, confinued fo beof up ony
monkey who offempfed fo cIimb fhe Iodder.
If if wos possibIe fo osk fhe monkeys why fhey wouId beof
up oII fhose who offempfed fo go up fhe Iodder,..
I bef you fhe onswer wouId be,.
"I don't know - thut's how things ure done uround here"
Does if sounds fomiIior7
Don'f miss fhe opporfunify fo shore fhis wifh ofhers os
fhey mighf be osking fhemseI;es why we confinue fo do
whof we ore doing if fhere is o differenf woy ouf fhere.

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