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lL ls a devlce used Lo Lransfer AC from one clrculL Lo anoLher uurlng Lhe LransformaLlon
process characLerlsLlcs of Lhe AC slgnal changes lor example a low volLage AC may geL
changed Lo a hlgh volLage AC and vlce versa 1he worklng of Lhe Lransformer ls based on Lhe
magneLlc fleld bulld around Lhe conducLor when currenL flows Lhrough lL
Work|ng of 1ransformer when we glve volLage Lo flrsL conducLor currenL sLarLs flowlng lL
and fleld ls creaLed 1hls fleld lnduces a volLage ln Lhe second conducLor 1hus we goL ouLpuL
load 1hls ls Lhe prlnclpal of worklng of Lransformer known as 'LMl' LlecLromagneLlc muLual
1ransformer kat|o 1ransformers have many appllcaLlons 1hey are used Lo sLep up or sLep
down volLage where Lhe raLlo of lnpuL volLage Lo ouLpuL ls consldered 1ransformer can also be
used Lo sLep up or sLep down currenL where Lhe raLlo of prlmary currenL Lo secondary currenL ls
consldered Lhey are used Lo change lmpedance value ln a clrculL where Lhe raLlo of Lhe lnpuL
lmpedance ls consldered
1urns kat|o
no of Lurns secondary
no of Lurns prlmary

ower 1ransformer 1hey have raLlngs of 300 volLamperes and below 1hese Lransformers
are generally used for provldlng power supply for elecLronlcs devlces 1he mosL common
purpose of a power Lransformer ls Lo converL alLernaLlng currenL power from one AC volLage Lo
anoLher AC volLage (or currenL)
Current 1ransformer lL ls a measurlng devlce whlch ls used for generaLlng same amounL of
currenL ln Lhe secondary coll as LhaL flowlng ln Lhe prlmary coll 1hey are used ln meLerlng and
proLecLlve relaylng ln elecLrlcal power lndusLry as Lhey help ln measurlng large amounLs of
currenLs safely
1oro|da| Current 1ransformer 1oroldal currenL Lransformer geLs Lhelr name from Lhe
shape of Lhe core LhaL Lhe Lransformer ls wound Lo lL ls clrcular and lLs cross secLlon may be
recLangular of clrcular
nstrument 1ransformer 1hls Lransformer ls deslgned Lo alLer condlLlons of currenL of
volLage and phase poslLlon ln Lhe prlmary clrculL wlLh same accuracy as LhaL of Lhe secondary
clrculL Lhey are used ln devlces whlch help ln measurlng large amounL of currenL safely
u|se 1ransformer 1hey are used for LransmlLLlng recLangular elecLrlcal pulses Smaller
verslons of Lhese Lransformers are used ln dlglLal loglc and LelecommunlcaLlon clrculLs
Gate Dr|ve 1ransformer 1hey are used Lo alLer Lhe volLage level Lo Lhe gaLe glvlng
lmpedance maLchlng and Lo have volLage lsolaLlon

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